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ilduclo 08.21.2016 03:35 PM

real good article here

pepper_green 08.21.2016 03:57 PM

good article but it only says what most think anyway. it started with megalomaniacal billionaire and ended with no progress at all. you can't put yrself in the head of an insane rich person like that. just like you couldn't guess what Hillary's vagina feels like.

bore. who you voting for? you'd be better off not voting at all. take advantage of what America has to offer and don't add no influence. it's already set up for you to achieve and be successful. let the others drown themselves in political self involved selfishness that has no point at all. you can achieve anything without the system in america. if yr not in office I don't trust yr opinion on anything...fuck off.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 04:10 PM

and fuck off!

pepper_green 08.21.2016 04:47 PM

free health care to all. food for the homeless and poor. equal opportunities for everyone of all races. this is what I would do if I was in office. in a hundred 50 years who's done this before it was too late? some have tried... yet problems exist. do you think technology will end this?

it's all a bore and entropy at it's worse. it's a bore to read yr opinions it's bore because you can't do nothing about it.

vote. vote yr little ass off till it's raw. society has provided you with the option and this forum has giving you the freedom for expression.

ilduclo 08.21.2016 04:53 PM

little weirdy

The Soup Nazi 08.21.2016 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
little weirdy

Yeah, let's not feed the troll though.


pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:09 PM


piss off. you troll everytime you post in this thread.

I would love for you to post endless useless articles inciting boring debates again.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:14 PM

I took a shit today and Trump said something.

Soup, what will you do if you were president? is Trump really a serious contender for the Republican nomination? yes he is.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
don't let the Gore election fool y'all, Bush only "won" because the country was doing so well and Bush advertised himself as a moderate conservative with social values, basically the polar opposite of the Trump campaign. people took the gamble on Bush because less seemed on the line at the time. now? trump supporters are only the 5 minutes till midnight crowd, hyper partisan hyper negative constituency.

only Nixon won on that ticket and frankly that is because most of the country resented the civil rights movement.

i think Trump will continue to hover around 35-40% and that is strictly because of partisan voting block.

Hillary already has that number on lock and all the jaded Bernie fanboys will inevitably vote for her too, so she will probably lock up over 50% and Barry O only needed 53% against a much more popular and electable Mitt Romney.

now personally the bigger problem with Hillary is she is going to have a weak mandate for essentially a NeverTrump platform. bitch could fuck around and sneak in all kinds of crazy shit.

i do believe Democrats will clean house across the board, Congress, Senate, state governors, state legislatures, even mayors and municipalities..

Republican brand destroying itself by abandoning its core values. good riddance

what you gonna do about this Soup? feed the poor? so involved in something you wish you could do something about.

the fact is: you can't do SHIT!!! your a politician straining yr intellect for acceptance.

ilduclo 08.21.2016 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi


hey, those are good scandinavian trolls! I like that kind

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:29 PM

that's racist. why don't they call them by their names instead of referencing them as TROllS?

that's like if I was black and they typed BLACK on the/tha mug shot thingy mugingy.

fucking racist. Trump and Hillary should rot in hell. FUCK politics.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:35 PM

Soup rage against the machine Nazi. what you gonna do bout this?

yr opinion please. are you gonna vote?

not me. i'll be taking a shit that night and fucking yr mother.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:41 PM

im voting for my mother. even if she isn't a candidate. im going to walk up there. jack off on the screen cumming a big load and hand them a little piece of paper with my mothers name it. Oedipus complex aside your pervert.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hahaha -- as deleuze and guattari put it so well, the paranoid is the fascist

but beware of the danger of not seeing the opponent's perspective-- this is what happened with the brexit-- politicians failing to understand legitimate popular concerns.

both corporate parties have obscured their failure to cope with the challenges that technology and globalization have brought the middle and working classes. the promised land of endless service jobs did not arrive.

where other first-wold countries (e.g. germany) have prospered through a combination of industrial transformation and the concerted cultivation of a highly capable workforce, here in 'merica workers were abandoned to "free market" forces while the young were given infinite debt for random and useless inflated college degrees-- hello indentured servitude.

so while benito drumpf is a fucking casino conman with no real solutions, he's clever enough to speak to disenfranchised workers and appeal to their emotions. same as bernied did from the left. but he won his nomination.

the jobs created arent that great or else get eaten by debt, unemployment doesnt account for withdrawal from the workforce, the deficit may have shrunk but debt has skyrocketed, obamacare is the greatest policy achievement of the century but far from perfect and always under threat and costs keep rising, and we're forever entangled with the middle east in a permanent hatefuck--- now it's isis this and isis that and more surveillance and never-ending war and chinese money burnt on military hardware.

of course voting for clinton/kaine is a matter of duty at this point, and anyone saying otherwise is delusional. but damn, i feel that hillary is gonna pull a gore and we'll end up with some nostradamus-level shitstorm of the millenium.

i console myself only with the thought that human mass extinction will be a great thing for the planet.

that's awesome. so where you going to take yr thoughts to? mass extinction? I sometimes agree. awesome post.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
sometimes you just need to shut the fuck up

eat shit!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.21.2016 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
what you gonna do about this Soup? feed the poor? so involved in something you wish you could do something about.

the fact is: you can't do SHIT!!! your a politician straining yr intellect for acceptance.

hey jackass Soup Nazi didn't post that analysis, i did ;)

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:50 PM

hey jackass, I know. I just wanted to know his opinion on it.

im terrorising this bullshit thread to the end.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 05:54 PM

so who you voting for? what's you opinions on society? unlock my brain. make me care.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 06:06 PM

let's have an circle jerk.

first you start jerking, then softly jack off Soup, then instead of jackin me off, you could give me massive heavy head while #%^&$ watches. then, we all cum together and the government is cured of all discrimination . then dead_battery comes the hardest. blows his load all over our faces. we all win a prize with a free copy of Critque of Political Economy. Fox News is there to. mainly to get the details of the circle jerk and the gayness.

Genteel Death watches the broadcast and is so turned on he calls ex boyfriend from 1998 to rub him off.

louder and Severian argue about boring hip hop and the world goes around.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 06:18 PM

so who u voting for?

pepper_green 08.21.2016 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
hey guys when does the Trump Vs Clinton debates starting? are there gonna be any? this will be most spectacular show ever...



ok! yes and no. brief political comment. yays. and bores feed the dog. the debates will start anytime now.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 06:32 PM

what a waste of yr time. you got to hit that pussy raw

tw2113 08.21.2016 06:41 PM

the ramblings of a voter :D

pepper_green 08.21.2016 06:53 PM

so boring. politics are boring. when I take a shit I think to myself that im glad im not voting. when I wash my hands I then consider. why should I wash this shit from my hands?

voting is like diarrhea. it hurts but you must decide to carry on or act now. what if I don't act now and just shit in my pants?

I choose to act now instead of shitting in my pants.

you guys can continue to discuss the diarrhea emanating from yr brains but, there is only one solution...flush it down the drain and forget about it. like an asshole.

pepper_green 08.21.2016 07:09 PM


pepper_green 08.21.2016 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Trump has publicly and repeatedly denounced the NRA? Hillary has spoken of building a wall across Mexico? Links please.

If you really feel they're all the same, then do the world a solid and just vote Dem. If you don't really care, then this is a simple request. Much obliged.

you seem to have strong opinions. im guessing links please. are you bowed legged? your obligations are served. i vote in the middle which will serve to prove to be your mother.

here's the link: me, yr mother, and handsome you.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.21.2016 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
so who u voting for?

if you scroll back several pages you will find that information and its by no means a secret

pepper_green 08.21.2016 07:50 PM

I've LOLed some much in the past two hours my stomach hurts. feel like I've been working out.

really, no really, thanks for the comedy guys. really!:D


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.21.2016 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
I've LOLed some much in the past two hours my stomach hurts. feel like I've been working out.

really, no really, thanks for the comedy guys. really!:D


don't worry we have too but unfortunately solely at your expense. look i like you my brother but honestly and frankly you have a serious drinking problem. ill pray for you (sincerely)

The Soup Nazi 08.23.2016 05:26 PM

From Politicus US/The Washington Post/The Huffington Post:


Trump Has Pocketed Nearly 8 Million Dollars Of Donor Money While Running For President
Trump is living large on other people's money, as he's taking millions of dollars that are supposed to be used to build his presidential campaign and instead giving it to his own companies.

Of course, one could say that whoever gives money to Donald fucking Trump deserves to be ripped off anyway...

The Soup Nazi 08.23.2016 08:14 PM


How can Minnesota be just "likely Democratic"? It has voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in 13 out of the last 14 elections (the fucked up exception being Nixon in '72). That's 52 freakin' years! Only state to NOT vote for goddamn Cristiano Ronaldo Reagan!

d.sound 08.24.2016 08:01 AM

i've been a news junkie for over a decade. with any election, it becomes irritating towards the end. this election turned me off quicker than any other. i'm already sick of it. donald trump says something and then flip flops, and then flip flops again. hillary says the same defensive lines as if we weren't paying attention when she perjured herself in front of congress. her current strategy is to stay out of the news. an al gore or john kerry would be more exciting to vote for.

for the record, i'm throwing my vote away to jill stein. even she's not a perfect candidate, but who the fuck else is there to vote for?

evollove 08.24.2016 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by d.sound
for the record, i'm throwing my vote away to jill stein.

What state do you live in? Because either "Way to go" or else "You're an asshole."

Did you hear that episode of On the Media a few weeks ago?

"The Lesser Evil" and "Voting From the Head, Not the Heart" are especially relevant pieces.

ilduclo 08.24.2016 01:34 PM

yeah, if you're in either a solid red or solid blue state (I'm in Oregon, so I could conceivably cast a protest vote and it wouldn't mean jack). I did so in the primary for Sanders, to try to convince the Dem party that peace and wealth redistribution are important. There's a good youtube from Noam Chomsky as to why he's voting Clinton. I used to love voting in the COMPLETELY OPEN Washington state primary. I'd often times vote for the most bizzarrro Republican in hopes that they would ascend and then get hammered in the general. It was a magical thing to see, I'll tell ya.

to address the electoral vote deal, the 538 blog has it

Clinton 353, Trump 184.5 and Johnson 0.5

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.24.2016 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
What state do you live in? Because either "Way to go" or else "You're an asshole."

Did you hear that episode of On the Media a few weeks ago?

"The Lesser Evil" and "Voting From the Head, Not the Heart" are especially relevant pieces.

i don't like this manipulative approach. if people want to vote their conscience they should not be in anyway judged or blamed. if folks want to increase support for a particular candidate then they should focus on that and not on browbeating those who choose not to or who choose to support a different candidate. this is a fundamental premise of any idea of democracy

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.24.2016 01:48 PM

also while i totally believe Overlord Hillary will crush Trump in electoral votes i should say i been reading 538 for several years now and they are always more or less full of shit and shouldnt ever be taken necessarily more seriously than the onion

dead_battery 08.24.2016 02:03 PM

trump will be a disaster and every sane person wants clinton but at a certain point you have to understand that people get sick of the blackmail of voting for the least worst. more poverty, more trillions on lost wars all so these deranged and deluded elites can live in their senile fantasy worlds.

at what point does it stop? are we supposed to just keep voting for the slightly less insane and destructive candidate? nothing will be solved until we make decisions with computers rather than brains imo

d.sound 08.24.2016 02:13 PM

i live in columbus ohio. overwhlemingly democratic/hillary district. the whole state is going to be hers anyway.
i want to send a message.

The Soup Nazi 08.24.2016 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by d.sound
i live in columbus ohio.


!@#$%! 08.24.2016 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
trump will be a disaster and every sane person wants clinton but at a certain point you have to understand that people get sick of the blackmail of voting for the least worst. more poverty, more trillions on lost wars all so these deranged and deluded elites can live in their senile fantasy worlds.

at what point does it stop? are we supposed to just keep voting for the slightly less insane and destructive candidate? nothing will be solved until we make decisions with computers rather than brains imo

but you don't vote in 'merica, and this is different from the parliamentary system where your MPs get a prime minister

the issue here is that "big tent" parties absorb broad factions and the presidential election ends up being more or less the mathematical equivalent of a runoff election (not quite, but sort of).

it's not a great system because it drowns out everything but the most conservative voices. for example, bernie sanders goes from democratic runner-up to being a nobody, rather than stay as leader of the social democrats and take part in a coalition government with the let's call them hillariites.

then again it also helps prevent a madman minority from hijacking their coalition and projecting more power than the votes it gets as it often happens with the ultrareligious parties in israel. the tea party faction tried to become something like that within the republicans, actually, and it's what has been fracturing them since.

we're already being governed by computers, more or less. the thing is, it's people who program them for their own ends.

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