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Cantankerous 07.16.2008 08:52 PM

there was a lot of weird shit in the 70s. and for some reason they had to put chickens and owls on fucking EVERYTHING.

like richie from the royal tenenbaums?

or have you seen the talking heads on the old grey whistle test with their izods with the collar popped?

Cantankerous 07.16.2008 08:53 PM

AHA found it


gmku 07.16.2008 08:55 PM

Ha ha! Well, hmm, looks typically 70s but I think like Jim my focus was usually not on the girl's clothes so much as other things, like her faraway eyes and such, being the romantic type guy I was and all.

What can I say. The 70s were a blur of disco lights, polyester, cheap beer, and bad weed.

Cantankerous 07.16.2008 08:57 PM

that's one way to put it.
i need a time machine. although, i mean, it was a pretty bleak time but then again things have only been getting worse if you ask me..

gmku 07.16.2008 09:00 PM

I'm not sure I'd want to go back to the 70s. If I did, I'd chose pre-73 or post-77. The middle was dull and stupid.

Cantankerous 07.16.2008 09:01 PM

70-73 or 77-80 would probably be my personal choice

gmku 07.16.2008 09:02 PM

73-77 was a dead zone. Terrible. Unless you were a disco queen or fraternity jerk.

Cantankerous 07.16.2008 09:03 PM

i love disco

i wish i coulda gone to studio 54 and also been around for when punk happened

gmku 07.16.2008 09:06 PM

Oh, ugh. Sorry, I lived through disco. What a bad trip. Not Studio 54, of course. Just the phenomenon of it. The most superficial of the superficial. Glitz of the glitz. To paraphrase Gertrude, there was no there there. The most utterly empty and vacuous cultural experience I can possibly imagine.

Cantankerous 07.16.2008 09:08 PM

i probably enjoy it because i didn't experience it.
from what i understand kids were pretty different back then than they are now. like the kids who were into rock were really against disco and stuff. i have one rocker-acid-queen aunt and her sister, my other aunt, was all into disco.

gmku 07.16.2008 09:13 PM

Yeah, it's hard to explain. One of my best friends back then was a disco maniac. I was a complete rocker. It was a gut-level thing. If you were a rocker, you were nauseated by disco. It had to do a lot with the values disco represented to the rocker--everything the rocker opposed was embodied in disco. Disco was about riches, about upward mobility, about trodding on the downtrodden. Rock was egalitarian, about celebrating the poor and the downtrodden.

You know, if you went to a disco, you had to dress up. You had to put on polyester and wear platform shoes and look "good." If you went to a rock club, you wore your ratty jeans and fruit of the loom t-shirt.

But that's all debatable, because disco grew out of the ghetto and out of gay culture. So... But when it became a white kids thing, it became something else...

But what bother me most, as a music lover, was that I always had the sense that kids into disco really were not into music all that much. They were into dancing, but they didn't have much in the way of a record collection. They certainly didn't know much about the traditions disco grew out of, either--nothing about jazz or old motown. At least not the kids I knew.

Cantankerous 07.16.2008 09:15 PM

oh, maybe my generation doesn't care about values in music. i certainly don't. i just listen to what sounds good to my ears, which could be disco, it could be rock, metal, rap, whatever. pretty much anything but classical. music is music.

gmku 07.16.2008 09:24 PM

Nah, there are still cultural contexts to music. It's way different going to, say, a club here in Columbia that features a beach band and caters to over-50 boomers than one where some punk band is playing to a crowd of college kids. Similar split in the 70s only it was among kids of the same generation.

Which makes me think--I see the SAME split in people my age today. I know a lot of professional people who go for that lame bar scene where it's all oldies and beach music, and I know what I think of as "hipper" people who are for lack of a better description more "bohemian" than these professionals and who listen to jazz or alternative rock music or are really into blues and stay away from those places. It's like that split in my generation in the disco days only now we're grown up. I just realized this. I bet these same fuckers who go to these lame-ass oldies bars and try to dance are the same losers who went to discos in the 70s. It must be why I feel so weird when people drag me to those godawful beach band venues around here.

✌➬ 07.16.2008 09:25 PM

I am Getting ready I have a date with some guy.

gmku 07.16.2008 09:27 PM

I hope you're wearing Banana Republic. You're sure to score.

✌➬ 07.16.2008 09:28 PM

Eew god no, oooh I should wear my black Goo shirt. Yeah that one.

gmku 07.16.2008 09:30 PM

Oh, grow up and start wearing real clothes, for god's sake. Band tee shirts are for kids. You're not a kid are you?

✌➬ 07.16.2008 09:31 PM

Gays never grow up.

gmku 07.16.2008 09:32 PM

Please don't spread such stereotyping nonsense, you silly little faggot.

✌➬ 07.16.2008 09:33 PM

As If...

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