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Bertrand 10.08.2019 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I believe SEVERAL of Barack Obama’s actions as President will eventually be revealed as a betrayal to our Country......or at the very least, to our election process.

Hussein = is his given name.

I find it odd that some here consider using a persons name as a racist act?

Great point.
By the way, could you ask the following twerp to use full names when talking about people?


Originally Posted by Bytor Dickhead Peltor
... Ivanka Trump advises our President on foreign policy?
... why did FBI Director James Comey notify Congress?
... Was it because Hillary Clinton ....
... If private citizen / businessman Donald Trump truly didn’t pay taxes...
... Hell, it’s how they got Al Capone!

Bytor Peltor 10.08.2019 03:58 PM

Waking up to start my day and seeing that the Democrats are still drinking poison and waiting for Trump to get sick???

Also, this is priceless :D


!@#$%! 10.08.2019 04:04 PM

bytor dickhead peltor!

here’s wishing you a shitty day, in everybody’s name

Bytor Peltor 10.08.2019 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
bytor dickhead peltor!

here’s wishing you a shitty day, in everybody’s name

The difference between juveniles and adults:

Adults know how to be polite, they know how and when to exercise decorum, they can be civil with others who don’t believe in the same things.

Juveniles cling to self righteous hate, bitterness and sling poo!


George Bush once said he’d support an amendment to the Constitution to ban same sex marriage.
The rich and privileged know how to act classy, the majority here at SYG choose not to = disappointing!

Ellen said it best

"Exactly. Here's the thing. I'm friends with George Bush. In fact, I'm friends with a lot of people who don't share the same beliefs that I have. But just because I don't agree with someone on everything doesn't mean that I'm not going to be friends with them. When I say, 'be kind to one another,' I don't only mean the people that think the same way that you do. I mean be kind to everyone."

choc e-Claire 10.08.2019 06:25 PM

"We should be kind to George W. Bush" would be a more defensible opinion if he hadn't started one illegal war in Iraq and another one that's essentially permanent...
as well as steering the United States (and the world) into the biggest recession since the 1930s...
as well as failing to support New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina...
as well as also having his own missing emails (which I had no idea about until just now)...

and yet, somehow, he still looks better than the current guy.

!@#$%! 10.08.2019 07:09 PM

senile bytor keeps repeating the saaaaaaame stupid insults

that’s the sound of one neuron clapping...

choc e-Claire 10.08.2019 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
senile bytor keeps repeating the saaaaaaame stupid insults

that’s the sound of one neuron clapping...

Much like the one attack helicopter joke.

choc e-Claire 10.08.2019 10:25 PM

Looking through this Wikipedia article to try and work out who I'd support in the 2020 Democratic primaries. Not my scene, I know, but...I wanna be involved.

EDIT: Unrelated, but...while reading up on trans military folk, I found another article, which lasts for quite a while without ever using a gendered pronoun. We could learn something.

ilduclo 10.09.2019 03:05 PM

Trump inherited a deficit of $585 billion when he took office in January 2017. That was 58 percent lower than the $1.4 trillion former President Barack Obama inherited in 2009 following the financial crisis, a number his administration slashed over two terms.

According to the latest Congressional Budget Office data released on Monday, the full-year deficit for 2019 is estimated to come in at $984 billion, just shy of the $1 trillion that many analysts were expecting. In 2018 the figure was $779 billion and in 2017 it was $665 billion.

_tunic_ 10.10.2019 10:16 AM

Quoting a Trump tweet:

In case the Kurds or Turkey lose control, the United States has already taken the 2 ISIS militants tied to beheadings in Syria, known as the Beetles, out of that country and into a secure location controlled by the U.S. They are the worst of the worst!

So Trump is protecting 40 of the worst ISIS terrorists to make sure no harm is done to them, but he is allowing the Kurds and Turks to butcher each other....
and he spelled beetles wrong ...

and then later he tweets this:


and worst of all:
Now Trump Is Whining the Kurds Didn't Help Us At Normandy and They and We Are Doomed

Bertrand 10.11.2019 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_

His reasoning is astonishing...

ilduclo 10.12.2019 04:20 PM

Trummpo will address the "Values Voter Conference"

among the speakers
Tony Perkins, Mark Meadows,Alex Azar, Josh Hawley,Gary Bauer,
Dennis Prager

plus added :
Josiah Presley, Abortion Survivor
Claire Culwell, Abortion Survivor

choc e-Claire 10.12.2019 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
They are my very favorite weapon, especially when used to shoot down falsehoods.

Jesus fucking christ, have you people never looked in a fucking mirror? I'm not sure what's worse: if you're choosing to ignore that you're all raging hypocrites, or if you're just too dense to realise it.

Bytor Peltor 10.12.2019 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
have you people

There is no hypocrisy in honest TRUTH......and some people can’t handle that.

Especially juveniles!

choc e-Claire 10.12.2019 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Especially juveniles!

Oh for fuck's sake, you've pulled the age card? Just remember my generation's going to be the one writing the legacy of yours...and, on current trends, cleaning up the mess you've left.

choc e-Claire 10.13.2019 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I don't believe he's referring to your generation

Quotes me, subposts me, and then mentions 'juvenile' again to point out that I'm, what, three decades younger than him.


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
President Trump's America First trade and economic policies

The man bankrupted a casino, his economic management isn't worth jack.


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
should provide at least some temporary relief from your generation's current agony.

My country's Prime Minister is a religious fundamentalist who's putting on a "daggy likeable dad" act to earn himself votes, and cheerily admitted to helping Trump's administration influence the investigations about him.
We had a sketchy, fat businessman with undiagnosed mental deterioration throw millions of dollars at an election campaign this year with the slogan "Make Australia Great".
Trump is providing an icon and a leading light to the wannabe overlords and right-wing chuds of the world. He's inspiring millions of racists, sexists, homophobes, and otherwise shitty people the world over to openly display their values (straight pride parade? fuck off!). All of this is being done in front of global teenagers, who are aware enough of what's happening to be horrified and still young enough to have zero part in democracy (or whatever's left of it in your gerrymandered, Electoral-College-manipulated country). The world is getting fucked, and y'all are dying before you have to face the consequences. Thanks a fucking bunch.

!@#$%! 10.13.2019 07:48 AM

you must spread more chocolate ganache cuz the dumb drunk skunk got *spanked*

ilduclo 10.13.2019 08:46 AM

^^! Claire, you’re saying it. Those of us elders who have tried to do right by humans and the environment welcome the younger ones who are ready to keep up the work. It doesn’t get better without the struggle.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” - Frederick Douglass

ilduclo 10.13.2019 10:00 AM

Hundreds Of ISIS Supporters Escape As Turkish Troops Near Kurdish-Held Syrian Town
A U.S. military official said the situation across northeastern Syria was “deteriorating rapidly.”

ilduclo 10.13.2019 01:41 PM

Neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka: Conservatives ‘Owe It’ to Trump to be Active on Social Media on His Behalf

ilduclo 10.14.2019 02:44 PM


Bytor Peltor 10.14.2019 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Oh for fuck's sake, you've pulled the age card?


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I don't believe he's referring to your generation, but to the attitude of certain posters on this thread.

Robert nailed it......but choc-e-choc proved it!

CNN Floor Manager: “It Was Like A Funeral”......CNN Employees Sobbing On Election Night

Can you imagine the sobbing and moaning in Crooked Hillary’s Camp?

Why Did Nancy Pelosi, Ted Lieu & A Host Of Democrats Visit China One Week After Donald Trump Was Elected President?

Once the DEMS composed themselves, they rush off to China for......? ? ?

This is getting good : )

ilduclo 10.14.2019 05:18 PM

Trimp tax cuts:


ilduclo 10.14.2019 06:08 PM

Bold reporter questions Poopeo, he dodges every question, watch him getting angrier and angrier. "It's all Obama's fault!"

ilduclo 10.15.2019 06:34 AM

Trumppo and the dismantling of US diplomacy. Read it and weep.

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 07:45 AM

Nick Cave Political Leanings

“Antifa and the Far Right, for example, with their routine street fights, role-playing and dress-ups are participants in a weirdly erotic, violent and mutually self-sustaining marriage, propped up entirely by the blind, inflexible convictions of each other’s belief systems. It is good for nothing, except inflaming their own self-righteousness.”

guest 10.16.2019 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Nick Cave Political Leanings

“Antifa and the Far Right, for example, with their routine street fights, role-playing and dress-ups are participants in a weirdly erotic, violent and mutually self-sustaining marriage, propped up entirely by the blind, inflexible convictions of each other’s belief systems. It is good for nothing, except inflaming their own self-righteousness.”

what’s your point? are you just seeking vindication from another sheltered old white dude? dressing up your views in vaguely-worded meanderings from an ‘artist’ isn’t justification for peddling dangerous baseless idiocy.

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 08:28 AM

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff

“Given that we already have the call record, we don't need the whistleblower who wasn't on the call to tell us what took place during the call,"

It’s my understanding the Whistleblower could be protected by closed door, in writing or a few other options, instead, the DEMS are attempting to use the Whistleblowers statements as “testimony” without including Republicans is absurd, unconstitutional and ILLEGAL!!!

Remember, Adam Schiff didn’t use the call record as evidence. Instead, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman fabricated the transcript and we know this because Adam Schiff read it into the Congressional Record (see below).

It was President Donald Trump who released the transcript to reveal the fabrications and now Adam Schiff says the transcript is all we need.

Adam Schiff is sounding like he/the DEMS are attempting to treat this like a Grand Jury proceeding......yet not wanting the Republicans/defense to have the opportunity to cross examine the evidence and the person who provided it.
The same person who in their own words said: “I was not a direct witness to most of the events described.“

Why do the DEMS only want one sided proceedings (FISA & Whistleblower), is it because they don’t want the Defendant to have the opportunity to defend himself?

......better yet, it’s not even a impeachment inquiry because Vomit Pelosi WILL NOT call for a vote = PATHETIC


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Learning of suspicious activity concerning the Whistle Blower Complaint document......why did the intelligence community in conjunction with the Congressional Research Service in regard to the matter of —Disclosure Of URGENT CONCERN— gut the requirement of “first hand whistle blower knowledge?”

The complaint form was revised in August 2019 just before the Whistle Blower Complaint was made public???

”Compelling new evidence now shows that the purportedly nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) may have been weaponized to mislead members of Congress and the American people — all in the name of advancing the impeachment process against President Trump.”

Oddly, this Chuck Woolery tweet sums it up nicely

“The more the Deep State is exposed, the bigger traitor they claim Trump is. He is unmasking the Deep State and they are terrified.”

Doubt we ever see the Orange Cheeto and Vomit Pelosi on The Love Connection!


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
h8kurdt - evidently you believe the White House has done something to try and hide the full that wrong, is it illegal?


Is it questionable, maybe?

Before you cry hypocrisy, question this......can you or anyone reading this cite one situation where a sitting President had their privileged and private phone conversations released?

Especially when it’s with another World leader or Head of State?

I don’t believe anyone can!

But let’s be clear, the transcript is accounted for. It wasn’t moved to a server setup in a pizza shop janitors one accidentally destroyed the transcript along with 33,000 emails.

We know of this transcript due to the Whistle-Blower Complaint. In the United States Judicial System, the first hurdle is......will the document stand up in Court?

In the Whistle-Blowers own words: “I was not a direct witness to most of the events described.“


h8kurdt - as the SYG residency you see anyway the Whistle-Blower Complaint is admissible?

Does, OBJECTION - HEARSAY - SUSTAINED, get the Complaint Document thrown out based on the Whistle-Blowers it that easy?

If what the President discussed was illegal or wrong, why would House Intelligence Chair, Adam Schiff, need to make up and fabricate parts of the transcript?

Adam Schiff said: “In essence, what the President Trump communicates is this: We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you through. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand?”

Again, if the President truly did something wrong, why the rush to fabricate and make up lies? Is Adam Schiff just as delusional as Juvenile !@#$%!......their only goal and purpose is slinging poo?

!@#$%! 10.16.2019 08:32 AM

ah, vomit bytor is back, quoting himself to himself

thrilling discussion :rolleyes: but can’t say i missed him

go back to 8chan, motherfucker

you stink of idiocy and vomit

and nobody likes you

h8kurdt 10.16.2019 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Nick Cave Political Leanings

“Antifa and the Far Right, for example, with their routine street fights, role-playing and dress-ups are participants in a weirdly erotic, violent and mutually self-sustaining marriage, propped up entirely by the blind, inflexible convictions of each other’s belief systems. It is good for nothing, except inflaming their own self-righteousness.”

You equate this to mean he aligns with your politics?

guest 10.16.2019 09:06 AM

bytor what’s the provenance of vomit pelosi? I’m intrigued, it’s rather witty!

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by guest
what’s your point? are you just seeking vindication from another sheltered old white dude? dressing up your views in vaguely-worded meanderings from an ‘artist’ isn’t justification for peddling dangerous baseless idiocy.

guest - if you’ve been reading this thread with any regularity, you know I’ve posted MY beliefs and thoughts regarding comments made here at SYG.

Now, I do use my meager understanding of the law to validate my position and help explain where I’m coming from. I’ve also been linking source material and quotes as I grew tired “of some” (not all) saying —Fox talking points, Trump tweets— as their only rebuttal.

I’ve encouraged anyone to quote and reply anything I’ve been mistaken about.

While I make every effort to be factual, and as I’ve stated above in prior post, I’ll happily admit if I got something wrong.

Sharing Nick’s thoughts is just my way of stirring the SYG does appear that his words have aggravated some.

I’m curious, guest, will you pose a similar question to Nick?


Originally Posted by guest right mate? ironed your garb recently?

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by guest
bytor what’s the provenance of vomit pelosi? I’m intrigued, it’s rather witty!

Much like our President, Nancy loves to grandstand, she too desires the attention.

Much like !@#$%!, Nancy enjoys spewing the poo......but NEVER takes the appropriate actions.

As Speaker Of The House, I expect more!

The most recent example as stated above, Nancy would rather cry and moan about impeachment instead of calling for a vote that would start a proper impeachment inquiry.

Why won’t Nancy call for a vote...???...could she be worried she doesn’t have the votes?

Is Nancy worried that doing so will activate a legal set of events that the DEMS aren’t prepared to handle?

ilduclo 10.16.2019 10:44 AM

who gives a fuck what Nick Cave thinks? He's as retarded as Buzz Osbourne.

h8kurdt 10.16.2019 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
guest - if you’ve been reading this thread with any regularity, you know I’ve posted MY beliefs and thoughts regarding comments made here at SYG.

Now, I do use my meager understanding of the law to validate my position and help explain where I’m coming from. I’ve also been linking source material and quotes as I grew tired “of some” (not all) saying —Fox talking points, Trump tweets— as their only rebuttal.

I’ve encouraged anyone to quote and reply anything I’ve been mistaken about.

While I make every effort to be factual, and as I’ve stated above in prior post, I’ll happily admit if I got something wrong.

Sharing Nick’s thoughts is just my way of stirring the SYG does appear that his words have aggravated some.

I’m curious, guest, will you pose a similar question to Nick?

Stirring the pot? The only pot it's stirred is the idea that you think what he's saying is in agreement with the waffle you post in this thread

h8kurdt 10.16.2019 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
[ the call,"

It was President Donald Trump who released the transcript to reveal the fabrications and now Adam Schiff says the transcript is all we need.

You realise that it wasn't the whole transcript, right? If he was that confident then he should have just released the whole 30 minute conversation.

ilduclo 10.16.2019 11:04 AM

phone call was 30 min long. Angus King read the "transcript" even at his slow pace it read for 1/3 that time. Even that was too much for Trimpy and his reacharounders, so it got sequestered into a "special server"

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You realise that it wasn't the whole transcript, right? If he was that confident then he should have just released the whole 30 minute conversation.

Absolutely correct!

As I’ve questioned before:


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
......can you or anyone reading this cite one situation where a sitting President had their privileged and private phone conversations released?

Especially when it’s with another World leader or Head of State?

I don’t believe anyone can!

I have not seen where anyone here has attempted to answer the above.

However, it’s my understanding that a President isn’t required to release transcripts of personal conversations.

Evidently, President Trump only released a portion of the transcript to set the record straight regarding:


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Again, if the President truly did something wrong, why the rush to fabricate and make up lies? Is Adam Schiff just as delusional as Juvenile !@#$%!......their only goal and purpose is slinging poo?

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 12:18 PM

See above!

Also, the sequestered special server was 100% legal and accounted for, believe its even located in the White House.

What’s your point, ilduclo?

Like I mentioned before, it’s not like President Donald Trump granted immunity to his attorney to delete the transcript after receiving a subpoena. He didn’t authorize anyone to wipe the server with bleach bit. Of course, Trumps server in question is located in the White House and not a janitorial closet at a pizza place!


Originally Posted by ilduclo
phone call was 30 min long. Angus King read the "transcript" even at his slow pace it read for 1/3 that time. Even that was too much for Trimpy and his reacharounders, so it got sequestered into a "special server"

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Stirring the pot? The only pot it's stirred is the idea that you think what he's saying is in agreement with the waffle you post in this thread

No waffle, 100% TRUTH!!!

Come at me bro with a quote and reply!!!

YES - I knew Nick’s words would aggravate a few, possibly many??
I did link the entire statement so everyone could read for themselves.

In NO WAY was I trying to link what Nick said to what I’ve been saying.

However, I got my popcorn and I’m enjoying the reactions.

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