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Rob Instigator 02.13.2014 02:27 PM

Black and white abstracts are some of themost difficult to do, and why I love so many of the abstract expressionists who worked that way, Franz Kline most of all. He was a bad ass and reproductions in books do not do his work justice. The MFAHouston has some sweet Klines.

Motherwell did a ton of black n white abstract and he too started adding tiny bits of color.


Nefeli 02.13.2014 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
^^ i really like those. i can't see the light on them.

do you mean how to make them shine on the paint itself or in the photo?

well in the paint itself.
the brighter parts dont looks as bring in reality.
from those shitty pics you lose things like texture etc, but they give it light although i dont use flash.


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
Thanks Nefeli!
I really appreciate your thoughts! Haha, the sound at min 2 is basically tormenting strings with an electric nosehair razor.
I agree with the too clean guitar stuff going on at around 7:30.

My favourite one of the pictures you just posted is probably the 3rd one in your first post. It's dark, kinda scary. I like that. I have no idea how to make shinny white colours. You could try using sperm.
Then again, better not. It stinks and there always seem to be annoying factor in it's production.

I also like the first one. Somehow kinda spacey and rough! I can imagine it hanging in the cockpit of Serenity from Firefly.

that Alasehir video is probably my favourite thing on youtube. I watch it at least once a week. so good.

many good words in your reply:
tormenting strings
use sperm (an excuse to have sex is always welcomed- seriously though i ll try some glue! seems more luckily to get glue soon than sperm).
serenity firefly
and right, you are the other person who has that clip as favorite!
my other favorite thing on utube is this:

and Rob i love Franz Kline
i was looking at him again last night after all that and this is probably my fav of him

!@#$%! 02.13.2014 03:40 PM

@nefeli - ah… i wasn't sure if you were speaking about the canvas itself or the light bulbs on the photo.

for the canvas maybe use a clear gloss acrylic medium/ gloss topcoat/ gloss varnish?

for photos i've had semi good luck using diffused floods w/ color balanced globes and a studio stand (this one costs $). but even on a wall a couple of used scoops are cheap and the globes are cheap too but last only 2h maybe and the color balanced light makes all the difference. these are continuous lights not flashes.

like these: l

plus maybe these:

demonrail666 02.13.2014 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
this is a part of larger one; the large isnt ok. this part somehow works.


and this


--- a side and very serious problem with all that i need to solve is how to make the shinny parts really shinny. cuz thats just the light. they need light to show.

You could try applying something like Damar varnish. Most people use it all over for a 'finished' look, but there's nothing to stop you only applying it to the areas you want to brighten up. Only problem using it this way is the results aren't totally predictable and if you don't like the effect it's hard to correct afterwards.

Rob Instigator 02.13.2014 04:31 PM

any varnish you apply over the paint will yellow with time. even acrylic gloss varnish.

oh for the toxic days of pure white paint made with lead. ;)

!@#$%! 02.13.2014 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
any varnish you apply over the paint will yellow with time. even acrylic gloss varnish.

even good shit like golden? even acrylic mediums? even the good stuff?


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
oh for the toxic days of pure white paint made with lead. ;)

i love oil pastels but all the good colors come with a cancer warning.

Rob Instigator 02.13.2014 04:42 PM

all of them, will yellow with time. varnishes and glosses are polymer compounds, whether natural or synthetic, and will all yellow and crackle.

Oil paint is good stuff, but so many colors are either toxic or mildly radioactive. Cobalt Blue, chromium red, lead white, etc etc. death from art

it follow3s the dictum that Bukowski said when he said "find out what you love and let it kill you."

!@#$%! 02.13.2014 04:49 PM

i just ran out of bandwidth (fuck fuck fuck) but i like the nefeli painting with the rectangle at the bottom, the best (can't quote pictures now).


@ rob- hA! too true.

but does that mean then that all acrylic PAINTS eventually yellow? because mediums are what the paints themselves are made of.


ps- i've seen a huuuuuuuge difference between something like modpodge and something like this:

Rob Instigator 02.13.2014 05:01 PM

acrylic paints are comparatively new so we do not know what will happen after 100 years on the wall. My guess is that since they are a plastic medium, they will crumble and become brittle as all fuck and start flaking off the canvas and all that shit.

Oil paints take so long to dry that many 300 year old paintings barely have any crazing on them!

Rob Instigator 02.13.2014 05:02 PM

I don;t click on links titled dickblick while at work.

!@#$%! 02.13.2014 05:10 PM

haa haaa haa it's blick's art supplies. don't know why "dick". maybe it's the name of the guy.

anyway don't sweat it if you can't see it, it's a picture of GOLDEN acrylic varnishes.

im assuming nefeli painted her stuff w/ acrylic, hence it's the same plastic as any gloss medium she'd apply, doomed to suffer the same destiny all together.

acrylic medium vs. modpodge makes a HUUUUGE difference in collages. modpodge yellows instantly and fucks the color. golden mediums are clear clear clear. worth the money.

i've also used sennelier oil pastel fixative (i think it was sennelier, maybe a different french brand) and it's FANTASTIC. totally transparent. people are like "use aquanet, it's cheaper" but i'm like "fuck noes!".

in 100 years we'll all be dead :(

Rob Instigator 02.13.2014 05:37 PM

I will have my consciousness uploaded to a hypercube and exist much as Dr. Moriarty did the Star Trek Next generation, until a fully functionally cyborg body can be built and then I will spend ten years at the bottom of the ocean and then head out for the asteroid belt.

!@#$%! 02.13.2014 06:00 PM

i find the idea of a disembodied consciousness terrifying. like solitary confinement but worse. no pain, no pleasure, no skin, no taste, no color, no satisfying piss/dump, no music but only the idea of music-- holy shit, i'll off myself.

Nefeli 02.14.2014 04:04 AM

yo! thank you all and for taking the time. sorry if you wasted time!

i looked at them in the day light and well the parts i wanna to look brighter, they do. they probably needed some time for the colors to 'sit'.
im taking into account the things you mentioned, but i wont use any for now.
i just should not make many layers on the parts i want brightness, in order for the whites to prevail..
i could use spray as well, but dunno if i m allowed.
those are to see what i ll do again for the exams and they are some rules i think. you can use anything but oils for example.

also for those i use house paint, really few acrylic, gouache, pencils and my hands and nails to scratch things off. ah and in the one that is more grey, the second in demon's post here, i used ink as well.

will do larger ones from today. 100x70cm.

and goodmoooooorning. xxx

MellySingsDoom 02.14.2014 04:09 AM

Goodmorning Nefeli and all here - happy Valentine's Day to ya!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Full Communism for me
And Proletarian Democracy for you.

You Valentine's Day tune is this one right here:

Nefeli 02.14.2014 04:15 AM

lol i never liked this day, but thanK you dear. it was nice coming from you!!!

i love her all the time, actually i have this song for my mother! haha

i 'd always go with this
or shaking hell.

Nefeli 02.14.2014 04:15 AM

Roses are red
Violets are blue
icant find any sperm
so i m gonna use glue.

nicfit 02.14.2014 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
Roses are red
Violets are blue
icant find any sperm
so i m gonna use glue.


Because I know you're not talking about vajajay stuff. It would s(t)uck to use glue there.

Nefeli 02.14.2014 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit

Because I know you're not talking about vajajay stuff. It would s(t)uck to use glue there.


bless you.

i will just assume i m having a week of big time failing.
and not that i m low iq.

!@#$%! 02.14.2014 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
also for those i use house paint […] gouache


all is good

Nefeli 02.18.2014 11:12 AM

fucking abstracts are going to shitmegahole.
and although i know...i should small sketches..take it easy, let everything come from within...i think i will do smth i ve been thinking to do: take a nice shower, shut down everything and watch brakhage anthology..and yeah we shouldnt force those things..but might get me some ideas..inspire me..IF I DONT FALL ASLEEP LIKE I ALWAYS DO WITH THIS. (Im calm actually. just cant work at all).

Diesel 02.18.2014 11:46 AM



!@#$%! 02.18.2014 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
..inspire me..


no, just kidding (a brakhage thing).

sounds like a good plan.

remember balzac though-- "the works of genius are watered with its tears" -- ha ha ha.

but no, seriously.

Diesel 02.18.2014 11:52 AM

Inspire my cock

Diesel 02.18.2014 12:03 PM

When the sex organs are inspired the brain will follow... or is it the other way round?

Nefeli 02.18.2014 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
When the sex organs are inspired the brain will follow... or is it the other way round?

it depends. one time is that way, the other, the other way.

but seriously, you were very spot on -regarding art. not that it happens every single time..

Diesel 02.18.2014 02:57 PM

I posted this in another thread which was meant for here....

I think i've just realised I may have had writers block for 6 years after making a beautiful sound last night. Or randomly is it just bad recording/Eq-ing/rubbish ears holding me back....Either way i've not uploaded a compilation in the 6 years.

Turning up late for work because of stressing and not sleeping just because of music is lame.

!@#$%! 02.18.2014 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Turning up late for work because of stressing and not sleeping just because of music is lame.

that's why you need to quit your job! right?

Diesel 02.18.2014 05:50 PM

Nah, it just means when i turn in late (almost every day) i go into a shit load of flexi debt. Also, home working will be available soon which will rock.

Nefeli 02.19.2014 09:25 AM

im faaacking working on these 2 now



im afraid the 1st will come out too Kline copycat but cant afford to let this bother me (it bothers me).
those are 70x100cm.

diesel, i couldnt find anything smart to say. other than, i think its part of the procedure and that it shall pass by. you dont have other option. since you love what you do etc.

!@#$%! 02.19.2014 09:30 AM

i like the one on top more. so what if it looks like a franz kline copycat. i can think of much worse things to copy, and everyone learns by copying anyway.

Nefeli 02.19.2014 09:34 AM

cool. thank you. will come back with the done images..

Nefeli 02.19.2014 11:18 AM

wont do anything more on this.
it works better rotated.


the copycat isnt really intentional.
but in that sense, i m more likely to end up copycating cy twombly as its him i look at since summer..

Rob Instigator 02.19.2014 11:23 AM

NEFELI, if you ever find yourself in Houston, motherfucking Texas, you need to check this out.

!@#$%! 02.19.2014 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
wont do anything more on this.
it works better rotated.


the copycat isnt really intentional.
but in that sense, i m more likely to end up copycating cy twombly as its him i look at since summer..

you're right about the rotate.

of course the copycat isn't intentional but it's unavoidable in the sense that everything has already been invented and it takes a lot of work and toil and tears to maybe --maybe!-- invent something new. the medieval notion of copying the old masters is not as terrible as we think-- art evolved in spite of it because the copy eventually becomes a theft for other purposes. on the other extreme, the sheer pursuit of originality for its own sake has given us so much shitty "conceptual art" shit i want to poke out my eyes.

MellySingsDoom 02.19.2014 12:31 PM

In a bid to "improve my diet" (ahem...), I had this for lunch today:


!@#$%! 02.19.2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
In a bid to "improve my diet" (ahem...), I had this for lunch today:


looks good, i think the fries and the white bread are a bit superfluous with the beans, but there's an ingredient you definitely need on that plate:


oh yeah. mmm-mmm-mmm!

MellySingsDoom 02.19.2014 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
looks good, i think the fries and the white bread are a bit superfluous with the beans, but there's an ingredient you definitely need on that plate:


oh yeah. mmm-mmm-mmm!

Hot sauce! Love that stuff for reals. Will have to invest in a bottle of this and take it along to my next greasy spoon sesh :)

!@#$%! 02.19.2014 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Hot sauce! Love that stuff for reals. Will have to invest in a bottle of this and take it along to my next greasy spoon sesh :)

crystal has the best flavor i think, but tabasco will do in a pinch-- it's a bit more vinegary, but that would work well with the beans, actually.

MellySingsDoom 02.19.2014 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
crystal has the best flavor i think, but tabasco will do in a pinch-- it's a bit more vinegary, but that would work well with the beans, actually.

Good call on both - cheers (again) for the heads-up, symbolguy :)

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