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floatingslowly 04.26.2011 04:49 PM

yes, apparently it's true.

kill myself.

etc etc.

floatingslowly 04.26.2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
But really... does anyone ever notice how this board is a digital cock measuring of who has the 'wittier, funnier' answers that's completely derailed from the topic? Like fuck, a little bit is ok but it's FAR overdone here.

I bow to no troll.

your tear-stained posts only serve to reconstitute the dirreYEAH cake...and teeth....and most likely lube (Gail isn't as necrotic).

kill yourself????????

floatingslowly 04.26.2011 05:00 PM

home, safe from this mess. I'm off to join her now and unburden myself from this SHAME I feel.

it's all yours nikky.

knox 04.26.2011 05:01 PM

I'm in love with all of you.

But it's a joke compared to my devotion to THE ONE.

SONIC GAIL 04.26.2011 05:20 PM

Lol yall gaills got family time now;)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.26.2011 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
If you deeply still love this woman, why don't you want to be with her? why don't you want to "rekindle" the fire in the past relationship. Anyways, this is weird cause I think you're trying to find answers in these questions, but hope you find what yer looking for.

to attempt to bring my thread back from the haterz (jesus guys, its not like I was talking about sports in a bar in LA, perhaps y'all trollz and lamewads are to jaded to take it seriously so could y'all kindly play around on other threads, I'd rather talk to adults here ;)

I have no interest to rekindle the "romantic" or "erotic" aspect of this love, but the platonic/spiritual aspect is still rather fresh at times, and she and I keep that up to a degree (of varying ferocity but none-the-less consistent)

As I said, we didn't break it off on necessarily unfriendly or even unamibacable terms, its just that our lives had clearly diveregent paths and they remain today only more diverging. That is only what makes me trip out on the sincerity of the love in my heart all the more. I haven't actually felt this way about any of the other women I've been with since, nor the one I'm chasing after currently.

It is just kind of weird is all.. I can't explain it, but it is a tangible feeling which obliterates the pettiness of sentiment and emotion. It trumps reason, but remains quite real and also the more so quite realistic..

Originally Posted by knox
I told suchfriends not to post about me.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to knox again.

you wish, what I have for you is genteel yet facetious ;)

knox 04.26.2011 06:03 PM

In that case,
is it not unfair with all the new women?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.26.2011 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by knox
In that case,
is it not unfair with all the new women?

why would it be? This love is no longer romantic, and I have no desire for it to again become so neither do I ever do anything to push it that way. What right does any other person have to feel needlessly jealous of my own heart? Besides, y'all know me, its a big heart ini gots, with plenty of room. BUT, if I was a less discipline man I could easily see where you are coming from, and in truth if I had been as revealing about this with some of them as I have been with y'all, perhaps it would have been more pertinent and issue at the time ;)

hevusa 04.26.2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Death
love doesn't fucking exist

I agree with death. love should just be looked at as "respect" between two people. the rest is just chemical bullshit and human fantasy.

Pookie 04.26.2011 06:28 PM

Love is like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want then you see what your friend's having and you wish you'd ordered that.

Pookie 04.26.2011 06:51 PM

I was in love with a girl once but it was a forbidden love. She was lower middle class and I was upper working class. Our families would never have approved. We had to pretend to be just flatmates.

One day her parents came to dinner and we had to keep up the pretence all night.

When they had gone we were so relieved. But later on I discovered that my favourite solid silver plated cruet set was missing. It had been a gift from my Cub leader when I received my cookery badge with the highest score ever recorded in Bramlinton Cub troop 5th division.

I swiftly came to the conclusion that Lettice (for that was her name)'s mother had taken my solid silver plated cruet set. I had noticed throughout the evening that she fondled it often, not realising that I had noticed her keen attention.

I persuaded Lettice to email her mother with my accusation:

"Dear Mum, thanks for coming to dinner with me and Pookland. We had a lovely evening. Unfortunately we noticed that Pookland's solid silver plated cruet set went missing that evening. I'm not saying that you 'did' take the solid silver plated cruet set from my flat, I'm not saying that you 'did not' take the solid silver plated cruet set but the fact remains that the solid silver plated cruet set has been missing ever since you were here for dinner. Love and hugs, Lettice."

Weeks passed and we heard nothing. Just as we were coming to the conclusion that Lettice's mother had been caused grave offence and that we may have been mistaken in our initial accusation a reply arrived in Lettice's inbox:

"Dear darling daughter Lettice, I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Pookland, and I'm not saying that you 'do not' sleep with Pookland. But the fact remains that if he were sleeping in his own bed, he would have found his solid silver plated cruet set by now. Love, Mummy."

Our forbidden love was discovered. I have not seen Lettice for these past 45 years. And I have not loved with such intensity, propensity, and apprehensity since.

Derek 04.26.2011 06:58 PM

You people are so fucking bitter.

floatingslowly 04.26.2011 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
You people are so fucking bitter.

my love thread, cast into the aether one year nigh, was fiercely shat upon with calls of falsehood, male estrogen and penis envy; yet here I am, still madly in love and gladly shitting back into the wind.

eat a bag of dicks, SYG.

tread fearfully, dear advice-seekers and patrons of woe.

hyre thar be unicrons.

knox 04.26.2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
why would it be? This love is no longer romantic, and I have no desire for it to again become so neither do I ever do anything to push it that way. What right does any other person have to feel needlessly jealous of my own heart? Besides, y'all know me, its a big heart ini gots, with plenty of room. BUT, if I was a less discipline man I could easily see where you are coming from, and in truth if I had been as revealing about this with some of them as I have been with y'all, perhaps it would have been more pertinent and issue at the time ;)

does that not mean you're hiding something relevant?

GeneticKiss 04.26.2011 07:56 PM

I would say something, but...nahh.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.26.2011 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
I agree with death. love should just be looked at as "respect" between two people. the rest is just chemical bullshit and human fantasy.

brohamster, if I didn't know you were being crassly facetious, I would seriously pity that.


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

eat a bag of dicks, SYG.

that is the first thing I ever heard you say that gives away that you are even remotely from Los Angeles.

SONIC GAIL 04.27.2011 08:52 AM


Pookie 04.27.2011 08:55 AM

hevusa 04.27.2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
brohamster, if I didn't know you were being crassly facetious, I would seriously pity that.

Love is like God. It only works if you pretend.

SONIC GAIL 04.27.2011 11:03 AM

you are so negative

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