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h8kurdt 11.03.2019 04:25 AM

Just watching Farage on Marr now. His promise that he'll have 150 people running in different constituents within the next five weeks is odd. Does he have the numbers a people to do that. Why anyone would vote for a party that is just based around one thing and one thing only is baffling. Farage is a massive con and anyone who says otherwise is blind. The very fact the guy won't stand says it all.

Interesting to see the conservative scrabbling by offering massive funding for the NHS, the forces etc. Yet it was his party that decimated those services. Also, was reading how their ploy of banning fracking is a total farce. The guy who wrote the conservative manifesto is a fracking lobbyist! They might as well say "We'll ban fracking just until next year though"

_tunic_ 11.03.2019 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Why anyone would vote for a party that is just based around one thing and one thing only is baffling.

Oh Dutch politics is full of it:
Party For The Animals
Party For The Elderly
Party For The Pirates
Party For The Party ("The Party of the Future aimed for a future in which it would be "Every day party, for everyone".")

!@#$%! 11.03.2019 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Oh Dutch politics is full of it:
Party For The Animals
Party For The Elderly
Party For The Pirates
Party For The Party ("The Party of the Future aimed for a future in which it would be "Every day party, for everyone".")

party for the elderly party animals


fight nursing home oppression!

_tunic_ 11.03.2019 08:15 AM


Well, we also have the Party Animals but they are not really political.

tw2113 11.03.2019 06:09 PM

thanks bluechew!

h8kurdt 11.04.2019 08:30 AM

James O'Brien does his usual thing of decimating a Farage follower.

It'd be funny if it wasn't for the fact that so many people believe Farage's half truths and outright lies. He's made a career out of it and it's damaged this country massively.

How anyone can still trust anything the man says is beyond me and makes me question their mental capacity for fact checking. For what it's worth, you can switch Farage in the above paragraphs to Johnson and it'd still hold true.

!@#$%! 11.04.2019 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
James O'Brien does his usual thing of decimating a Farage follower.

It'd be funny if it wasn't for the fact that so many people believe Farage's half truths and outright lies. He's made a career out of it and it's damaged this country massively.

How anyone can still trust anything the man says is beyond me and makes me question their mental capacity for fact checking. For what it's worth, you can switch Farage in the above paragraphs to Johnson and it'd still hold true.

wow. i watched it and... wow.

demonrail666 11.11.2019 02:27 PM

Looks like the Boris-Farage pact is happening. Brexit Party now only standing in Labour constituencies that voted majority leave and not contesting in Tory held seats at all.

!@#$%! 11.11.2019 02:33 PM

i read about it this morning

have not looked at the currency market response to the news, but while this used to be a straight up brexit-no brexit thing, now corbyn is also bad for the pound.

let’s see...

yep, shot higher...

!@#$%! 11.11.2019 05:05 PM

some serious clusterfuck in bolivia today after evo resigned last night under pressure for his fraudulent reelection

who’s in charge?

good question..

h8kurdt 11.13.2019 11:16 AM

Elon Musk has said Brexit was the reason why he's chosen to have a Tesla factory in Berlin over the U.k. That's another company who's investment has been moved to somewhere else because of Brexit. Along with Dyson, Nissan and the rest.

Really turned out great hasn't it.

!@#$%! 11.13.2019 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Elon Musk has said Brexit was the reason why he's chosen to have a Tesla factory in Berlin over the U.k. That's another company who's investment has been moved to somewhere else because of Brexit. Along with Dyson, Nissan and the rest.

Really turned out great hasn't it.

nissan yes, but i thought that dyson had moved to singapore for other reasons (taxes? global reach? i forget. i think the move was planned pre-brexit.)

as for tesla to berlin, interesting move, because german car manufacturers are probably his #1 competition (or potential ally, depends). i mean, germans really know how to make cars. tesla is great at making batteries— cars not so much really, hype aside. and germans have not made big moves toward electric yet.

im trying to reconnect my brain to the global information networks right now so a sincere thanks for posting this (use dr. mc coy’s voice) stimulant.

ilduclo 11.13.2019 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
some serious clusterfuck in bolivia today after evo resigned last night under pressure for his fraudulent reelection

who’s in charge?

good question..

looks like Jeeezus (and reactionaries)

!@#$%! 11.13.2019 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
looks like Jeeezus (and reactionaries)

oh right i saw her little speech when she assumed presidency of the SENATE, talking about "la biblia," and that's when i hanged up on the youtube lol. wtf. evangelical takeover? don't know much about her.

anyway evo has done many good things, but wanting to be president for life isn't one of them, especially after he was told "no" by referendum.

the pendulum swings again...

demonrail666 11.13.2019 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

Really turned out great hasn't it.

So what do you hope will happen 12th Dec, and what do you think will happen?

h8kurdt 11.14.2019 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
nissan yes, but i thought that dyson had moved to singapore for other reasons (taxes? global reach? i forget. i think the move was planned pre-brexit.)

as for tesla to berlin, interesting move, because german car manufacturers are probably his #1 competition (or potential ally, depends). i mean, germans really know how to make cars. tesla is great at making batteries— cars not so much really, hype aside. and germans have not made big moves toward electric yet.

im trying to reconnect my brain to the global information networks right now so a sincere thanks for posting this (use dr. mc coy’s voice) stimulant.

Bit of an odd coincidence that the guy who pushed hard for Brexit and how it'd be great for business has suddenly decided to up and leave for Singapore. Whilst it may not be the only factor in leaving the UK brexit will surely dictate a big portion of his decision. However, if it wasn't then change Dyson to Sony.

h8kurdt 11.14.2019 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
So what do you hope will happen 12th Dec, and what do you think will happen?

What do I hope? A labour win of course or a labour/lib Dem coalition.. How anyone can still vote for conservatives is beyond me tbh. Then again, people are easily swayed by blatant lies from the media I guess. Michael Gove shuffles out blithering and blathering random nonsense, Johnson ambles into a town devastated by floods acting like he's going to sort it out. Only to be told by the locals he's a bit late for all that. All the while he holds back a report on russian interference cos it implicates the conservative party are big receivers of this interference. Patel, daughter of immigrants, spouts nonsense about how if Labour got into power they'd let in 840,000 people. A number seemingly pulled out of her black hole of an ass. Sorry for a minute there I lost myself.

As for what do I expect to happen? Narrow conservative win with maybe a couple more seats from last time round. Although no one can predict how this one will go.

How bout you?

demonrail666 11.14.2019 09:35 AM

I want a Tory majority, not just because of Brexit but cos as bad as Boris clearly is, I'd sooner take my chances with him than with a puppet-Corbyn government that has Momentum pulling his strings, John McDonnell in charge of the economy and Diane Abbott as home secretary.

h8kurdt 11.14.2019 09:52 AM

Surely the point that everything is costed and accounted for by Labour shows that that their budget plans aren't just pie in the sky? The consersatives are panicking and Javid has suddenly decided that their decade of austerity isn't needed anymore so they can spend big. Without offering any suggestions on how to pay for it though.

Rather have Momentum supposedly pulling the strings than a government guilty of Russian interference and in the grip of big business only looking out for themselves. You know as well as I do that Britain leaving the EU plays right into their hands to tear up workers rights and environmental laws. Surely you'd rather have a party that actually wants to keep the NHS and thriving rather than be slowly torn apart?

This is conservative party that has so far seen a massive rise in homelessness and with zero intention of changing that. A shocking rise in food banks being used and again, with no intention of sorting that out. All of these things have happened under the conservatives and with no change in sight.

The idea of "well rather take my chances with ... than Corbyn" has been an absolute shit excuse so far. It hasn't worked with May, it didn't work with Cameron and nothing is going to change with Johnson.

Even the markets are starting to realise that a Corbyn led government wouldn't be the end of times as some people are led to believe

!@#$%! 11.14.2019 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

Even the markets are starting to realise that a Corbyn led government wouldn't be the end of times as some people are led to believe

oh, damn, i no longer have a subscription to that. copypasta, por favor?

!@#$%! 11.14.2019 09:59 AM

i went googling for “diane abbot” because i don’t know her, and found this:

what’s supposed to be wrong with it?

h8kurdt 11.14.2019 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, damn, i no longer have a subscription to that. copypasta, por favor?

Here you go


Markets are warming towards Jeremy Corbyn.

Yes, you read that right. In a sign of just how unpredictable UK markets have become, analysts are starting to believe that the diehard socialist leader of the Labour party could be just what sterling needs in this, its darkest hour.

The country is certainly putting investors through their paces with a series of political shocks and confusion, taken lately to a new level by plans for a general election and plans to suspend parliament. By comparison, the shake-up in UK markets when the 2010 election produced a hung parliament now looks like a twee outbreak of pearl-clutching.

“With the UK’s autumn political storm now breaking out in full force, this may prompt ‘peak uncertainty’ hopes . . . Investors might now look forward to the dust settling and knowing where we stand,” said Christopher Granville, managing director at TS Lombard. “The UK outlook is, instead, utterly imponderable.”

$1.20 has now become the new line in the sand for the pound, which pivoted around $1.60 for most of the post-financial crisis era. An alarming flash crash a few months after the Brexit referendum sent the pound very briefly under $1.15, but this week’s nadir — just under $1.20 — has not been familiar territory for sterling since Frankie Goes to Hollywood took Welcome to the Pleasuredome close to the top of the UK pop charts. (That was 1985, for those too forgetful or too young to recall.)

UK manufacturing data earlier this week suggested that a feeble currency is doing little to lift the economy. So, how could Mr Corbyn help?

To the extent that markets paid attention to UK politics over the bulk of the past two decades before the Brexit vote, the mantra has always, crudely, been “Tories Good, Labour Bad”.

“The markets wouldn’t be keen,” noted Capital Economics’ Paul Dales, “but if Labour came to power before the 31 October or after another Brexit delay, its opposition to a no-deal Brexit would remove a near-term downside risk to the economy. And, by removing further uncertainty, its support for either a softer Brexit or no Brexit at all would boost the economy in the medium term.”

Oliver Harvey, a forex strategist at Deutsche Bank, broadly agrees. “Some market participants have expressed concerns that the election of . . . Corbyn as prime minister could be negative for UK asset prices, particularly sterling,” he said. “We believe these fears could be overstated.”

Whatever the long-term implications for sterling, an ascent to power for Mr Corbyn would likely mean “the pound would benefit if the risk of a no-deal Brexit is removed and a closer UK-EU relationship looks more likely,” said Mr Dales.

Already, the parliamentary drama that lines up the chance of a general election has helped to boost sterling from its lows. It climbed 0.8 per cent on Wednesday morning. New rules clearly apply.

!@#$%! 11.14.2019 03:52 PM

wow! thanks!

i must spread more spread

_tunic_ 11.16.2019 05:32 AM

Tonight there will be an interview on the BBC2 with Prince Andrew about the Epstein affair and his role in it. Of course he denies ever meeting the woman.

_tunic_ 11.16.2019 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Tonight there will be an interview on the BBC2 with Prince Andrew about the Epstein affair and his role in it. Of course he denies ever meeting the woman.

I only saw the second part of the interview but Oh my god, what a load of bullcrap
- I couldn't sweat at that time because I was shot during the Falkland War
- the photograph is fake because I wasn't wearing a suit
- I was at that house but never went upstairs

!@#$%! 11.16.2019 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
I only saw the second part of the interview but Oh my god, what a load of bullcrap
- I couldn't sweat at that time because I was shot during the Falkland War
- the photograph is fake because I wasn't wearing a suit
- I was at that house but never went upstairs

i don't follow celebrity news although this is more of a crime beat.

could you please summarize the story? just 3 lines for the uninformed.

_tunic_ 11.17.2019 01:39 AM


In the middle is a woman that under oath claimed she had sex with Prince Andrew when she was 17, at the time the picture was taken. On the left is Prince Andrew who claims he doesn't remember ever meeting her, the picture is fake for a whole bunch of reasons that are all sucked out of his or his lawyers thumb. The arm around her waist is not his, he wasn't wearing a suit and he always wears suits at parties because he is a royal, Epstein never took photos etc etc etc
On the right is the girlfriend or wife of Epstein who introduced them to each other.

For a longer story check the link I supplied. Or this transcript of the interview

!@#$%! 11.17.2019 06:50 AM

oh right right i do see ghislaine maxwell (i know about this thing, just didnt know about “royals,” i usually skip those parts).

prince andrew... is this the the guy who flew a chopper in the falklands or somethinf, and was the boyfriend of a porno lady? (seems i knew something after all hahaha... ages ago).

ah the royals lololol

i did like elizabeth hurley as queen :D


so he’s kind of an uncle cyrus.... xD

(he does looked a bit photoshoped there, hahaha, but down with the monarchy either way)

ps- i must spread more spread, thanks

_tunic_ 11.17.2019 08:21 AM

Was Sarah Ferguson a pornlady? Must check pornhub.....

Anyway, the reviews of the interview were not very positive. Here's one of them:
,, I expected a train accident. But this was a plane that flew into an oil tanker, creating a tsunami that caused a nuclear explosion, so bad, "said royalty journalist Charlie Proctor.

His PR guy resigned two weeks ago because he was against the interview.

!@#$%! 11.17.2019 08:38 AM

no ferguson person, one koo stark (that’s a memorable name or what)

apparently it was an “avante garde” movie and not a porno and she won a lawsuit for defamation or something like that for 50 years of bad publicity

_tunic_ 11.17.2019 08:48 AM

I was kidding about Fergie but didn't know. It's mentioned in this article, at 25th item

!@#$%! 11.17.2019 10:03 AM

the only fergie i know of is one who pissed her pants or something. from some horrible band?

im so out of the loop :D

h8kurdt 11.19.2019 12:18 PM

Johnson/Corbyn televisied debate is on tonight at 9. Gonna be interesting one for sure. Almost to do a drinking game of it.

Everytime Johnson moves from an unrelated topic to Brexit take a drink

Everytime Corbyn says "for the many not the few" take a drink

Everytime nuclear bombs and would Corbyn set one off take two drinks.

Gonna be HAMMERED by the end of the night.

demonrail666 11.19.2019 01:36 PM

My liver couldn't take it

!@#$%! 11.19.2019 02:08 PM

i wish i had time to watch this

h8kurdt 11.19.2019 04:58 PM

Well my first one of Johnson talking about Brexit on an unrelated matter would have killed me if I'd played the drinking game.

!@#$%! 11.19.2019 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Well my first one of Johnson talking about Brexit on an unrelated matter would have killed me if I'd played the drinking game.

you could have played with tea maybe or...


demonrail666 11.19.2019 06:34 PM

I think most people had made their minds up before the debate and nothing I saw tonight makes me think there'll be much switching of sides.

Boris flapped about like a naughty schoolboy trying to talk his way out of a detention. Corbyn was more polished (hardly difficult next to Boris) and predictably scored points on the NHS, but he probably lost whatever advantage that might've given him with his continued failure to really say where he stands on Brexit. And I just don't see his commitment to a 4 day week being a vote winner.

h8kurdt 11.20.2019 06:01 AM

Can't disagree with any of those points tbh. Interesting point is that Corbyn should ha e jumped at the question about honesty and pointed out that Johnson lied to the queen for his gain. Missed opportunity.

Also, Johnson somehow totally fluffed up the two easiest questions of the night "what would you give the opposition fro Christmas" and "which world leader do you admire right now".

demonrail666 11.20.2019 08:22 PM

I agree Boris' answers to the christmas gift and world leader questions were banal, but why is there this increasing need to give over valuable time to questions that are themselves banal? They only had an hour together. Why waste any of it on this shit? The same with that cringey moment half way through where she got them to shake hands. And the crowd jeering and cheering for their favourite. It's like we've imported the worst side of American political campaigning. Did anyone see that Macron - Le Pen debate a few years ago? No 'look-at-me' moderators. No studio audience. Just them in a room, discussing policy. If we're gonna have these tv debates I'd much rather they were like that than what we got last night.

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