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Bytor Peltor 02.23.2020 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

In 2016, Jefferson County Texas made up of a majority of Democrats voted Donald Trump President while at the same time voting for the State of Texas first ever female Sheriff......who is black and Democrat.

This past Thursday, the local GOP predicted President Donald Trump will win Jefferson County with over 90% of the vote in this primary......a far greater number than in 2016.

Then today, the media started reacting to the possibility of Bernie Sanders representing the Democratic Party:

Chris Matthews: Dems may be better off with Trump re-elected than Sanders 'taking over' the party

"I'm wondering whether the Democratic moderates want Bernie Sanders to be president," Matthews told panelists who were visibly surprised by the suggestion.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews compares Sanders' Nevada win to France's fall to Nazis, draws calls for his firing

Newt Gingrich predicts Sanders is more likely to cost Democrats the House than win the White House

"He's the greatest gift Kevin McCarthy -- the Republican leader in the House -- could possibly hope for," Gingrich said on "Hannity." "Because Sanders really is the true Democratic Party. He represents all of the big-government ideas, all of the radicalism, all of the weird foreign policy that is at the heart of the Democratic Party.

James Carville rips DNC as Bernie Sanders wins Nevada: 'One of the truly stupid parties in the world'

"Some of these candidates are going to have to make really hard decisions about who stays in, who gets out, and where we go from here," he argued, suggesting that so-called moderate candidates may want to consider dropping out so one of them can take on Sanders.

********watch for the Sunday morning news shows to start questioning Bernie Sanders as a legitimate candidate********

Over the next couple of months of Sunday’s, watch for the Black Churches Of America to call their community to take a stand against the Democratic Party and the genocide of abortion they support:



“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population......” Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood


Hillary Clinton: “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision.” said Hillary Rodham Clinton, “I am really in awe of her, there is a lot of lessons we can learn from her life.”

The above sermon took place four weeks ago today on January 26, 2020

choc e-Claire 02.24.2020 03:02 PM

You Americans wouldn't understand, but - Trump has been touring India lately, including a stopover at their huge new stadium. To his credit, he did try to endear himself to the crowd by mentioning some great cricketers of the past.

However, he probably should've gotten someone to fact check his pronunciation first.

Derek 02.24.2020 08:43 PM

Liberals don't want to understand that Trump, while evil and a crook, is good at this shit. He loves the attention of huge swathes of people and turns his energy outwards towards them. People actually think his twitter hurts him, when most people have to admit that it's incredibly funny and entertaining and that they secretly love the political theatre of it all. The president insulting all of his rivals and posting insane photoshops on a constant basis makes sense in postmodernity. The people that don't get this have been influenced too much by the ins and outs of 90s and 2000s neoliberalism. Even back in 1998, we had Bulworth to tell us of the future.


!@#$%! 02.25.2020 02:15 PM

this is old news i missed when it happened but who could blame her, married to that dumb ogre made of orange jello? lmfao





ilduclo 02.26.2020 11:59 AM

me and Ms Ild are going off to our "Postcards for Democracy" group today

To get-out-the-vote for Wisc (primary April 7th) &
for Florida's Vote-By-Mail Registration

These states are considered critical to win the presidency!

Florida has 29 Electoral Votes

Wisconsin has 10 Electoral Votes "...Trump won [WI] by [only] 22,000 votes in 2016." "...many pundits believe WI may be the single state upon which the [2020] Elections will turn."

Again, go out to these events. It's easy, put in a half hour, write 10 cards, or like we do, 2 hours and 50 or so....

Bytor Peltor 02.27.2020 06:15 PM

I seriously admire you and your wife’s efforts of being involved in the process. Here in Texas, at least where I’ve lived, I’ve never experienced a candidate or supporter knocking on my door. Phone calls, while few and far between, were more prevalent when we had a landline. I’m thankful for NOT being disturbed, because I doubt such tactics would persuade me to change my vote.

We do love our yard signs, they are all over the place! Lastly, our local candidates do believe in being on the grounds, the appropriate number of feet away from the entrance, looking to give you the opportunity to shake their hand and look them in the eye before entering to cast your vote......on Election Day.

This is why I early vote : )


Originally Posted by ilduclo
me and Ms Ild are going off to our "Postcards for Democracy" group today

To get-out-the-vote for Wisc (primary April 7th) &
for Florida's Vote-By-Mail Registration

These states are considered critical to win the presidency!

Florida has 29 Electoral Votes

Wisconsin has 10 Electoral Votes "...Trump won [WI] by [only] 22,000 votes in 2016." "...many pundits believe WI may be the single state upon which the [2020] Elections will turn."

Again, go out to these events. It's easy, put in a half hour, write 10 cards, or like we do, 2 hours and 50 or so....

Bytor Peltor 03.02.2020 03:18 PM

June 20, 2019

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Is America ready to see a former President prosecuted for crimes he committed while in office?

July 12, 2019

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Heather Samuelson testifies under oath in a deposition that she received immunity from the Barack Obama DOJ for destroying 33,000 of Hillary Clinton emails......and guess what, I think the Barack Obama DOJ probably granted Crooked Hillary immunity, too!

‘Email Server’: Judge grants ‘Judicial Watch’ request to have Hillary Clinton sit for a sworn deposition

Federal Court Orders Deposition of Hillary Clinton on Emails and Benghazi Attack Records

The court also ordered the deposition of Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills & 2 other State Dept officials


!@#$%! 03.03.2020 03:49 PM

lol beauregard photoshopped hillary’s head onto his own body

whatever floats his boat i guess

ilduclo 03.05.2020 03:37 PM

another 3+% drop in the market. Fed is out of ammo on the rate reductions (HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!?) This is largely to be attributed to Trimp. Market needs trustworthy leaders running things, Donnie has shown no competence and no honesty.

tired of winning yet?

!@#$%! 03.05.2020 03:49 PM

i hope dumb beauregard enjoys his margin call

meanwhile, emperor little hands “has a hunch” that medical science is fake news

jeezus fucking christ....

Skuj 03.05.2020 08:10 PM


I know that Mueller is old news these days, but I still cannot get over some things:

1) Trump got away with murder, so to speak.
2) Barr let Trump get away with it.
3) Mueller himself fumbled at the 2 yard line. (Or is it the 98 yard line? I don't do football.) He expected Barr and Congress to deal with this properly. Was he blind?

ilduclo 03.05.2020 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

3) Mueller himself fumbled at the 2 yard line. (Or is it the 98 yard line? I don't do football.) He expected Barr and Congress to deal with this properly. Was he blind?

not really, he's a long time republican, he wasn't going to do anything that would hurt the party. Remember his last minute bringing up of Hillary's emails? That was unprecedented. He's an R-op. Only posturing for posterity:mad:

Bytor Peltor 03.06.2020 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i hope dumb beauregard enjoys his margin call

For the second consecutive Friday, I spent serious coin on stocks.

I’ve doubled my shares of MPC and for the first time, I hold stock in CCL (Carnival Cruise Line).

I’ve been keeping a close eye on OXY, which is down to just under $27. I believe we are close to a bottom, but this could also be foolish thinking. With the City of Austin canceling SXSW and NCAA Men’s Basketball considering playing opening round games in empty arenas......the plunge very well could continue.

ilduclo 03.06.2020 07:02 PM



Skuj 03.07.2020 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo


Trump's very high level of incompetence has been on display thousands of times, but this CDC visit might top them all. Play the whole video and see.

!@#$%! 03.07.2020 10:18 PM

a little background on the motherfucker...

Skuj 03.07.2020 10:22 PM

I keep trying to figure out if this is SNL/Baldwin or not.

ilduclo 03.07.2020 11:02 PM

aaaand, a little background on the new CDC guy who was so "dear leader" effusive in his Trimptaint kissy

Helpful Reminder: Trump's CDC Guy Thought AIDS Was 'God's Judgment' For Gay People Existing

!@#$%! 03.07.2020 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

I keep trying to figure out if this is SNL/Baldwin or not.

man he really has tiny hands look at his left hand. tiny!

ilduclo 03.08.2020 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man he really has tiny hands look at his left hand. tiny!

Baldwin couldn't look that fugly after 6 hours in the makeup room

Skuj 03.08.2020 02:27 PM

I love how he keeps accusing other people of politicising the virus, but he wears that fucking hat at this so-called press conference. That's just one of a hundred things you could say about this absolute shitshow.

!@#$%! 03.08.2020 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I love how he keeps accusing other people of politicising the virus, but he wears that fucking hat at this so-called press conference. That's just one of a hundred things you could say about this absolute shitshow.

he’s the president of the 33%

Skuj 03.08.2020 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he’s the president of the 33%

I fear that it is closer to 50%. This will go down as one the great mysteries/debacles of our times. How can such an incompetent asshole have so much support? I realize that this thread has tried to distill this subject throughout its hundreds of pages. But my brain still cannot process it.

!@#$%! 03.08.2020 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I fear that it is closer to 50%. This will go down as one the great mysteries/debacles of our times. How can such an incompetent asshole have so much support? I realize that this thread has tried to distill this subject throughout its hundreds of pages. But my brain still cannot process it.

i don’t think so.

some people are willing to tolerate him because “the economy” or fear of “socialism” but i think a moderate front can crush him

sure he might be willing to start a nuclear war for popularity but we’ll see how things develop

demonrail666 03.08.2020 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i think a moderate front can crush him

A moderate front lead by Joe Biden?

!@#$%! 03.08.2020 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
A moderate front lead by Joe Biden?

we like to live dangerously i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

demonrail666 03.08.2020 05:42 PM

I'm honestly confused. I accept that while Sanders might have a very dedicated following he won't' convince enough of the country as a whole. But are we watching the same coverage? While it may be crude/insensitive to say so, I've seen too much to be able to deny that Biden has senile dementia. It's actually uncomfortable to watch. I'd go as far as to say that someone really needs to make a decision on his behalf and withdraw him from the race altogether, even if that means Sanders gets the gig by default.

I dunno, maybe somewhere in the system the Dems had a candidate really able to challenge Trump but the internal bullshit and distractions within the party this last 3 years means they're left with who they're left with. So in the circumstances, and considering I see it as a no-win situation regardless of who they choose, I say give it to Sanders. Not just to save Biden further humiliation but because if Sanders is thrashed in November at least it'll take a considerable amount of wind out of the sails of the activist wing of the party which might be precisely what the Dems need if they're to return to some kind of political reality in time for 2024, when Trump will no longer even be a thing.

!@#$%! 03.08.2020 05:57 PM

that animal is causing irreparable damage right now, and i don’t think it’s really possible for anyone here to strategize to some distant future as some sort of political game.

i know this looks like sport and abstractions to you but from our perspective lives and democracy itself are at stake. he’s our caligula. we’re getting fucked up.

and by 2024 we’ll have new supremes. rgb can’t last forever. thurgood marshall tried his best and couldn’t.

as for biden, he’s been fighting a stutter since he was 4. so that accounts for his speech problems. yes, he is old, but he’s not a fucking maniac. his pick of vp will be crucial here.

Skuj 03.08.2020 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm honestly confused. I accept that while Sanders might have a very dedicated following he won't' convince enough of the country as a whole. But are we watching the same coverage? While it may be crude/insensitive to say so, I've seen too much to be able to deny that Biden has senile dementia. It's actually uncomfortable to watch. I'd go as far as to say that someone really needs to make a decision on his behalf and withdraw him from the race altogether, even if that means Sanders gets the gig by default.

I dunno, maybe somewhere in the system the Dems had a candidate really able to challenge Trump but the internal bullshit and distractions within the party this last 3 years means they're left with who they're left with. So in the circumstances, and considering I see it as a no-win situation regardless of who they choose, I say give it to Sanders. Not just to save Biden further humiliation but because if Sanders is thrashed in November at least it'll take a considerable amount of wind out of the sails of the activist wing of the party which might be precisely what the Dems need if they're to return to some kind of political reality in time for 2024, when Trump will no longer even be a thing.

I actually do share your concerns. Joe is clearly past his best-before date, and I hate to say that, because I believe that he is decent and honest person. Is 8 years of Trump going to be the thing that finally gets the Dems shit together? Can we afford that? (Hang in there, Ruth.)

Skuj 03.08.2020 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that animal is causing irreparable damage right now, and i don’t think it’s really possible for anyone here to strategize to some distant future as some sort of political game.

i know this looks like sport and abstractions to you but from our perspective lives and democracy itself are at stake. he’s our caligula. we’re getting fucked up.

and by 2024 we’ll have new supremes. rgb can’t last forever. thurgood marshall tried his best and couldn’t.

as for biden, he’s been fighting a stutter since he was 4. so that accounts for his speech problems. yes, he is old, but he’s not a fucking maniac. his pick of vp will be crucial here.

I swear I didn't see this post when I made mine!! :)

demonrail666 03.08.2020 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
as for biden, he’s been fighting a stutter since he was 4. so that accounts for his speech problems.

I disagree with your other points but I do at least see your logic. But on the issue of Biden's mental state, I can tell the difference between someone fighting a stutter and senile dementia, and while I can also see why the party and certain media sources are working flat out covering for him over this, let's not fool ourselves that it's anything other than what it is.

!@#$%! 03.08.2020 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I disagree with your other points but I do at least see your logic. But on the issue of Biden's mental state, I can tell the difference between someone fighting a stutter and senile dementia, and while I can also see why the party and certain media sources are working flat out covering for him over this, let's not fool ourselves that it's anything other than what it is.

since we’re dealing with an A/B choice let’s not fool ourselves that president dead zone is in full possession of his faculties.


demonrail666 03.08.2020 06:43 PM

I've watched both of them give speeches in recent weeks. God knows there's plenty about Trump to take issue with but nothing to indicate he's senile. An egomaniac, without doubt, but not senile. I'm not echoing anyone's view here, I'm just saying what I see. Put Biden on a stage with Trump and I'm convinced he'll be eaten alive.

!@#$%! 03.08.2020 06:50 PM

trump was already crazy before he was old

see you at the debates

Skuj 03.08.2020 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I've watched both of them give speeches in recent weeks. God knows there's plenty about Trump to take issue with but nothing to indicate he's senile. An egomaniac, without doubt, but not senile. I'm not echoing anyone's view here, I'm just saying what I see. Put Biden on a stage with Trump and I'm convinced he'll be eaten alive.

Again, I mostly agree with you. But I have been astounded by some of Trump's appearances, health-wise. Look at any interview with Trump from even just 10 years ago, and compare. Omarosa did have a point!

demonrail666 03.08.2020 07:44 PM

Every time I watch Trump speak I assume he's taken a big bump of coke beforehand. Assuming he is a bit of a fiend, that's obviously a problem for someone with his kind of responsibilities, nor will it be doing him any good physically. But somehow, whatever you might think of his policies, or his manner, he's holding it together better than i think a lot of even his most committed supporters might've privately thought when he 1st took office.

But maybe I'm wrong on that. As symbols says, I don't see the day to day stuff. In which case If Trump really is that fucked then I'm sure a party as big and established as the Dems can brush him aside in November, no problem.

Skuj 03.08.2020 08:03 PM

I think he is doing something medically before most appearances. But every now and then he surprise/unplanned walks into some church after a golf game to receive the worship of the believers, and without the big suit, make-up and medication, he looks awful and moves strangely. (I wish I could find the vid.) Those fuckers surrounding him are hiding something.

Bytor Peltor 03.09.2020 08:50 AM

Hot damn I should have shorted OXY Friday. It was just under $’s now at $ CCL filled at $25.

Circuit-breakers tripped after 7% decline this morning, trading has halted for 15 minutes......blood is in the streets.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
For the second consecutive Friday, I spent serious coin on stocks.

I’ve doubled my shares of MPC and for the first time, I hold stock in CCL (Carnival Cruise Line).

I’ve been keeping a close eye on OXY, which is down to just under $27. I believe we are close to a bottom, but this could also be foolish thinking. With the City of Austin canceling SXSW and NCAA Men’s Basketball considering playing opening round games in empty arenas......the plunge very well could continue.

!@#$%! 03.09.2020 09:07 AM


enjoy your margin call stupid beauregard

ilduclo 03.09.2020 09:14 AM

-6% this am. Hetty Green is laughing


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