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gast30 02.07.2013 07:22 AM

people can not coverup the truth forever
especially not from the camera's

the more is opened and exposed
the more americans are aware of what place they live in

and so can better act in on the emergency situations

the thruth will allways come to the surface
billion camera's in the streets
news channels reporting 24h on 24h

!@#$%! 02.07.2013 07:15 PM

lolol turns out the "sandy hook father" doesn't have a kid at sandy hook but at another elementary a mile away from there. he didn't lie about it though, the people who found the video just made the assumption. anyway, same difference.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.07.2013 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lolol turns out the "sandy hook father" doesn't have a kid at sandy hook but at another elementary a mile away from there. he didn't lie about it though, the people who found the video just made the assumption. anyway, same difference.

Same difference? Hardly. In fact, I know have lost most of my respect for that man to have manipulated people's sentiments. What a prick.. Shit, at MY school we've been on lockdown before, hardly the same thing as having been on lock down at Sandy Hook while a gunman walked around shooting kids and teachers :(

!@#$%! 02.07.2013 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Same difference? Hardly. In fact, I know have lost most of my respect for that man to have manipulated people's sentiments. What a prick.. Shit, at MY school we've been on lockdown before, hardly the same thing as having been on lock down at Sandy Hook while a gunman walked around shooting kids and teachers :(

reading comprehension man. IT WASN'T HIM WHO LIED. i said that in my post.

here the full story: fense_isn_t_actually_the.html

if you read that you'll see it was actually the man himself who clarified the public's error.

!@#$%! 02.07.2013 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
What was his business testifying at that hearing in the first place if he wasn't part of that shooting?

he's addressing his legislature (that ain't "congress" either)

his daughter was 1 mile away from the shooting.

tesla69 02.08.2013 10:34 AM

Are you following the Doner story in California? EXLAPD officer getting revenge against a nazi (literally) LAPD? Wouldn't surrpise me if this is a psyop so the State has an excuse to track all vets and military.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.08.2013 02:31 PM

How to annoy SuchFriends:

Rant and rave about guns, meanwhile in all the cities in America where people REALLY are getting shot, people want less guns, all the safest cities in America people are clamoring about more guns for their safety.

Haha, that is classic American logic (i.e. stupid) ;)


Besides of which, speaking of the President completely scoffing and disregarding the Constitution (oh, that dude reads it, but its like we've known since 1776, that document isn't worth even just wiping your ass with it), Bytor, you should be careful with all that dissing the Administration, you do realize that Barry got a hit list with American citizens on it right?

floatingslowly 02.08.2013 02:44 PM

Someone just got shot at Florida Atlantic University - - while wielding a knife.

Rob Instigator 02.08.2013 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Are you following the Doner story in California? EXLAPD officer getting revenge against a nazi (literally) LAPD? Wouldn't surrpise me if this is a psyop so the State has an excuse to track all vets and military.

fucking LAPD. goddamn fascists man, opening fire on people who did not even pose a threat, Two women in hospital, their truck shot all to shit. reactionary violence.

Rob Instigator 02.08.2013 02:55 PM


soon the cops will be the only ones who have these, except for Ted Nugent and his buddies.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.08.2013 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator


soon the cops will be the only ones who have these, except for Ted Nugent and his buddies.

(a) Why exactly should even the cops have these? Many folks here in LA especially ascribe to the conspiracy that the infamous North Hollywood Bank robbery in the mid-90s was in fact a CIA set-up to militarize the police force. LAPD didn't have machine guns, the robbers did, and they CLOWNED the police. After that, ALL the police in LA County began carrying machine guns in their trunks (isn't that by definition special weapons and tactics, how are regular patrol officers certified to carry these??) and alas, the number of police related killings EXPLODED. These cops are armed to the teeth, two or three pistols mandatory (BY LAW), two shotguns in the car, and two MP5s in the trunk. WHAT THE FUCK??? NO MORE MACHINE GUNS FOR TRAFFIC COPS!!! How the hell one police unit just put over THIRTY bullet holes in the back of a newspaper delivery truck yesterday morning? Oh right, the police had machine guns. Praise the LORD that that 71 year old lady only got SHOT IN THE BACK TWICE, but is going to survive (hopefully) :(


(b)Besides of which, Rob, Bytor, what, do you guys HONESTLY think that if the government declared martial law or even if just some crooked cops were roaming your neighborhood that even with a damned mini-gun like the Terminator you'd be able to "defend" yourself against them? Haha, what a fantasy, alas, there is a term for such behavior and it is not defense or heroism, it is called SUICIDE BY COP ;)

Rob Instigator 02.08.2013 03:24 PM

suchfriends, we very well could defend ourselves.

In Houston TX there are around 6,000 cops, maybe 2000 of them being desk jockeys and old guys. There are upwards of 4 MILLION people. How do 6 thousand cops defeat a million armed citizens? they do NOT.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.08.2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
suchfriends, we very well could defend ourselves.

In Houston TX there are around 6,000 cops, maybe 2000 of them being desk jockeys and old guys. There are upwards of 4 MILLION people. How do 6 thousand cops defeat a million armed citizens? they do NOT.

Haha, that is such a deranged fantasy, ask John Brown about those "people rise up" scenarios. I will reiterate it to you so you can understand clearly, SUICIDE BY COP. Alas, even if y'all manage to kill a few HUNDRED cops, what, you don't think the US has a big enough cavalry ;)


Rob Instigator 02.08.2013 03:58 PM

We'll get the Texas National Guard to fight the cops! ha!

Rob Instigator 02.08.2013 03:59 PM

BTW, John Brown was not living in martial law, military state conditions. he was more of a revolutionary, going at it with his abolitionist followers. That is a different situation.

afreespirit 02.08.2013 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
BTW, John Brown was not living in martial law, military state conditions. he was more of a revolutionary, going at it with his abolitionist followers. That is a different situation.

And trying to inspire unarmed slaves to revolt.

the ikara cult 02.08.2013 08:44 PM

Not long now, soon all the bad guys will be dead

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.08.2013 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
We'll get the Texas National Guard to fight the cops! ha!

The National Guard have their sworn allegiance to the nation, not just Texas. Further, why would the Guard even need to get involved? Its not like anyone is taking away their machine guns ;)

tesla69 02.11.2013 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
(NO MORE MACHINE GUNS FOR TRAFFIC COPS!!! How the hell one police unit just put over THIRTY bullet holes in the back of a newspaper delivery truck yesterday morning?;)

They didn't just hit the truck but sprayed the entire neighborhood, people woke up to find bullet holes in their homes and roofs.

There is a hit out on Doner, he knows too much. I wouldn't believe anything the MSM says about him, including his alleged killing of innocents. LAPD could just as easily have done it and now blame him, that is how corruption works. the corporate media parrots the security services lies about everything else. Notice how quick they pull out the drones - its all a big psyop.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.11.2013 03:35 PM

exactly, when the police murdered our friend Gonzo by machine gun fire the entire neighborhood was also sprayed with bullets, one went through the bedroom of a small child and narrowly missed her sleeping in bed (serious yo!).

See, this is what makes me all the more cautious and nervous around armed American citizens carrying guns in public, even if legally. These cops are trained, certified, experienced, and practice often. Yet, time and time again they accidentally hit people in cross fire, or come very close. I don't want to be standing in line grabbing some tacos and have some vigilante draw down on some purse snatcher behind me and accidentally shoot myself or someone else in the place trying to be Last Action Hero ;)

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