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SONIC GAIL 03.11.2010 10:02 AM

I will come back to answer more questions later if you like. This is fun. I have a heavy load of furniture design to do today, so I will check in later

Pookie 03.11.2010 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Does the mockery and cynicism the SYG crowd directs towards your religious testimonies either a) enforces your faith or b) detracts?


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
a) Enforces fr sure.

How come?

Glice 03.11.2010 10:19 AM

Dear Sonic Gail,

Are you better at answering questions than Pookie? I say yes, because he's a cock.

Pookie 03.11.2010 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Dear Sonic Gail,

Are you better at answering questions than Pookie? I say yes, because he's a cock.

I had some pretty poor quality material to work with:

Originally Posted by Glice
Dear Pookie,

I have a bizarre obsession with a cock-obsessed fictional internet person. Should I let him bum me?


Nigella Lawson.

Savage Clone 03.11.2010 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
You've just asked a question about yourself. Well done.

Sonicgail - how do you feel about people asking you questions about themself?


Oh, Glice.

Glice 03.11.2010 10:37 AM

I drink. You have no excuse.

Pookie 03.11.2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I drink. You have no excuse.

Me? SC? Or both?

Glice 03.11.2010 10:41 AM

Drone, in this instance.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.11.2010 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Great question!

a) Enforces fr sure.

I never really thought of it as testifying per say. But you could say it's true. I am who I am and sometimes, I just type out these thoughts I have. I do not separate my spirituallity from the rest of me. So most of my thought and reasoning is very connected with god. My sole purpose on here is not to come and witness. I joined because I wanted to know what other people who were obsessed with Sonic Youth were like. I know that there are alot of people out there that were not exposed to god with good connotations. I think people have distorted views because of the church's actions. I want people to know that not all people who believe in god and christ are not completely closed minded and hateful to those that are not "christians".

I know most don't give a shit. It really does not bother me. I'm just a fool on a hill. Yellin cause I have no power to do anything else.

I admire your intelect approach to the topic of spirituallity. I guess i am just more simple minded. I just believe. It is the only thing I have.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SONIC GAIL again.

floatingslowly 03.11.2010 08:07 PM

any troll worth half their salt would have already registered the name SONICGAL and started hijacking answers.

I try to avoid too much sodium, and simply cannot.

SONIC GAIL, is your vacuum a standard bag-catch model or do you have a tornado-type that empties often?

EVOLghost 03.11.2010 08:19 PM


How many teeth do you have?

SONIC GAIL 03.12.2010 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
How come?

Well because I have meet a few people on here that do still believe in god. That gives me hope.

SONIC GAIL 03.12.2010 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Dear Sonic Gail,

Are you better at answering questions than Pookie? I say yes, because he's a cock.

Yes, because I am answering the question so it only makes sense to choose myself.

SONIC GAIL 03.12.2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
any troll worth half their salt would have already registered the name SONICGAL and started hijacking answers.

I try to avoid too much sodium, and simply cannot.

SONIC GAIL, is your vacuum a standard bag-catch model or do you have a tornado-type that empties often?

Don't give them ideas;)

I got me a bottom of the line dirt devil vacuum bag type. I just have rugs. There is tile in every room of the house because of the country dirt outside. I would be appalled at how much dirt we would have in our house if we had carpet. That reminds me I need to buy some type U vacuum bags today.

SONIC GAIL 03.12.2010 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

How many teeth do you have?

How many are we supposed to have? I will admit that I had my 2 very back molars removed. Bulemia. But a new wisdom tooth grew in one of thier places when I was 29 so I have all but 1 molar.

Pookie 03.12.2010 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
How many are we supposed to have?


SONIC GAIL 03.12.2010 09:14 AM

THen I have 31. THanks pookie

Keeping It Simple 03.12.2010 02:15 PM

I believe in God.

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