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hevusa 10.15.2010 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by knox
It's just what I predicted, isn't it? Even if you face the facts you'll find a way to tell yourself they're not there and ridicule everything that you cannot explain. But it's ok, it's a natural reaction. That's what I meant it sometimes requires the same blind willpower that religious fanatics have. Possibilities are possibilities, scientific thinking implies you'd have to consider them. If you can't prove or disproof something, then it just can't be considered a fact, you don't know.

There are lots and lots of things science cannot explain YET. There are other things it might be wrong about, like it has been in the past. There are certain schools of science that could even begin to formulate some theories to explain certain things - quantum psychics perhaps.

Another widely accepted theory that could relate to the subject is Jung's:

My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.

But of course, that one be one interpretation of it.

Once again:
Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable

You gotta remember the UNKNOWN or UNKNOWABLE part. There is no certainty implied.

Agnostic atheismAgnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not have belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know that a deity does not exist.

Ghosts are still on the same level of reality of the invisible pink elephant living in my fridge unless you present some objective evidence (which no one in human history has ever done).

You really are grasping at straws now.

knox 10.15.2010 12:20 PM

How long did it take since the first theories about the atom were documented until it was actually proven?

In the 5th cent. B.C. the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus proposed that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles they called atom, or in Greek "a-tomos".
By the 19th century, technology had advanced greatly and many elements had been discovered to work with. Using the available elements scientist such as John Dalton and Amedeo Avogadro forced them to interact with one another. From these interactions they were able to prove the existence of the atom.

Too bad we'll all be dead. Hope someone tells your ghost when it happens.

hevusa 10.15.2010 12:30 PM

comparing ghosts to atoms now???
this is getting better and better.

floatingslowly 10.15.2010 12:34 PM

why not? everything (above the plank level) contains them, professor.

why can't you argue in a civil manner?

the lad(ee) doth protesteth too much.

hevusa 10.15.2010 12:44 PM

Obviously more than one a day is needed:

The Cyclops. Also "not real".

GeneticKiss 10.15.2010 12:45 PM

See, this is what I said before. Not only are you saying that you don't believe in ghosts, but also anyone does is lying not only to themselves but to everyone and therefore are detrimental (sp?) to society, so they should change their ways. You're PREACHING, which you claim to say you're against.

You're open-minded about pot being legalized, so why can't you be open to the idea that there are things that exist in this world that defy simple explanation? Or at the very least quit calling people stupid liars for believeing in things that can't yet be proven?

hevusa 10.15.2010 12:50 PM


here is undebatable proof

tesla69 10.15.2010 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by knox
that you behave like a vulture always looking for or creating an opportunity to attack me in any way and you seem so very excited about it every time? And then you send me private messages saying it's not serious, it's just a discussion and you don't mean to insult me and you respect me or whatever?

ha, now you know what its like when I post material about deep politics - but no one writes to me privately to say its not serious! Waah!

We understand our existence within 3 dimensions, but our preception is challenged beyond that - isn't also reasonable we exist in part in the 4th dimension and I can't even predict how that looks - I can't perceive the 4th dimension (well, I might've unlocked the keys once or twice).

I don't see why it so far fetched for consciousness to exist without form. I tend to believe consciousness came before the body anyway. Not that I have proof, but then, there is no proof the body came first either.

tesla69 10.15.2010 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
the other thing i find interesting about ghosts is that even though people no longer claim to see sea monsters, or dragons, or werewolves, or dog heads, etc. there hasn't been a comparable decline in ghost sightings

actual the cryptozoological websites seem busier than ever ... recently posted an old old photo of some civil war soldiers with a pterodactyl they shot. And there's that vampire thing in Mexico and south America that seems very active.

hevusa 10.15.2010 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
See, this is what I said before. Not only are you saying that you don't believe in ghosts, but also anyone does is lying not only to themselves but to everyone and therefore are detrimental (sp?) to society, so they should change their ways. You're PREACHING, which you claim to say you're against.

You're open-minded about pot being legalized, so why can't you be open to the idea that there are things that exist in this world that defy simple explanation? Or at the very least quit calling people stupid liars for believeing in things that can't yet be proven?

This is not about being open minded. This is about understanding the world around you. Is there a God? I don't know, but if you claim to have objective evidence about Gods existence you better damn well present it or shut the fuck up. This is what knox has done with ghosts yet she has failed to present any such evidence. In my eyes she is a fucking retard until she admits she was wrong or presents such evidence.

The moment I ever find such evidence I will be the first to admit that ghosts are real and indeed exist. Until then:

For Knox:
The Elf, The Devil, The Mermaid = NOT REAL

knox 10.15.2010 01:00 PM

I wasn't even comparing anything, just saying there has always been idiots with no imagination to claim everything was bullshit, and other people who persist for hundreds of years to prove a theory. Not because they wanted to prove anything to idiots, but just because they are more interested in what they don't know than they are in what they do imagine they know.

But things always change - and there are always new things to discover.
If you imagine only what you can see and touch is a possibility - than your life must be really limited.

In a past life, hevusa sat there going like: "hahhahahahah atom? next thing you'll say it's possible to take a dead man's heart and make it work for a living one hahahhahha"

We don't know shit about shit. But we'll learn more, you'll probably be able to learn more than 10 sentences too.

with great fear. In other words, I think that there are many things in the universe that we cannot perceive or penetrate, and that also we experience some of the most beautiful things in life only in a very primitive form.
- Albert Einstein, Interview with Peter A. Bucky, quoted in:
The Private Albert Einstein

Whenever this feeling is absent, science degenerates into uninspired empiricism.

- Albert Einstein, Letter to Maurice Solovine, January 1, 1951; quoted in Letters to Solovine (1993)

Uninspired empiricism describes your overall attitude hevusa.

hevusa 10.15.2010 01:01 PM

Since Knox is quoting Einstein now

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe. - Einstein

knox 10.15.2010 01:02 PM


I nevet claimed to have objective evidence of anything, so don't be a liar, it's shitty.

knox 10.15.2010 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Since Knox is quoting Einstein now

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe. - Einstein

He was always right about everything, wasn't he?

knox 10.15.2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
See, this is what I said before. Not only are you saying that you don't believe in ghosts, but also anyone does is lying not only to themselves but to everyone and therefore are detrimental (sp?) to society, so they should change their ways. You're PREACHING, which you claim to say you're against.

You're open-minded about pot being legalized, so why can't you be open to the idea that there are things that exist in this world that defy simple explanation? Or at the very least quit calling people stupid liars for believeing in things that can't yet be proven?

Yeah, I think you're right. Or at least, not claim to be agnostic since this attitude clearly isn't agnostic.

ann ashtray 10.15.2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by knox
Yes, PICTURES of things that have no matter. Yeah I'll upload my collection on youtube. You realise that sounds even MORE insane than claiming to see ghosts? It's like asking people with synesthesia to make youtubes of the colors they see with sounds.

Have you noticed, Ann Ashtray, that you behave like a vulture always looking for or creating an opportunity to attack me in any way and you seem so very excited about it every time? And then you send me private messages saying it's not serious, it's just a discussion and you don't mean to insult me and you respect me or whatever? And that makes you seem pretty creepy?

I'm very sorry to disappoint you but it's a thread about ghosts, not about Knox. I know that doesn't interest you as much, but you must respect it.

So, our eyes can see things that don't consist of matter? Please do explain, Knox. That has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever, ever, ever heard.

ann ashtray 10.15.2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Is this to say you haven't thought of the idea that not every ghost sighting has been reported? Some people may see a ghost but not tell anyone for fear of being dismissed or ridiculed. And even then, there may be insistances in which someone has seen a ghost and tells others but it never reaches an "official" documenter. Statistics don't always tell the whole story.

Well, unreported claims aren't much worth considering.

hevusa 10.15.2010 01:35 PM

For Knox:

Also Not Real-
The Sandman

I'm only agnostic in regards to the concept of an omnipresent God. Not fucking ghosts or smurfs.

For Knox: Also not real-

ann ashtray 10.15.2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
For Knox:

Also Not Real-
The Sandman

I'm only agnostic in regards to the concept of an omnipresent God. Not fucking ghosts or smurfs.


For Knox: Also not real-



hevusa 10.15.2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray


Yes, the evidence for zombie werewolfs is overwhelming!

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