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Alan ciccone 10.17.2011 07:22 PM

even her boob job

Derek 10.17.2011 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by E. Noisefield
Not even remotely funny.

I think it's in poor taste to make light of the separation. It's going to be very hard on both of them, and will likely mean the end of SY. Let's have some character, folks.

wah wah wahhhh.

Brett Robinson 10.17.2011 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Screaming Skull
I think Gary Cherone (former Extreme) would be a great choice. Discuss...

your mother has a face like a bass. i bet that would work out.

sianspheric 10.17.2011 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by E. Noisefield
This is fucking horseshit.

Not only is the issue sensitive and personal, for them and us, but the "joke" is not funny.

anyone who participates in this, and anyone who suggests a replacement for the most indispensable woman in music, is a fucking pig.


Originally Posted by E. Noisefield
Not even remotely funny.

I think it's in poor taste to make light of the separation. It's going to be very hard on both of them, and will likely mean the end of SY. Let's have some character, folks.

jesus tapdancing christ

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

get over yourself

it is a legitimate suggestion for fans of the band to consider the possibility of SY continuing without Kim.

yes it's unlikely to happen, yes we hope the band will continue but to get so uppity about anyone questioning if arguably the least musically talented member of the band is replaceable.

grow up.

Derek 10.18.2011 08:13 AM

nO iT iS A sErIouS SiTuAtiOn HoW dAre yOU DiScuSs ThiS u FUKKIN PIGS!!!!!

_slavo_ 10.18.2011 08:48 AM

The new fans are very serious fans indeed. Very serious.

monostereo 10.18.2011 09:42 AM

this is a stupid thread.
it deserves a stupid comment.

ah, anyway, i'd rather have no sonic youth than a clone sonic youth.

!@#$%! 10.18.2011 10:53 AM

OP: die of syphilis

ann ashtray 10.18.2011 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by sianspheric
jesus tapdancing christ

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

get over yourself

it is a legitimate suggestion for fans of the band to consider the possibility of SY continuing without Kim.

yes it's unlikely to happen, yes we hope the band will continue but to get so uppity about anyone questioning if arguably the least musically talented member of the band is replaceable.

grow up.

While I agree it's expected for fans to consider the possibility of SY continuing without Kim (an awful idea if you ask me), I don't get all of this "the rest of the band is more musically talented" jazz. Since when is Kim's voice not an instrument? How many people can offer up the same UNIQUE vocal delivery as Kim? And her bass playing is by no means bad. She understands how to keep it simple and steady (all the while knowing when to be chaotic), which is something far more complex bassists may have a hard time getting into. She's an ORIGINAL member of the freaking band. It's just as much hers as any of the boys and what she adds is equally important. The silliness of the Ramones without Dee Dee springs to mind...just didn't feel legit. I think this works the same way. Sonic youth without Kim is Sonic suicide, and for me this isn't a matter of opinion. I KNOW it would piss many people off. Sure they could do it, and I'd support their decision to do so (even though I know they wouldn't), but not in the way of following whatever they'd go on to do. Sure, I expect people to go down this rt. of conversation and obviously I'm participating...but still I think it's too early to even be thinking about this sort of shit. But then again, I can appreciate the fact that it's at least fans discussing the future of the band as opposed to whining (groar) over the status of a relationship no one here knows the details of.

Really don't like the idea of the end of Sonic Youth being the separation of Kim + T Bird. What an awful end to such a beautiful legacy, but who says this is it? And if so, so be it. Shit happens. Sonic Youth without Kim would be some serious shit in the most terrible of ways.

hevusa 10.18.2011 12:01 PM

Sonic Youth is probably fucking over.
Thurston will form a new band like he has been doing the last however many years (maybe shelley will be included this time). Lee will do his solo "I've done too many drugs so now this is my art" type music.
I think Kim is sick of the whole damn scene and will retreat almost completely and only reappear for projects here and there.

RanaldoNecro 10.18.2011 01:08 PM

Thats a good guess.

Screaming Skull 10.18.2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Thin_icE
Nice troll.

Not feeling Gary Cherone? Ok, how about Erika M. Anderson (EMA)? She can easily handle Kim's portion of SY's back-catalog as evidenced here:

Heck, with a little effort I have no doubt she can even master Kim's aerobic-inspired "Kool Thing" dance, so the Youth can keep it in their live repertoire. She'll bring a fresh creative fuel to the band...what's not to like?

Inhuman 10.18.2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Screaming Skull
Not feeling Gary Cherone? Ok, how about Erika M. Anderson (EMA)? She can easily handle Kim's portion of SY's back-catalog as evidenced here:

Heck, with a little effort I have no doubt she can even master Kim's aerobic-inspired "Kool Thing" dance, so the Youth can keep it in their live repertoire. She'll bring a fresh creative fuel to the band...what's not to like?

Nice troll.

Keeping It Simple 10.19.2011 07:34 AM

Melissa Auf der Maur, naturally.

Aaaadrpk 10.19.2011 12:48 PM

Hey man, are you mad?
what is sonic youth without Kim Gordon?
is NOT sonic youth.
What is sonic youth without Lee, Thurston or Steve, is NOTHING
. :fuckyou:

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.19.2011 12:50 PM

I'm still gonna have to go w/ Avril Lavigne.

louder 10.19.2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I'm still gonna have to go w/ Avril Lavigne.

i agree

tesla69 10.19.2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Lee will do his solo "I've done too many drugs so now this is my art" type music.
I think Kim is sick of the whole damn scene and will retreat almost completely and only reappear for projects here and there.

wow, you get to hang out with the band a lot, don't you. You must to be making these type of assertions.

or are you just talking out your ass like usual?

khchris 10.19.2011 03:00 PM

Bob Mould

Derek 10.19.2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
Melissa Auf der Maur, naturally.

i randomly had this thought today.

i feel dirty having the same ideas as this idiot.

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