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satirejohn 08.13.2006 12:50 PM

cool they played The World Looks Red again! the lack of Schizo and Tom Violence is a shame though... I wanna see them on this tour! come to Denmark or near it please!!

simibaby 08.13.2006 06:51 PM

My friend told me that this was gonna be the last Summer of shows at the pool cause a lot of the bldgs. going up right around it are high-priced shits and the noise from shows...and like that.

soniknirve 08.13.2006 06:51 PM

wow! the friday show was incredible. they definitely played with more emotion on friday than saturday nite. YYYs were great as well but Karen definitely shines at nite. don't know if anyone mentioned yet but on saturday thurston played guitar (a rickenbacker) on one song with Awesome Color ("Free Man" if i'm correct).

simibaby 08.13.2006 06:53 PM

Does anyone remember what song Thurston went into when he said :" I wrote this song in 1979 when I met this girl in New York and fell in love". This was at Saturday's show. Thanks!

SplitPeaches 08.13.2006 07:18 PM

Thanks !
I'm a YYY fan, but i was way more into Sonic..
they had such presence.. that the YYYs didn't have, drew me in deep !

simibaby 08.13.2006 07:22 PM

Great, Split! Happy for u. You was not alone in that!

top 40 squeeze 08.13.2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by simibaby
Does anyone remember what song Thurston went into when he said :" I wrote this song in 1979 when I met this girl in New York and fell in love". This was at Saturday's show. Thanks!

He was talking about Pink Steam... and I think he said... "I wrote this song about a girl I met in 1979 in NY"

simibaby 08.13.2006 10:33 PM

Thanks, Top40!

top 40 squeeze 08.14.2006 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by simibaby
Thanks, Top40!

Hey, no problem... Did anyone else not actually pay for the show, but instead lurk in the playground, pressed up against the fence behind the giant turtle fountain? I caught both sets for free this way. About 20-30 people chilling out the first night, many many more the second night. The sound wasn't half bad from there... like listening to the youth at moderate volume on a stereo.

You couldn't always see what was going on, due to the green mesh that was tacked up all around the fence, however, the rabid freeloading fans would occasionally tear it down, only to have it retacked up by security. Security gave up after like the third time they tore it down though, and the show became free (albeit tiny and kinda quiet) to all. There was a slight renegade vibe to watching the show like this.... not unlike crashing a party.

I would have liked the Youth to have been blaring in my ears, but at least i didn't pay 40 bucks for a relatively short set.

simibaby 08.14.2006 01:17 PM

very cool.

simibaby 08.14.2006 02:13 PM

just realised my friend did that, too. she just said the same thing- sound ok, sight shitty. ha ha

greenlight 08.14.2006 05:53 PM


soniknirve 09.07.2006 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by soniknirve
thurston played guitar (a rickenbacker) on one song with Awesome Color ("Free Man" if i'm correct).

found some pictures on awesome color's site.



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