Hip Priest |
10.19.2006 11:45 AM |
Adopting a child is one of the most wonderful things a human being can do, and anyone willing to take the step should be applauded. I also think that celebrities spen too much time giving the impression that money and parties and drugs are the essential ingredients of a good life, so if a few can give the impression that adoption is to be taken seriously, then that's great.
The country (and the world as a whole) would be a nicer place if a few more people gave a good home to a child in need instead of getting pregnant. I really feel that it's an option that people should at least consider when planning a family (especially a second or third child). If they decide that it's not for them then that's fine, it would just be good if it were seen as a valid parenting option. I think one of the greatest tragedies of society is that the relationship between adoptive parent and chils is seen as less imptant than between biological parent and child. Anyone willing to commit themselves to a lifetime of love and upbringing is a parent; a 'real parent' (I hate the phrase) isn't just a biological one.