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Satan 12.09.2009 07:48 PM

you need them. TAKE THEM. antibiotics are grossly overprescribed but in this situation you DO need them, i know all about ear cysts bc my dad gets them and its not something you want to fuck around with.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.09.2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
pps: I can't wait to read yr thread about going to the ER because you had a garlic clove stuck in yr (r)ear.

you don't stick it in yr ear, you eat it silly..

that is the patented, cure-all for amerindians.. any mexican grandma will tell you, "mejo, comió su ajo?"

!@#$%! 12.09.2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
you don't stick it in yr ear, you eat it silly..

that is the patented, cure-all for amerindians.. any mexican grandma will tell you, "mejo, comió su ajo?"

but yr garlick didn't prevent your cyst from becoming abcessed. so it's not a real cure-all... it's just the best one can hope for when there's no good medicine.

if you have doubts, call up the medick who treated you and ask for alternatives.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.09.2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but yr garlick didn't prevent your cyst from becoming abcessed. so it's not a real cure-all... it's just the best one can hope for when there's no good medicine.

if you have doubts, call up the medick who treated you and ask for alternatives.

actually I never used the garlic preventatively, that is probably how the infection got out of hand in the first place.

I have used no homeopathic remedies on this one yet, so they have not had the opportunity to work or fail..

jon boy 12.09.2009 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Furthermore if you're not supposed to eat dairy during advent, why is there a piece of chocolate behind each window of my Sonic Youth advent calendar?

to mess with your mind. your thinking about chocolate right now arnt you? go on have a bit, open a window on your calender.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.09.2009 08:44 PM

plus the capsules are made of gelatin :(

pbradley 12.09.2009 08:47 PM

Thank God I'm not a Rastafarian.

floatingslowly 12.10.2009 09:44 AM

my phone makes replying to pm's difficult, so...

"I know"

"yr right"


"I'm sorry"

Rob Instigator 12.10.2009 10:33 AM

suchfrineds, you need to take the full run of antibiotics. an ifection such as that is nothing to fuck with, as if left uintreated, or MALTREATED, then you could have a BRAIn infection man, or go blind, or some horrible shit in yr fucking head.

take care of yourself amnd take all the medications, but be cool for the weks after the antibiotics finish that you wash yr hands often and don't go aruond giving bear hugs to homeless and gutter punks son.

gmku 12.10.2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Your cultivation of positive bacteria is what we doctors call a load of wank.

Take the pills you-man and stop being a cock.

Ha ha ha!

Seriously, you man. You don't want to like die or something. Why anyone would want to not take advantage of one of the greatest medical breakthroughs ever is beyond me.

EVOLghost 12.10.2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
suchfrineds, you need to take the full run of antibiotics. an ifection such as that is nothing to fuck with, as if left uintreated, or MALTREATED, then you could have a BRAIn infection man, or go blind, or some horrible shit in yr fucking head.

take care of yourself amnd take all the medications, but be cool for the weks after the antibiotics finish that you wash yr hands often and don't go aruond giving bear hugs to homeless and gutter punks son.

yah. don't want to be put on yer dethbed again. take 'em already.

gmku 12.10.2009 11:18 AM

Good thing suchfriends is so easygoing. He's taken a lot of abuse in this thread. And rightly so: antibiotics good, infection bad--take antibiotics!

EVOLghost 12.10.2009 11:24 AM

^ a sum of the whole thread

EVOLghost 12.10.2009 11:50 AM

put leeches in yer ear!

Rob Instigator 12.10.2009 11:50 AM

antibiotics have nothing to do with the flu or the common copld or any other VIRUS

trhey are ANTI-BIOTICS, anti bacteria. it is abacterial infection you have, not a viral infection (which they can;t do shit about anyways as there is no real treatment for viral diesease)

DeadDiscoDildo 12.10.2009 12:33 PM

Take the anti-biotics, and get those pills called pro-biotics. It will put good bacteria back in you.

If you really need something to believe in.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2009 01:09 PM

and most gelatin, like 90% of it, is made from seaweed. only cooking/chef quality gelatin is still made from boiling hooves and gristle.

Glice 12.10.2009 01:37 PM

Don't take the antibiotics. Embarrass everyone that knows you by dying of a disease easily prevented by a course of readily-available, prescribed and advised antibiotics.

I think this particular subject might be the first time I've ever seen a consensus on this board.

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