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tesla69 02.20.2017 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
alternative facts

Some of those who were on the Forrestal and other persons familiar with the ordnance told me that because the rocket did not hit McCain’s craft, only actions by the pilot could have caused any bomb to fall from McCain’s Skyhawk. These sources—who spoke under the condition that they not be publicly identified—agree with each other that, if any bomb fell from the McCain airplane, it was because of actions that he took either in error or panic upon seeing the fire on the deck or in his hasty exit from the plane. Two switches in the cockpit of a Skyhawk need to be thrown to drop such a bomb, according to the sources.
Whatever the circumstances of the fire’s origins, McCain did not stay on deck to help fight the blaze as the men around him did. With the firefighting crew virtually wiped out, men untrained in fighting fires had to pick up the fire hoses, rescue the wounded or frantically throw bombs and even planes over the ship’s side to prevent further tragedy. McCain left them behind and went down to the hangar-bay level, where he briefly helped crew members heave some bombs overboard. After that, he went to the pilot’s ready room and watched the fire on a television monitor hooked to a camera trained on the deck.
McCain has never been asked to explain why he claims that the Zuni rocket struck his plane. If a bomb or bombs subsequently fell from McCain’s plane as he has said, it seems to strongly suggests pilot error, and if a bomb or bombs did not fall from his plane, it suggests rash disregard for important facts in his accounts of the accident.

... McCain left the burning Forrestal for the greater ease of Saigon...Soon, he went to London, where his father, Adm. John S. McCain Jr., was stationed as commander in chief of the United States Naval Forces in Europe...After seeing the admiral in London, McCain went to the French Riviera, where he spent his nights gambling at the Palm Beach Casino.

Severian 02.20.2017 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
You mean the John MCCain whose fucking around while in the Navy resulted in 295 casualties on the USS Forrestal? You mean the John McCain who while a POW in Vietnam enjoyed nice teas talking to his captors? You mean the squealer John McCain the most guilty of the Keating 5 who fucking skated? My favorite McCain moment was during a debate and he was responding and just started to stutter, "uh..uh..uh...uh..uh..", if it had been Howard Dean or Bernie Sanders we would still be seeing the clip today, but the broadcasters thoughtfully faded to black until the moderator took over again. AZ is a corrupt little border state.

Which free press do you mean? the one the CIA runs with Jeff Bezos, through the Wash Post, or the GE nucular voice NBC, or the CIAinfested CapCities owned ABC (or maybe this is Disney now, which its own level of absurdity), or maybe you mean the CIA startup Google News service? I'd love to know which free press you mean! Isn't it the London Times that is owned by a Russian Oligrach? And Fox and WSJ are owned by the Murdoch oligarch.

Every time you've heard something on the corporate media about Russia hackers is fake news. Where is the proof? some secret unnamed source confirmed it? The DHS Report that gets quoted states at its start that DHS does not stand by the report. Are we supposed to be that fucking stupid? <herd of cows raise heads and nod yes, yes Jim we are supposed to be that fucking stupid , then lower heads and resume chewing>

That had nothing to do with why Hilary didn't win. she didn't win because people disagree. For some reason that is not permitted!
1. many Americans have had enough of the forced neoliberalisms being forced on them (I use the 3 definitions from John Robb's article helpfully quoted by Mr Schunk above)
2. many Americans find her associates to be morally repugnant and questionable
3. the opposition succeeded in creating suspicion e.g., her secret speeches to Goldman
4. Trump won the states strategically in order to press Electoral College advantages.

From a purely mechanical point of view, his ownership of a jet seems extremely important with the ongoing and the election day touch downs in multiple states.

you do understand that McCain is speaking in Soviet terms, worried about a noncompliant press?

Not from what I've read. Yeah, he's an old turd, but he's one of the few Repukes speaking up. Not sure why you're saying he's afraid of a non-compliant press. Nothing I've read indicates this.

!@#$%! 02.21.2017 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69

no, not "exactly." by "alternative facts" i mean what reasonable people mean: distortions and fabrications.

sure, mccain was involved in a number of accidents during his tenure as navy pilot. some his fault some not.

you're conflating the horseplay that cut some electrical cables in spain with an accident for which you give absurd explanations. the rocket in the forrestal didn't come out of mccain's plane. mccain's plane was hit or next to the one hit.

but hey, the lizard people.

then you're falsely claiming that the internment from which mccain came out crippled was some sort of party with his captors.

then you throw in irrelevant shit like gambling in casinos. who cares?

these are typical addled paranoid brain constructions. take a bit of truth, twist it, pepper it with 100 hallucinations--it's a conspiracy! and the lizard people.

i'm not pro-mccain, fuck knows i was glad to see him beaten by obama, and yeah he skated in the S&L scandal thanks to the politicians you voted for, but there are degrees of WORST in american politics and you're aligned with the worst of the worst.

so while mccain is a shit, i'll take his average shit over the epically toxic turds of your white nationalist alcoholic pals bent on dismantling the last shred of democracy for their own ends.

!@#$%! 02.21.2017 10:58 AM

while tesla worries about fluoride in the water disturbing our purity of essence like the crazy general in dr. strangelove, and "the dangers of vaccines"...

he supports the guy who allows the dumping of coal mine waste into our waterways!

lolworthy or what?

vaccines: bad! coalmine waste in waterways: good!


evollove 02.21.2017 11:51 AM

This confused me, then annoyed me, then I found it funny, then I typed this, and now I'm moving on.

Severian 02.21.2017 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
no, not "exactly." by "alternative facts" i mean what reasonable people mean: distortions and fabrications.

sure, mccain was involved in a number of accidents during his tenure as navy pilot. some his fault some not.

you're conflating the horseplay that cut some electrical cables in spain with an accident for which you give absurd explanations. the rocket in the forrestal didn't come out of mccain's plane. mccain's plane was hit or next to the one hit.

but hey, the lizard people.

then you're falsely claiming that the internment from which mccain came out crippled was some sort of party with his captors.

then you throw in irrelevant shit like gambling in casinos. who cares?

these are typical addled paranoid brain constructions. take a bit of truth, twist it, pepper it with 100 hallucinations--it's a conspiracy! and the lizard people.

i'm not pro-mccain, fuck knows i was glad to see him beaten by obama, and yeah he skated in the S&L scandal thanks to the politicians you voted for, but there are degrees of WORST in american politics and you're aligned with the worst of the worst.

so while mccain is a shit, i'll take his average shit over the epically toxic turds of your white nationalist alcoholic pals bent on dismantling the last shred of democracy for their own ends.


You're exactly right about this pattern of circuitous and logically bogus reasoning and "narrative" presentation that people are engaging in. Just a little bit of truth, add like ten different consistencies of bullshit, throw it all into a kids' spin-painting wheel, and FWOOSH! You have something people will buy even though it's mostly shit (hey, like art, right?!)

This is the kind of shit that led to a man opening fire on a goddamn pizzeria because he thought he was ending a HRC-sponsored pedophile ring. (!!!) Alternative facts indeed.

Gotta hand it to the expert spinners in the Trumo admin. Boy can they spin shit to make morons freak out about it. #FakeNews was first brought up because of the lies about HRC people swallowed whole... because voters were overly influenced by Facebook and meme-culture... because Trump won!!!

But who remembers that? It's now something Repukes holler at whatever they don't like. They've coopted the term and taken control of the moment. Nice pivot. Truly. It takes a skilled PR staff to make someone who has literally committed treason still seem like a hero to half the American people.


!@#$%! 02.21.2017 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I do believe it's the liberals (often called "The Left" during political discussions here, although I see myself as a Leftist and the protestors as a pile of petite-bourgeoisie liberal scum!) who are the greater threat to democracy and the Constitutional order. President Trump may have made some immoderate remarks concerning the judge, but, far from ignoring the court order (thus threatening separation of powers) he's re-drafting his executive order to comply with the ruling by leaving out current green card and visa holders. As opposed to the liberals, who are, as I pointed out above:

"Yet, my brief association with the Democratic Party during the primary campaign (considering my having supported Bernie Sanders) has granted me access to certain internal Democratic Party mass email campaigns, particularly from the National Democratic Training Committee, which emails advocate blatantly unconstitutional actions such as a "special Presidential election" which finds no support within Article !! nor the Twenty Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or simply imposing Hillary Clinton as President despite her having lost the election according to the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution.".

All in all, the liberals appear to be laying the propaganda groundwork for a military coup, the ultimate anti-Constitutional and anti-democratic act.

i don't know what kind of spam lists you subscribed to, and what kind of propaganda your receive and from where. your malware and fake news are your business. there are loony leftists of course, and i'm not gonna cut them any slack either. two wrongs don't make a right and idiots are idiots regardless of political affiliation.

i don't think anyone here or in any respectable context has been calling for a motherfucking military coup, which would be the ultimate disaster for the country.

you fake news peddlers and your "alleged" quotes are hilarious

the legal avenue to remove an unfit president is impeachment. i believe the avenue is open with congressional investigations into russian influence but we'll see, won't we?

though i advocate neutering him congressionally at the upcoming midterm elections. tough battle i know, but that's the legal way.

as for "only words". well, words matter when they come out of the mouth of the chief executiive. like, going to the CIA to speak about the size of the inauguration crowds. is that illegal? of course not. it's also not grounds for impeachment. but what a disgrace, for fuck's sakes.

anyway, so far they're respecting the court's ruling but the arguments that the president is not subject to judicial oversight were tremendously worrisome. this also overlaps with trump's statements that conflicts of interest don't apply to him. then he goes to brand journalists as the enemies of the american people. hm....

all of that is unprecedented. and yes, not illegal, but it shows clear undemocratic/antidemocratic tendencies in the little king. he wants to run america like a CEO.

if you don't see how this man perceives himself above all, and that he's worse than dubya in his "you're either with us or against us" mentality, because dubya meant it internationally while drumpf is referring to anyone outside his bunker, then it might be methanol-induced blindness.

anyway, he's now alienating the intelligence community that's supposed to keep him informed of what really is going on in the world.

as for NATO-- maybe the posturing will work and maybe members will start paying their fair share. "he's crazy, we have to pay." which would be a victory for the prince of orange and i wouldn't deny him that. because even dictators and strong men can do occasional or even consistently good things while they destroy their nations through their form of government. look at how fidel castro spread literacy and health care in cuba. and hugo chavez had success for a while. the little king-wannabe can do things too for a while, sure. it's not all black and white.

like pollute streams to "bring back coal" lolololololololololol

but hey! vaccines... watch out!

demonrail666 02.21.2017 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

milo has finally destroyed his own career. lol

Gonna be interesting to see how that pans out. I think his fan-base will look for any reason to keep on supporting him. I can see some of them trying to brush it aside and make connections with the allegations made against PewDiePie which seem to have back-fired so heavily on the WSJ. But Milo did say what he said and he'd risk destroying his couldn't-give-a-fuck appeal if he was seen to in any way try to wriggle out of it. In terms of his hardcore supporters I think only a truly bad hair day would kill him off completely but, beyond that, I think he's in trouble, and is that core fanbase big enough for him to maintain a career? A lot will depend on how Breitbart reacts. If they sack him then I do think the game's up.

ilduclo 02.21.2017 02:35 PM

The Story of Little Red State Fundy

Little Red State Fundy found a grain of hate.

"Who will help me plant the hate?" she asked.

"Not I," said the Moderate Republicans.

"Not I," said the Undecideds.

"Not I," said the Libertarians.

"Then I will," said Little Red State Fundy.

So she buried the hate in the bloody ground of the Old Confederacy. After a while it grew up paranoid and ignorant and violent.

dead_battery 02.21.2017 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Gonna be interesting to see how that pans out. I think his fan-base will look for any reason to keep on supporting him. I can see some of them trying to brush it aside and make connections with the allegations made against PewDiePie which seem to have back-fired so heavily on the WSJ. But Milo did say what he said and he'd risk destroying his couldn't-give-a-fuck appeal if he was seen to in any way try to wriggle out of it. In terms of his hardcore supporters I think only a truly bad hair day would kill him off completely but, beyond that, I think he's in trouble, and is that core fanbase big enough for him to maintain a career? A lot will depend on how Breitbart reacts. If they sack him then I do think the game's up.

he's lost cpac, he's lost his book deal, brietbart are trying to oust him, their staff are threatening a walk out if he isnt fired. he won't survive. where is his income stream gonna come from if he doesn't have these deals. im sure he's some sort of trust find kid but he's actively closing down any avenues for attention. there are vanishingly few lgbt right wingers, and now that he has lost most of those, he's fucked. anytime he tries to smear and promote false stats about other minorities the fact he is pro pedo can be thrown in his corrupt, smirking little face until he shuts up.

the alt right was already turning against him. he was publically humiliating himself on tv and right wingers attracted to his message won't tolerate someone like that. his appeal was as a novelty act that boosted the egos of right wing american males by telling them how great they were and offering them a respite from the full on shame culture of liberalism that surrounds them. now that he's lost the pretense of a moral highground, what does he have?

i think its over for him, the tacky, lying little shit.

Rob Instigator 02.21.2017 03:01 PM

he resigned

dead_battery 02.21.2017 03:20 PM

hahaha, he's pretending he wasn't about to be pushed out, like the staff weren't threatening to walk out unless he was fired.


evollove 02.21.2017 03:20 PM

He'll start his own media thingie. He'll be fine. Just needs a few thousand people to send him money, which won't be a problem.

dead_battery 02.21.2017 03:22 PM

the daily ped

The Soup Nazi 02.21.2017 03:28 PM


Rob Instigator 02.21.2017 03:29 PM

that Milo guy said that Catholic priests helped him work out his love of cock when he was a kid.

!@#$%! 02.21.2017 04:54 PM

this milo story is just more celebrity news bullshit

good riddance and send him back to england but my question is:

is bannon, who hired him, still sitting on the national security council?

and does trump still THREATEN TO CUT FEDERAL GRANTS TO BERKELEY? (Yes: he did that. Yes: that's authoritarianism for you. Yes: there were riots. Yes: two kinds of imbeciles do not cancel each other out. Yes: you expect the US president to be the adult one.)

The Soup Nazi 02.21.2017 05:58 PM

A Nation of Immigrants Enters Dark Chapter

!@#$%! 02.21.2017 07:19 PM

briefly: went to look at "train democrats". it's a PAC. with its own ideology which i don't know or subscribe to. a lot of people talk a lot of gibberish when they're frustrated. special election WTF. anyway, bla bla etc.

the other thing is that trump's big mouth shows his character. so it's not "just words".

the reindustrialization of the US will not be achieved by going back to fossil fuels and putting people on assembly lines like henry ford did, sorry.

it's a pipe dream/ a big con

robots are making human labor obsolete and renewable energy is the only future we have as a species

okay. good night.

_tunic_ 02.22.2017 12:55 PM


Trump Troll Doll Sculpture By Chuck Williams

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