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today i have spent lots of money on vinyl again
Glenn Branca / Lesson 1 Steve Reich / Berkley University Museum 1970 Rhys Chatham / Harmonie Du Soir Jim O Rourke / Simple Songs Jeff Mills / Alpha Centauri Elizabeth Dixon / ? Oto Hiax / s/t Vincente Bianchi's Orchestra / Music Of Peru VA (Editions Mego) / Charles Clapaud / Janez Maticic / Servio Tulio Marin / Eugeniusz Rudnik Rolf Julius / Lullaby For The Fishes Skudge / Ballancing Point Kompakt Total 16 compilation Kassel Jaeger / Stephan Mathieu / Akira Rabelais - Zauberberb Virile Games / Wounded Laurel Silent Servant / Negative Fascination The Caretaker / Everywhere At The End Of The Time Kevin Drum / Kitchen Dark Pool / Black Rain Vatican Shadow / Media In The Service Of Terror Simon Fisher Turner / Giraffe Andy Kaufman / Andy And His Grandmother |
Actually I finally bought the remastered version of 20 Jazz Funk Greats with the bonus disc after a recent discussion in one of these threads reminded me that In still didn't have it. Good old Throbbing Gristle man.
Then I bought the new Emptyset today, Border. Haven't had a listen yet, but soon. Soon. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Not my pics though. My hand is prettier. |
Afghan Whigs - Black Love (20th Anniversary Edition)
Guided By Voices - Cool Planet Wilco - Schmilco |
Oooh! Cool! I forgot about this one. |
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I dunno what else is in your collection, but these could be the most extraordinary purchases you've ever made. :) |
Almost nothing's in my collection anymore, my apartment got flooded last summer and 90% of my stuff ended ruined in shit water.
Call The Doctor is a repurchase, many things I will post here in the future will be. |
That's fucking awful. I'm sorry to hear it. I lost my collection about 12 years ago. Most of it anyway. Almost all the tapes, CD's and vinyl I'd collected over the first 20-something years of my life gone. Luckily I kept my "best of the best" collection separate, as that's all I was able to keep. I'm still playing catch-up, still re-buying albums. I also lost my entire SY collection once in a separate incident. That stung. |
Oh man, that's HORRIBLE. Just this morning I accidentally spilled some Coca-Cola on a couple of magazines and I went apeshit. If I lost a portion of my music collection like you did I would SHOOT myself in the HEAD. ![]() |
Sorry to hear that, Pony......curious about the album you miss the most? Quote:
Are You Sure About That (scroll down for video with sound) |
Christ on a STICK... :eek::(:mad: Well, I'd be dead, so it's not like I would be able to care about the mess... |
Some recent purchases that I've been enjoying:
Dull Knife - Dull Knife ![]() ![]() Rest - LA Lungs ![]() Tile III - Luciernaga ![]() |
I plead guilty of illiteracy. :confused: |
It does suck, but in the end it's only things and almost everything can be replaced. It was also kind of freeing, losing almost everything I owned. It just really sucked that I didn't have a place for a few weeks and that I have to live rather far out of the center of town now. But it's cheap and I can use the money. So that's that. I do get sad every now and then when I think "OH, I should put on record XY!" and realize that I don't have it anymore. But that's what spotify is for, I guess... My Sonic Youth collection is basically non-existent anymore. Have some records, was able to save my Psychic Hearts Vinyl.. but all the shirts, the rare trinkets, VHS', cassettes,... gone. BUT! it could be worse. Quote:
I only cried, like, 3 times after it happened. Life goes on and now I don't have so much stuff to carry whenever I decide to move houses again. My friends are really lazy haha Quote:
I don't think I *really* miss any of my records. Every now and then when I get into the mood to listen to a certain band and won't stop listening to them for a few days/weeks I sometimes think "Oh man, I used to own the record" and get sad. Most of the time, if the bank account allows for it, I just go out and get the record and the problem is solved. Right now I have this with Sweater-Kinney, which is why I bought the two albums this week. But there is still a lot missing. But it's okay. I have to learn to be patient, for now I have all the SK music files saved on my phone and listen to them on heavy rotation. Such a great band, makes me wanna jump around and do stuff! :) |
Here are two more I forgot about: The Hired Hands: A Tribute To Bruce Langhorn ![]() Naked Future - Gigantomachia ![]() |
:eek: FUCK. I feel like we should start a GoFundMe campaign for you. That's fucking devastating. I'm so so sorry. When I lost my SY albums, I didn't have a ton of money, and was inching my way through school. I did the least responsible thing possible and used my paycheck and a chunk of savings to go out and at least replace all the studio albums, like, as soon as I physically could. Now I probably wouldn't make the same call, but then it felt imparitive. Also, the SY stuff was stolen, so that made it worse. I never fully rebuilt my vinyl collection. :( I'm giving you rep because you're a fucking trooper. |
Isn't that a fuckin' Coldplay album? ...No, wait, that piece of shit is called X&Y. Phew! :D |
Oh, well, this one I do have. I'm not that illiterate. :) |
Two new releases I picked up yesterday
Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light and Love are Red Valleys of Blood * w/ Steve Shelley on drums The Feelies - In Between Enjoying both so far |
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My (apparently) purple Matador LP arrived on Tuesday to my U.S. undercover agent's HQ. You know what happens if the vinyl is actually green? I get tickets to the Spoon show of my choosing! (Dream on: there is —well, was— ONE green copy in the U.S. Matador online store; also just one in the UK store). My megatonic megabundle (CD plus tee plus mug plus postcard set plus enamel pin plus matchbox — I kid you not) hasn't shown up yet, probably due to them silly storms. Now, I did get the mp3s today. Haven't had a chance to listen to jack squat yet, but I was surprised by the metadata on these files. Wikipedia says everything's written by "Spoon" and I wonder whether that's how the credits appear on the official artwork. The tags indicate something else: five songs written by Daniel alone, one by Fischel/Daniel, and four songs co-written by Daniel and cats who are not bandmembers at all (three in total: Sean Dineen, Laura Pergolizzi and Ted Taforo). Also, that's Sharon Van Etten on "First Caress"! ![]() |
Wow. I just bought it on iTunes. I've had a bit of a financial setback lately, what with needing to buy a new furnace and all. The iTunes version came with a digital booklet. It's not very exciting, so I didn't look closely, but I will when I get home. I was honestly a wee bit disappointed by They Want My Soul. It was solid, but lacked some of the weirdness, studio tinkering, and marvelous negative space that makes for the spooniest Spoon. I'm reallly hoping this one is a bit more my speed. So far I'm liking it, but I haven't even listened to half of it yet. "Whisperilllistentohearit" has the exact kind of weirdness that I like in a Spoon track that was missing from TWMS. So I'm optimistic. Even if t disappoints, they've earned their stripes at this point man. They're simply one of the best pop bands of the last 40 years, and a lot of people still aren't hip to them. Hope you get a green vinyl. I've seen them enough myself. P.s. "Nobody Gets me But You" is their best song. That's peak Spoon. Also "The Ghost of You Lingers," "Metal Detektor," "The Underdog," "I Turn My Camera On" and "Don't Make Me a Target." Spoon. |
What a song, man. I'd dedicate it to my hawt shrink, give her a CD or something (hey, the album IS called Transference!) but apparently that'd be rather inappropriate. Hmm. Also, she's married, so... I have the Anti- edition of that disc, by the way — after "Nobody Gets Me But You" ends, there's a long silence (can't remember how long right now, but shorter than the one before Nevermind's "Endless, Nameless", to give you an idea) and then there's another bitchen song, "Mean Red Spider". https://www.discogs.com/Spoon-Transf...elease/2120356 |
Oh man, I didn't know about this. Which surprises me, and makes me a bit ashamed. There was a time when Spoon was, like, *my* band. Y'know when Modest Mouse started to eat shit for a living? It was around then. When Kill The Moonlight was still relatively new, but had already wormed its way into near-classic status. I won't say they ever took Sonic Youth's place, but they came close, just as Modest Mouse did before they turned into a bad joke. I'd been aware of them since A Series of Seaks, and I loved that album to death because I could hear bits and pieces of the Pixies and Pavement and even Slint in that record. So that blew my mind. I wasn't immediately thrilled with the sound they went to after that, but it grew on me, and when it did, it hit me hard. In fact, I guess you could say everything hit at once ... AH-HAHAHA-TUT-TUT!!! ;) Eventually I'd Associated virtually all of my favorite Spoon songs with one heartbreak or another, and I had to kind of take a break. I don't listen to them a ton anymore, but when I do, I'm still just shocked at how totally on-point they've been at virtually every stage of their career. They're also one of the best live bands I've seen. Something strange about seeing them on Kimmel with people screaming and shit. Remember when those guys couldn't get the mainstream music press to give them the time of day? Even after KTM, I'd go see them in a club and the floor would be about ⅓ full in some cases. |
Remarkably consistent band. Britt Daniels' songwriting has finally gotten the recognition and respect it deserves this past decade and he continues to be backed by one of the strongest rhythm sections working today.
Hot Thoughts is excellent and I like it better than TWMS. I put it on level with Transference happens to be one of my favorites of theirs. |
Oh man, I couldn't agree more. I really couldn't get that into TWMS. I waited for that album with this frenzied anticipation; the kind that I honestly don't experience much with rock music anymore. I think many of us worried that Spoon was done during that uncharacteristically lengthy period of inactivity after Transference (which is definitely one of my favorites as well, though it wasn't at first), and in the months leading up to TWMS, I thought something fucking critical was going to happen. Something major. Another milestone hard left of an album in the tradition of Girls Can Tell and Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. But when it did come out, it sounded Spoony and stuff, but something was missing. More than anything, I think that album lacked the "negative space" element I mentioned earlier. That remarkable use of silence in the space between notes... the reverb... the organized clutter that makes the intro of "Paper Tiger," or the piano squall in "Nobody Gets Me..." or all of "The Ghost of You Lingers" so goddamn great. TWMS didn't have any moments like those that just tickle your senses in the best possible way. Very little of it stood out to me at all. It's not bad... but I haven't felt compelled to revisit it much in the past 3 years. Hot Thoughts is Spoon, returning, triumphant, in full form. I finally got a chance to listen to it all yesterday while I was working, and it made me stop what I was doing several times just to savor the moments. It closes with a freaking subdued free jazz/rags hybrid thing. Lovely! And "I Ain't the One" has all the markings of Britt's incredible ear for strange hooks and elegant storytelling. It's way better than TWMS and it has me excited about listening to it more and uncovering its depths and stumbling into its weird, dark corners. Good fuckin' shit. :) |
By the way, I think these are my favorite spoon albums (not sure where Hot Thoughts ranks yet):
1. Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga 2. A Series of Sneaks 3. Transference 4. Gimme Fiction 5. Kill the Moonlight 6. Girls Can Tell 7. Telephono 8. They Want My Soul ETA: I probably don't actually like Telephono more than TWMS if I'm being 100% honest. As an album, it's probably a stronger release. I just have a soft spot for "The Government Darling," and "Dismember," and a few other cuts. As embryonic albums go, Telephone gets a bit of a bad rap. It's WAAAY better than Pablo Honey. But I probably would put TWMS above it if nostalgia wasn't such a strong factor. |
Eric's 2012 album Lake Disappointment is available for a name-your-price via Bandcamp in lossless quality (also lossy if you're a mook): http://ericharvey.com/album/lake-disappointment Don't be a dick; pay! PAY SOMETHING! The CD is freakin' sold out, unfortunately. |
just pre-oredered Aaron Turner and William Fowler Collins collab. Thalassa coming out on Siege Records limited to 300 copies after hearing their new track. dark ambient drone minimalism in its finest.
http://www.self-titledmag.com/2017/0...halassa-album/ |
lengthy samples for each of these, just click on the album cover just ordered EWR 1701/02. I think the uniform packaging works well, it's better than Tzadik, imo. maybe it's just the typography/fonts |
Jlin - Black Origami (Planet Mu)
It's very, very fucking good. Been waiting a while for this. ![]() |
Before that I bought the new Thurston's Rock N' Roll Consciousness and Actress - AZD
hey seriously can any of you guys help me find a pressed silver disc bootleg of Smashing Pumpkin's Machina II/The Friends & Enemies Of Modern Music? I feel like these may have been more common in Europe than in the US maybe.
I used the interwebs. https://www.discogs.com/Smashing-Pum.../master/199217 If this is worth $50 to you, I'm staging an intervention. |
click further https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?ma...d=199217&ev=mb none of those are the silver CD. All copies for sale are vinyl or a lone CDR. I've checked Discogs daily for weeks. Machina II is awesome tho. |
tell me u don't like this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENRwjnUVSag
I don't like that song. Sorry dude. I probably would have liked it at least a little bit when it came out, but I was pretty darn sick of the Pumpkins by this point. It was depressing to see them try to reassert their dominance with a return to RAWK-type stuff!!! I know "Everlasting Gaze" and the tepid, awful "Stand inside your love" did get some airplay at the time, but it still felt like a total death rattle. I was largely over alt stuff and fully embracing the wonders of Fugazi, Shellac, Braniac, Modest Mouse, etc. by this point. |
hmm. Weird. When it came out I remember all my snobby indie-only friends giving Machina II a pass. Maybe it was the novelty of a band like SP giving away a free album (which of course sounds like no big deal in 2017). But I always thought Machina II was superior to Machina. And "Dross" was/is my favorite song on there. I always kind of thought it one of those SP songs that anyone/everyone would like. You shot a hole in that 17 year old theory. Oh well.
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