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Cantankerous 09.01.2008 03:44 PM

no. it means i do whatever the fuck i want. consequences be damned.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 03:45 PM

Ah, good. Fancy a beer?

Cantankerous 09.01.2008 03:46 PM

not particularly at the moment.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 03:47 PM

Ah alright. Have this JD then, it's on the house.

Cantankerous 09.01.2008 03:50 PM

i drank way too much last night.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 03:52 PM

Was you out on the town, or was the partying all about being in the Cantankerpalace?

Cantankerous 09.01.2008 03:54 PM


MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 03:56 PM

I was meant to be out on the lash tonight after my Czech class, but my drinking pardners were elsewhere. Damn. I guess your sesh turned into a major one. Hope you had a good one, anyroad....if you can remember all of it ;)

Cantankerous 09.01.2008 03:58 PM

i don't remember shit from last night. i'll spare you the details of this morning.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 04:00 PM

Fair do's, me mate.

This thread needs more BLAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEE:


Cantankerous 09.04.2008 02:17 PM

well motherfuckers


there's the wagon.
do you see anyone in it?

MellySingsDoom 09.04.2008 02:22 PM

Uh, nope. So you off wagon then...

Cantankerous 09.04.2008 02:23 PM

i've never been in a wagon

MellySingsDoom 09.04.2008 02:25 PM

(Stupid "funny" comment) - I've been in a police wagon once - that were well shite.

I can't talk either - I won't mention it in public, but I've had problems with things too recently...

Cantankerous 09.04.2008 02:26 PM

i had a wagon when i was a kid and i made dad pull me everywhere in it

i've been in the back of a cop car many a time..they ride really smooth.

MellySingsDoom 09.04.2008 02:31 PM

I used to have this mini Beetle car as a v small kid - used to ride around everywhere and bump into furniture etc, which rather annoyed Dad Melly :D

They should have adult wagons, where people pull you home in then once I, er, you've collapsed in them after a hard's nights drinking/partying.

Cantankerous 09.04.2008 02:33 PM

they make tricycles for adults... why you can't just ride a bike i don't know.

why is the face for the 'numb' mood on myspace a sad face

it should be a big fucking happy fce

MellySingsDoom 09.04.2008 02:35 PM

"Comfortably Numb"? Should be a big face of Roger Waters looking at his most Waterseque (with D Gilmour behind him scowling at Roger W).

Cantankerous 09.04.2008 02:38 PM

i couldnt bear to look at that

well whatever im going to bed

MellySingsDoom 09.04.2008 02:49 PM

Goodnight then C - take care :)

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