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!@#$%! 08.22.2008 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Yes, thanks. Looks like burque's not a choice anymore, unfortunately. We're kind of bummed about it. But we're still holding out hope for Denver and Walla Walla. Portland is also now back in the realm of possibilities--her position opened up again there and she applied.

portland is awesome & has a bunch of zen places man

just get a fucking apartment & move there already.

gmku 08.22.2008 11:07 AM

Ha, ha. Yeah, I'm not quite ready to go into zen-monk-style poverty for it, though. I'm too attached to the doe-ray-me.

Something will work out. It is not our destiny to remain in the land of the rebel yell.

!@#$%! 08.22.2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Ha, ha. Yeah, I'm not quite ready to go into zen-monk-style poverty for it, though. I'm too attached to the doe-ray-me.

Something will work out. It is not our destiny to remain in the land of the rebel yell.

ha ha. i remember saying "noooooooooooooo!!!" when you vainly tried to rationalize south carolina. i saw that from a million miles.

now walla-walla? please man. too much twin peaks.

apartment living is not poverty man! it's awesome! no yard work! and no excuse for your kids to go live back at home! :D

gmku 08.22.2008 11:45 AM

Oh, no, I agree. We want apartment living, in fact. We're very ready for it. I'm just saying we'll still need money to pay the rent and keep the lights on. Job first, then move.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.22.2008 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
portland is awesome & has a bunch of zen places man

just get a fucking apartment & move there already.

if you can figure out how to get anywhere in that confusing street layout..


atsonicpark 08.22.2008 08:06 PM


!@#$%! 08.22.2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
if you can figure out how to get anywhere in that confusing street layout..





SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.22.2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!



yeah, they do have an abundance in white people up there dont they.. an apparantly a rising somali population. The INS moves people to the craziest places, St Paul has one of the highest Ethiopia populations in the country!

ALIEN ANAL 08.22.2008 10:08 PM

speakin of the crimes
i think i will get cheesed and draw
i did a pic of tom green the other night ill show ya
its incomplete though

HaydenAsche 08.23.2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
St Paul has one of the highest Ethiopia populations in the country!

I know.

Cantankerous 08.23.2008 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
haha yeh the dumb ass feelin after being stoned
i find a good walk in the cold and a cup of tea soon gets rid ofit

haha being burnt out
if i smoke too much i turn into a retard

speaking of retards

holy shit i did speed
not meth, like regular amphetamine
the only way i can describe it is i felt like an 8 year old retarded girl on crack which is fun
just for fun, for no particular reason other than that i'd never done it before
i'm still fucking tweaked out. jesus shit christ.

and i have never been so distracted in my entire life and that's not supposed to happen? like i got a cheeseburger and i just stood there with it in my hand talking for like 20 minutes straight even though i meant to eat it
and i had a cig in my hand meaning to light it and i just ran around with an unlit cigarette in my hand for like a half hour

MellySingsDoom 08.23.2008 11:12 AM

^^^Speed is fun, but the come-downs can be horrendous. I just used to talk 25-to-the-dozen about all sorts of crap, none of which I could remember afterwards.

And for the 25th time this month from me, here's a clip dedicated to youuuu:

Cantankerous 08.23.2008 11:19 AM

it was so fun
like way more fun than doing blow
i didn't expect to be so distractable though
and EVERY FUCKING THING that comes to mind, i had to verbalize it
i was crashing out so bad this morning but i couldn't go to sleep
i don't remember anything i said but i got into this really ridiculous intellectual conversation about god knows what with my friend, some psychological kind of shit
i think i just went from being a pothead sloth to a tweaker in like less than a day

ahaha re: fall video, i'm still fucking wired and i'm drinking coffee and then ima drink a red bull or three
also i love that song


MellySingsDoom 08.23.2008 11:36 AM

Melly in speed action many years ago:

"Yeah, y'know the thing about politics and religion, is, like, they are SO encompassing of y'know the universe andallsortsofthings - where's mycigggie ohI...justthinkIburnedmyselfagain".

(If anyone releases my ampheta-rants on the internet, I am so busted...

Cantankerous 08.23.2008 11:41 AM

just smoking a cigarette was (and is still) so. fucking. enjoyable.

i have ADD like you wouldn't believe normally. i mean this was nuts. i can't believe i never did it before yesterday. i've been awake for 28 or 29 hours.

This Is Not Here 08.23.2008 03:03 PM

Ahhh, Speed. My cruel mistress. Last weekend, took a fair old amount at a club, and then on leaving I could NOT decide where I was going to go and who I was going to hang out with, the fact that both had pros and cons absolutely THREW me whilst on speed. I actually at a point considered throwing myself out in front of a car to avoid making the decision. In the end a coin was flipped on my behalf. The worst thing is, no one else seemed to be anywhere near as high as I was. The moral of the story is: stay AWAY from decisions on speed.

This Is Not Here 08.23.2008 03:05 PM

The lack of sleep will get slightly better when and if you take it again. When I first started taking it I'd take it on saturday and not sleep until Wednesday. However, now its alot better and I can sleep the day after, though more realistically the day after that.

MellySingsDoom 08.23.2008 03:06 PM

TINH - Or hash: "Uh, shall we go and get something to eat?"
*20 minutes passes*
"Uh, I, I've got the munchies. Anyone want to get a kebab?"

Cantankerous 08.23.2008 03:07 PM

i still have not gone to bed and i don't feel tired at all. i've been awake for something like 32 hrs or some shit.

i don't feel all tweaked out anymore though, just really burnt out like i killed a lot of brain cells.

MellySingsDoom 08.23.2008 03:08 PM

The old adrenalin will kick in later on tonight - but you will sleep for a long time afterwards, I tell thee. Thank Buddha for your perm vacation, eh ;)

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