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Trasher02 06.26.2009 04:37 PM

I know his death is old news now, but it still makes me so happy inside. Fuck MJ.

acdc518 06.26.2009 04:50 PM

Diesel 06.26.2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by trasher02
I know his death is old news now, but it still makes me so happy inside. Fuck MJ.

Wey whatever floats your boat. You fucking idiot

Trasher02 06.26.2009 04:57 PM

Hah, watch me care.

Rob Instigator 06.26.2009 05:47 PM

watch no one care when YOU kick the ol' bucket!

Trasher02 06.26.2009 06:10 PM

Smooooooooooth Criminaaaaaaaaaaaaaal

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.26.2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
haha...and despite ANY of this...folks inspired by coltrane, muddy waters, miles, skip james, etc....are definately creating better music than MOST folks directly influenced by jackson.

that is a matter of taste and historical context. I stand by what I said, Michael Jackson is one of the most popular and far reaching black musicians ever. His style, his dancing, and his selection of music has changed the face of music (if 1+1+1+2=5, 2 is still greater than all the individual 1s, seen? and MJ is mos def a 2 compared to all those others you have mentioned). If you can't see that right in front of your face because you are to busy trying to put MJ down and big up other people, that's fine.. but eventually the reality of MJ's contributions will suddenly dawn on you, and you will take your head out of your ass, and enjoy his legacy :)

Trasher02 06.26.2009 06:15 PM

Still can't believe he died though.
Good night, sweet prince.


R.I.P. Michael Jordan

automatic bzooty 06.26.2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i could be wrong, but id bet people will still be listening to led zep and the stones long after michael is largely forgotten about. shit, im willing to bet the stones are just as popular, if not more than, michael now!!!

even the weirder stones/zep stories haven't really defected people from the music... nowadays, it's really hard to separate mj's media circus from his songs. his reputation far precedes him.

floatingslowly 06.26.2009 06:51 PM


In December 2003, it was reported that Bubbles had tried to commit suicide. The chimp was taken to a hospital in time to be saved.

5:1 odds he fucked the chimp.

floatingslowly 06.26.2009 06:59 PM

for the record: neither am I.

just stating the faxXx, ma'am.

davenotdead 06.26.2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

(God Bless His Soul)

i don't think he's in heaven

SYRFox 06.26.2009 07:11 PM

Malaysian Michael Jackson

LifeDistortion 06.26.2009 07:34 PM

I take no joy or pleasure in Michael Jackson's death, just as I took no joy and pleasure in Saddam Hussein's death. It has nothing to do with taking joy in person's death regardless of who they were when they were alive. And certainly I'm not about to disparage Michael Jackson because the media portrayed him as a "freak". And admittedly he didn't do much to fight against thier view of him. That said a man is dead, so are millions of others whom we've never seen or heard from. Hopefully thier life served a purpose to the ones who felt connected to them.

Confucious is sex 06.26.2009 07:45 PM


[...easy as 1,2,3]

demonrail666 06.26.2009 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
"Its not that MJ single-handedly introduced black music to white people"

....but, that is more or less what ya stated!


...thie first part may very well be true, but to state no one will ever be bigger...theres no way of knowing. im sure someone, once apon a time, said the same thing about chuck. reality is....100 years from now very few people will be listening to MJ (im sure he wont be forgotten about quite yet), and there will be another black pop star that has taken his place. its happened this way since the beginning of time.

"Elvis is a chump. the 60s blues scene which helped to integrate music in america was NOT AS BIG IN SCALE as the revolution which MJ brought to the scene. "

elvis WAS a chump, you are right. however, that doesnt contradict the fact that he was largely influential, and did indeed pull a lot of HIS influence from black music. the 60's blues scene is STILL popular. new people..KIDS, are still discovering it now, all the time. its just as valid as MJ, and despite that, featured artists that had talent beyond just singing and dancing. i could be wrong, but id bet people will still be listening to led zep and the stones long after michael is largely forgotten about. shit, im willing to bet the stones are just as popular, if not more than, michael now!!! i know they arent black, but they were largely influenced by black music that came around quite bit before mj came into the picture. certainly, michael jackson is NOT bigger than rock n roll.

Yes there were people before MJ that crossed racial lines in terms of their success, but he came along at a time when those barriers that had started to blur in the 1960s were becoming firmly re-established. I never particularly liked the Thriller album but I'd say that when it came out it was the first mainstream album (in my lifetime anyway) that didn't just blur racial barriers in terms of its appeal so much as disregard them altogether. That album's success forced the industry into changing its marketing strategy for certain artists in a way that I'm convinced benefited individual artists like Prince as well as whole genre's like Rap. We'll never know if things would've changed anyway, but anyone around at the moment when things did change would have to admit that Michael Jackson's success was at the very centre of it.

demonrail666 06.26.2009 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
nice point. and i agree with ya, maybe, on some level.

my issue is just someone stating michael is soley responsible for getting white peeps into black music...not true. its never been true. i even admitted myself in an earlier post that im SURE michael was responsible for getting several peeps interested in black music (which supports what youve worded so nicely here). im positve he had an immense influence on hip hop. im sure he made things easier on prince....yes. but were not talking about black artists influencing black music here. certainly, thats always been the norm. were talking about micheal's influence on WHITE music as well as what the typical white person listens to.

Fair enough but my main point wasn't that Michael Jackson influenced black music as a creative entity so much as the way in which the industry began to treat it. Hip Hop wasn't necessarily influenced by the sound of Thriller but its success caused record companies to rethink how it could be sold.

We can even stretch back prior to that and say that while Elvis, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, the Beatles, et al popularised black music for a mainstream white audience they were never anywhere near as popular with a black audience. Michael Jackson on the other hand seemed to genuinely have no ethnically defined fanbase in that his music was equally popular amongst blacks and whites. I'm not even sure that the same could be said for something like Motown.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.26.2009 08:15 PM

sway, as usual you have entirely missed my point and then dragged out your own misinterpretation way out there..

i NEVER said that Michael Jackson was the SOLE person to popularize black music, I said that he is the MOST POPULAR black musician (of 'black' music) and I think demonrail most eloquently elaborated on this point when it was said that michael jackson " didn't just blur racial barriers in terms of its appeal so much as disregard them altogether." THAT was my point in bringing up race into the issue.

Michael Jackson is the most famous black person that has ever lived. Perhaps BILLIONS of people know what he looks like, and have even heard his songs. Who could compare? That being said, it is clear that NO OTHER BLACK MUSICIAN could have quite as LARGE an impact on music in general regardless of race, and clearly Michael Jackson (who IS MO TOWN since a youth) exposed the entire world to black music through his beyond belief popular albums. it is literally unimaginable to comprehend the number of people from every corner of the world who have heard and enjoyed michael jackson's music, and again that being said, it is clear to me and many others that michael jackson did a great deal to promote black music and destroy the racial barriers of commerical music which existed in 1969 at the beginning of his career and were solidly in place until the mid-1980s..

to me, that is his legacy. and I am not the world's biggest michael jackson fan, I am just a rastafari who grew up on michael jackson and can clearly see his contributions to the music of the world. I never said you didn't like michael jackson, when I said "put down" I meant in status as compared to other artists which is the point you have been arguing correct (that MJ is not as important as I am believing)?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.26.2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
they werent nearly as popular with a black audience, but again were not talking about a black audience. were talking about a white artist/audience listening to black music.

still though, you are making great points which i agree with.

and I am not just talking about Michael Jackson exposing white/non-black folks to black music, that is only part of it. Part of it is the simple fact that a black man literally born into segregation could rise to become the most widely known person in the world is significant in and of itself!

When I speak of MJ impacting ALL music, it is not necessarily a racial thing, as much as the fact that MJ brought the mainstream and the world exposure to new and innovative styles of music and dancing, which today are all fixtures of popular music, and were not necessarily there before. It is the scale of MJ's popularity and reach which make him so significant as an influence, people all over the world were first exposed to good music from first hearing michael jackson, just as a shitload of kids in america were exposed to good music after listening to the beatles or nirvana. He is the starting off point..

there is no beef so I don't know why you continue to have an attitude problem with me, but I wish you would get over it already :)

demonrail666 06.26.2009 08:40 PM

*deleted* as to not to prolong an argument that appears to have been resolved a few posts earlier while I was writing this one.

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