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knox 10.15.2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
Well, I was kind of referring to 'facts' about ghosts, not of the ins and outs of the thread itself.

I don't think I've claimed to be anything but a skeptic, and I'm fairly certain I have a good grasp as to what that means. Maybe you're referring to someone else?

I wasn't talking about you? Did it look like it?

I don't care what people believe in (as long as they're not bugging me about it), haven't been trying to convince anyone of anything.

!@#$%! 10.17.2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by knox
Another fact is that I am not here willing to discuss anything, more like looking for opportunities to be an idiot while pretending to be an offended feminist.


ann ashtray 10.17.2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!



knox 10.17.2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!


ann ashtray 10.18.2010 06:36 PM

Only thing I hate about not believing in ghost, is meeting/knowing people (I feel as if are trustworthy) that have very compelling/believable stories. I mean, they are fun and I find myself WANTING to believe them...but that skeptical/LOGICAL mind of mine always has to get in the way.

That said, I always use this as a reminder as to why I should never fully trust anyone.

hevusa 10.18.2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

that pretty much sums it up.

hevusa 10.18.2010 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by knox
How far can the pink elephant go? Why is it in the fridge

I have the evidence to answer these questions but I'm not going to show it. What would the point be?
The tiny, pink, invisible elephant is real in one way or another.

ann ashtray 10.18.2010 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
I have the evidence to answer these questions but I'm not going to show it. What would the point be?
The tiny, pink, invisible elephant is real in one way or another.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.18.2010 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Derek

Tupac agrees.

word, and Makaveli is the Christ of Hip Hop (peace be upon him).. Blessed are the peace makers...


hevua, you need to catch up on your Joseph Campbell..

vampires, dragons, werewolves, sea monsters, all these things are very much real. Whether they exist as the face value form of hollywood monsters, or if they are symbolic representations of real things, such as stories of vampires which actual allude towards a description of the corruption of local land lord, or the stories of dragons in the forest or mountains which represent the fear, dread and natural sense of anxiety humans experience of the unknown such as the first day jitters or death bead blues..

. Our myths and monsters are our symbolic and collective way of explaining, interpreting and transmitting the subtleties of our complex reality. These are the collective images of our subconscious mind which we use to describe to experiences of our real world and give it flavor, color, timbre, depth and meaning.

Ghosts are real in a sense of the realness of the feeling of those who perceive them and they represent a variety of things to those who experience them, and you should not be so naive as to curtly dismiss peoples feelings simply because you must not have any of your own.

ann ashtray 10.19.2010 07:32 AM

There's a difference between a feeling and the actual presence of a dead entity in ghost form. Just because a child is scared doesn't mean that there is actually a monster in his closet....even if he feels there might be. A feeling alone does not, and should not EVER prove anything as feelings are not to be trusted....they are often wrong.

And we aren't discussing ghosts/vampires/goblins/dragons as metaphorical beings.

hevusa 10.19.2010 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
word, and Makaveli is the Christ of Hip Hop (peace be upon him).. Blessed are the peace makers...


hevua, you need to catch up on your Joseph Campbell..

vampires, dragons, werewolves, sea monsters, all these things are very much real. Whether they exist as the face value form of hollywood monsters, or if they are symbolic representations of real things, such as stories of vampires which actual allude towards a description of the corruption of local land lord, or the stories of dragons in the forest or mountains which represent the fear, dread and natural sense of anxiety humans experience of the unknown such as the first day jitters or death bead blues..

. Our myths and monsters are our symbolic and collective way of explaining, interpreting and transmitting the subtleties of our complex reality. These are the collective images of our subconscious mind which we use to describe to experiences of our real world and give it flavor, color, timbre, depth and meaning.

Ghosts are real in a sense of the realness of the feeling of those who perceive them and they represent a variety of things to those who experience them, and you should not be so naive as to curtly dismiss peoples feelings simply because you must not have any of your own.

Ghosts, vampires, dragons, werewolves, sea monsters, are not real in any sense of the word, except the Alice in Wonderland kind, unless you would like to become the first person in human history to present objective information about their existence. You are really grasping at straws to validate your God lie. NOT GOOD! What a steaming pile of dung.

gualbert 10.19.2010 08:47 AM

Sea monsters are real (giant octopus for example, which are the size of a boat).
I mean: "really real" :)

krischanski 10.19.2010 08:53 AM

Why should I believe in ghosts?

ann ashtray 10.19.2010 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by krischanski
Why should I believe in ghosts?

More people should be asking this very question. You SHOULDN'T, unless of course you yourself see one. And even in this case, you should still question what ya saw...which isn't to say you did not (or even did...) see one.

krischanski 10.19.2010 09:33 AM

Can I see a ghost when I do not believe in them? Or will my perception build another thing out of the images my eyes see?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.19.2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
There's a difference between a feeling and the actual presence of a dead entity in ghost form. Just because a child is scared doesn't mean that there is actually a monster in his closet....even if he feels there might be. A feeling alone does not, and should not EVER prove anything as feelings are not to be trusted....they are often wrong.

And we aren't discussing ghosts/vampires/goblins/dragons as metaphorical beings.

why not?


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous


Our myths and monsters are our symbolic and collective way of explaining, interpreting and transmitting the subtleties of our complex reality. These are the collective images of our subconscious mind which we use to describe to experiences of our real world and give it flavor, color, timbre, depth and meaning.


knox 10.19.2010 04:03 PM

dear suchfriends,

did you hear shannon wright's new album? it is excellent.
much, much better than the last two.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.19.2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by knox
dear suchfriends,

did you hear shannon wright's new album? it is excellent.
much, much better than the last two.


no I didn't even know! what a pleasant surprise, though the last two were fabulous records, I liked them very much so.. each shannon wright album is a gem unto itself, with its own flavor. My favorite is of course Over the Sun, but its got more teeth than the others..

Hey, send me a copy.. pretty pretty please?? (

Originally Posted by hevusa
to present objective information about their existence. You are really grasping at straws to validate your God lie. .

until you come to realize that there is truly and honestly no such thing as objective information, then the only one grasping at straws will be you. You're clinging to supposed objectivity in the same tenacity as one might cling to God(s), where as such things are Mysteries, meant to be experienced, not understood. Only a fool deceives himself into believing in any absolutes, either in God(s)' existence or non-existence or otherwise, in science as fact when all working scientists understand that science is ever-evolving, and there are no absolutes. And anyways, why you bringing God(s) into this? This is a thread about ghosts, not religion!

knox 10.19.2010 06:23 PM

yes, over the sun is the best. but this one will definitely grow on me, and it's not as mellow as honeybee girls. i'm in love with the second track at the moment.

ann ashtray 10.19.2010 09:11 PM

The term "supernatural" makes virtually no sense to me. If something can happen, it can only be natural even if it may defy (current...) human understanding.

But with all the things we know exist, all the black holes and wandering minds, I can't really trouble myself w/ the things that scared me as a 4 year old + have still yet to witness. Seriously, black holes are scarier/more interesting than any ghost.

I'm sleepy.

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