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noisereductions 06.16.2017 11:27 AM

maybe you're reading the wrong Marvel/DC stuff. There's plenty of stuff that's not like that at all. Even more so if you stray from Marvel/DC. But still. The Vision, (Kate Bishop) Hawkeye, (Jennifer Walters) Hulk, Supergirl: Being Super, Infamous Iron Man, etc.

Rob Instigator 06.16.2017 12:39 PM

I know there is a lot of variety, but the main focus of marvel and DC for the past 5 years have been in these big crossover "events" that pit the heroes against some sort of galactic demigod monster. boring.

noisereductions 06.16.2017 01:07 PM

even the events aren't all about that. House Of M - not that. Civil War II - not that. Secret Empire - Not that. Inhumans Vs. X-Men - not that. Ressurxion - not that. Etc. You're over generalizing.

Now... it's okay to not like those events. Honestly, a lot of the big events have been pretty boring to me. I bailed after 3 issues of Civil War II, 3 of IvX, a couple of Monsters Unleashed. Zero interest in Secret Empire. And so on. But they're not all the same thing is all I'm saying.

I think just like any media - and overlapping w/ superhero movie talk we recently had - anyone who complains that there's not enough variety in movies, comic books, music, video games, whatever is not looking hard enough. We're in an age where there is so much art/media being produced so constantly that it's difficult to even know how to filter it. But if you think that what you're interested in is not being produced, I just doubt it. You're not looking hard enough. Or you don't really want to look, you want to complain.

Severian 06.16.2017 02:24 PM

I'm super interested in Secret Empire, only I have no idea where to start wading my way into that one.

Also, "the last 5 years" have had no impact whatsoever on big events. Big events have been happening pretty consistently in comics for more than 30 years.

Also, if you're not reading Saga, you don't get to talk about comic books not being varied enough. What a goddamn great book! I'm, like, going through withdrawal because I read every single issue and now I'm caught up and Image works at a slower pace than I'm used to (twice-monthly titles in Marvel and DC have spoiled me)

Severian 06.16.2017 02:26 PM



noisereductions 06.16.2017 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I'm super interested in Secret Empire, only I have no idea where to start wading my way into that one.

can I ask why? Like, not being a jerk - but totally curious why you're interested in it. I can't muster up an ounce of interest, and I generally at least buy a #1 of a major series to give it a shot.

Anyway, the where to start would be with just the main Secret Empire books.

I'd skip the #0. Any #0 I've read of a Marvel event has been worthless. Then there's a couple of one-shots (Uprising, United, etc) if you want to dig deeper. And only then would I suggest spreading out into regular series that have crossover issues. It's like any other Marvel event, if you just want the basic story then just stick to the main event book.

Severian 06.16.2017 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
can I ask why? Like, not being a jerk - but totally curious why you're interested in it. I can't muster up an ounce of interest, and I generally at least buy a #1 of a major series to give it a shot.

Anyway, the where to start would be with just the main Secret Empire books.

I'd skip the #0. Any #0 I've read of a Marvel event has been worthless. Then there's a couple of one-shots (Uprising, United, etc) if you want to dig deeper. And only then would I suggest spreading out into regular series that have crossover issues. It's like any other Marvel event, if you just want the basic story then just stick to the main event book.

I'm interested because I've been keeping up with the reviews a bit, and the're good. The art is amazing. There are two Caps, which fascinates me. And also, I know I'm in the minority here, but Captain America is just one of my absolute favorite Marvel characters. I don't like him because of what he stands for, but because of now he's written. He has a good goddamn reason for going Hydra, and I know a little bit about why he made that decision, and I want to know more.

Also, it seems like a pretty proper event. Not a fuckaroind like Civil War II, but something that may indeed ripple across the entire Marvel universe and perhaps even into the movies.

I'll buy the digital version some day soon. I'm really intrigued.

noisereductions 06.16.2017 10:23 PM

That's fair enough. I am a Cap fan, but I thought the whole Hydra "thing" was kind of a cheap publicity stunt when it happened so I've had no interest.

Civil War II had some ramifications. It led to some comics I really enjoy like Infamous Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye. But the event felt forced. I started reading it late so already knew the outcome and bailed after buying three issues.

Severian 06.17.2017 10:00 AM

NR, you need to read Saga.

By not reading Saga, you're missing out on a cultural moment for comics as it happens. How often does a new comic come out that sparks such a massive chord for readers, and actually enters the pantheon? It's a few years old already, but I'm pretty sure that Saga is headed for classic status.
There will eventually be a movie or show. No question. And it's already permeated pop culture more than I even realized.

It also reads like a novel -- a really weird, really fucked up, super-adult novel that no child should ever read or look at, but a novel nonetheless. It's been ages since I last read a new title that I've recommended to so many people.



Severian 06.17.2017 10:04 AM



Severian 06.17.2017 10:07 AM




If you're not reading by now, you and I are done.

noisereductions 06.17.2017 12:36 PM

Yeah I've heard nothing but good things.

Severian 06.17.2017 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Yeah I've heard nothing but good things.

Then start reading mate.

It positively craps all over most of the big shit out there. I'd rather have some new Saga in front of me than the best Superman or Batman story of the decade at this point. That means something, bro.

My local library had EVERY SINGLE existing volume of it. Go read that shit.

noisereductions 06.17.2017 10:28 PM

I'll get to it sooner rather than later. I'm just trying to catch up on my stacks right now. Like with anything else - games, movies, albums - if I buy too many and don't play/watch/listen to them then I start to get anxious. I get to a point where I don't want to seek out new stuff as much until I've caught up on the stuff I already have.

Severian 06.17.2017 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I'll get to it sooner rather than later. I'm just trying to catch up on my stacks right now. Like with anything else - games, movies, albums - if I buy too many and don't play/watch/listen to them then I start to get anxious. I get to a point where I don't want to seek out new stuff as much until I've caught up on the stuff I already have.


But do get on Saga. It's the best thing I've ever read from Image. By a pretty wide margin.

Still waiting for Jonathan Hickman's FRONTIER to come out though. That thing seems to be in pre-release purgatory. Was supposed to come out last year.

Art looks AMAZING.


noisereductions 06.19.2017 04:03 PM

my wife went to bed early on Saturday night so I grabbed Spider-Man: Return Of The Sinister Six off my shelves and read most of it in one sitting. Polished off the rest Sunday afternoon. Damn solid 90's Spider-Man story. I had a lot more to say about it here if interested:


noisereductions 06.20.2017 08:08 AM

y'know those Marvel hip hop variants? Well, now they're coming out w/ a new line...

Rob Instigator 06.20.2017 10:05 AM

my brother got me the collected Usagi Yojimbo comic book. so long. have not yet read it.


noisereductions 06.20.2017 10:09 AM

holy shit. That's a gorgeous box.

Speaking of, there's a Yusagi/TMNT one-shot coming out in July:


Rob Instigator 06.20.2017 10:10 AM

Is Yojimbo good?

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