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greedrex 04.09.2009 10:55 AM


it's all yr fault.

atsonicpark 04.09.2009 10:57 AM

"Disarm" is one of the most hilarious songs I've ever heard. It's atrocious!!! It's so farging bad!!! Isn't it enough that we have to listen to Bill Corgan pretend to weep his way through the silly little angst-ridden lyrics; do we really need the stupid xylophone and pounding kettle drums too? Does that somehow make the song more dramatic? And, for christ's sake now, a STRING SECTION???? Whatever. If Mr. Corgan's goal was to create a listening experience as moving and emotional as Kansas's "Dust In The Wind," well I'd say he succeeded! That's all. If you want to call this a classic, that's your prerogative, but I've got probably 2500 albums, and this doesn't even make the top twenty three hundred.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.09.2009 10:58 AM

We've talked about it in letters And we've talked about it on the phone
But how you really feel about it
I don't really know

What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
Misogynist? Genius?
Misogynist! Genius!
Misogynist! Genius!
Misogynist! Genius!

What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
Alcoholic! Messiah!
Alcoholic! Messiah!
Alcoholic! Messiah!
Alcoholic! Messiah!

What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?
Genius! Misogynist! Alcoholic!
Hey where's Gina?
Genius! Misogynist!
Messiah! Alcoholic!

What's Yr Take on
What's Yr Take on
What's Yr Take on
What's Yr Take on Cassavetes?

Derek 04.09.2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by greedrex

it's all yr fault.

I guess the coverart's cool...

noisereductions 04.09.2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
I guess the coverart's cool...

Plus it's a really f'ing good album.

noisereductions 04.09.2009 11:03 AM

quick! someone PM the Aeroplane boxset. I sold mine was I was young & dumb.

atsonicpark 04.09.2009 11:09 AM

Los Angeles Free Music Society - LOWEST FORMS OF MUSIC 10 CD SET

greedrex 04.09.2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
quick! someone PM the Aeroplane boxset. I sold mine was I was young & dumb.

The links do work, i checked.

stu666 04.09.2009 11:58 AM

Action Beat

noisereductions 04.09.2009 12:00 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to greedrex again.

atsonicpark 04.09.2009 12:03 PM

I went to sleep last night around 1 A.M. after watching this show on guys that rape prostitutes. Rape... prostitutes... hmmm... That almost seems contradictory, but yeah, these guys would pick up prostitutes and rape (?) them and then tie them up and torture them and this one killed 21 prostitutes and then he was caught and he had a bloody knife still in his van... weird... sooooo, it's now 2:03 A.M. and I'm still not asleep... it's a school night and I'm high... not on drugs, maybe on caffeine? I don't know what it is but my mind isn't focusing and I'm interested only in happiness, joy and glee!... I guess in a way it's kind of historically important to realize that the World Trade Center no longer exists... It hasn't just been closed for repairs; it is now part of history. The tallest building in New York City is the Empire State Building. For the rest of your life, please take note of every time you see the World Trade Center in pictures or movies - and say, "Oh yeah! I remember when that existed!" See, a lot of people have horrible lives in horrible underdeveloped countries and it's very easy to see why they would get mad at the U.S. for being so affluent... However, Osama Bin Laden is a fucking multimillionaire! If only the poor citizens of Afghanistan had the strength and weapons necessary to rise up and bash the fuck out of this Taliban, then hunt down Osama and STEAL HIS MONEY, this world might be a bit safer for normal everyday people again... But a lot of people love Osama. It is an entirely different mindset. I live my life, and I'm American, and I don't bother anyone... But for some reason, I am evil and need to be exterminated. I'll tell you what needs to be exterminated: all religions. They are stupid, asinine fairy tales for idiots. They hold no truth and contain nothing of value besides simple moral rules that everybody should be kind and smart enough to abide by anyway. If nothing else, we have LAWS and people who enforce those laws. We do not need Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Judaism or any of that other worthless fucking shit that turns entire nations against each other and creates a mindless world of stupid terror between gun-toting idiots who refuse to accept the fact that both they and their enemies are most likely COMPLETELY WRONG about what is going to happen to them when they die. It's all retarded bullshit created a long time ago and spread throughout an ignorant and gullible public in need of something to believe in. Hindu, Buddhism, Satanism - all religions keep people away from reality. Or at least as much reality as we have the brains to comprehend... For all we know (and this is obvious but it bears repeating), NONE of what we see is real. There is enough evidence to support the fact that we don't really know "what time it is". When you are dreaming, do you KNOW that it's a dream? Sometimes sure, but most of the time, it seems completely real and you treat it as such. So imagine being stuck in that state all the time? For all we know, we ALL ARE stuck in that state all the time... But back to religion: faith adds nothing to society. It makes people weak and dependent, and most importantly, violent and/or scared... In America, we should not have to be subject to endless talk about God and prayer simply because the majority of people are sheep who refuse to think on their own for half a second and realize that the odds on the Bible being anything more than a boringass book written by fools and liars is about 15 billion to 1. Christianity came WAY TOO LATE in the history of the world to have any credence... but I can deal with that... Christians, as repressive and repressed as they often are, at least no longer believe in "jihads". Nope - just killing abortion doctors! Whee! Because life is SUCH a treat, every little unwanted fetus should have the chance to experience it!!! Yay!!! I get to be born and get the shit beat out of me by a mother and father who wanted me dead, but weren't given that choice!!! Yay! I get to have 18 years of sexual abuse and mental torture so that I can grow up and either feel like shit ALL THE TIME or take my aggressions out on other innocent people!!!!! Oh god. I love it! If there is a God, I just hope to hell it's not the Christian one... Because he created people simply so he could judge them and condemn them. If that's God, I don't want God. I don't need a God who created me, gave me no sign that he existed, then demanded that I believe in him and love him or he'll condemn me. People who wanted to control weaker people - that's who. It's a lot easier to keep people in line if you're able to somehow convince them that if they get OUT of line, then their afterlife - entire eternity - will be painful. Very few people enjoy pain... I am not a smart person. I know this is obvious by the middle-school-level bitching and moaning I'm doing right here... but this was really late at night and my head was on backwards... I'm NOT smart, but I'm smart enough to make my mind up about things. And smart enough to know how LITTLE I know about anything. I have no faith. Faith is for stupid people... Stupid people who get angry when you point out how asinine their beliefs are. I love a lot of things about the world. But I don't believe that ANYBODY really knows what it is, where it came from or how expansive it is. That's why I'm much more interested in stuff that can be proven -- at least as much as possible. Prove to me right now that there's a God. What are you going to do, point to a tree and say, "Look at how perfect it is! How could it be this way without a God? Look at people! We're alive! It MUST be because of God!" Well okay then, this same God is then responsible for cancer and AIDS and heart disease and pain and torture and brains decaying with Alzheimers and strokes, bodies falling apart, people losing loved ones - if God gets the responsibility for all the good stuff, he has to take the responsibility for the bad too. Don't give me that Satan shit - God should protect us from pain, fear and terror. But he doesn't. Which means either he's a fucking asshole or he's not real. I'm not saying that there is no God... I'm only saying that I don't think anybody has any clue what it actually is. I believe that it is most likely that all religions are completely wrong, and it makes me feel bad when I see so many people treated like shit and even killed because of a bunch of idiotic stupid nonsense. The World Trade Center disaster had many causes, but you can trace most of them back to religion... Thanks, religion! You were such a good idea. Fuck you and fuck everybody who believes in you in any way! You are not good. You have never been good. If you bring people solace, it is solace in lies. Ignorance is bliss. I am STUPID, but at least I know I'm stupid. Now let's talk about sports. I think they're kinda boring, but I can get into them if somebody forces me to... Now let's talk about music. I love a lot of music; hate a lot of it too, but love a lot of it. Now let's talk about going back and deleting all this drug-induced garbage I just wrote.... Nah. I believe that someone created us, but I... yeah.

greedrex 04.09.2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to greedrex again.


noisereductions 04.09.2009 12:34 PM


Rob Instigator 04.09.2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I went to sleep last night around 1 A.M..... Nah. I believe that someone created us, but I... yeah.

great rant. however, the only people that created you are your dad's cock, which he inswerted into your mom's vagina repeatedly emptying the fluid from his testicles and that fluid dlowed/crawled/swam into your mom's cervix and then her uterus and then her fallopian tubes and there met up with a tasty ovum.

there is no god/gods/deities/supernatural ANYTHING.

accept it. enjoy yr life.

atsonicpark 04.09.2009 12:46 PM

My dick is my own god now.

Sonic Youth 37 04.09.2009 01:33 PM


uhler 04.09.2009 01:37 PM


SuperCreep 04.09.2009 01:43 PM


Derek 04.09.2009 01:46 PM

Sun City Girls - Sun City Girls

PAULYBEE2656 04.09.2009 01:52 PM


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