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!@#$%! 03.03.2017 07:45 PM


eta: this is fucking brilliant, right on the first letter:

What man can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day, who understands that he is dying daily? For we are mistaken when we look forward to death; the major portion of death has already passed. Whatever years be behind us are in death's hands.

Severian 03.03.2017 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Arrested Development was a highlight of human civilization.

Ok. We good.

!@#$%! 03.04.2017 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Ok. We good.

see, that's your tomato

Severian 03.04.2017 01:23 PM

Trumpalump accuses Barrack Obama of wire-tapping his motherfucking phone ... Calls Obama a "Bad (or sick) guy!" ... cites absolutely no evidence... will likely be believed by half the country

Every day I think the ballon is going to pop, and it just keeps inflating.

!@#$%! 03.05.2017 12:05 AM

ruy teixeira says stay calm and pass the ammunition

evollove 03.05.2017 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Every day I think the ballon is going to pop, and it just keeps inflating.

He lied. Said something outrageous. Mis-spelled "tap."



It took me about 6 weeks to accept this. Beat you.

tesla69 03.05.2017 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so how do we become liberated?

your idea of liberation is downloading a new game to your phone. Keep drinking that flouride dope!

!@#$%! 03.05.2017 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
your idea of liberation is downloading a new game to your phone. Keep drinking that flouride dope!

mmmmmmm tasty fluoride stole my iq

make smallpox great again

tesla69 03.06.2017 07:56 AM

I od
A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not published online until this week, that the killers in the Bataclan appear to have tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.
The chief police witness in Parliament testified that on the night of the attacks, an investigating officer, tears streaming down his face, rushed out of the Bataclan and vomited in front of him just after seeing the disfigured bodies.
The 14-hour testimony about the November attacks took place March 21st.
According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers reportedly gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were reportedly stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.
But prosecutors at the hearing claimed these reports of torture were “a rumor” on the grounds that sharp knives were not found at the scene. They also claimed that maybe shrapnel had caused the injuries.
Q. For the information of the Commission of Inquiry….can you tell us how you learned that there had been acts of barbarism within the Bataclan: beheadings, evisceration, eyes gouged out …?
Investigator: After the assault, we were with colleagues at the passage Saint-Pierre Amelot when I saw weeping from one of our colleagues who came outside to vomit. He told us what he had seen.
Q. Acts of torture happened on the second floor?
Further on the investigator described how this was kept from relatives:
A. Bodies have not been presented to families because there were beheaded people there, the murdered people, people who have been disemboweled . There are women who had their genitals stabbed.
Q. All this would have been videotaped for Daesh !
A. I believe so. Survivors have said so.
Elsewhere, the investigator says, women were sexually tortured, stabbed in the genitals, and their eyes were plucked out. People were decapitated.
The clerk of the inquiry (or “rapporteur”) pressed the chief of committee for clarity on whether victims were decapitated or mutilated. The committee chief replied that the authorities had given out conflicting information that said victims were merely shot or blown up. He then added this damning statement about one victim’s father discovering the gruesome truth in the morgue:
Mr. President Georges Fenech Indeed, the Committee is troubled by this information which has appeared nowhere [in the media]. Thus, the father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter he sent to the investigating judge, which I quote in summary: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled. When I saw him behind glass, lying on a table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me. He said: This is “the only presentable part, your son’s left profile.” I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face, where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see. ”
This particular witness could corroborate the statements that we heard from one of the BAC officials, that one of his investigators vomited immediately on leaving the Bataclan after finding a decapitation and evisceration. Are you aware of such facts?
A prosecutor appearing before the inquiry replied lamely that no sharp knife had been found at the scene that could have been used for torture. Perhaps shrapnel had caused the mutilation, he said. The head of the committee asked if an explosion would have placed testicles in a victim’s mouth:
Prosecutor: I specify, for the sake of clarity: some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by the explosions and weapons, to the point that it was sometimes difficult to reconstruct the dismembered bodies. In other words, injuries described this father may also have been caused by automatic weapons, by explosions or projections of nails and bolts that have resulted.
Q. Would those have put a man’s balls in in his own mouth?
Prosecutor: I do not have that information.

ilduclo 03.06.2017 10:45 AM

fake news

ilduclo 03.06.2017 04:01 PM

Ctheory has an excellent series of articles on the current political situation, here is the latest one

The Soup Nazi 03.07.2017 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo


Liberty Island's iconic Statue of Liberty cradles Emma Lazarus' famous New Colossus sonnet, which is on a plaque, mounted on the inside of the pedestal of the statue. The world-famous words of Lazarus' poem promised a home to the dispossessed, to the refugee, and often was the last and best hope to those who had nowhere else to go:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

In 1989, a different poet not only updated New Colossus but predicted what would happen almost thirty years later:

Give me your hungry, your tired your poor I'll piss on 'em
That's what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let's club 'em to death
and get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard

The Soup Nazi 03.07.2017 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo

Truly fuckin' brilliant.

The Soup Nazi 03.07.2017 09:43 PM

I gotta say I love Drumpf's latest bullshit. Motherfucker never thinks things all the way through, but this one is a particularly delicious slice of self-inflicted Catch-22: if he wasn't wiretapped, he's lying for the hundred billionth time; if he was, a FISA court concluded there was probable cause to further investigate that he was getting jiggy with Putin's dong again. Marvelous.

Latest bullshit's particularities aside, there's a clear pattern here which I at least have not seen or heard mentioned by anyone, a fact rather disturbing in itself since it doesn't exactly take a PhD to notice it. (If whoever's reading can let me know this has been pointed out, I'd appreciate it!). So:

— After Trump was correctly called a bigot for shitting on Latin Americans, Muslims, African-Americans, you name it:

"Hillary Clinton is a bigot! She's a bigot!"

— After he was correctly called a sexual predator following the airing of the grab-'em-by-the-pussy/I-just-start-kissing-'em/I-go-in-their-dressing-room-because-I-own-the-joint tape:

"Bill Clinton is the biggest sexual predator ever!"

— After his and his team of immoral subcreatures' bullshit was correctly called fake news:

"I'm running against the dishonest mainstream media and their fake news!"

— After the the shitty impression generated by his relation with Russia escalated to shock in light of constant new evidence and correctly started being called the biggest scandal since Watergate:

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate!"

As you very well know, the list is far, far longer, but you get the point. While it's tempting to say that these are simply man-baby knee-jerk reactions in the "You're the puppet!" vein, there's something much more perverse at work here: hijacking accusations to sling them back verbatim is a TEXTBOOK fascist disinformation tactic, the rationale behind it being that most people's minds are a coupla sandwiches short of a picnic anyway (can't say they're wrong there), which makes the masses unable to come up with and/or process fine distinctions over a single term/concept. The consequence is that the counter-attack, no matter how unfathomably untruthful, becomes exponentially amplified, because it's not just "the Leader" and his tweets and Conway and Spicer and that blonde mass of putrefaction who sits near Anderson Cooper every night —what's her name, McEnany—, it's the original accusers/critics who, to the great intellectually unwashed, keep bringing up a word which has been redefined to them by Steve Bannon. The machine feeds itself: there's no need to shoot criticisms of your own invention at your rivals when all you have to do is fuck up, get called on it, fire back the same fuckup you got called on, lather, rinse, repeat.

tw2113 03.07.2017 10:40 PM

TLDR: shit's still fucked up beyond all repair

Severian 03.07.2017 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I gotta say I love Drumpf's latest bullshit. Motherfucker never thinks things all the way through, but this one is a particularly delicious slice of self-inflicted Catch-22: if he wasn't wiretapped, he's lying for the hundred billionth time; if he was, a FISA court concluded there was probable cause to further investigate that he was getting jiggy with Putin's dong again. Marvelous.

Latest bullshit's particularities aside, there's a clear pattern here which I at least have not seen or heard mentioned by anyone, a fact rather disturbing in itself since it doesn't exactly take a PhD to notice it. (If whoever's reading can let me know this has been pointed out, I'd appreciate it!). So:

— After Trump was correctly called a bigot for shitting on Latin Americans, Muslims, African-Americans, you name it:

"Hillary Clinton is a bigot! She's a bigot!"

— After he was correctly called a sexual predator following the airing of the grab-'em-by-the-pussy/I-just-start-kissing-'em/I-go-in-their-dressing-room-because-I-own-the-joint tape:

"Bill Clinton is the biggest sexual predator ever!"

— After his and his team of immoral subcreatures' bullshit was correctly called fake news:

"I'm running against the dishonest mainstream media and their fake news!"

— After the the shitty impression generated by his relation with Russia escalated to shock in light of constant new evidence and correctly started being called the biggest scandal since Watergate:

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate!"

As you very well know, the list is far, far longer, but you get the point. While it's tempting to say that these are simply man-baby knee-jerk reactions in the "You're the puppet!" vein, there's something much more perverse at work here: hijacking accusations to sling them back verbatim is a TEXTBOOK fascist disinformation tactic, the rationale behind it being that most people's minds are a coupla sandwiches short of a picnic anyway (can't say they're wrong there), which makes the masses unable to come up with and/or process fine distinctions over a single term/concept. The consequence is that the counter-attack, no matter how unfathomably untruthful, becomes exponentially amplified, because it's not just "the Leader" and his tweets and Conway and Spicer and that blonde mass of putrefaction who sits near Anderson Cooper every night —what's her name, McEnany—, it's the original accusers/critics who, to the great intellectually unwashed, keep bringing up a word which has been redefined to them by Steve Bannon. The machine feeds itself: there's no need to shoot criticisms of your own invention at your rivals when all you have to do is fuck up, get called on it, fire back the same fuckup you got called on, lather, rinse, repeat.

Just the shit he posted about Obama — I shiver every time I remember that the President of the United States called his predecessor "bad (or sick!)" on social media... Jesus Fucking ass Christ — is an impeachable offense according to some.

Have you guys heard of the Emolument Clause? Trump's been violating he constitution since the day he took office, but there's an actual clause prohibiting his refusal to put his assets in a blind Trust. Impeach!

Then remove from office! Not the same thing! Must do both! Then impeach EVERYONE until someone ½ sane takes his place. Anyone know the party affiliation of the current Post Master General?

!@#$%! 03.08.2017 10:15 AM

the hotels apparently were booked way in advance of the election--but stilll...

ilduclo 03.08.2017 10:52 AM

ACA shit is gonna hurt a BUNCH of people. Goddamn, those who varted for him and for the R Sens and Reps, fuck them people, truly

!@#$%! 03.08.2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
ACA shit is gonna hurt a BUNCH of people. Goddamn, those who varted for him and for the R Sens and Reps, fuck them people, truly

im lucky in that i recently went from buy your own to a group plan, so i think i'll be unaffected, but the shit is gonna hit the fan on this one

Rob Instigator 03.08.2017 11:13 AM

he is cutting funding to Coast Guard (WHICH PROTECTS OUR HOMELAND!!!!!) to better facilitate the distribution and enjoyment of cocaine by his rich friends.

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