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sarramkrop 08.06.2009 03:19 PM

Nice one.

greedrex 08.06.2009 04:05 PM

wuvz aiz?

Semperet 08.06.2009 07:30 PM

Thanks, atsonic. I had no.2, thought of getting more. Gave the first one a spin and am definitely getting it. Thing with downloading Merzbow is that you'll need it on CD at least to hear it properly; the rapidshare link is a taste and will inevitably result in people checking out the real thing.
The corollary is also true--this type of music is sufficiently hard to hear that many without access to downloads may shy away completely in fear of a quite expensive mistake. Better to say "Hey Alex, what the fuck is that noise" after sampling a Rapidshare than to throw down twenty of your Earth euros to find out it's not for you. Same reason I don't hate the Radio for playing shite music--now I know and it didn't cost me anything.
So ta, mate. Ta very much.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 08.07.2009 11:04 AM

Can't wait for 8-13.

westernquinoxrox 08.12.2009 05:53 PM

no offense atsonicPUKE
but uploading masamis masterworks is a criminial offense
he hates u worse than chicken killez

westernquinoxrox 08.12.2009 05:55 PM

jujst kiddin brah
this is my favorite thred on this board
i already have every album masakmi';s ever been on
i love masami max
i' a subscriber to the BOX



i have all 14 volumes
the unreleased ones so far
and a special rare mashup of all 13
i even have stuff masami hasn't even RECORDED yet
i'm a true fan so fuck u

ni'k 08.12.2009 06:32 PM

big deal, i drive the merzcar

chrome noise tape 08.12.2009 06:49 PM

i'm on the merzbox marathon.

ni'k 08.12.2009 06:58 PM

i have a distortion effects box installed in my throat. i have a contact mic rigged up to my genitals so that even when i piss and shit it's noise.

atsonicpark 09.25.2009 01:29 PM

bump to remind myself to upload the 2 newest volumes later

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 09.25.2009 02:09 PM

Looking forward to it. I've dug this series so far.

atsonicpark 09.25.2009 10:45 PM

volumes 8 and 9:

Toilet & Bowels 09.26.2009 07:26 PM

i've listened to some of these, i don't rate them among his best stuff.
Still, thanks for the upload, i'll listen to them.

atsonicpark 09.26.2009 07:27 PM

I just love the drumming!

Marolo 11.01.2009 06:07 PM

Thanks for posting these, they are great. Keep them coming

atsonicpark 11.01.2009 06:47 PM

No prob.

Skuj 11.02.2009 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I have been listening to Merzbow for nearly 10 years of my life, and I've always enjoyed his work but it's really been in the past year or two that I've really LOVED what he's doing. His "music" is extremely pleasurable to my ears. Very addictive. Some of the most interesting "music" ever made. Sometimes I'll listen full blast and feel like I'm on drugs afterwards. Brilliant stuff.

Oh Dudes, a Merzbow thread, and posts like this too....oh Dudes......


Skuj 11.02.2009 12:21 AM

Akasha Gulva is my fav Merz. What's yours?

Skuj 11.02.2009 02:15 AM

Thanks for this interview, I just ituned Rainbow Electronics. Could never find the fucker anywhere else.

I got, like, 80 Merzdiscs (incl Merzbox). God I love this shit. It's "clean". And "pure".

atsonicpark 11.02.2009 06:47 AM


My favorite is Pulse Demon.

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