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Hip Priest 04.05.2007 06:21 PM

I reckon at least 85% of people could, not unreasonably, be classed as 'weird'.

demonrail666 04.05.2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Oh god. I'm on a bus, and this evident junky sits next to me.

Me: (coughing?)
Him: You alright, mate?
Me: Yeah, just got a cough, that's all
Him: I can give you something for that (knowing stare)
Me: (thinking: 'arrgghh!) Uh, no thanks.

He started nodding off near me later on. What a pleasant journey that was.


Danny Himself 04.05.2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

Was it you?

sarramkrop 04.05.2007 06:23 PM


demonrail666 04.05.2007 06:26 PM

Not me mate.

MellySingsDoom 04.05.2007 06:31 PM

demonrail666 tell true say. Respec'!

Even worse - my various "conversations" at work with Stevo from Some Bizarre, usually involving him screaming at me, and me wanting to tell him to fuck off.

Inhuman 04.05.2007 09:33 PM

Rob says
...and become a businessman selling circumcision films and paintings
danny glovers in a dangerous time says
the latest issue of artforum comes with pieces of yr dick
Julie says: I could so hug you to death lol
Rob says: Do it! Then you can be a necropheliac afterwards

ZEROpumpkins 04.06.2007 02:42 AM

Probably when I was sitting on the bus, and some guy saw the guitar magazine I was reading and started talking about Iron Maiden. He then got off at the stop right outside the brothel and proceeded to go inside. And another time I was on this bus, a woman of about 30 got on the bus with a kid about 10, and started talking to my friend and myself about how she was going to "bash the shit" out of this other mum, and how she thought the other mum was a "dirty fucking cunt". She was obviously crazy.

Prisstina 04.06.2007 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
You notice how most of you tell these stories of when you were "on a bus"?! Public transport is totally scary here in So Cal. Buses are the worst, I have only been on one once. Jon Boy has been on some horrible adventures of train rides and shit- post them man!

i ride the bus at least four times a day, and 99% of the time i go home having a story to tell about some weirdo on one of them. usually some crazy lady talking nonsense to herself or a rather obese man trying to be "nice" to little kids and touching their stomachs.

jon boy 04.07.2007 11:34 AM

there really are too many stories to tell. i have witnessed and been through so much on public transport its hard to know where to begin.

ZEROpumpkins 04.07.2007 07:41 PM

I think it's something to do with crazy people not being able to get their drivers license.

ZEROpumpkins 04.07.2007 07:42 PM

Whoohoo i'm a destroyed room!

musicfallinglikesnow 04.08.2007 12:02 AM

Civilized people here in South America:
I was at the shrink's waiting room, which happens to be the waiting room for other doctors as well. An old woman began talking to me about her married life, her numerous illnesses, well the works, you know that people that talk their entire life to you like they've known you all their lives and her daughter, she said, was sitting nearby. Why didn't she talk to her daughter instead? Well so she asks, "what doctor did you come to see here?" I said, "the one in that consultory." "And who's that?" "A psychiatrist"...
The prejudiced old woman didn't utter one more word in all the time that we were there. When they called her in she didn't even say goodbye.
Weird people are not so respected here as they are in Europe.

Sonic Youth 37 04.08.2007 12:38 AM

Recently I had a discussion with a friend of mine on why he diagnosed himself with coitophobia and how he didn't care about it.
That was strange.

Anngella 04.08.2007 01:48 AM

SRSLY: i was so sad all weekend
SRSLY: it was such a weepend.
AngeLaSleeping: it was such a weepened, i drown myself at the deepend.

AngeLaSleeping = Me

Not particularly weird, just slightly comical.

SynthethicalY 04.08.2007 01:51 AM

I had the weirdest conversations with strangers. I love meeting strangers they are just the best. I am such a stranger magnet.

Anngella 04.08.2007 01:58 AM

More AIM conversation,

jam: i was changing the trash at culver's today
jam: and had the hugest urge to play rollercoaster tycoon
AngeLaSleeping: wow.
AngeLaSleeping: when i change the trash at culvers, i get more of a sims 2 craving.

Anngella 04.08.2007 02:14 AM


AngeLaSleeping: so the damn thing won't even load.
AngeLaSleeping: likei clicked the thing to open it and the thing doesn't do the thing.
jam: oh no
jam: i know what you mean though
AngeLaSleeping: stupid stupid thing
jam: why do you keep saying fried?
AngeLaSleeping: i said fried?
jam: i love that you keep saying fried
AngeLaSleeping: what
jam: fuck
jam: what the fuck
AngeLaSleeping: i never said fried
jam: no
jam: whats going on
AngeLaSleeping: maybe you're having some weird fantasies about me and some fries

SynthethicalY 04.08.2007 02:15 AM


Anngella 04.08.2007 02:38 AM

I'm not even going to bother censoring her screenname anymore.

AngeLaSleeping: wow
AngeLaSleeping: it's comfortable but it makes me feel like i'm about to do bad things
jamrock mafia: ?
AngeLaSleeping: one leg on each side of monitor
AngeLaSleeping: why do i do these things?
jamrock mafia: lmao
AngeLaSleeping: it's so comfortable though
AngeLaSleeping: and convientient
AngeLaSleeping: and symmetrical
jamrock mafia: symmetry is just about the best thing sometimes
AngeLaSleeping: yeah.
AngeLaSleeping: but don't worry, i'm fully clothes
AngeLaSleeping: clothed*
jamrock mafia: as long as you're not frying
AngeLaSleeping: so this symmetric and going to get nasty
jamrock mafia: idk if i';d be able to take that
AngeLaSleeping: wow
AngeLaSleeping: i can just imagine
AngeLaSleeping: like a fry cooker
AngeLaSleeping: in between my legs
AngeLaSleeping: in front of me
AngeLaSleeping: with some fries in it
AngeLaSleeping: that would also be convienient
AngeLaSleeping: since i'm craving fries
jamrock mafia: god, this joke is relaly sexual and hilarious but it really hoenstly just makes me want some mor fries
AngeLaSleeping: i could just reach between my legs, and grab a handful of fries.
jamrock mafia: wouldn't it be great if you could menstruate fries?
jamrock mafia: nothing else
jamrock mafia: just fries
AngeLaSleeping: wow
jamrock mafia: i bet they would be forbidden thogh
jamrock mafia: and wya grosser
AngeLaSleeping: most brilliant thing ever.
AngeLaSleeping: true
jamrock mafia: but i woul dstill eat them
jamrock mafia: they would admittedly need some salt
AngeLaSleeping: but there wouldn't really be a need for tampons
jamrock mafia: not at all, and your teachers couldn't make ou not eat in class
AngeLaSleeping: but don't genital liquids taste salty?
jamrock mafia: because really, where are you goign to go with all those friesa/
jamrock mafia: ?*
AngeLaSleeping: hmm
AngeLaSleeping: i don't know
AngeLaSleeping: they could send you to the bathroom
AngeLaSleeping: until your done frying
jamrock mafia: thats so prehistoric
AngeLaSleeping: true
jamrock mafia: be realistic, angela. women have rights to an education, even if they're menstruating french fries.
AngeLaSleeping: sorry, my misogynist side kicked in.
jamrock mafia: obviously

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