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knox 10.14.2009 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
The thing is, what you posted was too idiotic to make anyone think at all, unless they are a no-brainer. You come across like the classic example of someone who gets called out because of the inane shit they post, and then you come up with all this defensive crap about impressing with knowledge etc. It's not working for this poster, though.

And knox, sunshine - I realised from early on in this thread that you talk a lot of shite (which you can't even back up because you're too busy being some angry American feminist, perhaps?), let alone wanting to engage in an intelligent conversation with you. Do you know what's insecure? Assuming that everyone thinks like you on a thread, when I could show you it's not exactly the case. Do you know why? Because I find your little angry girl attitude too amusing to witness.
You wouldn't last 5 minutes in any serious debate about the smell of a 3 days old used condom, so take the internet opportunity to make your mark, because that's as much (deluded) empowerement as you're getting. Pfft.

You might also want to know that I don't address women with ''bitch''. I just used it because YOU said that you are one, so I picked up on the inherent contradiction of talking about women rights, and using language like that.

im not american.

i cant get empowerement from a "debate" on the internet. if you can, i don't know if i should feel sorry or congratulate you.

but to be honest, coming from you all those things are like compliments. If some arrogant frustrated little prick like you went around saying good things about me I'd be seriously worried.

But if you like some advice, you really need to check your sense of humour, you seem to take every single thing people say seriously.

and donīt give me any shit about having anything to say. I made my opinion explicit a million times and when I asked you direct questions about what the hell you were trying to argue you avoided them, because your only goal is simply to argue and everyone can tell.

I don't mind the word bitch. I just mind you addressing me. I requested before, donīt. I think you are a complete idiot.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by knox
im not american.

i cant get empowerement from a "debate" on the internet. if you can, i don't know if i should feel sorry or congratulate you.

but to be honest, coming from you all those things are like compliments. If some arrogant frustrated little prick like you went around saying good things about me I'd be seriously worried.

But if you like some advice, you really need to check your sense of humour, you seem to take every single thing people say seriously.

and donīt give me any shit about having anything to say. I made my opinion explicit a million times and when I asked you direct questions about what the hell you were trying to argue you avoided them, because your only goal is simply to argue and everyone can tell.

I don't mind the word bitch. I just mind you addressing me. I requested before, donīt. I think you are a complete idiot.

because you're too busy being some angry feminist, perhaps?

I don't have a sense of humour, you're right.

SONIC GAIL 10.14.2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
i want to write in here. it wont be much of a contribution, just my thoughts that at some level even confuse me and i have a terrible headache now.

this is very true and very important parameter to many words used or general behaviours or style of humor.
im very tolerant in many occassions, very sensitive in other.
for example, im with gay people over 20 yrs now and i never allowed myself to use the word faggot. only recently and in specific ways.

about sy lyrics and feminism
i never really analyse the lyrics, i just take in and think whatever i need to think about them at the time. afterwards i see or see not what they are "really" about.

for example, i usually take kim's lyrics as the free choice of expressing and as the expression of sensuality, being in terms, peace? with one's sexuality, of strength and of emotions. that all belong to a human being that (sometimes i realize?!!) is a woman and thats why in some cases they are more feminine.

same goes with me and feminism. you would say i am one, it was more apparent maybe when i was very young, but in reality im more of a human rights person, workers rights, citizen's rights..(and big time anti-violence person)..that there shouldnt be an issue of whether women should do this or that, because they are humans too. its almost like i take this for granted, that this is how things should be and act from there and on.

i dont have the illusion that men and women are same, or that gay and straight are same, but in the level of human personality characteristics/feelings, rights on having feelings and expressing them, human rights and same chances in life etc..i start from there that we all are the same.

[a little thing. i m not at ease with terms like riot grrls, girls in bands etc.
to me its like we make fuss over the fact that people who are girls are in a band, making it sound like smth unnatural.
like we put our fingers and take our own eyes out.
i understand why the fuss, i just feel this way.]

it sounds naive, i cant really express it better, but this is how i first view people.
i was thinking that i have especially the recent years living in a sheltered world. the people i hang around with are almost all homosexuals, at my work im alone and dont interact with people apart from the phonecalls. therefore its been awhile since i felt the male dominance attack.

vomitting since i started working in an office
i have been so related to that..still am.
and it reminds me of my years working in bank (yeah listening nonstop to my favourate sy album), where my spirit and the last fragments of innocence were broken. i was working in a man's world and faced constantly attacks that can remind someone the extreme of feminism. same happened to mewith whatever left-ish ideas i have.
im not on the extreme of any kind, i havent been much hurt or have anger inside me, but i want the extreme voices to be heard. sometimes they are needed to shake us a little bit from the sleep of our everyday lives.

as far as the gossip is concerned i havent been paying attention to what she says..sorry for that.
if she speaks about human rights..or ok women rights, or gay women or whatver and kids dont already know about that stuff, then good it is.
but you know about that stuff, first from within you, then from your upbringing and then from your social life.
if gossip or whatever band is another reminder its ok. we need as many reminders we can get.
i didnt elaborate much here and about politics (you most have talked about this already), as i need to go and stop typing things that wont help this thread much.

I think this is the best post yet on here. You pretty much summed up what I was thinkin and I did'nt have to type it myself.

As a designer I am around lots of gay guys. As a christian I would be expected to hate this..but I don't. It is not about hate. It is about spreading love. We all deserve the same god given rights.

"And the men and women are not the same" thing. Right on woman. We all deserve the same rights, but I do believe that men and women play different roles in society, based on preset biological traits that science contributed to our being.These traits depend on each other for a complete strength.

Fuck all that left versus right shit I'm stayin right here in the middle.:)

SONIC GAIL 10.14.2009 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
Interesting, I never saw it that way. I always thought it was about how men see women who break out of their preconceived notions - either they sexualize her as a mode of trivialization or they hate and try to break her.

ps - i don't get why everybody is bashing infinitemusic. he/she is fine in my book.

It's cool how everyone has a different take on the youth. THat's why I love em they speak to us all in very different ways.:)

knox 10.14.2009 10:04 AM

I'm not an angry person. In fact, right now you're making me laugh as you make a complete fool of yourself.

And then I feel sad and guilty because I hope this behaviour isn't some sort of compensation for sucking at life.

oh the conflict.

knox 10.14.2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Are you sure a little victimism isn't showing its face on this thread?

GOD how did I miss this one? This one is the best. THE BEST.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:07 AM

Ok knox. You're boring, now. Stop being so angry and get on with the business of posting things more relevant to this thread.

Kudos to Nefeli for posting something of genuine worth.

knox 10.14.2009 10:09 AM

I did the boring thing first, kid. Now you were just starting to entertain me.
I realize that you're the one to decide what is relevant or not so I'm gonna give you another chance to be relevant!

So... G. Death

what was it that you were trying to say about the gossip not being subversive again?

You know, in case I am being unfair.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:11 AM

That they're not subversive because they're lame? Do I want another chance? Nope.

knox 10.14.2009 10:15 AM

Oh yes! That sounded just fucking BRILLIANT! How dare any of us think we had something interesting to say when you clearly had a much better point?

So now you may continue telling yourself you're intelligent and walk around with some sense of entitlement while you attempt to use words like "american" as an insult and dream of getting cock anytime soon.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by knox

So now you may continue telling yourself you're intelligent and walk around with some sense of entitlement while you attempt to use words like "american" as an insult and dream of getting cock anytime soon.

It's the little fairies. They keep on telling me that I will be getting cock because of how intelligent I am. One of them is sitting right on my shoulder, and smiled a little when your post appeared. We seem to think that you are a little agitated.

knox 10.14.2009 10:20 AM

Well, you are thinking right. We are concerned about certain parcels and the postal strike. We bought a dvd and some books that haven't arrived. You better get the fairy a strap on, I think thatīs just as far as youīll go for now.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:23 AM

Well, who told you that I was thinking of having sex today, anyway?

knox 10.14.2009 10:28 AM

Oh sorry I just assumed by your attitude that you're not getting it as often as you'd like. Classic case, but I could be wrong, I surely hope it's not something deeper. Either way, smarter than thou is an arrogant attitude that nobody finds sexy.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:31 AM

I know, but you don't need to appear intelligent in order to have sex with someone, do you?

chicka 10.14.2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I know, but you don't need to appear intelligent in order to have sex with someone, do you?

intelligent is usually way down the line on the list of needs when it comes to having sex. While not being able to talk is at the top for most men.:):cool:

knox 10.14.2009 10:41 AM

There is a world of a difference between appearing intelligent and being intelligent.

The more evident the desperation to appear intelligent, the less likely the being part.

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 10:42 AM


infinitemusic 10.14.2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
The thing is, what you posted was too idiotic to make anyone think at all, unless they are a no-brainer. You come across like the classic example of someone who gets called out because of the inane shit they post, and then you come up with all this defensive crap about impressing with knowledge etc. It's not working for this poster, though.

What the fuck are you even talking about?


And knox, sunshine - I realised from early on in this thread that you talk a lot of shite (which you can't even back up because you're too busy being some angry American feminist, perhaps?), let alone wanting to engage in an intelligent conversation with you. Do you know what's insecure? Assuming that everyone thinks like you on a thread, when I could show you it's not exactly the case. Do you know why? Because I find your little angry girl attitude too amusing to witness.
You wouldn't last 5 minutes in any serious debate about the smell of a 3 days old used condom, so take the internet opportunity to make your mark, because that's as much (deluded) empowerement as you're getting. Pfft.

Oh right I forgot, nothing.


You might also want to know that I don't address women with ''bitch''. I just used it because YOU said that you are one, so I picked up on the inherent contradiction of talking about women rights, and using language like that.

Hahahahaha. And you say I'm trying to impress people. I absolutely love it when people pull this shit. So there was a deep, impressively intellectual meaning behind your dick behavior all along. We should all bow to you!

Genteel Death 10.14.2009 11:05 AM

Here comes trouble.

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