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noisereductions 09.07.2010 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I have a question... how do GBA games like Warioware (with its "title" feature built into the cartridge), Boktai 1 and 2 (with the solar power built into the cartridge), and Drill Dozer (with a VIBRATION feature built into the cartridge) work on the GBA/Gamecube connectivity thing?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I mean the add-on that snaps onto your Cube where you can play GBA games on your tv. I imagine Warioware is impossible, since it actually senses you turning the GBA around and around (though I guess you could just turn your Cube around?!).. Boktai might be possible, if you keep your Cube near a window. I wonder about Drill Dozer.. will it make your Gamecube shake?!

Anyway, I really wnat to play this:


they work technically but not practically. You can load up Kirby Tilt N Tumble, but the sensor is backwards/upsidedown on the GBA. And you'd have to literrally pick up the Cube to play it. Same with Twisted. Stupid. Boktai will load on the Cube, but it doesn't seem to like lamps so unless yr Cube is outside, yr fucked.

atsonicpark 09.07.2010 07:05 PM

^^^ THanks, figured as much. REALLY curious about Drill Dozer; with the rumble, I wonder if it'd make my cube shake!

Also, IN MY OPINION, no Metal Gear Solid is best anything of all time, though the first one was certainly mindblowing, in a way, for the time. Hideo Kojima is brilliant, but those interactive movies are seriously flawed. MGS2 is one of the worst games ever made.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 09.07.2010 07:08 PM

You can use a black light for Boktai if you really wanted to play it on the GB player.

PS: lol @ playing Kirby Tilt 'N Tumble by moving the GC around.

EVOLghost 09.07.2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
but those interactive movies are seriously flawed.


Murmer99 09.07.2010 08:56 PM

Does anyone know if "Bioshock" was any good? i never played it.. but i heard it was amazing.

atsonicpark 09.08.2010 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

Well, if not interactive movie, then "cinematic game"? Means pretty much the same thing, I think.. Run to a place, cue a 45 minute cut scene, talk on a codec, do a few "puzzles", sneak past a few guys (by this point, you've probably talked on a codec 4 or 5 times), cue another loooooooong cut scene, talk on a codec, run around, trigger something ridiculous, etc. On and on. 10 hour games consist of 3-4 hours of cinemas, a good 3 hours of "Sneaking" around (which I didn't bother with half the time... run up and break the guard's neck, or just run past 'em). Clunky control, AWFUL camera (finally fixed in MGS3: Subsistence), etc. I've played through all of them (didn't finish 4, since I don't own a PS3, but I played a lot of it, more of that in a sec), though, mainly because I like Kojima. I like Snatcher and Policenauts and Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner. I like a lot of what he's going for -- he's clever as hell. But really, MGS2 is TERRIBLE, maybe the most boring game I've ever played, the first MGS is a bit unplayable now (and the Cube version is broken; "here, let's implement first person shooting in all the boss battles -- BUT let's not introduce any new play mechanics in the bosses! that way, they'll be so easy you can end EVERY BOSS BATTLE in 3 seconds!"), MGS3: Subsistence is probably the best. I borrowed a friend's PS3 just to play through 4, got near the end and just shut it off. It was... about on the par with 3... with WOW! BANG! POP! CINEMASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The interesting thing is, if you plug in Metal Gear Solid for the GBA, it's one of the best games ever made. ...uh, anyway.. I like the "oh shit, psycho mantis is reading my memory card!" and the "oh man! The secret codec on the BOX -- HEE, HEE, IT'S MY GAME CASE!!!!" Let's not forget the classic "I'm going to kill the end and never see him later! .... oh fuck, didn't get to in that first cinema, SO I'm going to set my ps2 forward a few years to kill him. Fuck that guy, hee hee!!!" I guess I kinda enjoy the wacked-out cinema, but I do honestly think the only worth those games have going for them are for the wacky, inventive little things like I just mentioned. So, yeah, I like Kojima, not so much the MGS games, but eh.

....As for Bioshock, I also borrowed that before (the PS3 version) and found it atmospheric and somewhat fun... really, the game is all about the atmosphere.. it won all kinds of awards, even though there were 50 DS games released daily back then that were better than Bioshock... either way! I don't like first person shooters at all and I still found it enjoyable, for what I played of it. It was extremely easy though.

atsonicpark 09.08.2010 06:27 AM

^Midway through writing the above message, I went and helped a bird who had flown onto my screened-in porch and was trapped and running around. I picked him up gently and sent him flying back into the woods.

atsonicpark 09.08.2010 06:27 AM

That was my good deed for the day.

atsonicpark 09.08.2010 06:27 AM

Maybe the year.

atsonicpark 09.08.2010 06:29 AM

Anyway, while waiting for movies to download and burn, I've been playing this again


I remember how much this game blew my fucking mind 3 years ago. Now? Not so much. Oh, it's still a cool game, but Leon's aiming feels shakey at and unresponsive, at times they throw way too many enemies at you (which are all idiots, but one attack by them will kill you or get you close it) and not enough ammo -- UNTIL LATER, when the game becomes so easy it's broken. The final boss can be beaten with your fucking knife in like 30 seconds, what a joke. I remember this game being hailed for being the "only game with a buddy mechanic that wasn't annoying." Eh, I didn't really like protecting Ashley for nearly the whole game. Just seemed like a way to artificially lengthen, or "deepen", the play experience... it was usually quite easy, I think she only got nabbed one time, but it was still kinda annoying when 65% of the game, you have to worry about her. As far as the only game with a buddy mechanic that isn't annoying -- ICO came 4 years early, and is 40000x better, and nearly the entire game has a "buddy mechanic". In fact, ICO is by far the best game of last-gen, bar none. Maybe Disgaea comes close.

Anyway, RE4 is a classic game, though. No tank controls! It's fun and it's a nice experience, the atmosphere on the early wooded levels is probably the best ever, and the cheesy ass story is ... cheesy ass. Great game!

I think I will play this later, though:

noisereductions 09.08.2010 07:34 AM

RE4 is amazing. I love it. I love the lack of tank. Ther'es a momentum to the game that feels like a train hurdling down a track. It's awesome. And just fun. And there's some great scenes (the "sea monster" or the first time a tentacle comes out of a neck-hole, etc)

my 2 favorite s of the series are RE4 and the Gamecube remake of RE1. They are polar opposites, but are the two most perfected games of the series.

Murmer99 09.08.2010 01:59 PM

so far... MGS4 is decent. as said before theres way too many cut scenes and they're fuckin long.. i think there's probably more "movie" scenes in it than there is gameplay. but it's kinda fun. i don't think i could say one of the best games ever.

i haven't really played video games much.. in nearly a year. i go through certain phases with video games. I'll get into a few of them and play for maybe 3 or 4 months. then i won't even want to look at a video game for a long time.

viewtiful alan redux 09.08.2010 02:06 PM

I started Final Fantasy 13 while i'm finishing Bionic Commando... I'm an hour in and so far I don't feel as compelled as I want to. With the other games I could pay 2-3 h ours in my first sitting.. this one I had no problem putting it down.

atsonicpark 09.08.2010 02:14 PM

Man, I just am done with Final Fantasy games. I love 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. But all the rest are pretty meh. 12 is one of the worst games I've ever played... kinda sad, but what do you expect when the lead programmer/director of the project is hospitalized from exhaustion from working overtime on the project, and the guy who made the SaGa games stepped in, in place of him (and as well know, the SaGa games are terrible!)?


noisereductions 09.08.2010 03:05 PM

SaGa games are terrible??? I loved the Final Fantasy Legends.

brak's dad 09.08.2010 03:23 PM

ShI have been competing in various staring contests with those in my house, and have conquered them all. Haha! They too will sleep in the lawn with ann ashtray and the other single celled organisms.

viewtiful alan redux 09.08.2010 04:29 PM

A "project justice" arcade machine.
Classic extremely difficult Capcom fighting game... also the plot (yes, there are cutscenes in the arcade game) makes no fucking sense.. not at all

Dr. Eugene Felikson 09.08.2010 05:14 PM

I've never gotten around to playing ICO. I'll try it out when I get my new PS2 in about a week or so. Power Justice looks pretty cool too, I'll burn myself a copy for DC.

RE4 and Robocop vs. Terminator both kick major ass though. I love that gun in RvT where you can steer all of the bullets. It's a cheap tactic to pwn the game, but extremely fun nonetheless.

EVOLghost 09.08.2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Well, if not interactive movie, then "cinematic game"?......

OH! I thought you were talkin' about the cutscenes alone. Yeah....I'm not really bothered by long cutscenes. I get sucked into the story hence why it's one of my favorite franchises.

and while MGS2 is the worst in the series, I still enjoy it. Raiden is a pussy, but the story is still somewhat interesting.

EVOLghost 09.08.2010 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
so far... MGS4 is decent. as said before theres way too many cut scenes and they're fuckin long.. i think there's probably more "movie" scenes in it than there is gameplay.

there IS more movie than gameplay in MGS4. it took me 17:17:17(seriously) to beat it and honestly, about 6 of those hours are gameplay.

and yes. Gameplay in this game is fuckin' awesome...but once again..short (like the rest of the MGS series)

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