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Derek 10.18.2010 03:30 PM

I have no idea. I just find the picture hilarious to be honest, and the fact that Glenn Branca is playing it is even better.

phoenix 10.18.2010 03:45 PM

so many miles.

Genteel Death 10.19.2010 12:36 PM


ann ashtray 10.19.2010 10:10 PM

I know I'm getting old because the negative effects of staying awake hours on end start taking effect much quicker than they used to.

Used to be able to stay awake 30 something hours, no problem. Sometimes stretching into a little over two days....only been awake 18 hours now (at work) and feeling hella exhausted. I'll sleep all frickin' day tomorrow.

SONIC GAIL 10.20.2010 09:21 AM

All I wanna do is sleep lately. Depression? Withdrawal from quitting narcotics? I was accused of being on drugs at work by the owners because I am tired and lost some weight. Of course I take drugs but not the kind they think. I have been doing good and only taking my recommended dose of cllonazipam and pot is not a drug. I am tired and thin because I quit the harder shit and this job gives me enormous amounts of stress. Fuck em anyway.

Derek 10.20.2010 10:25 AM

Why is it really your employer's concern if you are on drugs anyway if it doesn't effect your work? Sounds to me like they're looking for gossip to stick their noses into.

gast30 10.20.2010 10:37 AM


SONIC GAIL 10.20.2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Why is it really your employer's concern if you are on drugs anyway if it doesn't effect your work? Sounds to me like they're looking for gossip to stick their noses into.

EXACTLY!!!! This is a small office and people like to talk shit behind my back evidently. I do have a bad record of being on time and leaving at "weird" times for lunch. I am late because it takes me an hour and a half to get here and I have 2 kids I have to take to school in the morning. I leave at weird times because I meet my husband to get his checks and cash them because he has to pick our kids up at 1:45 and the school is an hour away from his job. he has a lawn business. They evidently think i must be shooting up or smokin crack while i'm gone. I just get furious when people judge me! So now I am being watched like a kid. Someone writes down everytime I arrive and leave and the Canadian manager is going to make monthly visits to check up on me. They obviously need me or else they would have fired me by now. Yet they forget about the hours of overtime I worked at home for FREEEEEE for them.

I almost quit the other day, but I have to feed my kids and give them a good christmas, so I have a plan. I will find another job and tell them to kiss my fucking ass. I have a record of my unpaid overtime that I am turning in to my boss and when I quit I am not only going to report thier ass to the department of labor I am going to sue them for unpaid wages.

Man interior design sure isn't what I thought it would be in college. I have already called the competitor letting them know that when they need someone to call me and they will cause I worked there before and I will freely spill ALL information about this place and drive them into the ground.

As axl rose once sang "Don't Fuck with the bad side of me!"

oh that's better....thanx derek i really needed a rant:)

Derek 10.20.2010 11:33 AM

Yeah, bring the place down from the inside. Maybe that'll teach those teenage girls that are trapped in grown women's bodies.

atsonicpark 10.20.2010 11:36 AM

Longest I've been up at a time is 70 hours. And I wasn't on drugs. I am regularly up 24-30 hours at a time, or only sleep like 5 hours over the course of 48 or something, for example. But there's always one day when I just crash.

My boss tells me he likes when people are on drugs -- he said they usually work faster. I know I do, for example. He said the best workers are methheads. He used to be a crack dealer himself.

SONIC GAIL 10.20.2010 11:48 AM

best workers are methheads or on aderals or pain killers you can work for days straight. THAT IS WHY I AM SO TIRED!!!!!! I quit that shit damn it.

EVOLghost 10.21.2010 08:15 AM

5 more hours to make it 24 hours. I"m at work and it suuuuuuucks.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 10.22.2010 12:43 AM

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SONIC GAIL 10.22.2010 09:59 AM

^I am wondering how long it takes one to make that

EVOLghost 10.23.2010 03:49 AM

Saw blonde Redhead tonight. They were fookin' awesome. Kazu kicked so much ass when she sung '23'. I'm in love with her. fucking beautiful voice.

EVOLghost 10.23.2010 09:36 AM

yeh 6 horus later...I'm at work. I don't even think I'm supposed to be here. so tired....

SONIC GAIL 10.23.2010 09:48 AM

Goin tro the motherfuckin beach for the weekend. My favorite hotel on the oceanfront. It will be a good 2 days :)

gast30 10.23.2010 10:15 AM


Inhuman 10.24.2010 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
these hallucinations dont know when to stop. i dont think theyre aware of where they should go, if there is anywhere for them to go at all. but they do not belong here.

unless their motive is to disturb me..anxiety is controlling the mind.

From drugs or mental status? You speak as if the hallucinations are their own spark of awareness. Hope the anxiety calms.

space 10.24.2010 10:57 AM

arrived in Austin last night.

we're spending the next few days finding tacos and a place to live.

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