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eduveloper 10.05.2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
you got one already?

No no
I encountered Jonathon's MySpace accidentally, and now i'm craving.

al shabbray 10.05.2008 07:26 AM

oh yes, now I got it. :)

o'connor 10.05.2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by eduveloper
only after playing Our Dark Perseids reprepreprepeatedly i discovered the remixes. Now you're asking if i want a CD?
Y E S i want one

lol, cool man. leave yr address in this thread or pm it too me. i got the artwork early this morning so now i just gotta print em out and slide em in (tee hee)

StevOK 10.05.2008 12:50 PM

I don't think people should leave their addresses in this thread, for privacy reasons.

o'connor 10.06.2008 12:30 AM

yeah that's why i said either leave it here OR pm it too me. whichever yr more comfortable w/. besides, what you think we got some unabombers on the board? :)

StevOK 10.06.2008 01:51 PM

ya never know.

o'connor 10.06.2008 02:30 PM

lol, true. maybe i won't put my return address on them so if someone doesn't like it they can't send me a bomb :)

StevOK 10.06.2008 02:31 PM

Hahaha. You can trust me. Really, you can.

al shabbray 10.06.2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by o'connor
lol, true. maybe i won't put my return address on them so if someone doesn't like it they can't send me a bomb :)

bomb? noce idea...but I will get the adress of the fox, hahahaha

o'connor 10.07.2008 12:47 PM

nah don't do that, then i cna't collab w/ him anymore lol

greedrex 10.07.2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by StevOK
ya never know.


o'connor 10.08.2008 07:45 AM

LOL! that's hilarious!

o'connor 10.08.2008 11:17 AM

alright, i just got teh finished art work and will be printing them off tonite and cutting them out and what not. so they should be going out w/ in the next week. if you live over seas and want one (eduveloper i'm looking at you), as long as it's $4 or under for shipping i can send you one. i've got 50 pre-stamped envelopes for $4. so let me know and as long as it's under $4 i can send you one for free. holla.

o'connor 10.09.2008 09:03 AM

aurelien and alexander: i'm not gonna be including a copy of teh remix cd w/ yr's or anyone elses copies of teh cd. i decided to wait a bit and then release them along w/ left overs from the cd and a new song or 2 in a few months. so it'll have artwork and everything, kinda like an ep or something. dont' worry i'll let you know when i start working on it. anybody want a cd still? there going quick.

al shabbray 10.09.2008 11:12 AM

if you wont reprint them then I want one. if you will reprint them in the future then I can wait till you finished the remix and b-sides compilation. so you could save some shipping

o'connor 10.09.2008 11:35 AM

yeah i haven't even pressed up the cd's for teh remixes so i'm gonna wait till i get situated in austin and then press them up w/ leftovers and maybe a few new songs. i'll let you know when :)

o'connor 10.09.2008 12:34 PM

i've got 12 orders so far. anyone else?

o'connor 10.09.2008 07:02 PM

ok, i just finished packing up the cd's in envelopes and i'm mailing them out tomorrow so ya'll keep yr eyes on yr mail box's and what not. everyone from teh board is also getting a (quasi) rare sonic youth cd. i did it randomly so i have no clue what yr getting. when you get em though, jump on this thread and let me know what you got. kinda like a fun little game :)
let em know when you get em, holla.

StevOK 10.09.2008 08:49 PM


eduveloper 10.10.2008 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by o'connor
i've got 12 orders so far. anyone else?

finally got that annoying PayPal running, so hit those overseas postage costs!:p

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