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fishmonkey 05.26.2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
I lent a cd to friend of mine and after a while I said could I have he back he says "I've lost the cd but I have the case for it, so if I do a copy of it (he'd put it onto his ipod) would that be ok?" NO THAT IS NOT ALRIGHT. BUY ME A NEW ONE OR GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. He still hasn't got me the cd back. Bastard.

I now refuse to lend people cds because of that incident.

you're dead fuckin right, i totally mind peoples stuff when they give it to me, its not too much to ask the same in return.
what CD was it h8kurdt?

"would that be ok?!" would it fuck you cheeky bastard.

h8kurdt 05.26.2006 11:01 AM

Mudhoney-self titled. Not happy he also lost me 'no one gets out of here alive' jim morrison biog. Just thinkin about it riles me up.

fishmonkey 05.26.2006 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Mudhoney-self titled. Not happy he also lost me 'no one gets out of here alive' jim morrison biog. Just thinkin about it riles me up.

the bastard, still though - imagine the inner grin on yr face when he's round your house and goes..."hey man, can i borrow this? (<-holding CD/Book/DVD or other possesion aloft)
and you get to say...."No...fuck off."

h8kurdt 05.26.2006 11:13 AM

Well that's thing (this is gonna make him seem like a right bastard...which he his actually) he wanted to borrow annie hall of me. As expected I told to get stuffed.
So anyways a few days later he ask if I wanna come round with a couple of other people and watch a movie. Now, I have a pretty big collection of dvds so he said to bring some round and we could decide on a dvd. Me being the nice guy an all I took annie hall in case we all agreed to watch that along with 5 others. We didn't watch annie hall we watched somethin else (god knows what it was).

So i'm a light weight when it comes to beer and soon i'm out for the count. Wakes up in the morning and all me dvds are there next to me. Ok cool now lets get home. I get home and i pull the dvds out of me bag to find one missing. Which? You guessed it Annie Hall. Grrrr bastard

fishmonkey 05.26.2006 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Well that's thing (this is gonna make him seem like a right bastard...which he his actually) he wanted to borrow annie hall of me. As expected I told to get stuffed.
So anyways a few days later he ask if I wanna come round with a couple of other people and watch a movie. Now, I have a pretty big collection of dvds so he said to bring some round and we could decide on a dvd. Me being the nice guy an all I took annie hall in case we all agreed to watch that along with 5 others. We didn't watch annie hall we watched somethin else (god knows what it was).

So i'm a light weight when it comes to beer and soon i'm out for the count. Wakes up in the morning and all me dvds are there next to me. Ok cool now lets get home. I get home and i pull the dvds out of me bag to find one missing. Which? You guessed it Annie Hall. Grrrr bastard

aww for fucks sake! this good chap is taking the piss. you need to strike man, get something of his..preferably something expensive... i dunno his PSP or Nintendo DS or something and hold it ransom, now not Mel Gibson-Ransom but real ransom, kidnappin of a sort, email him pics of his PSP over a bucket of water or something... teach this goon a lesson.

h8kurdt 05.26.2006 11:25 AM

he's a student so he owns fuck all. Don't worry i'll get my own back one day *rubs hands manically*

fishmonkey 05.26.2006 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
he's a student so he owns fuck all. Don't worry i'll get my own back one day *rubs hands manically*

seems like you have a plan... good one man.

h8kurdt 05.26.2006 11:31 AM

I don't really I just said that for effect Although I did smash his acoustic guitar over me head (I eas extremly pissed at the time) so maybe that's enough. Nah more damage needs to be done to him.

truncated 05.26.2006 11:35 AM

Did he honestly think you wouldn't know who the culprit was?

You need to choose your acquaintances much more carefully, boy.

h8kurdt 05.26.2006 11:38 AM

Nah he said he was pissed.Other than these traits he's a cool guy. We get on fine and all. I think it's because i'm too nice of a guy thta he does these frankly annoying things. You know "aaahh he'll be ok about it cos he's a nice guy"

What was this thread about? Oh hyeah the party. Go to it man

Everyneurotic 05.26.2006 03:17 PM

oh i won't get my cds back at the party thing, nor would they bring their stuff to lend me, i recently went to the guy's house, asked for my cds and he said "i have them stored in a closet and their plastic wrapped because i don't want to get them dusted up since i'm doing remodeling on my house". i kinda trusted this guy because i once lent him a dillinger escape plan and he honestly told me someone stole it from him and was kind enough to re-buy it for me, gave it to me brand new from the relapse online store. i have the policy of not lending cds anymore, even my most trusted people have failed to return my stuff back sound safetly and quick. when someone asks me to let them borrow a cd from me i tell them to bring me a cd-r and i'll burn them a copy.

and it's not really a party party, i have to say; it's an admission-free gig, i would have to buy my own booze and go thru god awful bands playing prog rock or metal badly.

acousticrock87 05.26.2006 03:28 PM

That's happened to me before with a video game, more than once. I also lent a book to someone in brand new condition and it came back like it had been through a washing machine. I refuse to let anyone borrow anything from me under any conditions anymore. People think I'm a jerk for it but I just don't enjoy getting gyped.

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