Explode the Soul into Holographic Sound Eternal, March 9, 2006 By
W. T. Hoffman "artist and musician"

(Williampsort, Pa United States) -
See all my reviews
OK, I've had my share of creepy experiences with music, naturally psychedelic music, and my mind. I'm an explorer of the mind, a willing fool who will delve into any uncharted territory, to find that ultimate SOUL-BRAIN experience. I came across this band's name, thru MOJO magazine. It had an article, listing the 50 most mind blowing LPS of all time. (Number one was Capt. Beefheart's TROUT MASK--another CD I had had a bizarre experience back in art school, in the 80s.) Anyway, this CD was listed number TEN. WHA??? THE TENTH MOST PSYCHEDELIC ALBUM OF ALL TIME? I"VE NEVER HEARD OF IT? MUST BUY..MUST BUY. Well, the first time i heard it, i was impressed. The studio effects, for the time (1968) were amazing. There are some wild songs, with twists and turns during the more "structured" song like selections, that really helt my attention, and tickled my imagination, and freaked me even during my everyday conscousness. Apparently, the LP had been a labor of love, or some obsession like love, built up almost note by note, over the period of a year or more. Talk about ambient electronics....for that sound alone, you could mine this piece of art for years. As for early Pink Floyd, for comparison, it sounds far beyond what they were doing at the time. In fact, having a collection of music, that I tend to think of, as the "MOST PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC EVER RECORDED", I'd have to put this CD up there, at the top. So anyway, the legend behind the LP is interesting. Chris Blackwell, AKA Island Records, gave the electronic wizard behind this LP, about 3000 pounds, to make the album. After a YEAR, Blackwell wanted product, and when he had seen they only had 30 minutes of this mind labaryth recorded, he DEMANED a finished album, in a matter of days. So, that is what spawned the most FRIGHTENING, SCARY, PSYCHEDLIC, HOLOGRAPHIC, KALIDASCOPIC song of all time---BLACK MASS (ELECTRIC STORM IN HELL). Unlike many of the other songs, after the invocation to SOMETHING DARK AND OBSCURE, the 7 minute track is just instrumental. (Altho you might experience it as lasting far far longer. You know how time dialates, as you approach the speed of light.) I can't discribe what you hear, tho alot of it is percussion and freak out screaming, with electronic effects, layers up, and spinning between the speakers. What you REALLY hear, the title best sums up. Now, it's not BLACK SABATH freaky, or heavy metal kiddy music for your Le VAY infacuation. The title BLACK MASS, is just part of the scare tactics. It's not demonic, if you are worried about that on moral grounds. This is a song, that would give anyone the creeps, if you just LISTEN to it. But, if the planets are lined up just right, and the incense is just right, the setting just right, and the brain is vibrating in OPEN mode, then you are going to be sent into TOTAL BRAIN FRY FREAKLAND. Somehow, its encoded into the music, and I find that INCREDIBLE. Its just frightening, for some reason. Even with the sophistication of modern 48 channel digital mixing boards, computer controlled volumn sliders, preprogrammed multi-channel panning, 5.1 sound coming at you from all around, nothing I've heard approaches the incredible sound found on this song. (and the whole album, really.) Sometimes, having everything available for you, at the touch of a button, provided you have this month's computer, and this month's program running in it, limits you more, than the CREATIVE PUSH you get, from using limited technology, to produce something 20-30 years ahead of its time. After all, even with all the technology we have today, right now we dont have the technology to fly back to the moon, or produce another Sgt. Pepper. So, who would like this CD? I would say, if you are into some of PINK FLOYD, ZAPPA, freaky Krautrock (BRAINTICKET's 1st LP), Capt. BEEFHEART, early Velvet Underground, Lydia Lunch's 13.13, the best of MERCURY REV, or CAMPER VAN BEETHOVAN. So much of the way music works you over, is personal, and subjective. However, when you start to read, or hear, many of the same discriptions given to certain LPS, or people "FREAK OUT" to the same LPs, then you might want to investigate. OR NOT, CHICKEN!!!! If you can't take it, go pull out your ABBA Lps, and hug a stuffed animal. PS--HIGHLY PSYCHEDELIC. Mixing this music with other psychedelic substances can be dangerous, even deadly. Headphones may increase this effect dramatically. Do not listen while operating machinery, driving UFOs, or attempting to chew gum. ISLAND RECORDS not responsible for any mental meltdowns from listening to this album. Listen at your own risk. (RISK IT!)