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ilduclo 05.18.2018 12:54 PM

Hate group leader appointed to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Tony Perkins, head of anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council (FRC), has been appointed to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. As head of the FRC, Perkins specializes in spreading false propaganda that demonizes the LGBT community and Muslims. His well-documented bigotry has no place in any government entity

evollove 05.18.2018 01:17 PM


(Sorry. Reading about Perkins' new appointment for the first time.)

ilduclo 05.18.2018 02:00 PM

Frank Rich on Jerusalem ceremony for the Embassy:

This Jersualem “ceremony” will live on not as a positive step in Israeli history but as a shabby rogue’s gallery panorama of mobsterism at the top of both the American and Israeli governments.

Bytor Peltor 05.18.2018 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
of course we haven’t seen this evidence, this is why there’s an investigation— to find out if there’s any

because there are clear suspicions

and unlike other people in this thread i’m not affirming apriori that there’s any— i’m just saying let the investigation proceed and then we’ll see.

if at the end they find nothing then they find nothing.

but let’s not anybody count their chickens yet cuz that’s foolish.

Symbols, I admire your willingness to wait, it’s all we can do.

All I’m pointing out is so far there is no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded.

Evidently Congress has information that Russia colluded with someone?? Guess what, they probably did.

The question is, who???

President Obama

Hillary Clinton or her campaign

Anyone else??????

All we know so far is there is not one single shred of evidence linking President Trump or his campaign.


Once Congress reveals who colluded—GUESS WHAT—there is no evidence that it had any impact on the election or that Donald Trump won because of it.

Last but not least, as I’ve stated previously in this thread......from my meager understanding of the law......colluding isn’t a crime.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Skuj 05.18.2018 02:38 PM

And so it goes....on and on and on and circles.

If Mueller does end his investigation with charges of collusion, I don't know how in the fuck Peltor and millions of others are going to comprehend it. Symbols said it best a few posts ago. We are in the age of Alternative Facts.

h8kurdt 05.18.2018 02:41 PM

So the fact the Mueller has so far charged 19 people and 3 companies is nothing. 3 people have also pleaded guilty relating to the investigation.

Of course there's nothing going on. He's got nothing at all. If you honestly believe Trump knew NOTHING about what was going on you're deluded.

C'mon man, open your eyes and ears.

!@#$%! 05.18.2018 02:43 PM

apatheia and ataraxia

Skuj 05.18.2018 02:45 PM

I will be shocked if Mueller doesn't find collusion, based on everything we know about charges and where the investigation is going.

When Trump spews "no collusion" 20 times a day, it actually works on millions, doesn't it? Nevermind that we can prove that he has lied on numerous occasions.

This is all a bad dream.

Skuj 05.19.2018 06:06 PM

So, now it appears that an FBI "spy" was embedded in the Trump campaign, and Team Trump wants to expose the person for political reasons.

Maybe I'm not very smart at times, but didn't a whole lot of legal steps have to be taken in order for that person to be there? Shouldn't Trump be worried about WHY that person was there instead of playing cheap politics once again?

tesla69 05.20.2018 09:10 AM

Yet others noted that the FBI's Russia "investigation" into Trump didn't seem to extend to Hillary Clinton. We would remind readers that her campaign chair, John Podesta, sat on the board of Massachusetts energy company Joule Unlimited, along with senior Russian official Anatoly Chubais and Russian oligarch Ruben Vardanyan – who was appointed by Vladimir Putin to the Russian economic council.
Two months after Podesta joined the board, Joule managed to raise $35 million from Putin’s Kremlin-backed investment fund Rusnano. Podesta transferred 75,000 shares of Joule to his daughter through a shell company using her address.

Skuj 05.20.2018 12:38 PM

Tesla, even if I buy that (not sure where it came please?) and say that Clinton is evil and corrupt etc etc, how does that nullify / answer what I previously stated?

It's always "Clinton this, Clinton that....what about Clinton?", but last time I checked, she is not the current occupant of the White House.

Skuj 05.20.2018 12:45 PM

Strange conversation here, because it can be argued that the FBI Investigation into Clinton's emails actually sunk her chances to be POTUS. And yet here we are debating if the FBI is unfair to Trump?

!@#$%! 05.20.2018 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Strange conversation here, because it can be argued that the FBI Investigation into Clinton's emails actually sunk her chances to be POTUS. And yet here we are debating if the FBI is unfair to Trump?

don’t you dare challenge madness with logic, you soroastrian agent of interplanetary reptilio-fascism


Skuj 05.20.2018 01:42 PM

It's so obvious now where this whole thing is going to end up. Even Ray Charles can see where this is going. The recent headlines and tweet-storms say it all.

1. The Mueller report will be very bad news for Trump.

2. But, Team Trump will say that it was all Obama's fault, because he directed the FBI to set this all up for political reasons.

We can end this whole debate right now, because that is exactly what is going to happen.

I shall bump this post when it happens.

PS. I forgot point 3......

3. Millions upon millions of Trumpists will buy this explanation, hook, line and sinker.

!@#$%! 05.20.2018 02:13 PM

4. soros

ilduclo 05.20.2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Strange conversation here, because it can be argued that the FBI Investigation into Clinton's emails actually sunk her chances to be POTUS. And yet here we are debating if the FBI is unfair to Trump?

hearing what Comey said, he was pretty sure that Clinton was going to be prez, but was afraid of what Repubs and Trump would say how he lost them the election by holding off on the announcement about her emails which he made at the last minute and was a big factor in her loss. So, more worried about what Repubs think about him than Dems. He's a pretty solid Repub and generally operates to please them.

to my thoughts, two of the most dangerous things to democracy are a politicized police and military. I think we are getting both of them more and more. We need to take the House in 2oi8 and the whole deal in 2o2o to begin to rebuild the country after this disastrous misrule. I'm working hard on it, and I hope all who care are, too.

The Soup Nazi 05.21.2018 12:52 AM

Michael Cohen rocks The Sopranos' main theme:

Skuj 05.21.2018 11:05 AM

Trump never acts like an innocent guy. What is he hiding? What is he afraid of? If he was innocent he would let this investigation run its course without all of this bluster.

Skuj 05.21.2018 07:44 PM

.....while circling the wagons and discrediting it at every turn.

I think what he has said about this investigation alone is impeachable, but I'm living in some fantasy world where POTUS has to be honest and thoughtful.

!@#$%! 05.22.2018 11:14 PM

meanwhile, on the front of democrats taking responsibility for their own fuckups...

oh yeah that there among the lot is tim kaine, former losing vp candidate...

when people ask “why we lost the election?” it’s pontless to blame the despicables that we can’t control. but it’s things like this why people don’t trust the democrats to defend their interests where it counts.

and yeah good on the net neutrality vote, but this one is bullshit

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