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Skuj 01.09.2019 05:22 PM

Ann Coulter is in charge.

Skuj 01.11.2019 11:52 AM

I found that one very interesting.

Trump's lies (which occur just about every time he opens his mouth, or makes a tweet) have consequences. The trickle-down effect is enormous. This is but one example.

(I know....I know....this must be an Obama lawyer.)

The Soup Nazi 01.11.2019 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Even Fucks "News" [...]

Remember what we called that turdball of a channel back in the Dubya days? Faux News. We were ahead of the game! :cool:

Also: does anybody else here likes Ana Navarro's comments on CNN? She's a firecracker, that one. Called Trump "President Loco" the other night. :D And she's a Republican!

The Soup Nazi 01.11.2019 11:09 PM

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
(After he fired Comey. And how could they not.)

More: lhNmpZQU1FZjdOQmVtRUc5bUNLQUFQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

Skuj 01.12.2019 01:01 AM

You sometimes have to wonder if Trump is working for Russia, but then again, aren't most spies smart? Can someone fake stupidity and ignorance this well? Is Trump actually a fucking genius?

Skuj 01.12.2019 01:02 AM

I'm still convinced that Russia has something on Trump, which Trump knows about. There cannot be another explanation.

ilduclo 01.12.2019 11:23 AM

Rogue Melania on Twitter is looking for a new shoe butler

ilduclo 01.13.2019 09:57 AM

Fund the wall. :)

Bytor Peltor 01.13.2019 10:01 AM

The 2016 election is revealing an extreme abuse of power by the FBI and Department Of Justice......and the extreme cover up that has followed.

The crimes and cover up that have been committed by employees of the FBI and DOJ —-acting under the color of law—- is an attack on our system of Government and how our laws are supposed to be upheld.

Devin Nunes Memorandum January 2017
.....Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows listening to foreign governments and spy’s, NOT Americans! However, the Hillary Clinton dossier (paid for by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee) aka the Steele dossier, was used by the FBI to get authorization from the Foreign Surveillance Act Court —-a Court that acts in secret—- and they gave applications to receive search warrants that was used on the likes of Carter Page and other members of the Donald Trump campaign. FBI officers went before the Court and submitted a signed affidavit (under perjury of law) and swore that the facts were true and did so without the Steele dossier being vetted or verified by the Department Of Justice. We know this because Jim Comey and others have testified before Congress admitting so. They hid from the Court that the Hillary Clinton Campaign bought and paid for the Steele dossier......this is a crime under the false statement statute (U.S. code 1001 = you can’t sign a false affidavit). We know of four FISA warrants that were issued and there are probably several more we don’t know about......possibly Trump himself? (see the Soup Nazi link below)......not just a counter intelligence investigation, but a criminal investigation and —-HID THESE FACT AS TO DECEIVE—- the court!!!

Law Enforcement and the Department Of Justice are to operate and be impartial. Instead they have been proven a anti-conservative liberal political action committee......NOT the entire FBI, but a specific group

FBI Director Comey
FBI Agent Peter Struk (killed Hillary Clinton investigation)

who were investigating Trump and lying to the court for the opportunity to do so!!!

Conspiring to lie to a Judge and presenting false evidence is AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Can RICO laws be applied to a Governmental entity? They did all of this just to try and influence our Election......interfering with our Democracy and they have completely failed to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President......but have so far succeeded in it’s cover up!

ilduclo 01.13.2019 12:26 PM

“We continue to review the status of our personnel following attempted attacks on our embassy in Baghdad and our Basra consulate, and we will consider a full range of options to preserve their safety and our interests.”


Skuj 01.13.2019 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

So.....Mexico is paying? What happened to all that?

Skuj 01.13.2019 04:05 PM

(Have tesla/Bytor addressed Mexico not paying yet? I'm tempted to unignore just so I can see the excuses for this Gigantic Trump Lie.)

!@#$%! 01.14.2019 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
(Have tesla/Bytor addressed Mexico not paying yet? I'm tempted to unignore just so I can see the excuses for this Gigantic Trump Lie.)

tesla did too many drugs and bytor apparently has suffered a brain injury

now here are more brain injuries:

“If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas, did this commercial from Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen, with her husband dressed in full Indian garb, it would have been a smash!”

that was uttered by the President of the United States of America in 2019

the... ah... what a dumb fucking piece of shit!

ilduclo 01.14.2019 09:20 AM

^ don’t do it!


Skuj 01.14.2019 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

....that was uttered by the President of the United States of America in 2019

I find myself saying this daily, while shaking my head. He is a fucking joke, ...a disgrace. The bar has been set so low now.

And millions upon millions support and cheer him. This will be the enduring mystery of my lifetime. It will consume me.

ilduclo 01.14.2019 07:08 PM

Calvin Trillin

We bid adieu to Ryan Zinke.
Though he may well avoid the clink, he
Had ethics lapses hardly dinky.
They leave that swamp aroma–stinky.

Bytor Peltor 01.15.2019 03:48 AM

So here I am quoting the same SoupNazi post......WHY?

Wanted to give everyone here a few days to read and respond and of course, no one did......WHY?

From the New York Times story:

“No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials.”


As I stated above, a counter intelligent and criminal investigations were conducted by the FBI and they found nothing!!!

Muller has produced nothing!!!
Illegal wiretaps have produced nothing!!!
Media has produced nothing!!!

Yet so many foolish people cling to falsehood and fake news......WHY?

Can you imagine if the media asked President Barack Hussein Obama if he was working on behalf of a Islamic group......or if he was a Islamic spy? If the head of Hussein Obam’s FBI was hinting at such, wouldn’t Barack have the right to fire that FBI Director without the FBI starting a counter intelligent and criminal investigations???


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
bytor apparently has suffered a brain injury

And yet !@#$%! thinks I’m the one Brained By Falling Masonry

GravitySlips 01.15.2019 06:41 AM

For every inane, rambling Trump tweet, you can find one he's previously made in direct contrast. America's President, lmao.

Perhaps instead of focusing on an expensive wall, America would be better served addressing the impending climate disaster that's headed our way, and whose effects are now accelerating rapidly. What a shame that the government hasn't been shut down in order to act on something that poses an ACTUAL existential threat to the country and indeed the planet.

From the last few days (and every day there's more, now):

Antarctica losing ice 6 times more rapidly than in the 80s

Oceans warming 40% faster than predicted in 2014

Major collapse of insect populations worldwide:

Miami septic tanks already failing due to sea rise:

GravitySlips 01.15.2019 06:44 AM

Bytor Peltor seems like the type to scream about FACTS while continuing to vote for anti-science, religious fundamentalists. He'll probably say it's God's Will when the shit properly hits the fan.

tesla69 01.15.2019 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I find myself saying this daily, while shaking my head. He is a fucking joke, ...a disgrace. The bar has been set so low now.

And millions upon millions support and cheer him. This will be the enduring mystery of my lifetime. It will consume me.

You're obsessed with him. You all want to be him, but you can't. You are dedicated to the destruction of our country. The Democrats are doing damage to the country the Russians could never dream of doing. How many tens of millions of dollars did the Clintons take from the Russians? But you just go back to being obsessed with unsubstantiated rumors from leaks and sources. I love how the loyal the democrats are to the corporate press suddenly.

Genteel Death 01.15.2019 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
But you just go back to being obsessed with unsubstantiated rumors from leaks and sources.

LOL. You can talk.

h8kurdt 01.15.2019 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
You're obsessed with him. You all want to be him, but you can't. You are dedicated to the destruction of our country. The Democrats are doing damage to the country the Russians could never dream of doing. How many tens of millions of dollars did the Clintons take from the Russians? But you just go back to being obsessed with unsubstantiated rumors from leaks and sources. I love how the loyal the democrats are to the corporate press suddenly.

The irony in this post is too much.

!@#$%! 01.15.2019 10:52 AM

look at this ridiculous turd and his pansy hands


Bytor Peltor 01.15.2019 03:50 PM

For those who forgot, here is where I jumped head first into TRUTH on April 22, 2018

The bodies of “former FBI employees” are starting to stack up for playing their part in investigating “possible crimes” instead of “known crimes.”

When you talk about TRUTH......
A. you don’t have to remember anything
B. the TRUTH will set you free

Former top FBI lawyer James Baker subject of criminal media leak probe, transcript reveals

Republican uncovered secret FBI debate over Trump motivation for Comey firing during House questioning

The following quote is from the story in the above link:

Ratcliffe called the Baker transcript leak "selective," adding that the full transcript of the Oct. 18 interview, which is undergoing a classification review by the FBI and the Justice Department, reveals "that in May 2017, political bias infected senior FBI leadership, and emotion -- not evidence -- drove their decision making."

Genteel Death 01.15.2019 04:32 PM

Spelling truth in capital letters makes you come across as someone in charge of headlines for UK's paper ''The Express''.

Genteel Death 01.15.2019 04:33 PM

A right wing paper, btw. Just like you.

Bytor Peltor 01.15.2019 06:15 PM

HA - really?

TRUTH = Right Wing??

I understand that Soup & !@#$%! gravitate toward the eye-catching headlines, but surely they understand it’s all just bait and switch? You see, that bait is on a hook......and that hook is TRUTH!

I point out the TRUTH and !@#$%! says I have drain bamage and you say I’m right wing......but no one is proving me wrong!

Is it wrong to assume, Genteel, that you are saying:

Lies = Left Wing?


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Spelling truth in capital letters makes you come come across as someone in charge of headlines for UK's paper ''The Express''.

!@#$%! 01.15.2019 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
HA - really?

TRUTH = Right Wing??

I understand that Soup & !@#$%! gravitate toward the eye-catching headlines, but surely they understand it’s all just bait and switch? You see, that bait is on a hook......and that hook is TRUTH!

I point out the TRUTH and !@#$%! says I have drain bamage and you say I’m right wing......but no one is proving me wrong!

Is it wrong to assume, Genteel, that you are saying:

Lies = Left Wing?

i didn’t say you had “drain bamage” [sic]

savage clone implied you did cuz he compared you to this guy he knows

i’m just rolling with the comedy of it

or maybe it’s a tragedy

nobody bothers to “prove” you wrong because your appear too addled

sorry man. lost cause

i really have better things to do than read your “political” nonsense


find a neurologist

lmao cya bud


Skuj 01.15.2019 08:47 PM

Oh, tesla/Bytor are at it again? Did they explain why Mexico isn't paying today?

Bytor Peltor 01.15.2019 08:56 PM

Cya......where are you going?

Nothing but clear thinking and TRUTH here.

The only tragedy are those who choose to ignore the TRUTH.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

i’m just rolling with the comedy of it

or maybe it’s a tragedy

sorry man. lost cause


Savage Clone 01.15.2019 10:34 PM

The truth is our president is a piece of garbage with no critical thinking skills and only a desire to rub people's faces in the worst of human nature. By which I mean serving fast food to athletes.

Bytor Peltor 01.16.2019 10:37 AM

Did it look something like this?


I’m a sports guy and I never knew that Sports Teams visiting the Whit House included lunch being served. I assumed it was a -better than the public- tour that ended in the Oval Office taking pictures with the President.

I understand wanting a trip to the White House to be different than a visit to a dorm or Frathouse......serving fast food was odd, but not disrespectful.


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
The truth is our president is a piece of garbage with no critical thinking skills and only a desire to rub people's faces in the worst of human nature. By which I mean serving fast food to athletes.

choc e-Claire 01.16.2019 02:47 PM

You're a set of excellent college athletes and you're being served bargain-basement fast food crap. That's probably cold because of this whole photo-op.

ilduclo 01.17.2019 08:45 AM

From Driftglass this am, damn, I love that guy and have contributed more than once to his endeavors


Skuj 01.17.2019 04:49 PM

Did anyone notice Giuliani recently on collision? Apparently, he never said that there was no collision!! (Roll the tape.)

This is a very interesting retreat.

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Did anyone notice Giuliani recently on collision? Apparently, he never said that there was no collision!! (Roll the tape.)

This is a very interesting retreat.

yeah hahaha i read... yesterday? or was it this morning? (sorry, long day)

he never said there was no smocking gun

that the president...

lololo whatever. he’s a catholic, he’s going to HELL.

tesla69 01.17.2019 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Did anyone notice Giuliani recently on collision? Apparently, he never said that there was no collision!! (Roll the tape.)

This is a very interesting retreat.

Who gives a fuck what Ghoulianai says?

Judicial Watch today announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27. The latest records show President Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

!@#$%! 01.17.2019 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Who gives a fuck what Ghoulianai says?

he’s the president’s misst.... lawyer, i mean, the president’s lawyer


Skuj 01.17.2019 08:57 PM

Someone (tesla or Bytor) doesn't know who the fuck Giuliani is? DENIAL!!! (Have they explained why Mexico is not paying yet?)

The Soup Nazi 01.17.2019 09:09 PM

Skuj my man, the whole point of ignoring mooks here is to free yourself from their bullcrap. Don't ask us what they're saying - if you wanna know, take 'em out of your ignore list, and if that's just too revolting, well, fucking ignore them. Just sayin'.

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