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_tunic_ 07.21.2007 11:48 AM

all I can think of right now is

Sinéad O'Connor. First album is quite awesome, so was the second, but after that she got lost
Soundgarden after Badmotherfinger
Crosby Stills Nash (including their solo work). Everything they made in the seventies is solid gold, but after that?

and I agree with REM. Green was their last good album.
I don't agree with Dinosaur Jr.

Rob Instigator 07.21.2007 12:55 PM

I third REM

Liz Phair. Imean, what the fuck happened?

sellouteater 07.21.2007 12:57 PM

[quote=pbradley]hm, I actually dig it.

"Parting of the Sensory," "Education," and "We've Got Everything" where highlights in my book[quote]

those songs are good but they suck compared to the stuff on This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About. Do your self a favor and buy that album, but make sure you get the orginal vinyl version.

edit the quote thingy didnt work o well

_tunic_ 07.21.2007 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater

edit the quote thingy didnt work o well


and you're there

edit: hell, that didn't work. change {quote} to {/quote} and replace the {} by []

Dead-Air 07.21.2007 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Yet you gave no 'answers'.

True. I asked questions instead. Some people are like that.

Answer for your thread: AC/DC (the ultimate example)

Answer for thread to be: Mission of Burma

HaydenAsche 07.21.2007 06:41 PM

Modest Mouse are pretty terrible now.

Sonic Youth has been thoroughly disappointing me for the last 2 records. Disagree with me on this, but you're completely wrong in doing so.

Danny Himself 07.21.2007 06:59 PM

Post-Mutations Beck doesn't get me going anymore, apart from a few select tunes. It makes me sad because he was a hero of mine at one point.

youthoftomorrow 07.21.2007 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightening and And Justice For All are all killer records. The first record is ok and the rest is mostly shit.


although i do get some nostalgia for the Black Album every now and then. "Sad But True" is pretty awesome.

Dead-Air 07.21.2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Sonic Youth has been thoroughly disappointing me for the last 2 records. Disagree with me on this, but you're completely wrong in doing so.

Of course it'd be wrong to disagree that they have been thoroughly disappointing you. You would be the only person who could be sure about that.

You'll find a lot more people who'll share your feelings of disappointment over Rather Ripped than over Nurse though. For me Rather Ripped is one of a handful of records that I find good rather than great, but Nurse is easily up there with Washing Machine and the early classics. Everybody is different though.

Norma J 07.21.2007 11:54 PM

The thing that pisses me off the most about Metallica is their fans. I think the Black album is class, even though I don't really listen to it these days. I borrowed the Black Classic Albums dvd the other month and it's fun to watch - I've always enjoyed their documentaries.

Dead-Air 07.21.2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
What he said.

Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightening and And Justice For All are all killer records. The first record is ok and the rest is mostly shit.

I think Kill 'Em All is significantly better than Master of Puppets, and And Justice For All is the "ok" one of your list. But yeah, once they consciously started trying to sell records and have mass appeal they went to shit, which is too bad because they had already made it on their own terms.

LifeDistortion 07.22.2007 12:28 AM

Dead Kennedys

Pookie 07.22.2007 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

Liz Phair. Imean, what the fuck happened?

Absolutely agree here.

Here first album is a family favourite here. But it's been a rapid decline from there.

Torn Curtain 07.22.2007 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by youthoftomorrow
"Sad But True" is pretty awesome.


atsonicpark 07.22.2007 07:05 AM

when did dead kennedys stink?

they haven't even made any new music since getting a new singer, so i assume you meant that their later record material stank, even though frankenchrist is their best album?...


Pookie 07.22.2007 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
...frankenchrist is their best album?...

Bizarre post of the day...!

atsonicpark 07.22.2007 08:02 AM

i don't see how someone could not think it was their best album.....

Pookie 07.22.2007 08:15 AM

Have you not heard Plastic Surgery Disasters?

Frankenchrist was the sound of a band in decline. Not a single track on it comes close to their previous stuff.

Although it's not as bad as Bedtime for Democracy, which was dire.

So thinking about it, DKs fit perfectly into this thread.

Incidentally, if it wasn't for them being taken to court over Frankenchrist, it probably would've sunk without trace at the time.

atsonicpark 07.22.2007 08:32 AM

of course, i'm very familiar with all of dk's work.

plastic surgery has good songs, but many of the songs blend together. the production is terrible on it. fresh fruit is great, but many of the songs blend in together a bit (stealing people's mail, i kill children, and funland at the beach -- great songs mind you -- sound a bit too similiar and all follow each other!). give me conveniance is just a b-side/rarity thing, and ith as some of their best and worst songs.. bedtime for democracy.. heh..

frankenchrist, though, isn't even punk.. it's.. i dunno.. crazy surf rock with some punk thrown in.. the guitar on it is amazing, their songwriting is the best, etc. i love frankenchrist.

the only thing i might love more is live at the deaf club, which has 6025 on second guitar for the whole thing. great.

<3 dk.

Inhuman 07.22.2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I wonder whose going to be "punk" enough to say Sonic Youth first. :rolleyes:

I was thinking the same thing. DPG, Snoop Dogg, and Green Day are where it was at.

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