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The Soup Nazi 04.08.2020 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Jesus Won’t Want You For A Sunbeam and won’t allow Kenneth Copeland To Blow You corono free if you keep making fun of him.

Jesus Cold Hard Sucka.

Diesel 04.08.2020 04:21 PM

Town centres are deserted post apocalyptic zombi movie sets, pure atmosphere. People are falling like flies but, every cloud...

Skuj 04.08.2020 07:31 PM


Been busy cleaning out the fucking garage. I have so much "stuff". Fuck me. I want to be a minimalist. Minimalism will be a good thing in the post-covid world.

!@#$%! 04.08.2020 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

Been busy cleaning out the fucking garage. I have so much "stuff". Fuck me. I want to be a minimalist. Minimalism will be a good thing in the post-covid world.

not really, it won’t be

i came to my new apartment a minimalist and had to stock up in a motherfucking hurry when the shit hit the fan.

then again, clutter is bad.

but if you really wanna go with it, read fumio sasaki’s “goodbye, things” and check out his youtubes.

there are others, but he’s as extreme as it goes without being a dirty homeless hippy :D

watcha mean d3, aren’t you playing black?

Skuj 04.08.2020 08:39 PM

Oh I fucked up, sorry. I meant d6.

I have so much shit that I don't need. Of course, when it comes to books/CDs/Blurays, I'm a sucker. (Fuck streaming.)

!@#$%! 04.08.2020 08:47 PM

oh lol d4 then

you hate streaming?

you must hate books and cds and blurays too if you buried them in the garage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Soup Nazi 04.08.2020 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Of course, when it comes to books/CDs/Blurays, I'm a sucker. (Fuck streaming.)

YEAH! FUCK STREAMING! Finally, someone with good sense around here! You are now officially my SYG hero. After Lee, of course. ;)

The Soup Nazi 04.08.2020 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
What I read is that especially people with obesity that get infected with Corona end up in the ICU

Are you saying Symbols is obese? ;):D

!@#$%! 04.08.2020 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Are you saying Symbols is obese? ;):D

only in the penis girth. open wider.

Skuj 04.08.2020 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh lol d4 then

you hate streaming?

you must hate books and cds and blurays too if you buried them in the garage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No, those bitches are in my den. I must have a fucking den.


The Soup Nazi 04.08.2020 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
only in the penis girth. open wider.

Oyyy... That was way uncalled-for, come on.

Skuj 04.08.2020 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
YEAH! FUCK STREAMING! Finally, someone with good sense around here! You are now officially my SYG hero. After Lee, of course. ;)

At first I read that as "Arthur Lee" and fainted.

These streaming they have old (and I mean OLD) films/music? Do they have foreign films? Can they change the way they do things at a moments notice?

Fuck that shit!! I want a library of books, music and films, which I can individually touch, feel and smell. I'm old fashioned that way.

Um.....on Covid 19, presently, I got nothin. But Easter is coming!!!

The Soup Nazi 04.08.2020 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Um.....on Covid 19, presently, I got nothin. But Easter is coming!!!

Easter is coming indeed, and who cares about social distancing when you're looking for Easter eggs. I mean, the U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak Kills an American Every 45 Seconds... But dude, Easter eggs are the shit yo!

You said you were wondering whether the CDC can still be fully trusted. I think they were doing their best in spite of Donaldo, but it's a tightrope, they must be under a truckload of deranged pressure, and it seems they're barely maintaining their balance: now critical employees exposed to the virus can return to work. What? Yes, the new guidelines include a bunch of precautions that should be taken, but is this really the time to ease up on restrictions? NO, it fucking isn't.

The Soup Nazi 04.09.2020 12:10 AM

Zakaria's Global Briefing, April 8:


An Unequal Pandemic

Covid-19 is wreaking havoc in developed countries like the US, UK, Spain, and Italy, but commentators have argued with increasing unanimity that the virus is poised to hit some people and countries harder than others.

Inequality will only exacerbate the harm of Covid-19, according to a recent essay in The Lancet. The authors—Faheem Ahmed of the UK’s NHS, Na’eem Ahmed of a London-based NHS hospital trust, Christopher Pissarides of the London School of Economics, and Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz—note that poor people worldwide have more chronic conditions, less access to care, lower life expectancy, and a harder time “navigating complex benefits systems,” all of which puts them at risk. Poverty and Covid-19 will intersect dangerously, both in health and economics, they argue, as “unemployment rates will rise substantially and weakened welfare safety nets further threaten health and social insecurity.”

In a Financial Times essay on how Covid-19 will hit the developing world, David Pilling, Jonathan Wheatley, Andres Schipani, and Amy Kazmin suggest lower-income countries will experience the crisis in “reverse”: While rich countries have suffered outbreaks first, shutting down their economies second, Covid-19 could arrive in developing countries after they’ve already been hampered by a global economic downturn. “As capital is pouring out, remittances—the lifeblood of economies from the Philippines to Nigeria—are dwindling,” they write. “Many foreign workers in western cities, especially those working as hotel staff, chefs or drivers, have lost their jobs.”

And in the US, CNN’s Eric Levenson reports, African-Americans could see disproportionate harm, given aggregate disadvantages in terms of chronic diseases and access to care.

How Conflict Zones May Fare

Conflict zones are at particular risk, Eleanor Gordon and Florence Carrot write for the Lowy Institute’s blog, The Interpreter. War-torn countries lack resources and trust in government (“i[n] Iraq, for instance, a depleted healthcare system that enjoys little public trust will not be able to respond effectively if there is a serious outbreak,” they write), and government measures like lockdowns can stoke fear that those in power will persecute select groups. Warring factions “can make political and economic gains by utilising the opportune moment presented by crises, as occurred during the Ebola outbreak resulting in heightened political tension in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone,” they note, while Covid-19 will divert resources away from security and the treatment of other diseases.

Some cracks have already emerged in temporary Covid-19 peace agreements: As Gordon and Carrot note, the crisis initially prompted ceasefires “in Philippines, Cameroon, Yemen and elsewhere. While bigger threats can lead to cessation of hostilities, such as occurred in Aceh, Indonesia, after the 2004 tsunami, such crises of this scale tend to further undermine resilience, increase insecurity, and exacerbate the likelihood and intensity of conflict. Already, commitments to ceasefires have been broken within days and hostilities have escalated in Libya, and Yemen.”

Reexamining Economic Fairness, in Light of Covid-19

The pandemic should prompt a reexamination of social contracts the world over, the Financial Times wrote in a recent editorial, suggesting Covid-19 will reveal or exacerbate economic fissures. “Countries that have allowed the emergence of an irregular and precarious labour market are finding it particularly hard to channel financial help to workers with such insecure employment,” the paper writes. “Meanwhile, vast monetary loosening by central banks will help the asset-rich. Behind it all, underfunded public services are creaking under the burden of applying crisis policies.”

Just How Many Covid-19 Cases Are Asymptomatic?

As David Adam recently noted in the journal Nature, epidemiologists are missing critical data points on Covid-19, largely due to a lack of testing. Top among them: How widespread is the virus, really? What is its real mortality rate? And how many people who get it are asymptomatic? On the last question, there may be some encouraging signs in Chinese data, indicating—if the data are reliable and can be generalized out of context—roughly 70% of infected people show no symptoms. The figure is important, because it suggests many more people could have (or have had) Covid-19 than is known, meaning the disease’s fatality rate could be lower.

On April 2, the British Medical Journal noted that in a limited set of data on new Covid-19 cases released by Beijing—one day’s worth, as China had just begun to release data daily—China’s NHC had found that “130 of 166 new infections (78%) ... were asymptomatic.” The journal notes that China had begun “rigorously” testing new arrivals from overseas, but as epidemiologist Tom Jefferson of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford points out, it’s not entirely clear where the numbers came from, and the sample is small. Still, he told the journal, “even if they are 10% out, then this suggests the virus is everywhere. If—and I stress, if—the results are representative, then we have to ask, ‘What the hell are we locking down for?’”

At The Spectator, Cindy Yu followed up. Looking at six days’ worth of data, Yu wrote, “Follow the methodology from the BMJ study and it gives 624 new cases, of which 434 of those asymptomatic—giving a ratio of 70pc.” That’s good news for anyone hoping that the virus is less deadly than imagined, and as Jefferson says, it may argue against lockdowns. Then again, scientists lack another key data point: As Hillary Leung noted recently in Time, it’s not known whether those who have had Covid-19 and recovered, or who never showed symptoms, are actually immune—which would suggest that, until we know the answer, even the asymptomatic have a good reason to stay home.

How Covid-19 Could Accelerate a US–China Standoff

Officials from the US and China have already feuded over the origins and nomenclature of Covid-19, but at the Lowy Institute’s blog, The Interpreter, Nick Bisley argues more broadly that the “shock of the virus, seizing the global economy to halt its spread, may be just the kind of trauma that could catalyse a proper separation of the US and the PRC [People’s Republic of China].”

Covid-19 could draw a sharper line between American and Chinese models of governance, Bisley argues: “[i]f, in response to the economic carnage, states return to earlier approaches to economic management, of the type before the neo-liberal fashion of recent decades took hold, then a highly politicised restructuring of the global economy may occur,” he writes. A sharper dividing line between liberal capitalism and state-run economics, Bisley suggests, “would provide decoupling the kind of political momentum it needs to make it real.” The crisis could also heighten the importance of a US–China standoff in the region by weakening other countries, he writes; India and Indonesia, for instance, are less developed and could be hit hard. “There is a strong chance that [Covid-19] will scupper their economic growth for many years and thereby further strengthen the grip that US–China relations has on the region as a whole,” Bisley writes.

Regardless, “Asia will be a more dangerous place” after the crisis, he predicts, advising that “the US and its allies will need to dig in for a long-term contest with an emboldened Beijing.”

_tunic_ 04.09.2020 12:35 AM

Translation of an article in Dutch press:


Black US community hit harder by corona

President Trump himself acknowledged it in his press conference last night: there are a disproportionate number of corona deaths in the black community in the United States.

For example, only 30 percent of Chicago's population is African American, but 70 percent of fatalities are black. Similar relationships are reported in the cities of Milwaukee, New Orleans and Detroit, as well as in rural areas of southern America.

See image:

The coronavirus does not discriminate. It does not choose sides or skin color, but the effects of an infection hit the black population harder.

Gary Harrell of Louisiana lost ten black friends and family members because of the corona virus. "It never occurred to me that it wasn't a diverse group of people," he says.

(see video in original article, link above)
US black community hit harder by corona: 'never occurred to me'

There are several reasons why relatively many black Americans fall victim. First, there is great income insecurity and poverty. Many black inhabitants of cities live in worse living conditions than white city dwellers. Their houses are often worse, the residents often have to go to work by busy public transport and in their neighborhoods there are often no good facilities such as supermarkets with healthy food.

Essential profession
As a result, the number of black people with obesity, stress and high blood pressure, liver disease and asthma is also higher than the national average. And those are the people who are especially vulnerable to the consequences of an infection, with lower chances of a cure.

The person who has a job often has a so-called essential profession. These are the jobs that are still carried out during this crisis and that cannot be done at home. Think of supermarket employees, parcel deliverers, hospital staff and taxi drivers. They have to keep working to keep their jobs and therefore have a greater chance of being infected.

A bus driver in Detroit: relatively many working black Americans have an essential AFP profession

In addition, parts of the black population do not have health insurance, because it is linked to a job in the US. Whoever loses his job also loses his health insurance.

As a result, people without a job and health insurance do not dare to go to the hospital if they feel sick, for fear that they cannot afford the care. This means that there is a chance that they will infect others without wanting to.

old school teacher
4 of the areas on the map with the highest #of cases are also in areas served by hospitals that are not trusted by the folks living in the neighborhood. I live in one of them and my neighbors will RIDE THE BUS 5-10 miles to get to a decent hospital. HELP!!!!!

one day ago

It is getting louder from the black community that black patients are not treated equally in these times of shortages in hospitals. Doctors would not take complaints about chest pain and shortness of breath seriously. This would cause unnecessary more deaths among the black population.

Thus the corona virus leaves a racial trace that can be traced back to the age-old fault line between black and white America.

Skuj 04.09.2020 12:41 AM

The only reason I mention Easter is because Numbnuts, just 10 days ago, was promoting that timeframe for the so-called reopening of the economy.

I cannot help but think of Kennedy's early 60s speech about putting a man on the moon by the end of the 60s.

What is it about Kennedy and Trump that caused such wide disparities in their goals/predictions, he asked mockingly?

The Soup Nazi 04.09.2020 12:42 AM


Black US community hit harder by corona
As I mentioned: Katrina again, but exponentially worse in terms of lives lost.

The Soup Nazi 04.09.2020 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
The only reason I mention Easter is because Numbnuts, just 10 days ago, was promoting that timeframe for the so-called reopening of the economy.

I know - that's why I replied facetiously.

h8kurdt 04.09.2020 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
The only reason I mention Easter is because Numbnuts, just 10 days ago, was promoting that timeframe for the so-called reopening of the economy.

I cannot help but think of Kennedy's early 60s speech about putting a man on the moon by the end of the 60s.

What is it about Kennedy and Trump that caused such wide disparities in their goals/predictions, he asked mockingly?

But they did do that:confused:

_tunic_ 04.09.2020 06:06 AM

Both Wimbledon and the British Open golf tournament have insurance against Corona. Wimbledon can claim 117 million Euros, however it remains to be seen whether they will get the full amount. The British Open has a premium of 1.7 million Euros a year.
Normally there is insurance for known diseases but after the SARS outbreak in 2003 which had infected a ballboy, the policy for Wimbledon was adapted to include also unknown diseases.

Source in Dutch

!@#$%! 04.09.2020 09:43 AM


recent antibody studies out of germany show the "absolute" death rate, meaning not the hospitalized but of every exposed and showing covid antibodies, is 0.37%, a bit over 1 in 300.

in a country of 330 million inhabitants that comes to (again, roughly) 1.2 million dead

say we develop herd immunity after 60-70%, so... we're talking maybe 780k dead in the usa?



Originally Posted by Skuj
No, those bitches are in my den. I must have a fucking den.

in an apartment, do like the frenchies and put your books in the living/dining room

dens are for iniquity :D

nicfit 04.09.2020 10:05 AM

Dunno if any of you guys follow UFC, but Dana White's plan to held events despite the Covid-19 emergency is almost Bond villain worthy.

Skuj 04.09.2020 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
But they did do that:confused:

That was my point. Kennedy made careful statements and predictions. Trump....not so much.

Skuj 04.09.2020 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

recent antibody studies out of germany show the "absolute" death rate, meaning not the hospitalized but of every exposed and showing covid antibodies, is 0.37%, a bit over 1 in 300.

in a country of 330 million inhabitants that comes to (again, roughly) 1.2 million dead

say we develop herd immunity after 60-70%, so... we're talking maybe 780k dead in the usa?


in an apartment, do like the frenchies and put your books in the living/dining room

dens are for iniquity :D

That is exactly what will happen in the condo I am hoping to get, and I will love it.


The news is driving me nuts. "OMG the jobless numbers are terrible etc etc etc..." Well, yes. We all fucking ground to a halt didn't we? Stop expressing such shock over the obvious.

!@#$%! 04.09.2020 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
That is exactly what will happen in the condo I am hoping to get, and I will love it.


that scheme sounds great. i used to have that, but now not no more.

i was thinking what books i'd bring to the new place and obviously is books i'd like to reread

but to reread, i prefer searchable... so i'm rebuying them as ebooks. #heathen.


i don't know really. kindle books are ugly, i admit that, but they're like the book of sand.

fumio sasaki has no books btw. did you check him out? borrow it from the library in ebook form ha ha ha.


Originally Posted by nicfit
Dunno if any of you guys follow UFC, but Dana White's plan to held events despite the Covid-19 emergency is almost Bond villain worthy.

i don't and have never heard of such asshole but maybe some red state will facilitate his plan

oklahoma? alabammy? west virginny? something....

the idiot in hawaii too maybe. he likes tourists too much to say no.

h8kurdt 04.09.2020 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Dunno if any of you guys follow UFC, but Dana White's plan to held events despite the Covid-19 emergency is almost Bond villain worthy.

I don't think there's a better way to sum it up than that! Don't understand how the finances work next to how much you'll bring in but he must have figured it out.

Skuj 04.09.2020 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that scheme sounds great. i used to have that, but now not no more.

i was thinking what books i'd bring to the new place and obviously is books i'd like to reread

but to reread, i prefer searchable... so i'm rebuying them as ebooks. #heathen.


i don't know really. kindle books are ugly, i admit that, but they're like the book of sand.

fumio sasaki has no books btw. did you check him out? borrow it from the library in ebook form ha ha ha.

i don't and have never heard of such asshole but maybe some red state will facilitate his plan

oklahoma? alabammy? west virginny? something....

the idiot in hawaii too maybe. he likes tourists too much to say no.

Nah I didn't check him out yet. Wait....I thought Hawaii was one of the smart states??


!@#$%! 04.09.2020 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Nah I didn't check him out yet. Wait....I thought Hawaii was one of the smart states??


they vote blue but are highly dependent on tourism and the guvnor is a dumbfuck. i’ve heard first-person accounts but read dat link.


nicfit 04.09.2020 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
I don't think there's a better way to sum it up than that! Don't understand how the finances work next to how much you'll bring in but he must have figured it out.

Well, the first step (ufc249 supposedly to be held at the Tachi Palace, in Lemoore, Calif., on tribal land that’s not overseen by the state’s athletic commission) seems to have been scrapped due to Disney/Espn top executives’ pressure.

White said that the private island thing will go on. But he lies a lot.

Skuj 04.09.2020 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
they vote blue but are highly dependent on tourism and the guvnor is a dumbfuck. i’ve heard first-person accounts but read dat link.



I thought that Governor was one of Trump's sharpest critics.

Speaking of which, it seems that May is now being touted by The Team for when the USA will be open for business again, and I bet I know who is the instigator of this very dubious message. (Hint: not any scientist/expert.)

Bytor Peltor 04.09.2020 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
White said that the private island thing will go on. But he lies a lot.

It’s been a few days, but I’m hearing the private island thing is still on. My understanding is fighters will be flown down in private jets, quarantined for two weeks while they work out then the fights will happen.

Nothing fuels UFC like wagering, but with all the sport books closed, I guess many will resort to online wagering.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Skuj 04.09.2020 07:20 PM

This is a refreshing point of view: (Cue Bytor with "Hussein" in his response, which I will not see.)

!@#$%! 04.09.2020 08:48 PM

people reading and writing sentences! questioning sources!


Skuj 04.09.2020 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
people reading and writing sentences! questioning sources!


Nc6. Bitch, you are good at this. I'm not playing against a computer, right? :)

Well, as long as the ratings are high!! I have watched this car crash often. It doesn't mean that I fucking like it. I need to know what the elephant next door to me is doing. This might be one of Trump's dumbest tweets, and that's saying something!!

!@#$%! 04.09.2020 09:25 PM

BITCH PLEASE. enuff name calling.

i hate chess actually. it gives me headaches :D

one time i beat the president of some chess club but fuck i could not spend the day doing this shit. it's worse than scrabble.



Skuj 04.09.2020 09:38 PM

It's the only game I ever cared about. I detest card games. I consider myself to be good at chess, but hovering over a board is where I shine, vice interval looking. (Um, did you answer my question though? ) :)

Funny. Multiplication. NxN.

My move is BxN.

!@#$%! 04.09.2020 09:48 PM

yes. i'm not a computer. i'm not an expert eaither. i "game" things in my head but it eventually hurts. i'm "good" at this but do not enjoy it. makes sense? same thing with scrabble: it's all about computation/combination/permutation. counting, remembering.

i prefer strategy games that are more open and allow thinking "outside the board" so to speak. i started playing portal but got bored once it got mechanical.

everything eventually gets mechanical, and boring

oh, Qd4

oh, i forgot to talk about corona

let’s see...

um, i got a sauerkraut going in the pantry? trying a new technique where i shred them tiny to speed up fermentation. it will make the extra cabbages last. that’s real chess btw: the quarantine game.

Skuj 04.09.2020 10:04 PM

Damn. So kicking my ass on 3 (or 4?) games so far is not "fun" for you? :)


I made a couple of recent Covid posts that nobody responded to yet (as far as I can see, lol), so fuck it. I'll wait some more.

Skuj 04.09.2020 10:07 PM

Gonna watch Get Smart with my 11 year old now. He loves that shit!! (I love 99.)

!@#$%! 04.09.2020 10:24 PM

well part of it is but i’ll explain after the game is over.

i test high in analytical skills. with sports though it gets personal/psychological, and i don’t care for that kind of competition. people get sore, etc.: tunic’s gif.

i prefer games where i get to invent rules. yes? and it’s me against an impersonal obstacle and the challenge is imagination/invention. that’s where i get my fun.

i just started watching some weird-ass 90s show, “dark shadows.” it’s terrible/hilarious and free on amazon prime and you can talk back to it. looks like it was made as a “response” to twin peaks.


eta: oh, that was Bf4. gnite.

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