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Pookie 04.24.2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Dear Pookie,

When wearing pink stilettos, and all you have a red dress, what must one to to have a matching combination?

Drag in a Drama.

Coordination is sooooo last year. Clashing is going to be the watch word for '07.

Go for it!

Pookie 04.24.2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Dear Pookie,

Chelsea or Man Utd?

Are we talking buns again?

nicfit 04.24.2007 07:09 AM

Dear Pookie,

here at your fan club we wonder if you'd kindly send an autographed postcard to each member of the club to commemorate your 5000th post.

Hickmund Benitez
Pookie's fan club CEO.

Pookie 04.24.2007 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hickmund Benitez
Dear Pookie,

here at your fan club we wonder if you'd kindly send an autographed postcard to each member of the club to commemorate your 5000th post.

Hickmund Benitez
Pookie's fan club CEO.

Certainly. Just let me have your address and I'll get one done.

Any other members yet?

king_buzzo 04.24.2007 11:16 AM

Dear Pookie

shgkvdbljbeshbkiajshshish bajalskns hguehshavaba nwhd owkwung nalsikds disajn???

Sincerly yours, Mr. X

Pookie 04.24.2007 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. X
Dear Pookie

shgkvdbljbeshbkiajshshish bajalskns ohguehshavabe nwhy owkwung nalsikds disaujn???

Sincerly yours, Mr. X

Ha, you can't fool me with your hidden messages!

cuetzpalin 04.24.2007 11:22 AM

my dearest pookie,

may i join pookie's fan club?

the fanatic

nicfit 04.24.2007 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Certainly. Just let me have your address and I'll get one done.

Any other members yet?

Dear pookie,

the amount of members reaches the whopping total of 2 and a half.
Me, my siamese brother Aesophustersen and our dog Senfter.
We're waiting to raise enough money to open an online site for the fans from all over the world. It would be a wise choice to send the postcards before the site is up, so you won't have to pay for thousands and thousands of postcards. Regarding our address, we unanimously decided that you should send an autographed postcard with the url of your 5000th post written on the back to a random address of your choice, this would help spreading the word worldwide.
Thanks for your kind words, forever faitful

Hickmund & Aesophustersen Benitez.

Breaking News! We just received a new membership request from a girl named Cuetzpalin!

p.s. Senfter barks cordially.

king_buzzo 04.24.2007 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Ha, you can't fool me with your hidden messages!

You're such a genious...

Pookie 04.24.2007 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Hickmund & co.
Dear pookie,

the amount of members reaches the whopping total of 2 and a half.
Me, my siamese brother Aesophustersen and our dog Senfter.
We're waiting to raise enough money to open an online site for the fans from all over the world. It would be a wise choice to send the postcards before the site is up, so you won't have to pay for thousands and thousands of postcards. Regarding our address, we unanimously decided that you should send an autographed postcard with the url of your 5000th post written on the back to a random address of your choice, this would help spreading the word worldwide.
Thanks for your kind words, forever faitful

Hickmund & Aesophustersen Benitez.

p.s. Senfter barks cordially.

Thanks for that. I'll get onto it.

And thanks for answering cuetzpalin's query for me.

cuetzpalin 04.24.2007 12:09 PM

:) ;)

Pookie 04.24.2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by cuetzpalin
:) ;)


sarramkrop 04.24.2007 07:38 PM


I've been chatting to some friends who normally have common sense that seems to goe amiss whenever they see a guy who's an idiot but looks like a shag opportunity. They even do the sort of i'm ashamed thing, which doesn't help my estimation of them. Are they mates or just glorified aquantancies?




Pookie 04.25.2007 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop

I've been chatting to some friends who normally have common sense that seems to goe amiss whenever they see a guy who's an idiot but looks like a shag opportunity. They even do the sort of i'm ashamed thing, which doesn't help my estimation of them. Are they mates or just glorified aquantancies?




I'll just say this to you:

When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.

king_buzzo 04.25.2007 07:07 AM

Dear Pookie:awksdbcskeehbcsdnwebncuidfnvisdnfvdfjgnfjgf jgh jejfdhe jnejnjnej apowh aaaa jsndisuhfiurhu heuuhuh uhkuNiua!!!! oihuh@#$%%% ouhffrurhrhruhurh mr x.

RdTv 04.25.2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
Dear Pookie,

I have a problem. I actually think Julia Roberts is a good actress. My friends have threatened me with hospitalization time and time again, but my undying love for her thespianism will never die. I always hear people talk about her as if she was mediocre and unchanging in her roles. I think she is better than mortal but less than God.
Help me!

Mary Jo Barjimanaugh
Firmington, Vermont

cough-cough ah em!

_slavo_ 04.25.2007 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Any other members yet?

Dear pookie,

the amount of members reaches the whopping total of 2 and a half.
Me, my siamese brother Aesophustersen and our dog Senfter.
We're waiting to raise enough money to open an online site for the fans from all over the world. It would be a wise choice to send the postcards before the site is up, so you won't have to pay for thousands and thousands of postcards. Regarding our address, we unanimously decided that you should send an autographed postcard with the url of your 5000th post written on the back to a random address of your choice, this would help spreading the word worldwide.
Thanks for your kind words, forever faitful

Hickmund & Aesophustersen Benitez.

Breaking News! We just received a new membership request from a girl named Cuetzpalin!

p.s. Senfter barks cordially.

Dear Hickmund,

enclosed please find my application for the worldwide Pookie-lovers club membership. Is the donation mandatory?

In the light of future cooperation,

dr. Alfonz Vrtinoha
Business unit director
Eastern European Pookie Admiration league, n.g.o.

sonicl 04.25.2007 07:14 AM

Dear Pookie,

Your Auntie Mildred asked me to say hello to you. Why can't she say hello to you herself?

All the best,
Cousin Sal

Pookie 04.25.2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Noof
dear pookie,

if i answer the phone and on other ear i still have music on headphone, can the person on the telephone line hear the music playing at the other end of my head?

thanks in advance.


There's a simple test: hold the earphone playing music to one ear and place your other ear against the pc monitor. I'll let you know if I can hear anything.

sarramkrop 04.25.2007 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I'll just say this to you:

When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.

That sounds insulting, Pookie !!!:)

Pookie 04.25.2007 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
cough-cough ah em!

I was doing you the favour of ignoring that question.

_slavo_ 04.25.2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Dear Pookie:awksdbcskeehbcsdnwebncuidfnvisdnfvdfjgnfjgf jgh jejfdhe jnejnjnej apowh aaaa jsndisuhfiurhu heuuhuh uhkuNiua!!!! oihuh@#$%%% ouhffrurhrhruhurh mr x.

you never fail to post witty stuff, buzzo.

Pookie 04.25.2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Dear Hickmund,

enclosed please find my application for the worldwide Pookie-lovers club membership. Is the donation mandatory?

In the light of future cooperation,

dr. Alfonz Vrtinoha
Business unit director
Eastern European Pookie Admiration league, n.g.o.

No, but it is compulsory.

Pookie 04.25.2007 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sal
Dear Pookie,

Your Auntie Mildred asked me to say hello to you. Why can't she say hello to you herself?

All the best,
Cousin Sal

We're not talking, since the Belgian bun debacle.

RdTv 04.25.2007 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I was doing you the favour of ignoring that question.

Good man you are Pookie, a good man.

Pookie 04.25.2007 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Dear Pookie:awksdbacskeehbcsdnwoebncuidfnvisdnfvdfjgnfjgfjgh jejfdhe jnejnjnej apowh aaata jsndisuhfiurhu heuuhuh uhkuNiua!!!! oihuh@#$%%% ouhffrurhrhruhurh mr x.

It's a fine line between love and hate.:(

_slavo_ 04.25.2007 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
No, but it is compulsory.

At least it's not obligatory, that'd ruin me.

nicfit 04.25.2007 07:52 AM

Some news:

Originally Posted by Hickmund & Aesophustersen Benitez
Dear dr. Alfonz Vrtinoha,
we're pleased to accept your request.
From now on you'll be a proud lifetime member of Pookie's WWF (world wide fanclub).
PM me on further instructions, and if you'd like to become a member of our street team we will send you posters and stickers to promote our association in your town. We will... someday. The problem is, till now we raised a grand total of 3 aus dollars and a beer can, so we don't have enough money to print stickers and other promotional items yet. I (Hickmund) think we could sell the can on ebay claiming it was "used" by Pookie himself. Starting bet should be around 200 USD, If all goes according to plan we should raise 10.000 USD by the end of the auction. I'll drink it right now and then I'll set up a fake ebay account to post the auction.

Pookie's WWF CEOs

p.s. a huge "thank you" to Pookie for giving us permit to post public announcements on here. We promise we won't abuse of this possibility and won't hijack your column.
p.p.s. we are aware of the crime we commit and the risks involved in posting a fake auction on ebay, but this is all for a Greater Good, let's keep our fingers crossed!

king_buzzo 04.25.2007 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
It's a fine line between love and hate.:(

I belive it is.

MellySingsDoom 04.25.2007 11:20 AM

Dear Pookie

Does blue cheese really contain natural amphetamines?

Yours teethgrindingly


king_buzzo 04.25.2007 11:25 AM

Dear pookie,

Pm me.

Pookie 04.25.2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Dear Pookie

Does blue cheese really contain natural amphetamines?

Yours teethgrindingly


Indeed! And not just blue cheese. Cheese has phenylethylamine (PEA), a naturally occurring chemical related to amphetamines which releases ‘happy hormones’ into the body and results in a sense of well-being and contentment.

For a while chocolate has been associated with this phenomenon, but according to research, cheese, and in particular Cheddar, has 10 times more PEA than chocolate!

Pookie 04.25.2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Dear pookie,

Pm me.

You do realise I'm not a large-breasted woman?

!@#$%! 04.25.2007 05:35 PM

dear pookie,

i like the words "dugo", "curu" and "nikako". i can fathom the root of "depresiji". but about the other 3 words-- what do they mean? they look like they have an extraordinary sound-- like a made-up language. "nikako" especially. can you enlighten me?



(ps-- you wouldn't happen to have any advice to deal with writer's block after one has blown a deadline, would you?)

Pookie 04.25.2007 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by nokako
dear pookie,

i like the words "dugo", "curu" and "nikako". i can fathom the root of "depresiji". but about the other 3 words-- what do they mean? they look like they have an extraordinary sound-- like a made-up language. "nikako" especially. can you enlighten me?



(ps-- you wouldn't happen to have any advice to deal with writer's block after one has blown a deadline, would you?)

1) Dugo, pronounced to rhyme with "few go". Earliest use in The Two Gentlemen of Verona:

"Thou art a dugo to fond desire."

ie Thou art a [fag-hag] to [foolish] desire.

Dugo = fag-hag.

2) Curu, pronounced to rhyme with chew roe, which coincidentally is also what it means.

3) Nikako, pronounced to rhyme with nikako. The uncomfortable feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you realise you've left your work too late and will inevitably miss your deadline.

!@#$%! 04.25.2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
1) Dugo, pronounced to rhyme with "few go". Earliest use in The Two Gentlemen of Verona:

"Thou art a dugo to fond desire."

ie Thou art a [fag-hag] to [foolish] desire.

Dugo = fag-hag.

2) Curu, pronounced to rhyme with chew roe, which coincidentally is also what it means.

3) Nikako, pronounced to rhyme with nikako. The uncomfortable feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you realise you've left your work too late and will inevitably miss your deadline.

damn nikako!!

_slavo_ 04.26.2007 02:44 AM

Dear Pookie,

although being a regular heterosexual, I feel a weird tingling in my private parts, when I see Steven Gerrard on the pitch. What do you think could be the reason for that?

Kind regards,
Dr.Alfonz Vrtinoha
Eastern Europe

jon boy 04.26.2007 03:52 AM

dear pookie,

how can i be less gullable?

boy of jon.

king_buzzo 04.26.2007 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
dear pookie,

i like the words "dugo", "curu" and "nikako". i can fathom the root of "depresiji". but about the other 3 words-- what do they mean? they look like they have an extraordinary sound-- like a made-up language. "nikako" especially. can you enlighten me?



(ps-- you wouldn't happen to have any advice to deal with writer's block after one has blown a deadline, would you?)

Oh hat the fuck?

Dear Pookie,
Where the hell is !@#$%! from? He's throwing all these serbian words at me.?

sarramkrop 04.26.2007 11:19 AM

Caro Pookie,

Come ci si sente a rispondere tutte queste sciocchezze nello spazio di una mezza giornata, mentre i libri ti tengono occupato?

Saluti affetuosi

Giammario Squintazzi

Firenze (Italia)

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