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Severian 07.03.2017 09:37 AM



Far and away the best X-adaptation I've ever seen. It captures something about the X-comics that no movie, not even the good ones like Logan and Deadpool, havenquie been able, or in a position to capture. Its fucking TRIPPY and it's gorgeous and it's complex as fuck and it... is... fucking... TERRIFYING.


noisereductions 07.03.2017 09:43 AM

I have seen Legion, but haven't finished season 1 yet. I do like it.

I was watching it when it was on TV, but due to a power outage, missed some and got behind. I'm not sure where I can watch it now. Must be streaming somewhere? (I don't have a DVR in my game room).

Severian 07.03.2017 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I have seen Legion, but haven't finished season 1 yet. I do like it.

I was watching it when it was on TV, but due to a power outage, missed some and got behind. I'm not sure where I can watch it now. Must be streaming somewhere? (I don't have a DVR in my game room).

I've been watching on iTunes like a sucker, but my friend tells me it's on Hulu, which has apparently gotten better over the years.

No word yet on when it will come to Netflix, I guess. Wish it was there now. iTunes is fine if you only follow one or two shows and never watch anything else, but at this point it's getting a bit steep for me.

noisereductions 07.03.2017 11:25 AM

yeah we've had Hulu for a year or two now. It's great for older tv shows actually. Not that it's a selling point for you exactly, but we're wrapping up the final season of Dawson's Creek again right now haha.

Anyway, good to know Legion's on there now. I can stream Hulu in my game room no problem. I also kinda want to give Iron Fist a shot before Defenders comes out.

Severian 07.03.2017 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
yeah we've had Hulu for a year or two now. It's great for older tv shows actually. Not that it's a selling point for you exactly, but we're wrapping up the final season of Dawson's Creek again right now haha.

Anyway, good to know Legion's on there now. I can stream Hulu in my game room no problem. I also kinda want to give Iron Fist a shot before Defenders comes out.

Iron Fist was a really tough sell for me at first, but eventually it kinda found its sweet spot, and I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would. It's got a lot of problems, and the first few episodes are just... wow... total junk. But eventually it gets there.

It is absolutely no Jessica Jones or Daredevil season 2 or even Daredevil season 1, but in the end it's probably as good as Luke Cage. I like the Luke Cage part of Luke Cage, and I like Cottonmouth and Shades, but everyone else in that show just kinda pissed me off, and it felt like it was kind of glomming onto a bunch of different black stereotypes at the same time.

Warning though: Iron Fist really wants to be a Nicolas Winding Refn movie. Like a mix of Drive and Only God Forgives. You know how JJ had a detective/noir trope, and Luke Cage had a blacksploitatiom/Harlem/Shaft trope? Well, Iron Fist ATTEMPTS to have a kind of updated '80s action movie trope, with harsher realities and deep techno music and stuff (again, Drive and Only God Forgives), but it ends up failing because that "updated cheesy action made super-serious" thing Refn does is still too new to even BE a trope, so it just feels like plagiarism.

That's all cinema crap though. As entertainment, it's fine. Perfectly fine.

Severian 07.03.2017 11:47 AM

None of the Netflix shows are as good as Legion though. Maybe not even JJ. I haven't even finished the season yet, but holy hell... just... fucking WOW.

noisereductions 07.03.2017 12:36 PM

I'm not sure you can really compare a show like JJ to Legion. It's like saying that Twin Peaks is better than Jeopardy. No dude. They're both awesome in different ways.

Severian 07.03.2017 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I'm not sure you can really compare a show like JJ to Legion. It's like saying that Twin Peaks is better than Jeopardy. No dude. They're both awesome in different ways.

The fuck? Twin Peaks is a black comedy/drama/murder mystery and Jeopardy! is a fucking game show.

That's a terrible analogy! JJ and Legion have SEVERAL things in common on top of the fact that they're the same basic type of show ("prestige"-level, non-basic cable dramas about superheroes).

No offense man, but you have to know that's a positively dreadful analogy, and that the shows have more in common by far than fucking Twin Peaks and fucking Jeppardy! :mad:

Severian 07.03.2017 07:41 PM

Also, you can compare anything to anything. It's just that without similarities and some kind of operational metric for various dimensions of quality, the comparison might be invalid.

Case in point: your comparing the comparison of JJ and Legion to the comparison of Twin Peaks and Jeopardy. ;)

noisereductions 07.03.2017 09:20 PM

hahahahaha not even kidding - I typed it and was thinking to myself "this is gonna go right up his ass" haha

h8kurdt 07.04.2017 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
hahahahaha not even kidding - I typed it and was thinking to myself "this is gonna go right up his ass" haha

What doesn't?! :D

Severian 07.04.2017 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
What doesn't?! :D

Speaking literally, I can honestly say almost nothing. A couple thermometers. Nothing exciting.

Figuratively, very little. :D

noisereductions 07.05.2017 08:16 AM

alright, so this is what's on my list this week...


Batman #26

I don't really need to say anything right?


Avengers #9

I'm getting pushed into buying an SE crossover issue. And honestly, this Avengers series is on thin ice w/ me right now. #7 and 8 were both pretty meh considering the first six issue run that I was really into.


Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #1

I'm on the fence about picking this up. I read the first mini-series and it was pretty ho-hum. But I do love Deadpool, and like to give his various series a shot even if I ditch them soon enough. Plus, Bunn's writing on X-Men: Blue has been fantastic lately so I'm kind of interested. I'll probably get it.


Hawkeye #8

This Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) series has remained one of my absolute favorite current books.

Severian 07.05.2017 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
alright, so this is what's on my list this week...


Batman #26

I don't really need to say anything right?


Avengers #9

I'm getting pushed into buying an SE crossover issue. And honestly, this Avengers series is on thin ice w/ me right now. #7 and 8 were both pretty meh considering the first six issue run that I was really into.


Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #1

I'm on the fence about picking this up. I read the first mini-series and it was pretty ho-hum. But I do love Deadpool, and like to give his various series a shot even if I ditch them soon enough. Plus, Bunn's writing on X-Men: Blue has been fantastic lately so I'm kind of interested. I'll probably get it.


Hawkeye #8

This Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) series has remained one of my absolute favorite current books.

None of your photos worked bro.

I'll read Batman #26.

I enjoyed the first Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. It was weird and fun and I actually didn't find it disturbing or anything like a lot of people did (except for the cover of the TPB, with all those hella-realistic close-ups of Cap and so on screaming bloody murder. That wasn't fun to look at.)

I'm thinking of starting this new Black Bolt series. It's his first title ever, which I find positively insane. Sometimes I feel bad for the Inhumans. Such a uniquely Kirby creation, so interesting, but also largely neglected.

ANYWAY... the art in Black Bolt looks fucking amazing.

Severian 07.05.2017 11:00 AM


noisereductions 07.05.2017 07:44 PM

I did grab the Deadpool and already think it's better than the first series.

And Batman #26 is good stuff. Want to hear your thoughts!

Severian 07.05.2017 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I did grab the Deadpool and already think it's better than the first series.

And Batman #26 is good stuff. Want to hear your thoughts!

Just bought the digital. I'm still working (now that I'm not a feelancer I have WAY less control over when I do and don't work... lol!), but I'll at least start it before I go to bed.

I'll let you know whassup.

I read Saga #44 and I think I'm going to wait for volumes. It's just the kind of thing that reads better in long-form.

Love it though.

Severian 07.06.2017 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions

And Batman #26 is good stuff. Want to hear your thoughts!

I was pretty goddamn unimpressed by this to be honest. The spreads are nice, but they're being used as filler. Literal page-filler because there's not enough story.

Batman's narration is ... lacking. "I was the Dark Knight... I was the world's greatest detective... the caped crusader... I was ... a superhero." [END]

What? Really? That's terrible and stupid and no way to end a comic book.

I'm worried this whole "War of jokes and riddles" thing is just a circle-jerk for the artists. There's not much to it. The first issue was at least interesting, and had some nice dramatic moments, but this was a let-down.

And I don't like this versio of the Riddler. He's, like, ripped and looks like a total douchebag. I want Joker to shoot him in the head.

The fact that the Riddler is a big enough threat to pose a challenge to the Joker is (no pun intended) a joke. He's a corny villain, and he's at his best when he's written as kind of weak and opportunistic, bouncing back and forth between being a "good guy" and being a manipulative fuck (a la Hush).

The art is good, but the story needs to improve for me to keep reading.

noisereductions 07.06.2017 10:36 AM

hmm. Well, as usual, we seem to like the same things but have totally opposite opinions of them haha.

I think it's gonna be a slow burn because it's an 8-part story. Most of these arcs tend to be like 5 or 6. Not that that's really a defense or anything for the pace, rather just a thought.

The art is great, though. That 2-page spread of Ivy taking out the thugs?

Speaking of "the thugs" - I really liked the way that all these kind of nameless victims are given names, and some little piece of trivia to make them actual people in this story.

I don't think anybody likes this version of The Riddler, though. I mean, I don't hate him - I don't think he bothers me the way he does others. But nobody loves this version.

I did like the "mirror" throwback scene, though. And I'll admit that the "May flowers" joke man me smirk. Maybe because it's New England humor. Ha.

Severian 07.07.2017 08:19 PM


BATMAN is the villain
JOKER is the hero in

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Hummina-hummina-hummina... *squirt*

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