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Did I ever mention that my first time smoking weed was with Waking the Cadaver? Anyone here remember them? My friend scored some shit for 'em, and they rolled this huge blunt out of a $5 bill and shared it with us.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnF_TVvNMg I still have to admit - they're a pretty kick ass band. Oh, and ASP... forget da trick. Time to be the sexy stud muffin playa pimp daddy Cooley mack you were born to be. |
Sorry to hear all that Adam.
I need to vent. Sorry. I feel like I have nothing going on. I need to change jobs but I dont even know where to begin to find another. When I look up job postings its endless lists of jobs I'd never heard of or seen or thought of and they are all unappealing and foreign as hell. The thoughts mount that I am completely unadaptive and am making my situation worse than it could be, yet I cant stop thinking that way. I dont like living in the city, but have no resources to change my situation. I ended a decades long relationship last fall because it wasnt going anywhere, and though I dont regret this action, I feel like I'm worse off because I alone am not going anywhere either. Living alone is costing me the skin off my ass to get by each month, so theres no chance of taking time off someplace. I took a week off to stay home recently and it made me feel worse. There was a guy I 'hit it off with' last year but it didnt work out, and I'm finding myself pathetically and pathologically mourning the loss of that connection every day, much much more than I've mourned the actual relationship I was in. And hes doing fucking great. I've tried school a few times in the last few years and can never keep attention despite having an interest. I talk to my doctor about depression and how hard it is to get up and brush my teeth in the morning and she gives me pills and tells me to volunteer somewhere. Fuck, is there seriously no end to this? I dont have anyone I can call up and talk to. Any time in my life that things go okay, the effort it takes to keep that up ends up backfiring and I end up in this same place anyway. Every time I get to this point it's worse and worse. |
Abduction is the way I start my day.
Finally all my planning has paid off. Eager to dismember. Your skin so sweet and tender. Strapped to the chair. Degrading you right to your face. Gagged. Puking all over the place. It's time to finally shut you up. Stabbing you viciously. Watching your face was priceless. Blood Splattered Satisfaction. I dealt you away (repeat) Good - Now your times up. Preparation has paid off by - Never quitting. Disposing of your body was a pleasure. No one will ever find you. I'm sure they will look hard - but only I know you're in my backyard |
No more buns in the oven. I am done with all that. I will be free in 13 more yrs. :D |
I'm so confused. I have no idea if you are talking about anal or burying yr husband in the woods.
if it's the latter, don't clarify, but if it's the former, we'll certainly need more details. |
Literally the trunk of my car. And not dead. Plus I would'nt put him in the woods to obvious;) But anal could be involved.
same...try it one more time and then yeah. Smoe people just don't like weed though. One of my friends said pot was only good his first time. After that he didn't enjoy it. |
^True dat.
I can't do pot anymore unless I drank a good amount and it's high quality greens. I just don't bother with it anymore. Painkills are the only thing that have no side effects out of practically everything I've tried, and they're too addictive to do all the time. So I've just been clean :D. But really derek, be cautious with the substances and make sure you're 100% informed if you're ever trying something new :) |
me an derek had this talk before. he's a smart young man. yeah the pain killers will get you addicted as fuck.
dont be such a bad influence;)
I dunno, I only tried it cause the option was there and I was with friends who smoke a lot.
I'm not bothered much about trying it for a second time, I hate (most) potheads and stoner culture. I'd never want to be apart of it. |
Besides I don't need it for a creative aid nor do I need it to numb my emotions or anything so...
I am in love with life
i am quitting my job, no more can i take the rhetorical bullshit.
Do it! It feels great! until you need money. But yeah.
Give me your miserable occupation. It sounds lovely. I've come to the realization that if I don't find a job within the next month I'm going to collapse beyond all comprehension mentally. Time to stop my delusions and get my ass out of my 'rents house again. I'm only 20... but fuck, I'm a joke, financially.
I don't know where in my life I began settling for $40 a week, I used to live in my own apartment. I feel so pitiful for someone my age. |
Gonna quit my job soon. They still give me shit after 7 years -- my grandpa had a heart attack and they acted shitty when I called in. so fuck them.
ps: |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| ||ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ|| || |ŻŻ/ || || __.____/'\. | | ________/Ż\_ || || '--- .---' | | '--'\ ,-----' || || | | ----' '-'ŻŻ'.| | || || | | '----'\ ,'Ż | | || || | |,.\'. | | | | || || ,--' '' \\ '.| ,'___| | ,-. || || ŻŻ' 'ŻŻ' '. '(___ Ż \ || || | | ) ' | |ŻŻŻŻ || || | | _. / , \ | | || || | '.'_//,' \ \ | | || || .-'Ż .,-',',' \,' | | _ || || \_.'Ż ,',' _____,| |_/ '. || || /,' (______________| || ||________________________________|| |,--------------------------------.| || ,--. || || |'Ż' ,-._| ,/___,-. || || | | | ,-------. .' || || __| |_,. | '-------' | || || (__, ,_ ) | .-------. | || || | /| | | '-------' | || || | || | | ,-------.,',. || || | /| | ,.| '---------' ' || || / | | |.||| (ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ,Ż.Ż || || ,' / | '_/| ) .ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ. .' || || / / \___/ ŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ | || || / / .- /\ ŻŻ\ \Ż\ | | || || /,' )| | \ \_\ ŻŻ / / || || ' ,' / |_| ,---' / || || Ż ŻŻ'._,' || ||________________________________|| |__________________________________| I K A R U G A |
My school is shut for the day because of a gas leak and it's sunny outside.
I'm so gonna close the curtains and write gothic poetry. |
Only kidding. Going to the beach byeeeee.
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