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!@#$%! 10.08.2013 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

Rob Instigator 10.08.2013 11:57 AM

My "paciencia" ran out a long time ago with Matt "The robot" Schaub.

That is my new theory, that he is a robot an automaton, who cannot and will not ever play impulsively or creatively. I call Matt Schaub the anti-Namath.

Bytor Peltor 10.08.2013 11:59 AM

Texans TE Owen Daniels suffered a fractured fibula and will be out from 4 to 8 weeks.

Garrett Graham will replace him in the lineup.

Such a loss for the Texans offense, which hasn't scored a touchdown in 2 of their last 3 games.

Bytor Peltor 10.08.2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
In the 1st quarter, yeah, Falcons were down 17-7, but they just lost 30-28.

One must understand the decision made was done so with the then current score being 17-7. Sure - looking back once the game was completed, it's easy to point to the decision and ask, "what if / could have been."

It's clear to me Mike Smith factored in his teams lack of ability to move the ball against the Jets in the first half and figured he might not get any closer in the 2nd half.

......but let's look back at the play. Talking about ONE play where the Falcon's need ONE yard. Straight up the gut with NINE Jets int he box = lazy lame loser stuffed!

Falcons + Braves = worst day for Atlanta since Lincoln robbed them of all that free labor :rolleyes:

Word today: Falcons fear Julio Jones likely OUT for the rest of the year with a foot injury (seeking second opinion tomorrow).

Rob Instigator 10.09.2013 09:26 AM

Fans "accosted" Schaub and his family outside their home, telling him he sucks.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.09.2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
One must understand the decision made was done so with the then current score being 17-7. Sure - looking back once the game was completed, it's easy to point to the decision and ask, "what if / could have been."

Yes, but that kind of football logic DOESN'T apply to Mike Smith, because in his career, it seems his ONLY weakness are 4th and short plays. 4th and long? All day with 1st downs and TDs in the red. But short plays that require a rush or a shotgun pass? CONSISTENTLY FAILS. If he needs to get the TD it doesn't happen. If he needs the 1st down, it never happens. If they should have punted to keep good field position instead they just turn it over on downs and lose. Whether Mike runs it, plays the fake, tries to throw it, even a QB sneak, the Falcons simply CAN NOT MANAGE TO CONVERT 4TH AND SHORT PLAYS, PERIOD. So all the football logic in the world becomes irrelevant, all you have to ask yourself is, "Is Mike Smith confronted with a 4th and short play? Falcons are going to lose the game!"

I'm not exaggerating, it has been a factor in most if not ALL of the Falcons 27 losses under the Mike Smith tenure. Will the guy it fired? Probably not, with 57 career wins and a .680 record Smith is by far the Falcons most winning coach in their franchise history. But some coordinators GOT TO GO. Falcons are 1-8 considering the preseason, and if you consider that and the games from last season they are 2-12.... And Julio just went down????


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Fans "accosted" Schaub and his family outside their home, telling him he sucks.

That is funny as a classic NFL moment, but it also is totally classless. I expect that from cities like Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Cleveland, or even Dallas, but Houston?? Really??

Y'all will obviously never usurp Dallas' position as the undisputed fifth worst fan base in all of sports (between arrogant Rangers fans, crybaby Cowboys fans, or stupid Mavs fans Dallas is a ugly place for sports).

Boston is the worst, their fans are bitter, cocky, and racist! Phillie fans aren't necessarily bad to other teams and cities, but they are the most self-hating fan base in all of sports, they are the first to dive into introspective cynicism. Los Angeles is an ugly place for sports, because our fan base has the mentality of Championships or you suck, and likes to shit on all the teams that don't win Championships, even if we aren't winning them either! That, and we have the largest bandwagon fanbase in all of sports, at the turn of a hat suddenly 5,000,000 people are magically Laker fans!! Cleveland aren't as mean-spirited as Phillie, but that is what decades of consistent losing will do to a city. Yeah, they are mean-spirited and fraught with self-loathing, but they wear it like a martyrs' badge of honor rather than the kind of "we know can win but aren't seeming to win" mentality of those spiteful Philadelphia fans. Careful Houston, if y'all keep biting at Schaub, y'all might make my Top-5 worst cities for sports for an honorary 2013-14 season ;)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.09.2013 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Trama

I watched some of this, but even by Frontline standards it was rather boring. A great issue that NEEDS to be talked about, but considering how exciting football is, and how revelatory Frontline usually is, I was surprised at this one. It was neither revealing nor exciting.

Rob Instigator 10.09.2013 01:39 PM

Turns out the Schaub thing was an error by the media. There were no unruly fans. Houston fans don't do that shit. Tonite I will go egg his house though. who's with me?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.09.2013 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Turns out the Schaub thing was an error by the media. There were no unruly fans. Houston fans don't do that shit. Tonite I will go egg his house though. who's with me?

Haha, I was thinking that sounded odd for Houston fans, only Boston or Phillie fans would do that. Even LA wouldn't do that, we'd talk shit and accost a player at the Starbucks or the Howard Hughes Center, but we wouldn't diss them at their house. Interestingly enough, in LA nobody ever gets "star struck" by celebrities or Hollywood actors, they can do things like get coffee or grocery shop without being bombarded by cliched fans, BUT when it comes to athletes? Shit. Those guys are getting bumrushed on the street on sight!

As to egging Schaub's house, are the eggs rotten? I'm only down if their rotten, and can we hard boil a few as well??

Bytor Peltor 10.10.2013 04:41 PM

Schaub on if his confidence is being affected: "Not one bit. I have supreme confidence in my ability."

Watt on fans confronting Schaub at home: "At dinner and my house, those are two times I refuse autographs. I think that's reasonable." However, Watt went on to say he is sure he would add other "no autograph" situations to his list once married with kids.

Watt on the current Texans situation: "The truth is we've had three tough losses and it's not where we expected to be. I'm a competitor. I'm a fighter. We're gonna find a way. We're proud to be Number One defense but we have to start forcing turnovers." (Texans have forced three turnovers in five games: -8 on the season).

Texans first in defense, first in pass defense......sadly, ranked 30th in red zone TD's.

CBS Sports Jason LaCanfora believes Case Keenum is next in line to start for Texans

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.10.2013 08:28 PM

Its not Schaub alone, its the offensive line and backs who are letting those INT turn into pick-6. If Schaub had 5 INT in the past games, it would be much less a problem, in fact maybe even not a problem at all. Now 4 consecutive pick-6 is a problem, but I don't personally think its on Schaub. And by the way, if y'all can keep up that defense than it will even out, so y'all should hope to stay tuff on that end of the football, and let the offense work it out. Falcons? Done. Sadly.

Hoping the Ravens can carry this momentum and beat Green Bay in Baltimore. Its more likely than its not.

I was talking with a friend, and he made the point that to beat Denver teams should focus on offense and try to score a lot of points. Dallas almost beat Denver this way, really, Cowboys lost to themselves more than they lost to the Broncos. Ravens same thing in Game 1, they were ahead at the half, and dropped two passes in the end zone and on pass in the red-zone. In other words, that game could have been 49-41, or even a different game entirely. Denver didn't throw that pick and Broncos would have lost. Dallas and Baltimore are the only teams to lead against Denver at any point in a game this season. Maybe there is something to that.

Me? I think that teams should just abandon the pass-rush. Dallas blitzed like crazy and simply couldn't touch Peyton Manning. Denver's O-line is what made Tim Tebow (!!) set all-time NFL PASSING RECORDS IN THE POST-SEASON. Seriously. Real deal offensive line there. So nobody is going to touch Manning. Baltimore has one of the best pash-rushing defenses in the NFL right now, and they couldn't get to Peyton. I say teams should just stop blitzing, and focus on the pass, run, and deep pass. Thomas ran for two TDs against Baltimore. They've scored deep passes 12 times this season. Why waste defenders on a blitz? Go zone and shut out Denver's passing lanes. Focus on a strong defensive line, and stuff Bronco rushers. I think it can work. Its essentially how Baltimore beat Denver in the playoffs last January, but shutting down Peyton's deep passing game and stuffing the run.

Rob Instigator 10.11.2013 08:28 AM

What's wrong with Schaub? - by Sage Rosenfels

Rob Instigator 10.11.2013 02:09 PM

I hate the Cowboys but I love the fan reaction of the guy clapping behind Eli in this gif

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.11.2013 08:32 PM

Ok. It turns out I didn't see the new Frontline about NFL and brain injury, but an older version. I just saw the new one, fuck. Its not a surprise, but its about as ugly as Food, Inc. NFL lawyers spent decades shutting down and discrediting legitimate medical and scientific research which had several smoking guns to the specific impact of repetitive hits to the head in football and long-term structural brain damage. Fuck. This is worse than how Tim Donaghy shut down NBA for me. I bounced back and starting watching basketball again, because all that scandal proved is what we had already suspected for a long time, that the NBA is often rigged. That isn't a big deal, I like movies and novels, fiction can be entertaining and sociable. However, this NFL issue about safety, in fact, not just the safety of NFL players, but ALL football players in America, from pop-warner kids, to high school kids, to college folks. Now the earlier Frontline about the increasing injuries to kids playing tackle football was revealing enough. I was pretty pissed off about that. I don't understand how we can let teenagers get torn ACLs and ripped Achilles in high school football and concede it as normal? That earlier Frontline demonstrated just how extreme, hard-hitting, and dangerous high school football has become as it increasingly adopts NFL level styles of play. College football too. Now we find out the NFL has been sabotaging medical research for decades to hide the impact of brain injury on players? The NFL sets the example. Kids and teenagers will continue to play football because, "The NFL said its safe." The NFL sets the example. Fucking shit. I'm honestly not sure I can with good conscience follow NFL right now. I'm going to have to step back like I did with the NBA a few years ago. This shit is serious yo.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.11.2013 08:37 PM

and somebody killed Adrian Peterson's son??? Lord have His mercy!!! :(

afterthefact 10.11.2013 08:43 PM

Do you really need a study to show that multiple blows to the head isn't good for you? If this is in any way costing tax money, then yes, SHUT IT DOWN. Because I could have told you that. Hey, give me $50 bucks, I'll do a study that shows cutting all of your toes off makes it hard to walk.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.11.2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
Do you really need a study to show that multiple blows to the head isn't good for you? If this is in any way costing tax money, then yes, SHUT IT DOWN. Because I could have told you that. Hey, give me $50 bucks, I'll do a study that shows cutting all of your toes off makes it hard to walk.

Its not about if multiple blows (and over a career we're talking about six and seven figure numbers) to the head isn't good for you, its are there very specific and measurable risks such as have been discovered for boxing. Increasingly evidence is suggesting yes. Its not about concussions, in fact, unfortunately that is a huge distraction. Its about a degenerative brain condition called CTE which may be able to be specifically linked to NFL players. However, as with the situation for food safety and quality corruption as revealed by Food, Inc. , it seems the NFL has been consistently across decades employing sabotage tactics through lawyers and other methods to hide or discredit the growing consensus.

This is different. If football causes a very specific kind of brain degeneration, and the NFL has known this for years, and kept it from players and specifically worked to keep it from anyone, that is a different issue of corruption. Its not surprising, but a smoking gun is needed to begin to knock down the house of cards.

Bytor Peltor 10.13.2013 02:50 PM


This @VinceYoung tweet says it all:

Let them know VY is in shape and ready to go! I always loved my birth place and everyone who lives in it IM READY

Bytor Peltor 10.14.2013 04:44 AM

Such a classic game between the Saints and Patriots!


If Peyton Manning and Denver win next week, that will be 18 straight wins in a row. 18 straight wins has ONLY been achieved three times before in NFL history:

Colts (Manning) 23

Patriots (Brady) 18 & 21

Bytor Peltor 10.14.2013 10:23 AM

I've heard and read so many stats last night and this morning......NONE of them matter when you're 2-4


Except one: in the last 74 half's of football played (dating back to week one of the 2009 season), the Houston Texans have scored 6 or fewer points 36 times.......almost half of the 74 = something horribly wrong!

EDIT: how do I know the above stat is a sad the last 33 games played, Andre Johnson has a total of SEVEN TD's = Zero this season.

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