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stu666 08.28.2010 04:27 AM

no reason to exist

ann ashtray 08.28.2010 04:45 AM


Thank you....

atsonicpark 08.28.2010 04:54 PM

haha thanks guys

atsonicpark 08.30.2010 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I thought you were quitting film, is all.


Did you see Currently Untitled? I mean, that one just took a lot out of me. BUt I'm still going at it.

atsonicpark 08.31.2010 11:42 PM

First real review of CURRENTLY UNTITLED: ... " a totally unprepossessing odyssey of unrivaled cinematic genius."

My favorite quote is " should not be inconceivable to see an Adam Cooley original on show in the same arthouse and multiplex theatres that promote Avatar (2009; dir. James Cameron) or Iron Man 2 (2010; dir. Jon Favreau)."

FreshChops 09.01.2010 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
First real review of CURRENTLY UNTITLED: ... " a totally unprepossessing odyssey of unrivaled cinematic genius."

My favorite quote is " should not be inconceivable to see an Adam Cooley original on show in the same arthouse and multiplex theatres that promote Avatar (2009; dir. James Cameron) or Iron Man 2 (2010; dir. Jon Favreau)."

kewwwl. I like that "psychedelic potpourri". Good review and congrats. I found it accurate and deservedly flattering.

atsonicpark 09.01.2010 12:33 AM

why, thank you

Dr. Eugene Felikson 09.01.2010 04:34 AM

Any word on Blaze Season 2 yet? Has it taken the route of the death finger?

atsonicpark 09.01.2010 04:38 AM

I'm doing exploding head first.

atsonicpark 09.28.2010 04:38 AM

Ladies and gentlemen, and the 8 or 9 fans I have on here who always send me those nice little PM's........

you know how I've had 4 different companies release my movies thus far? Yeah, well, that was nice, and a few of them did great jobs, but I'm going to sell my movies myself, at least until pathfinder or the electronic arts intermix get back to me (if the eai decides to distribute my work, it'll only be to schools and stuff, and they get to chage like $900 per title, haha -- how silly wuld that be?). ANYWAY, I will be charging probably, oh, $8 via paypal. That price includes shipping. I thnk that's a fair price, and I will throw in free stuff, and sign stuff or whatever, throw in original art and sexy little notes. I will make every package extremely personal.
- this will be my first film with a budget. Yep, you heard me. I spent exactly $7 on some makeup, that I bought specifically for the movie. Yep. Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially sold out -- this is my most expensive film yet.
- full title is exploding head: the challenging follow-up to currently untitled. No, it's not a sequel (though, in the very very very far-off future, maybe 10-20 years from now, I might just do a sequel, entitled "[working title]"), it's just that Currently Untitled was my most well-received work -- besides one hardcore fan of mine calling it my most boring work and saying it was obviously a cashgrab (?) and a blatant sellout (?!) and said I was just trying to get theaters to show my shit now, and it lacked the post modern nofi "beauty" of my previous films; ah, fans! -- and has, indeed, been called by a a surprisingly large number of people "The best film of the year" and "one of the greatest experimental films of all time -- no, fuck that, one of the best films of all time!" and "a totally unprepossessing odyssey of unrivaled cinematic genius." (via and has been featured on THREE "top 15 films ever" facebook lists that I randomly read... and it even received recognition from four real life friends of mine, who are NOTORIOUSLY hard to please and harsh and especailyl critiical of my work... This intertitle is saying, "Yeah, so, that movie currently untitled? This film is absolutely nothing like that." The trap I'm in is people already saying "yeah, you'll probably never do anything as good as currently untitled again." Haha. So, um, yeah.
- 487 videos filmed so far. I dunno where I'm at, I guess. I just wrote a script. The script has 49 scenes outlined so far, but I'm planning on probably 150-200 scenes just to be safe. Most 90 minute movies have something like 30 scenes (this isn't SHOTS -- most films have like a thousand shots I'm sure;"scenes" woul be considered, y'know, two characters meet and coverse. Anyway, as usual, there'll be lots of cuts, lots of really intricate editing, BUT it's not going to be constant full throttle, like usual. There'll be cutting that alludes to scenes later -- that's why this new method (I usually just filmed shit, edited, filmed shit, edited, etc -- now I have a whole playground of things to mess with) will work for the film. Despite the insanity at times, it's going to be very slow in places..
- Filming a video every single day of me in front of a tree, wearing different clothes, standing in different positions, etc. This is the same exact shot though -- meaning that, while everything else is changing, the location of the camera and, obviously, the tree, will never change. Depending on how long it takes for me to finish the film, you might see the leaves fall (they are now, actually), you might see snow on the ground, etc. And you'll see me zapping around, all over the landscape. This will be the first in a series of new films and plans for scenes for films I am planning on -- taking a picture of myself every day for 5 years, that kinda stuff. I like the idea of "longform experimentation".
- My films are pretty, uh, funny, I guess -- that's one of the things people likes about them most; they're experimental but absurd, not afraid to be humorous. This one isn't so funny. I guess my movies have progressively been getting darker, actually, and this one is the darkest yet. My biggest inspiration for this film is Bergman -- specifically Persona (in my top 10 films ever) and the so-called "Silence Trilogy" (Winter Light, THrough a Glass Darkly, and The Silence). A few longer takes... and lots of silence at times...
- Three characters. Me and the old lady will be playing multiple roles. As usual, I don't like big casts, and I don't see the point of them. Also, as usual, the other male involved turned in a particularly lousy performance and isn't reliable enough for me to be able to film more scenes with him, but that's okay -- I've decided to overdub nearly all of his dialogue and make the film a true story about how he wants to fuck me, haha. I mean, he can't put down the tea bottle (look, I get my crew food and drinks, that doesn't mean I want you to drink 8 tea bottles in 20 minutes when I'm just trying to get one 30 second shot. He seriously kept fucking up a supersimple shot and then would drink half a bottle of tea before I could even do anoter take. I think he was purposely trying to sabotage the scenes I shot with him, since he is majoring in "video" in school now, after previously majoring in paint for 4 years, but decided to quit that, since he was tired of getting paint on him. Poor baby! So, yeah, I've decided to completely dub my own dialogue over his! But he's completely cool with it, he admitted that he sucks! Haha. There's still a weird tension in the film that will come across beautifully!
- Yes, as usual, there will be UUUUUUU music (from his latest album, "Astral Travels") and some art by Seamonster3D. I mean, this is a constant. This will likely always be. Derek is my best online friend, Seamonster is my best (and sometimes I feel like my only -- he's at least the only one who I can trust, who doesn't use me.. doesn't take advantage of me.. an who actually goes out of his way to promote my films) friend.
- Release date: WHEN IT'S DONE.
- There will be elements of giallos, and horror in general.. and even a slight sci fi bend (there's cloning). Obviously, it will exist in some weird vaccuum lie all my films do but there will be easy-to-draw connections between my work and some other stuff...
- I have written plenty of original music for this, expect lots of bizarre incoherent mumbling and prepared pianos.
- Black and white, dark but with high contrast, and naturally grainy. Shooting on a really nice webcam, a camera I got for free that is a big stepup from my previous jazz kids camera. Despite that, I'll be using both cameras extensively.. multiple angles of the same scene! whoo!!! (expect me to abuse that big time -- it's just so cool to see the same shot from two different angles! What's better, I'll be getting ANOTHER camera soon, for free, plus I got my VHS recorder; can anyone say, SPLIT SCREEN FOUR ANGLE SHOT?!). I am shooting for the whole film to be in stop motion, and will probably speed up the entire film once it's finished. Also, thinking of transferring the whole film to vhs once it's finished, but not sure about that one yet either.
- The film is about a girl. She enjoys being strangled. She was in love with a painter (me) who is psychopathic and was locked up for years after burning down a school. Meanwhile, the insane art he makes is given to his friend as a gift... he gives him art that is a mix of slit wrist blood, semen, shit, piss, etc... his friend puts his signature on the paintings and hires an agent, and boom! Instant Art (that's "Art" with a CAPITAL A) star! Once the original dude finds out about this, he kills himself, so his "friend" is forced to take the DNA from a semen painting to make a clone. Also, God is a big talking cat. This will all be in the first, oh, 5 minutes.


Derek 09.28.2010 04:59 AM

That all sounds exciting Adam. I can't wait to see 'Exploding Head', 'Currently Untitled' blew my mind. If you're selling it $8 including shipping what would be the international shipping price?

atsonicpark 09.28.2010 05:05 AM

I'm not sure how I'm going to do do that stuff, honestly. I'd probably still only charge $8. BUT I'm worried -- if I burn a DVD, will it play in any DVD player in the world? I mean, obviously, every DVD I burn is region 0 -- but do I have to do something special since it will be played on PAL tv's (I think)? Uh, hm. Well, I've got some time to figure it out.

And, thanks, Derek, I appreciate the support, and help, and promotion, and everything else. MUTUAL AFFECTION.

Derek 09.28.2010 03:47 PM

If it's region 0 then it will work in a PAL DVD player. The only thing that will be effected is the screen ratio I think? I don't know. You could always send me something to try out for you if need be.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 09.28.2010 06:47 PM

I really like your new sig. What's the still from?

atsonicpark 09.28.2010 06:50 PM

right click->properties

Dr. Eugene Felikson 09.28.2010 06:57 PM


atsonicpark 10.01.2010 03:58 AM

30 second ad I did for some website.

atsonicpark 10.24.2010 11:08 AM

here's all my movies except for currently untitled on

and here's currently untitled:

and here's kyle's movie FRACTURE, aka "the Robe. movie".

I helped him out with this -- I act, do the music, and helped him with story, production, whatnot. He did the editing. No budget. If you're in begotten and so on, you'll dig.

Slowly working on a Scissor Shock movie for our 10 year anniversary.

finding nobody 10.24.2010 11:50 AM

Today was the first day I seen any your films. They're like interesting and cool (and artistic in the right way) versions of "artsy" films that I've seen made fun of on SNL among other shows/films. The way you made fit together is crazy too. Color me impressed
If you ever need any video (I've got a digi camara, no means of manipulating the footage though) or any music (just my favorite pedal fixed. and im looking for an excuse to bring the noise, also got violin, keyboards and other shit). I'd be happy to contribute annnyyything dude. Acutally, I might have a couple older videos you could alter and make more interesting. so lemme know

atsonicpark 11.05.2010 02:35 PM

Making a documentary on my friend's divorce after 26 years.

More soon!

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