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Bytor Peltor 10.15.2018 07:36 PM

I believe it proves how much space Our President occupies in her a mini TRUMP tower!

Out West in Vegas where the grownups lay down their cash, I find it interesting that Squa Warren and her .001% to 3% American Indian blood is holding steady at LONG ODDS to win the 2020 Election.

President Donald Trump is still the +150 favorite.

About 65 times more bets on Trump than Warren.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

she’s never claimed tribal citizenship, only ancestry

(also, the cherokees are economically opposed to expanding citizenship which is why they’ve denied black cherokees)


but fox news won’t let you regurgitate that


!@#$%! 10.15.2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I believe it proves how much space Our President occupies in her a mini TRUMP tower!

Out West in Vegas where the grownups lay down their cash, I find it interesting that Squa Warren and her .001% to 3% American Indian blood is holding steady at LONG ODDS to win the 2020 Election.

President Donald Trump is still the +150 favorite.

About 65 times more bets on Trump than Warren.

well good for you and your vices

Savage Clone 10.15.2018 11:19 PM

I may agree with Elizabeth Warren on a lot of things, but I can still admit she's being a complete piece of garbage on this point. She's giving fuel to The Idiot Boy King. Good job Democrats. You've always been great on screwing things up when the world has been handed to you on a platter.

Savage Clone 10.15.2018 11:21 PM

Also, Bytor, you aren't winning any points by using the term Squaw. Politics aside, your comments on race in this thread are seriously problematic. I consider you a friend and you are really digging a hole for yourself here.

demonrail666 10.16.2018 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

check this out!

i just found it but looks very promising:

OK, so the Enlightenment helped define/codify and in a sense promote racism. The point is what do we do now? No one with a serious interest in the Enlightenment (Peterson and Pinker included) are unaware of its problems - although they may not interpret them in quite the way that article does. But the point is they (and I) still prefer it to what the Liberal/Left is currently offering via the zero sum game of Intersectional politics. If rational discourse is essentially a white straight male one then all I can still think is that rational discourse remains the best way of working on that. You won't agree with that because within your discourse that's an impossible contradiction but until something better comes along in terms of actually helping us out of this mess, I'm sticking with it, even if I'm holding my nose while I do. Interesectional Politics appeals to a certain impulse because it .doesn't seek reconciliation as a way forward but rather a multitude of little micro-wars between genders races and sexualities. Enlightenment rationalism may never achieve that reconciliation either but I do believe (counter to the points in that article) that it at least aspires to it, even if only conceptually through the idea of a dialectic. The Enlightment can essentially settle on a 1-1 draw. Interectional Politics needs one group to win which by default means another group has to lose.

We're gonna have to fundamentally agree to disagree on that cos you can always point to problems within the Enlightenment (many of which I'll concede) but I'll still consider it preferable to Intersectional Politics.

Apart from that, I'm sort of more interested in the real world problems of why the Dems have lost political ground, than going into abstract philosophizing that might underpin certain points but ends up a topic on its own.

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2018 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Also, Bytor, you aren't winning any points by using the term Squaw. Politics aside, your comments on race in this thread are seriously problematic. I consider you a friend and you are really digging a hole for yourself here.

Erik - thank you for your friendship here over the years. I realize I must have said something horribly offensive for you to call me out.

YES - referring to someone as Squaw when that individual is misusing a bloodline percentage was in poor taste and I do apologize! As they say, two wrongs don’t make a right.

I guess me asking (and providing video) of the CNN reporter / Democratic Party referring to Kanye as a -Dumb Negro- was out of line? I’ve never used the ‘N’ Word here as slang or in a derogatory way.....but if that is how you or anyone else here received it......offended by my question......please accept my apologies and I’m happy to go back and delete the post.

The only other time I remember you raising a point of contention was with my use of the term, hermaphrodite, several months ago.

Again, All apologies to anyone here that I have offended......probably best that I go put up my shovel.

ilduclo 10.16.2018 07:49 AM

I don’t recall allowing bitey to say anything, identity special interest need to go back to your closets. We defeated your groups in the American Civil War and WW2

demonrail666 10.16.2018 08:19 AM

Your 'We' doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as them. Your 'We' couldn't even get its shit together enough to beat Donald flippin' Trump. God help us when you come up against an actual serious opponent.

!@#$%! 10.16.2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
OK, so the Enlightenment helped define/codify and in a sense promote racism.

racism, male supremacy, global takeover by ethnic europeans, colonialism, science as extermination, eugenics, etc etc etc

but that is not really what i am still trying to say

what i have been saying is that the subject of the enlightenment is a male white european etc etc.

this is important!

to me all of these shortcoming do not not disqualify the enlightment, but it brings into the foreground many of its discontents and the reasons for their discontent

the problem with the enlightenment is that it has not delivered on its promises. it’s a nice club to be a member of, but in contradiction with its philosophical underpinnings, it has been, historically, an exclusive club.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
The point is what do we do now?

now we listen first, and not rush


Originally Posted by demonrail666
No one with a serious interest in the Enlightenment (Peterson and Pinker included) are unaware of its problems - although they may not interpret them in quite the way that article does.

it’s because they are white male educated affluent etc etc bla bla bla

perspectivism is a thing


Originally Posted by demonrail666
But the point is they (and I) still prefer it to what the Liberal/Left is currently offering via the zero sum game of Intersectional politics.

it doesn’t have to be an either/or.

i like pinkert as a science writer, i agree that the enlightenment has brought us real progress

but peterson seems to me too eager to preserve not just the promise of the enlightenment, but the primacy of the original club membership


Originally Posted by demonrail666
If rational discourse is essentially a white straight male one

no it’s not

the woman, the negro, the wild indian, the miscegenated, the low-born, the subtropical, haa haaa haaa, we all have proven (to whom? to massah?) capable of rational discourse.

the problem is that rational discourse has historically been used not as a pure objective clarity of thought in search of truth, but as instrumental reason to justify all manner of oppression and exploitation and outright extermination in clearly ethnic imperial enterprises.

but the same tools of the enlightenment are now are being used to undermine these oppresive structures.

maybe you want to call them absurd and lacking in logic, but it is discourse and it is within the parameters of rationality, especially when you compare it to some of the shit the great “forefathers” were spewing in their day.

like science, the enlightenment has the virtue of self-questioning and self-correction.

i’m pinning my hopes on that


Originally Posted by demonrail666
one then all I can still think is that rational discourse remains the best way of working on that.



Originally Posted by demonrail666
You won't agree with that because within your discourse that's an impossible contradiction

i do what?

you seem to be stuck in some either/or polarity and you’re missing the point of my position which is neither.

i’m for the enlightenment. i’m for the enlightenment for all.

that means that the supreme subject of the enlightment needs to change.

that doesn’t mean the end of the enlightenment project. it means the fulfillment of its promise.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
but until something better comes along in terms of actually helping us out of this mess, I'm sticking with it, even if I'm holding my nose while I do.

i don’t see anything better either. but it doesn’t have to be “the white judeochristian menzes vs. the world.” that’s very close-minded. that’s fucking tribal.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Interesectional Politics appeals to a certain impulse because it .doesn't seek reconciliation as a way forward but rather a multitude of little micro-wars between genders races and sexualities.

i still do not think we have a good workable definition here to discuss this. you’re talking from your experience in academia, i’m talking from my experience in everyday life in america, and things are being lost in translation.

but it’s okay to put this aside for a moment because i’d like to get some agreement on the premises at least.

the premise is that the enlightenment project, as it stands today, is, in spite of its universal promise, still a very ethnically charged and gendered enterprise.

can you agree with that or at least see why some can see it that way?

i think you already did but before we look for solutions to its problems we have to agree that it has some serious shortcomings


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Enlightenment rationalism may never achieve that reconciliation either but I do believe (counter to the points in that article) that it at least aspires to it, even if only conceptually through the idea of a dialectic. The Enlightment can essentially settle on a 1-1 draw. Interectional Politics needs one group to win which by default means another group has to lose.

i did not write that article and that is not my point.

the article merely provides supplementation to my point, which is/was/ as i have been repeating: WHO is the subject of the enlightenment. who is the member in that club.

please take that article as supplementation to my argument not as its main thrust. i only posted the link because, the writer having being paid to write it, having more energy and resources at hand, and just ultimately being better at it, he provides ample documentation for what i wanted to say.

but his interpretation is not mine. mine is not his.

*i am not against the project of the enlightenment*

*i am for the enligtenment*

but i am against the ridiculous claim that its project has already been fulfilled and we shouldn’t rock the boat or complain


Originally Posted by demonrail666
We're gonna have to fundamentally agree to disagree on that cos you can always point to problems within the Enlightenment (many of which I'll concede) but I'll still consider it preferable to Intersectional Politics.

again not what im saying, not stuck in this either/or dialectic

i’m for the synthesis of this temporary oppositon, and for analyzing why and where this comes from, not just blindly opposing it


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Apart from that, I'm sort of more interested in the real world problems of why the Dems have lost political ground, than going into abstract philosophizing that might underpin certain points but ends up a topic on its own.

it’s not abstract philosophizing.

in the real world, all the minorities left out of the enlightenment project are banging at the doors clamoring for access.

yes, some of those people banging at the doors want to destroy the club altogether. especially academics in the humanities. lol, the idiots.

that’s not me though.

me, i want universal admission. which we do not have right now.

that’s the real-world practical problem: extending those inalienable rights to those who have been originally and historically left out of it, shot, raped, hanged, discriminated against, bled dry, used, kept out to keep the inside “cozy and clean....”

it’s gonna be a messy process to adjust this membership though there has to be some tolerance for disorder and dissension.

ilduclo 10.16.2018 09:46 AM

the "adults in the room" tell you to go eat your vegetables. You are to be seen and not heard

ilduclo 10.16.2018 10:25 AM


ilduclo 10.16.2018 12:45 PM

Members of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer stationed themselves on a downtown Portland rooftop with a cache of guns prior to a summer protest, city officials announced for the first time Monday – the same day Mayor Ted Wheeler learned about it, his aides said.

That shocking revelation came Monday as Portland officials scrambled to find a way to end the repeated violent clashes between dueling political factions downtown.

Prior to the start of a scheduled Aug. 4 demonstration, "the Portland Police Bureau discovered individuals who positioned themselves on a rooftop parking structure in downtown Portland with a cache of firearms," Wheeler said during a City Hall press conference. Berk Nelson, a senior mayoral aide, later said the weapons included "long guns."

The people on the rooftop were members of Patriot Prayer, said Assistant Chief Ryan Lee, who appeared at the press conference with Wheeler and other police officials. Police officers seized the weapons found on the rooftop that day, but they were later given back. No arrests were made because the protesters had not broken any laws and all had licenses to carry concealed weapons, Lee said. Neither Lee nor Wheeler named the people who guns were seized from.

demonrail666 10.16.2018 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

me, i want universal admission. which we do not have right now.

I don't want to dismiss your other points by only addressing this one, but this is the crux of it. Everything I've said so far stems from me wanting universal admission too. The Enlightenment subject probably was originally conceived as a white European male, but I see nothing in actual Enlightenment theories of the subject to think he has to remain so. The core values aren't perfect by any means but I've still yet to find an alternative to them that I think will bring us closer to the kind of real universal admission I think we both want.

!@#$%! 10.16.2018 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I don't want to dismiss your other points by only addressing this one, but this is the crux of it. Everything I've said so far stems from me wanting universal admission too. The Enlightenment subject probably was originally conceived as a white European male, but I see nothing in actual Enlightenment theories of the subject to think he has to remain so. The core values aren't perfect by any means but I've still yet to find an alternative to them that I think will bring us closer to the kind of real universal admission I think we both want.

no, it’s okay, you got the point i was trying to make. and yes. we see eye to eye there. i think we’re good so far.

the thing though is that the original concept is not just an abstraction— it’s a historical praxis. you don’t change it just by declaring the concept changed. it’s embedded in traditions, in the logic of institutions, in all sorts of social constructions.

so in our current situation i see 2 possible kinds of admission, and they are in conflict

#1 says “everyone become a white european male!” aka “kill the indian, save the man” as it was practiced in the indian boarding schools of america. (needless to say, it was a hugely traumatizing experience for its victims.)

#2, would be to expand the concept of the enlightenment subject to incorporate multiple histories, ethnicities, genders, religions, etc. etc.

#1 is what “conservatives” demand. it is the ultimate colonization and it is highly repugnant to me. a kind of... maoism of the right. when everyone is the same everyone will have equal rights. no no no no thanks.

#2 is FUCKING DIFFICULT! it’s never been done! we don’t have a model to imitate. greek democracy was limited, they had slaves. the romans extended citizenship to the conquered, but it took conquest. america goes through cyclical spams in its assimilation and rejection of immigrants and subjugated peoples, and the expansion of civil rights is being resisted at every fucking step by those who want to hoard power.

so, to achieve this sort of liberal utopia (a bit of a contradiction, that) a lot is going to have to be fought for, and negotiated, and yes, the enterprise is a perilous one. but it’s the only enlightenment worth having! we cannot go back to the old one. the cat is out of the bag. mcluhan predicted a return to tribalism and the global village and he was right. now we’re gonna have to negotiate, negotiate, and negotiate. the only way forward.

i understand and to a minor extent embody the grievances of those left out (not really, not that much, i am after all male, well educated, etc,), so i am willing to tolerate the chaos of the current debate for the sake of progress.

i think reason will survive. if it doesn’t, then it wasn’t going to survive in the first place, just like ancient athens went to shit and rome collapsed.

i mean. help me out here. i’m trying to figure a way forward, not a way back. i don’t see identity politics necessarily as an abandonment of rational ideas. i see it as a demand for redress of longstanding historical injustices. i think that once the dialectic is worked out and we define a new enlightenment subject *in practical, actual, cultural terms*, we will all be better for it.

then again maybe all devolves into a fucked up racial or religious war. in that case i’ll fight for the future alliance of federated agnostic mongrels in which everyone is cousins and don’t importune each other with religious proselytizing.

ilduclo 10.16.2018 04:57 PM

bunch of children here


ilduclo 10.16.2018 05:10 PM


Mohammed bin Salman, aka MBS, aka Mohammed bone Saw.

ilduclo 10.16.2018 05:12 PM

US involvement in the Yemen war just got deeper

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2018 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Also, Bytor, you aren't winning any points by using the term Squaw. Politics aside, your comments on race in this thread are seriously problematic. I consider you a friend and you are really digging a hole for yourself here.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Erik - thank you for your friendship here over the years. I realize I must have said something horribly offensive for you to call me out.

YES - referring to someone as Squaw when that individual is misusing a bloodline percentage was in poor taste and I do apologize! As they say, two wrongs don’t make a right.

I guess me asking (and providing video) of the CNN reporter / Democratic Party referring to Kanye as a -Dumb Negro- was out of line? I’ve never used the ‘N’ Word here as slang or in a derogatory way.....but if that is how you or anyone else here received it......offended by my question......please accept my apologies and I’m happy to go back and delete the post.

The only other time I remember you raising a point of contention was with my use of the term, hermaphrodite, several months ago.

Again, All apologies to anyone here that I have offended......probably best that I go put up my shovel.

After a day of sleep and further review of my post over the past few weeks, other than using the term, Squaw......what else are you referring to?

Token Negro = Dumb Negro?

For those who didn’t watch the video, it was a black CNN show host who said, “this is what happens when a Negro doesn’t read,” regarding Kanye West’s visit with our President. Someone else during that broadcast referenced Kanye West was being a, Token Negro.

Asking if the Democratic Party was saying that a Token Negro equals a Dumb Negro isn’t me being racist......and respectfully, Sir, I resent the implication if in fact that is what you’re referencing?

re: Token Negro = Dumb Negro

Why didn’t any Democrats come out and say this is wrong? Why didn’t any Democrats point out that it was a good thing that Kanye West was being involved, possibly encouraging younger people to do so??? Like when the musicians would promote Rock The Vote.

Just imagine if Sean Hannity said, “that’s what happens when a Negro doesn’t read” when Obama hosted a rapper at the White House......everyone here and on TV would be SCREAMING about how wrong that was.

And guess what......they would be right!

And guess what......Republicans would stand up and say that was wrong!!!

Can you see the difference?


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Can you spell: H Y P O C R I S Y

Savage Clone 10.16.2018 08:15 PM

All I was really saying is that in these times,us white people really shouldn't be using the term "negro," and it doesn't set anyone up to listen to you when you use terms like that. That one is definitely outmoded, if not "offensive" per se.
Squaw, on the other hand, is definitely an outright slur and is seen as such.
If you want people to listen, let alone be persuaded, HOW you say it actually does count. And saying it that way, even supposedly quoting someone, only makes the other side dig in their heels.
That's really all I've got to say. I said what I said as a friend and I'm sorry you feel insulted.

Bytor Peltor 10.16.2018 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
And saying it that way, even supposedly quoting someone, only makes the other side did in their heels.


A) you didn’t watch the video?
B) you’re assuming I didn’t make the quote up?

I don’t believe using the term -Negro- when referring to a quote is racist at all. Personally, I don’t see it as being any different than saying -Negro League- when discussing a time in baseball long ago. It’s perfectly acceptable to say, so & so played in the Negro League.

When I asked black colleagues I work with if they had heard what the black CNN reporter said......then I quoted it to them before playing the video, not one of them said I was doing anything wrong. Of course, this is probably due to the fact that I’ve worked with them for over 25 years and they know me as someone who doesn’t go around using the ‘N’ word.

I’m happy to apologize again for using -squaw- as a slur......but other than that, I’ll let my years of posting here at SYG represent the good history I’ve established and I’ll heed your concerns when posting in the future!

ilduclo 10.17.2018 02:09 PM

"Saudi torturer listened to music on headphones as he dismembered Journalist Jamal Khashoggi"

"CARVED UP ALIVE Saudi kill squad ‘cut off journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s fingers one by one and dissolved body parts in acid’
It's also claimed The Saudi General Consul to Turkey was heard telling the alleged torturers to kill the journalist 'outside' because he didn't want to get into trouble"

demonrail666 10.18.2018 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
help me out here. i’m trying to figure a way forward, not a way back. i don’t see identity politics necessarily as an abandonment of rational ideas. i see it as a demand for redress of longstanding historical injustices. i think that once the dialectic is worked out and we define a new enlightenment subject *in practical, actual, cultural terms*, we will all be better for it.

then again maybe all devolves into a fucked up racial or religious war. in that case i’ll fight for the future alliance of federated agnostic mongrels in which everyone is cousins and don’t importune each other with religious proselytizing.

Identity Politics, as it's defined from within and being implemented, privileges one voice over another, fundamentally. It believes that for one group to speak, another must be silent. That's my lived experience of it, at the level of working in an institution that's adopted it as policy. We can argue about the theoretical underpinnings of it but as you say yourself, it's about praxis, not abstract ideas. But my experience isn't necessarily extendable to the situation as a whole.

Either way, I don't think Trump is a phenomenon reducible to Identity politics, or a backlash against it (I'm sure you don't either). My real interest in it is why so many people who would've traditionally called themselves Left wing appear to be turning away from traditionally (but in my view now only nominally) Left wing political parties. My perspective was always focused on Britain/Europe but the Trump election made me interested in the US, too. I read J.D. Vance's book, Hillbilly Elegy, alongside, albeit more polemical stuff like Mick Hume's Revolting, which lead me to make real connections between what was going on in the US, with Trump, and what I saw happening here, with Brexit. As someone who considers themselves 'of the Left' who voted for Brexit against the EU, and (had I ben eligible) would've probably voted for Trump over Hillary (at least in hindsight) that interests me.

!@#$%! 10.18.2018 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Identity Politics, as it's defined from within and being implemented, privileges one voice over another, fundamentally. It believes that for one group to speak, another must be silent. That's my lived experience of it, at the level of working in an institution that's adopted it as policy. We can argue about the theoretical underpinnings of it but as you say yourself, it's about praxis, not abstract ideas. But my experience isn't necessarily extendable to the situation as a whole.

right. because it’s not. here for example some tribes said no oil pipeline through my water supply and the pipeline went through anyway.

black football players started protesting the killing of black people by police and the police keeps killing and the protestors get branded traitors

so, no, i don’t see this phenomenon in practice

here it’s always the same people that keep getting silenced


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Either way, I don't think Trump is a phenomenon reducible to Identity politics, or a backlash against it (I'm sure you don't either).

i do. i said so before. i see it primarily as an ethnic phenomenon.

sure it has other pieces but to me that’s the core.

this is the corollary of what the republican party has been doing since, oh... the 60s, 70s?

Originally Posted by demonrail666
My real interest in it is why so many people who would've traditionally called themselves Left wing appear to be turning away from traditionally (but in my view now only nominally) Left wing political parties. My perspective was always focused on Britain/Europe but the Trump election made me interested in the US, too. I read J.D. Vance's book, Hillbilly Elegy, alongside, albeit more polemical stuff like Mick Hume's Revolting, which lead me to make real connections between what was going on in the US, with Trump, and what I saw happening here, with Brexit. As someone who considers themselves 'of the Left' who voted for Brexit against the EU, and (had I ben eligible) would've probably voted for Trump over Hillary (at least in hindsight) that interests me.

why so many people are turning away, probably because with universal ideals disappearing people are going back to their tribal identities.

and yes the loss of the ideal is why i think a way forward is important. what was called “the vision thing” in the clinton era. where is the new enlightenment?

here 2 interesting bits of stuff to make us all worry:

1. prof. brian o’blivion (lol) on the return of tribalism
(had he only lived to see social media...)
long live the new flesh...

2. this article that harks back to david hume

yep, it’s the fall of rome... and attila is coming

Rob Instigator 10.18.2018 07:36 AM

Trump is the end result of a society/culture that has placed financial achievement above anything else. This is purely a class/money issue. The racism, the sexism, the patriarchal shit, the willful neglect of people who need help, all this comes out of the greed of the sociopaths on top.

Rob Instigator 10.18.2018 07:37 AM

eventually, the only way for them to end up is totalitarian surveillance states.

Rob Instigator 10.18.2018 07:38 AM

Which makes Trumps cozying up to North Korea, Saudi, Russia, etc all the more telling.

!@#$%! 10.18.2018 08:47 AM

i call it the corollary this person calls it the end, same difference—the monster is out

please note that the article correctly points out that for the majority of american history politics was OVERTLY racist.

in other words: the promise of the enlightenment was delivered only to one ethnic group

(because, as previously: passion enslaves reason, affect creates cognitive bias)

yes yes. we’re fucked as a species.

another chance thrown out the window

ilduclo 10.18.2018 09:41 AM

More Trumpjudges Ⓡ, this time, featuring NO HEARINGS!

Alison Jones Rushing, who graduated law school in 2007, is potentially one of the better selections in Trump’s cavalcade of mostly laughable judicial nominations. Beyond KKK lover Brett Talley, we’ve had Jeff “Satan Boy” Mateer, Matthew “the dog ate my homework” Petersen, and Ryan “what I meant when I said minorities were whiny ethnics was…” Bounds. At least she’s not in any danger of getting an ABA “not-qualified” tag like now confirmed Judge L. Steven Grasz and her appellate practice is certainly a better résumé line item than “anti-gay blogger” like confirmed Judge John Bush. When your expectations are so low, the little things matter.

in other judicial news: Manafort will have to wear his prison onesie to get sentenced

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected Paul Manafort’s request to wear a professional suit during a hearing later this week about his sentence, noting the former Trump campaign chairman is now a felon who has lost the right to wear street clothing in all his court proceedings.

“This defendant should be treated no differently from other defendants who are in custody post conviction,” U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III wrote in a sharply worded order.

T.S. Ellis III : "I grow old, I grow old...."

!@#$%! 10.18.2018 10:01 AM


on being left out of the enlightenment

haaa haaaa haaaa

still a classic

ilduclo 10.18.2018 10:39 AM

Julián Castro says he’s 'likely' to run in 2020


tesla69 10.18.2018 04:50 PM

Thank President Trump! He's at least trying to stop these organized peace invasions, now he needs to address the situation in Honduras, to the point of sending in troops and overwhelming surgical force to take out the gangs and domestic terrorists that force the citizens to flee. The country has just been slammed with 2 massive hurricanes. We have too much to deal with and the economy is just about to tip.

Identity Politics are not class based: the struggle is not for land, the struggle is to have an identity.

!@#$%! 10.18.2018 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Thank President Trump! He's at least trying to stop these organized peace invasions, now he needs to address the situation in Honduras, to the point of sending in troops and overwhelming surgical force to take out the gangs and domestic terrorists that force the citizens to flee. The country has just been slammed with 2 massive hurricanes. We have too much to deal with and the economy is just about to tip.

Identity Politics are not class based: the struggle is not for land, the struggle is to have an identity.

to have— or to keep—

and so, just like minorities now refuse to be erased from history any longer, the magas are trying to keep the old white supremacist national identity alive, way past its time

and instead of negotiating, everyone just shouts

demonrail666 10.19.2018 04:19 AM

I think where I'm wrong making links between Britain and the US (via Brexit and Trump) is that while race obviously plays a part in British politics, and an increasingly bigger part by the looks of things, i'd say it's still far less significant and divisive here than it seems to be in the USA.

demonrail666 10.19.2018 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69

Identity Politics are not class based: the struggle is not for land, the struggle is to have an identity.

Yes in terms of they're different, but class politics isn't about land either.

Bytor Peltor 10.19.2018 08:48 AM

They could have killed him anywhere, but chose to do it where everyone knew he would be......inside the consulate, within earshot of so many.

Even if they invented a cover story: we were interrogating him, he had a heart attack and we panicked and carved up his body to hide what happened......his torturous death was a message to who?

They say it took him SEVEN minutes to die. Open up the stopwatch on your phone and see how long SEVEN minutes takes......


Originally Posted by ilduclo
"Saudi torturer listened to music on headphones as he dismembered Journalist Jamal Khashoggi"

"CARVED UP ALIVE Saudi kill squad ‘cut off journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s fingers one by one and dissolved body parts in acid’
It's also claimed The Saudi General Consul to Turkey was heard telling the alleged torturers to kill the journalist 'outside' because he didn't want to get into trouble"

Rob Instigator 10.19.2018 10:22 AM

Saudi monarchy totalitarian, best bud of USA. We sell them arms, rich WMD manufacturers make millions, while they enforce the most brutal religious dictatorship they can. fucking assholes all of them.

!@#$%! 10.19.2018 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I think where I'm wrong making links between Britain and the US (via Brexit and Trump) is that while race obviously plays a part in British politics, and an increasingly bigger part by the looks of things, i'd say it's still far less significant and divisive here than it seems to be in the USA.

i dont know comparisons

but consider how, when obama became president, his opponents questioned what above all else?

his identity, of course

i.e., they branded him the kenyan muslim socialist

meaning if you’re not white and christian you’re not american

(he was christian though at that point, and “half white”. lol blood quanta)

the socialism bit was just for decoration. he basically implemented nixoncare.

that’s very telling, no?

i mean half century ago there was the issue of kennedy’s catholicism, but it wasn’t as ferocious or demented because the man was white.

ilduclo 10.19.2018 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Saudi monarchy totalitarian, best bud of USA. We sell them arms, rich WMD manufacturers make millions, while they enforce the most brutal religious dictatorship they can. fucking assholes all of them.

don't forget they are attacking one of the weakest countries in the world, using our arms and with air and fuel support by our planes:mad:

Bytor Peltor 10.19.2018 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Saudi monarchy totalitarian, best bud of USA. We sell them arms, rich WMD manufacturers make millions, while they enforce the most brutal religious dictatorship they can. fucking assholes all of them.

The United States relationship with the Saudi regime isn’t the most palatable, however, they are our ally......why?

Saudi Arabia hates Iran and are actively fighting them along w/ Jordan & Egypt.

Iran is a threat to the Middle East......especially Israel.

There is no doubt Saudi Arabia is doing terrible things, but they were the United States ally in the first Gulf War and World War 2 and the Saudis are helping us now by keeping Iran in check.

In the choice between bad (Saudi Arabia) and worse (Iran), a rational person/country will choose bad just to avoid worse.

h8kurdt 10.19.2018 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The United States relationship with the Saudi regime isn’t the most palatable, however, they are our ally......why?

Saudi Arabia hates Iran and are actively fighting them along w/ Jordan & Egypt.

Iran is a threat to the Middle East......especially Israel.

There is no doubt Saudi Arabia is doing terrible things, but they were the United States ally in the first Gulf War and World War 2 and the Saudis are helping us now by keeping Iran in check.

In the choice between bad (Saudi Arabia) and worse (Iran), a rational person/country will choose bad just to avoid worse.

Thanks for the laughs here.

America helped fund the coup that shifted Iran from a liberal country that it was to what it is now. All cos of oil. It's because of America that they're the totalitarian state it is now.

Along with that Saudi Arabia's human rights record is consistently considered one of the worst countries. They're no better than Iran and you're a fool if you think Saudi Arabia is just "bad". And don't forget their acceptance of jihadists and that the perpetrators of 9/11 were from there.

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