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sarramkrop 04.21.2008 03:47 AM

Bring it on, atsonic. I'll give it a listen and get back to you in December.

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 05:04 AM

i listened to bits of their myspace, it's the sort of thing i strongly dislike.

sarramkrop 04.21.2008 05:42 AM

I've listened to their myspace too. They are ok, I'd rather listen to stuff that is more mindblowing like Plastic People Of The Universe, Mogollar etc. They did, in a way, a similar thing with more ferocity, especially PPOTU.

In parts it sounds like the more symphonic prog of the 70's, the one played by people that you can take or leave.

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 06:30 AM

i'm really not into those bands that meld a variety of previously unrelated styles and do so my virtue of the fact they're a bunch of music school geeks who can play anything, but have no better ideas other than to make music about other music.

sarramkrop 04.21.2008 07:02 AM

More than making music about other music they reminded me of virtuosos throwing their technical promiscuity about. Show-off music, rather than distilled influences into one glorious amalgam, so to speak.

atsonicpark 04.21.2008 07:10 AM

If it's good music, it's good music. No point in debating over the aesthetics of sound. I like things that are musical.

Plastic People Of The Universe are great though.

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
More than making music about other music they reminded me of virtuosos throwing their technical promiscuity about. Show-off music, rather than distilled influences into one glorious amalgam, so to speak.

loudmouths with nothing to say

sarramkrop 04.21.2008 07:17 AM

They also look like a bunch of music students, to be honest. I mean, they aren't that bad, it's just that they could do with putting some more soul where their fingers play. That has nothing to do with aesthetics, my friend le atsonique.

Toilet & Bowels 04.21.2008 07:21 AM

yeah this kind of stuff is all about surface and totally lacking in depth, to my ear

sarramkrop 04.21.2008 07:27 AM

They are like the hyphenation of music styles put into practice. Easily done but all too often with disastrous results.

nature scene 04.21.2008 08:47 AM

oh great, now we get the prog version of Gogol Bordello and Man Man.

It's not bad, but not really that interesting to me either.

fugazifan 04.21.2008 09:44 AM

i heard a few tracks but was not blown away yet. ill give it another listen later

atsonicpark 04.21.2008 10:21 AM

Man, Man Man is fucking terrible...

Anyway.. This band references other genres, but they kerep a pretty straightforward Klezmer sound on most tracks. Played with heart and soul to my ears -- it's not technicality for the sake of technicality, it's not trying to be as crazy as possible, it doesn't go from death metal to jazz to country to noise to surf in the course of 3 seconds. It is just full of sounds that make my ears perk up -- creative, musically accomplished, and full of ideas and melodies that have never been explored before. It's what I look for in music. I don't think their slight "polygenre" exploration really makes a difference in the long run.. all it really proves to me is that their sound is without barriers or constraints. But as an album, the songs sound and feel very unified.

Oh well.

sarramkrop 04.21.2008 10:38 AM

I'm a little confused by what you might be hearing on this band's record, and if you love it, that is still totally fine and dandy. You wrote this on one post:

''it doesn't go from death metal to jazz to country to noise to surf in the course of 3 seconds.''

Earlier you wrote this on another post:

''It's like a mix of Naked City, Secret Chiefs 3, and Dengue Fever.. but more complex.''

Can you explain what you mean?

batreleaser 04.21.2008 11:01 AM

man man is on of the worst bands ive ever heard. they sound like a shitty fucking gypsy version of new modest mouse. not even awesome lonesome croweded west modest mouse, but fucking float on modest mouse.

i was watching an interview with clockcleaner, another philly band, and the singer was sharing his murder fantasies of the two guys from man man, funny shit.

atsonicpark 04.21.2008 12:00 PM

Porky, they explore similiar themes as the bands I mentioned but actually seem to be a bit more musically accomplished. They have more complex songs; that doesn't mean they jump genres 600 times per song.. it just means their songwriter's better. That's all I'm saying. They're comfortable enough with their songwriting that they don't have to cram 500 genres into one song.

It mostly just sounds like klezmer to me with some other genres being referenced throughout the hour long album.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.21.2008 12:12 PM

New Polysics!?!?!? Bring it on!

I've heard the single Rocket and it is one of my favorite Polysics songs. So yes.

Glice 04.21.2008 02:37 PM

Weather Report. If you like this you'll love Weather Report. I'm listening right now. I fucking hate it, but that's not important. You will watery mega hyper-cum to Jaco Pastoris.

Glice 04.21.2008 02:38 PM

How can anyone stand that bass sound? It's just the most hideous bass tone I've heard since Gracelands.

Glice 04.21.2008 02:42 PM

I was expecting some ten-a-penny noise, by the way. I'm surprised that it's jazz fusion. I'd like this a lot more if they got rid of that bass and the twatty drums. God, that bass sound. It's unbearable. I feel quite unwell.

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