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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.05.2014 01:21 PM

Stupid ass Ngata just cost Ravens the playoffs, but he shouldn't be fucking juicing. Explains his otherwise stellar year

Rob Instigator 12.05.2014 02:22 PM

do not know how they bust Ngata and not bust everyone else.

Like tarkenton said, when NFL players of the past 20 years stop playing they LOSE 30-40 lbs real fast,because they stop juicing.

when basketball players retire, they GAIN 30-40 lbs because they stop excercising so much.

The NFL does not give a fuck as long as it makes money

Bytor Peltor 12.05.2014 07:17 PM

And they made the new and improved Fitzy look like a less bearded All Pro......will the true Texans please stand up this Sunday in Jacksonville.


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My lowly Texans made Mark Sanchez look like an all-pro :(

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.05.2014 08:14 PM

They busted Ngata because (a) his number came up and (b) its open season to roast the Ravens publicly so if there ever was a team or player to throw under the bus its this season. To be sure, Ngata fucked the fuck up and deserves his punishment, its just a hell of the time for Baltimore. Losing Jimmy Smith, who has easily been a top5 CB was bad enough, Ravens dropped from 11th ranked against the pass to a pathetic 27th!! Keeping them alive in games has been a league best rush defense and one of the best r dzone defenses anchored by Ngata.. Now? Better luck next year. By every stat vRavens have been a top 10 team so this waste! Hopefully the lottery will give us another corner like how we got CJ Mosley (who is easily the defensive rookie of year) last year... in ozzie we trust!! Texans?? Y'all need a fuckin QB yo, even Orton or Tannehill have been better

demonrail666 12.06.2014 12:24 AM

Not sure what I think of Malcolm Gladwell generally and he's not saying anything we didn't already know but interesting nonetheless, and aspects of it could almost as easily be applied to football.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.13.2014 11:56 PM

Ravens beat Jags and Falcons beat Steelers and Ravens all but clinch a wild card.. our game against Texans is huge for both but its only a must win for Houston. Ive already considered it ad a loss and counting on Baltimore beating Jags and Browns. But if we win out we lock a slot. Best of luck to both teams

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.13.2014 11:58 PM

Wouldnt mind Texans beating us if it means we can meet y'all in the playoffs ;)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.14.2014 11:42 PM

Sorry bytor, but houston is eliminated. The AFC will be 10 possibly even 11 win wild card. Texans are only playing to spoil Baltimore's chances because the way tiebreakers could eliminate even a 10 win Ravens. If Baltimore and steelers both win out then they both clinch it

Rob Instigator 12.15.2014 09:12 AM

Case Keenum rises from the dead for the Texans...

we almost tied that game yesterday but for that damn penalty. waste of a great Foster run

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.15.2014 10:37 AM

With so many 8 and 9 win teams Texans are out, trust me, even 10 wins arent enough! San Diego and KC can easily finish with 10 they have,crucial tie,breakers, Ravens/bengals/steelers,could all go 10, ravens steelers could each go 11! There is no room for a 9 win team.. again sorry yo

Rob Instigator 12.19.2014 03:00 PM


Bruce Matthews was always my favorite Houston Oiler.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.21.2014 10:00 PM

When I saw Baltimore Ravens were 12-1 alltime against Texans I to myself, shit, their going to win. When i saw Fitzpatrick went down I thought to myself, "whew!" I thought too soon! We got killed. The old criticisms that Gary Kubiack is too predictable panned out for Houston in a big way because y'all defense really did already know all the Kubiack offense and so effectively shut it down! The 12-1 clinched it. I believe long win streaks are bad luck, they reflect not just a team's past strengths but also the reality that they've already had a few lucky breaks. Sports are about capitalizing on luck sometimes, and luck is fickle. Also, the sheer math gave Houston an advantage, statistically a team cant win them all, and also surely cant lose them all either! Congrats to Texans, sincerely! Sorry though, with San Diego winning and Cinci having that tie y'all are eliminated unless both Chargers AND Ravens both lose. Ravens are out if they lose against Cleveland or out regardless if San Diego wins.

Rob Instigator 12.22.2014 09:28 AM

Our defense was stifling.

Flaco was sick or something....

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.22.2014 02:19 PM

Sick in the head maybe..

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.28.2014 04:19 PM

Sorry Texans but Chargers did Chargers things, Chiefs were pumped to play rival, but the Ravens did some "Baltimore playing the Browns" things and we're in the postseason! I told y'all Houston was out when they lost their 7th game
.. 10 wins were mandatory and truthfully Ravens were blessed to make it all things considering

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.11.2015 05:42 PM

We had our chance, indeed even a Hail Mary to win it all.. can't ask for more. Our receivers out played Pats defense. Our d line SHUT DOWN Pats run game. And our offense scored atcwill most of the game. Of course without Jimmy Smith our scrub corners showed their colors, Bellichek did Bellichek things and attacked the shit out of our improvised practice squad secondary and went left where Smith normally locks it down. All in all its was a great fucking year for Ravens football, we overcome endless adversity and injuries and media hate and came back to the playoffs, took a Cinderella home with us as always, and reestablished ourselves as the team nobody wants to play in the postseason. Go ravens

schizophrenicroom 02.02.2015 12:14 AM

Brady Is The Goat

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.02.2015 10:04 AM

Sorry schizo but Joe Montanna also won four superbowls while never losing and did it in 9 years. Also lets not kid ourselves, it was Pats defense that saved Brady ass, without that final interception we may be talking totally differently about Patriots choking away another Superbowl. Respect to Patriots, they finally got it done and avenged back to back AFC game losses.. we'll find out about the deflate shit in few weeks should be interesting. GO RAVENS

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.02.2015 05:52 PM

So? Who is kidding who, Patriots lost that game regardless of folks opinions about the legality of the catch. So save shoulda woulda coulda for my ninja Suga Free. If Beastmode carries the football less than 3 feet instead of that pass brady doesn't even have his current four. Or what if Joe Flacco made that last TD instead of getting picked off in endzone? ;)

I ain't dissing Patriots by the way, but Brady got some help to win this won, if it was the other way around and he scored the game winning drive in final seconds instead of a defender getting a beautifully stupid interception maybe id put him in conversation. Undefeated in Superbowls IN MY LOUD MOUTHED OPINION ( ;) ) trumps multiple superbowl losses. Its why unless Lebron goes on a big championship run he can't even lap Bird let alone Jordan or Magic Johnson.. too many losses

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.03.2015 10:21 AM

Hold on there calling flacco a bitch, when did your team or qb win Superbowl again? Second, didn't Flacco just almost beat the Patriots IN Foxborough like he already did once before? Anyway you missed my point getting caught up in your trash talk. Everyone needs help, TEAMS win Superbowls, not QBs. Shit even joe Montanna had an alltime great defense. When i said Brady needed help it was to point out that he needed a defender to make a clutch play. Seahawks were ONE yard away with four downs and a timeout.. Flacco had TWO tries ar the go ahead TD. now don't get me wrong, i LOVE goal line stands its how my Ravens won their last ring! But WHEN A QB LOSES TWO SUPERBOWLS AND CAME A LUCKY PLAY AWAY FROM MAKING IT THREE GUY IS NOT GREATEST ALL TIME, PERIOD. I ain't never tried to argue my fav QB is the best because im just honest

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.03.2015 10:22 AM

Straight up, if Brady had scored the game winning drive i would legitimately change my story, but he didn't, so i won't.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.03.2015 10:45 AM

I aint dodged nothing. I addressed your point, i said Montanna being 4-0 trumps brady. I brought up Flacco because like Wilson both had legit chance to beat Patriots. Brady's fate IN BOTH GAMES was ENTIRELY OUT OF HIS HANDS. Shit. Brady even had to punt and give Ravens one last shot at a Hail Mary! I AINT TRASH TALKING to just talking facts

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.03.2015 10:46 AM

By the way you're free to call Flacco a bitch all you like, like Brady Flacco's accomplishments speak for themselves.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.04.2015 01:43 AM

While sometimes i agree with you, after all, getting to Superbowl is about as close as a team can get, i agree with the sentiment that undefeated trumps losses. Again, i even hold my man zLebron to that category, his three Finals losses discredit him from greatest anything unless he wins several more. Magic is the best PG ever because he won five, and while he is the exception in having lost four Finals having been to NINE Finals in 12 years speaks for itself. Lets say Montanna is MJ and Brady is Kobe. And Joe Flacco aint lost a Superbowl yet so lets not put words in his mouth.

I respect your opinion, i just respectfully disagree with it. Ive already tipped my cap in respect to Brady's accomplishments, which you should give me credit for especially considering that frankly some of them have come as the direct expense of my own favorite team and indeed with four playoff (my ravens are 2-2) appearances against each other in 6 years i think its safe to say Pats-Ravens are rivals, what more do you want from me? Am i going to kiss Brady rings? Hell no. Do i respect him? Hell yes. Is he greatest all time? I say no. And i back it up with numbers. Brady went to nine AFC games, very impressive. Easily on top3 QBs.. but Momtanna is my vote.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.05.2015 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

I normally don't make it a habit of tipping my cap to somone for just talking sports, but I do hope this helps you have a good day 🎩


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.05.2015 08:05 PM

Also if you caught my point I'm arguing not that you said he is the greatest, but refuting the very premise that he is even in the conversation of being better than Montanna. Sure, they guy as at least two more years in him, but looking at all-time great QBs when they are 38 or 39 strongly suggests that Brady should ride off into the sunset like Ray Lewis did, on top, and settle for being Kobe to Montanna's Jordan. Sure, if Tom got FIVE I may have to alter my stance, but for now the crux of my point is 4-0 trumps 4-2 any day when we're talking about Superbowls ;)

Thanks for the cap tip, I am tipping mine in your direction as well.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.06.2015 10:39 AM

Stay classy Boston fans. Did Eli piss on Brady during his two parades? Yeah, we didn't forget y'all lost TWICE but hey, apparently y'all did ;)

Bytor Peltor 02.19.2015 02:23 PM

Possible new NFL helmets.....?




schizophrenicroom 02.19.2015 09:34 PM

meh. i like the chiefs one. pats one is okay.

schizophrenicroom 02.19.2015 09:35 PM

mariota apparently had a great combine interview.

Rob Instigator 03.10.2015 04:26 PM

I miss Andre Johnson already

Bytor Peltor 03.10.2015 06:13 PM

^^hope DeAndre Hopkins will continue to be as good as I / team thinks he can be.

Best tweet goes to, Jim Rome:

"First Five Minutes Of NFL Free Agency Is Better Than The First Five Months Of MLB Season."

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.10.2015 06:18 PM

My ravens went from one play away from the AFC Game to all out rebuild mode.. fucking lame. Ozzie getting greedy

schizophrenicroom 03.10.2015 06:25 PM

why the fuck did we let browner go if revis is gonna be going wtf pats

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.10.2015 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
why the fuck did we let browner go if revis is gonna be going wtf pats

The Bill Simmons rule is that a fan has nothing to bitch about for five years after winning a championship, so chill. Indeed, my Ravens won three years ago so I got to chill too!

schizophrenicroom 03.10.2015 07:41 PM

hah. i'll chill, i guess. could be the raiders.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.10.2015 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
hah. i'll chill, i guess. could be the raiders.

You did realize that when considering ALL-TIME stats even when including the past 15 years the Raiders are STILL a top-5 franchise and are better even then Patriots right?

They have a top-5 overall win percentage, top-5 overall wins, top-5 overall playoff wins, top-5 in Superbowl wins, top-5 in AFC game wins, top-5 in AFC appearances, and even top-5 in total playoff wins??

Alas I am a recovering Raider fan, I just finally gave up in 2003 and switched to Ravens to have the same rivals (steelers and yes, your Patsies ;) too bad I can't find a good reason to still hate on Broncos though )

Bytor Peltor 03.10.2015 08:24 PM

By trading Jimmy Graham to Seattle, I wonder if Saints believe Drew Brees carrier is over?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.10.2015 08:42 PM

I usually don't follow NFL rosters because there is so much fucking needless turnaround..
its like a huge pyramid scheme!!

So teams

1) draft a rookie

2) develop the talent and ride that player through his cheap contract years

3) cut or let the player walk when rookie deal is up or big pay day due

4) another team overpays that cut rookie

5) the team that cut the rookie signs a free agent who was cut for being overpaid on his team

6) the team that cut the rookie and signed the cut free agent then cut that player in few years

7) sign a new rookie

rinse repeat

schizophrenicroom 03.10.2015 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
You did realize that when considering ALL-TIME stats even when including the past 15 years the Raiders are STILL a top-5 franchise and are better even then Patriots right?

They have a top-5 overall win percentage, top-5 overall wins, top-5 overall playoff wins, top-5 in Superbowl wins, top-5 in AFC game wins, top-5 in AFC appearances, and even top-5 in total playoff wins??

Alas I am a recovering Raider fan, I just finally gave up in 2003 and switched to Ravens to have the same rivals (steelers and yes, your Patsies ;) too bad I can't find a good reason to still hate on Broncos though )

i know i know, i wasnt being entirely serious. i respect them. shit, pats barely won last time they faced off. roy helu is a great signing.

i'm not sure what the saints are really planning with brees. he's got at least a few years on his contract, no?

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