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Bytor Peltor 07.22.2018 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
While there are some good points in there, I'm ultimately calling bullshit. If Trump had given Putin a violent tongue-lashing, you'd be praising him for being tough.

(Although to be fair, the left would be condemning him for provoking a fight.)


Mueller's probe has led to indictments. People broke the law. Anyone who authentically cares about "law and order" should be pleased so far.


To say the US is even partly responsible for being attacked by Russia is fucked.

So why cozy up? So we can trade? To avoid a nuclear war?

I appreciate your overall response, I’m going to try and address the above.

Saying the United States is partially to blame does leave a bad taste in ones mouth. I recall the same taste every time Obama made excuses for Muslims attacking and killing people.

RE Mueller’s probe......not one of those indictments were related to collusion, hacking or meddling with Russia.

Why cozy up / no tongue lashing?

I believe it’s reasonable enough to assume our President thought this was the best course of action after their first meeting. Not so much to avoid nuclear war, but possibly a step toward addressing the atrocities occurring in Syria. Applying pressure to Putin while at the same time offering a path to change.

It could all be for not, time wasted......but after the considerations given last month, it just seems logical to do the same this month.


Originally Posted by Skuj
Even most GOP (rightly) thought it was surreal that a POTUS would say he takes Putin's word over his own Intelligence Agencies

I feel ya, Skuj!

Just to be clear, these are the same Intelligence Agencies that lied to The American People about survelling our activities......collecting our data and websites we visit......shaping our profiles based on things we’ve been saying in this thread?

A direct violation of our Construction! (4th amendment).

Is it the same Intelligence Agency that lied about hacking Angela Merkel’s phone?

These transgressions and violations taking place under Obama & Hillary’s watch. YES - I believe they had things so screwed up that President Trump’s statements were 100% TRUTH!!!


Originally Posted by Skuj
Surely we weren't this gullible 10-20 years ago?


Originally Posted by tw2113
I think we were, we just weren't aware of how widespread it is.

September 11, 2001

Skuj 07.22.2018 12:37 PM

So, even if I accept that the Int Agencies have done these/some bad things, that means Trump should just trash them and take Putin's word, right? Because Putin is a wonderful guy and everything the American Int agencies do is wrong?

Please tell me that 9/11 link isn't another inside-job/conspiracy thing.

Skuj 07.22.2018 12:40 PM

I always see Islamaphobia in your posts. It makes me ill. Have you travelled? It may shock you to hear this, but 99.999% of Muslims are good people. It really is true!!!

tw2113 07.22.2018 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Please tell me that 9/11 link isn't another inside-job/conspiracy thing.

It is, but I don't know if it was posted because it is believed by the poster, or just as an example of historical gullibility.

Skuj 07.22.2018 09:06 PM

I'm desperately trying to understand this whole Carter Page thing, and why that stuff was released.

And if you think it is laughable that he could be a spy and that the FBI are just so stupid, check out Philby at his Press Conference in 1955.

tw2113 07.22.2018 09:11 PM

Social media has shown me there are shitheads on both sides of the major political spectrums. Republicans try to feel better about themselves by showing the shit democrats have pulled, democrats showing the shit republicans have pulled.

Just makes both parties look worse than they could be viewed.

Skuj 07.22.2018 09:13 PM

This is fucking mind boggling:

The Int Agencies made a very detailed presentation during the transition. Comey talked about it. Clapper talked about it. The current Directors do not think it is a hoax.

But none of that matters in Trumpworld, does it?

Bytor Peltor 07.22.2018 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Because Putin is a wonderful guy and everything the American Int agencies do is wrong?

Because Putin & Russia were doing the same things in 2011 Under Obama & Hillary’s watch and no one did anything about it then......because the Democrats won???

Skuj 07.22.2018 11:01 PM make that argument while posting a link that explains why Putin hates Clinton so much.

Am I missing something?

Are you not making my argument?

The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 01:45 PM

OK, this fucker's not even making a shred of sense anymore — what the fuck is a "rigged witch-hunt"?

witch-hunt (plural witch-hunts)

— An attempt to find and publicly punish a group of people perceived as a threat, usually on ideological or political grounds.

— A public smear-campaign against an individual.

So, by definition, a witch-hunt is already bullshit (duh). If you rig the fuckin' thing, whaddaya get? A legit investigation? Ohhhh, maybe he's onto something after all... ;)

!@#$%! 07.23.2018 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
OK, this fucker's not even making a shred of sense anymore — what the fuck is a "rigged witch-hunt"?

witch-hunt (plural witch-hunts)

— An attempt to find and publicly punish a group of people perceived as a threat, usually on ideological or political grounds.

— A public smear-campaign against an individual.

So, by definition, a witch-hunt is already bullshit (duh). If you rig the fuckin' thing, whaddaya get? A legit investigation? Ohhhh, maybe he's onto something after all... ;)

hello. is this you?


you’ve never worked in sales, have you?

The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 02:01 PM

The DOJ indicts twelve GRU officials, currently living in Russia, for fucking with the United States' 2016 presidential election. The U.S.'s State Secretary does not demand their extradition.

The DOJ indicts a Russian national, currently living in the U.S., for "acting as an agent of Russia inside the United States by developing relationships with U.S. persons and infiltrating organizations having influence in American Republican and conservative politics—such as the National Rifle Association, the National Prayer Breakfast and conservative religious organizations—for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation". Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov tells fat fuck Mike Pompeo to release her ASAP.

This is all so fucking GLAMOROUS. Not.

evollove 07.23.2018 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
RE Mueller’s probe......not one of those indictments were related to collusion, hacking or meddling with Russia.

I'm seizing on this point because it's an important one.

1- People broke the law

2- Mueller's investigation discovered this

Whether or not these indictments had anything directly to do with collusion is irrelevant.

If one cares at all about law and order, one should applaud Mueller's success in catching law-breakers.

"Mueller is wasting his time if he's zeroing in on Trump, but I'm sure glad he's caught some baddies along the way" is a perfectly reasonable statement. But I never hear it.

All I hear is "Shut it down."

And yes, Hillary killed Seth Rich and hundreds of others while her husband fucked little boys, but that's another issue and doesn't mean everyone who now breaks the law gets a pass.

ilduclo 07.23.2018 02:29 PM

Mariiiiia Iiiiina Buttova assisted in transferring money from Torshin and Putin, thru the NRA to the Trumpsterfire campaign

btw, this is all you need for bitey peltie, he's a paid russian bot, just like symob and ditch residing testiela, just be Puttin on ignore


The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 02:52 PM

Dana Bash said that, according to her reporting, Cohen has compromising tapes of conversations with his other clients.


Skuj 07.23.2018 06:13 PM

The push-back against former Intel people who dare to speak up has taken on new lows:

Huckabee/Trump etc want you to believe that no major presentations to Team Trump on what the Russians actually did took place. I suppose Comey and Clapper are flat-out lying when they details these things. Or maybe Trump just doesn't remember those briefings. Yeah....that must be it.

Every day I am surprised and horrified, even in the Age Of Trump, at how low these people will go and the lies they will spew. And I'm even more surprised that millions will eat this shit up.

I cannot imagine a more dishonest evil POTUS. Surely this is the bottom, right? It will never be worse than this?

The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I cannot imagine a more dishonest evil POTUS. Surely this is the bottom, right? It will never be worse than this?

Every limbo boy and girl
All around the limbo world
Gonna do the limbo rock
All around the limbo clock
Jack be limbo, Jack be quick
Jack go unda limbo stick
All around the limbo clock
Hey, let's do the limbo rock

Limbo lower now
Limbo LOWER now

The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 07:08 PM

By the by, on Saturday I was watching Axelrod's interview with Mitch Landrieu (I'm really liking this guy, but who the fuck knows what will happen — we still have a wakazillion years of Trumpocalypse) but THEN they up and cut to breaking news because some asshole in L.A. (armed, of course; God bless the squirt-of-shit that is the Second Amendment in the U.S. — the greatest country in the WORLD!) decided to storm a Trader Joe's. Bollocks...

The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 10:15 PM

Hooooo yeah...

12 audio files sent to prosecutors in Michael Cohen probe


The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
wish there was a higher resolution version, I can't read it ...

Dood, Google Images is your fwend...


The Soup Nazi 07.23.2018 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Y'know, I think Drumpf was just trying to quote Guided By Voices is all:


Tower to the skies
An academy of lies
And what goes up
Surely must come down
And we felt the mighty blow-up
With the walls coming down
Or something like thaaat...

Robert Pollard is a golden visionary GOD!

Skuj 07.24.2018 02:53 AM

Cracks me up when some news orgs say "This is approaching Nixonian levels" in response to Trump demonization of Int people.

As if Trump's mischaracterization of the FACTS that were presented to him by DNI/FBI etc was somehow much less than Nixon's "smoking gun".

Oh how times have changed.

The current POTUS can spew a lie per minute and it doesn't fucking matter, does it?

ilduclo 07.24.2018 09:51 AM

So, the judge who is determining the attorney client privelidge issues for the Cohen seizures is Kimba Wood..for those who don’t know, Clinton’s 2nd AG nominee, before Janet Reno got the job....she was sandbagged by Repubes due to LEGALLY hiring of a non documented housekeeper (aka Nannygate).


“this gum wrapper? Inadmissable!”
“this Papa John’s pizza box? inadmissable!”
“these 16 portable hard drives, 6 iPads and 14 phones? Admissible!”

Maybe we can look forward to Merrick Garland ruling on some corruption cases soon...

h8kurdt 07.24.2018 02:11 PM

"I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election. Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don’t want Trump!"

Classic Trump

!@#$%! 07.24.2018 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
"I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election. Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don’t want Trump!"

Classic Trump

i don’t fucking know how suckers keep believing him, but they do


Skuj 07.24.2018 04:44 PM

Yep, just turn the script (ie facts) around, and presto! We have a new story.

The mid-term will be rigged, and Putin helped the Dems.

You will hear this a million times now.

Peltor and tesla will start saying it.

!@#$%! 07.24.2018 04:48 PM

here’s the one that’s making my brain explode:

trump just tweeted a $12 billion rescue package for farmers harmed by his idiotic tariffs

so, basically, he’s turned a prosperous industry into a soviet nightmare that drains the economy

who will pay for it? not him, as he doesn’t pay taxes (“that makes him smart”)

socialism, republican style... fmlx20

Skuj 07.24.2018 05:08 PM

The best tariffs.

ilduclo 07.24.2018 05:16 PM

It's about time someone on cable news said the truth. Trump's "support" among voters is far less than 25% of the electorate, and it's shrinking. But you wouldn't know that listening to the mainstream media's obsession with "The elusive Trump Voter." (This isn't Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, people.) How about paying some attention to the needs and desires of the majority who find Trump to be illegitimate and terrible? That doesn't get ratings does it kthxbye.

And thanks to Lawrence O'Donnell and John Heilemann for having this conversation:

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: A new poll shows that the president's approval rating is far below a majority. But 88% of Republicans say they support the president. Unfortunately, in most of the media, they never do the math on what that actually means, since only 26% of voters are Republicans.


O'DONNELL: 88% of 26% is something like 23%...


O'DONNELL: ...of voters support Donald Trump.

HEILEMANN: The Republican party is shrinking. Man, you talk about getting abused by Fox News. I'm going to get abused for saying that.

O'DONNELL: That's just a numerical fact.

HEILEMANN: This will be the third time today I talk about this. We spend a lot of time on the Trump supporter. It is the way to try to understand what Trump is doing. It explains a lot of his tactical maneuvers and his long-term plan to try to survive the onslaught he is facing right now on a variety of legal fronts. But in the end, the country is not with Donald Trump.


HEILEMANN: And we normally, in every election I have ever covered, we focus on moderate voters, swing voters. We focus on all kinds of voters that make that difference in elections. Now all we talk about is the Trump base, the Trump voters. Instead of focussing on the fact that the ABC News Poll today said 75% of the American people are against him attacking NATO. The vast majority is against Trump on these major issues. We have to focus on his supporters because it is so important to what he's doing in the White House. We also have to focus on the bigger picture, which is that the country is not with him.

Skuj 07.24.2018 07:35 PM

I have a really hard time believing 25%. I wish it was true. But, I dunno....

He sounded positively desperate at the Veterans thing today. "Just believe me, never the news" type thing. He always pushed that, of course, but now he sounds very sad and worried.

Skuj 07.24.2018 07:48 PM

26% of voters are Republican? Really?? I dunno Man.....

!@#$%! 07.24.2018 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I have a really hard time believing 25%. I wish it was true. But, I dunno....

don’t contradict ilducio on any point or he’ll call you a trump lackey and put you on ignore haaa haa haa.

but he’s about right— registered democrats are about 30%

the largest block is actually registered as independent at 42%

oh yeah

but guess what— independents tend to lean republican, so they make up the difference.

a lot of independents voted for trump unfortunately. yeah. and they will continue unless the democrats put forward a better proposition.

think about it. many classic republicans like, say, george will, have repudiated trump because he’s anathema to many conservative principles.

trump’s base is from neither here nor there— many trumpets voted for obama before. yeah. republican politicians are cowardly riding his wave (or cowardly retiring like the speaker of the house) but THE MULE (see asimov’s FOUNDATION for reference, lol) is pulling populists from all parts.

the trumpet used to be a registered democrat actually. true story.

he’s not a principled person but an opportunist though.

i could share some interesting links of stuff i’ve been reading about this whole mess, and i read from all parts of the (reasonable) spectrum because i want a clear picture of reality, but that doesn’t sit well with der komissar, lol, so read at your own peril.

ps- i sometimes even read from the unreasonable spectrum like breitbart to know wtf they’re thinking because in my wildest nightmares i myself can’t come up with the sort of shit they publish

!@#$%! 07.24.2018 09:11 PM

eg the breitbart headline at this moment is that the trump-endorsed candidate beat the non-trumpet in the georgia governor runoff election.


meanwhile, look at interviews with young republicans featured in yesterday’s washington post

Skuj 07.25.2018 02:03 AM

I have quick look at Fox every day. It makes me ill to think that millions eat that shit up.

So.....CNN got Cohen's tape!! I don't know if it has smoking gun shit on it, and I won't listen to a single word that fuckwad Giuliani says. (I actually admired that man....once.)

But it's safe to say that Cohen has turned on Trump.

Everyone who comes into Trump's orbit will end up smelling like shit.

_tunic_ 07.25.2018 05:59 AM

Thanks a lot Soup for the higher resolution image. I had been trying to find myself, but my Google skills are apparently lacking ;)

As I work in the automotive industry, this is what worries me very very much. This is a Google translation of a Dutch press article of this morning, with some minor editing by myself. I guess you guys do not have an expression "sweat the breast" (meaning something like buckle up)?


'Car Wars': why do not we want an American car?

Today, 7:39
Foreign , Economy

Written by
André Meinema Reporter economy

There are too many Mercedes cars, BMWs and other European cars around the United States and too few Chryslers, Chevrolets and Cadillacs in Europe. That must and will be different, according to the American president Trump. Europe needs the American car, made in USA.

According to Trump, it is the fault of the unfair and protectionist Europe, that American cars impose an import duty of 10 percent, while the US only charges 2.5 percent on European cars.

If the EU does not cancel this levy, European car manufacturers will be able to buckle up for an American tax of at least 20 percent and perhaps 35 percent. For this reason EU Committee Chairman Juncker is traveling to Washington today to prevent a threat of 'War on Cars'. After the skirmishes around steel and aluminum, the punitive levies on Harley-Davidsons, peanut butter and jeans, a hard price war about cars is something nobody wants.

Five times as much

Cars account for about 10 percent of total trade between the US and EU. According to the ACEA, the association of the European car industry , European car manufacturers exported five times as many cars to the US in 2017 as vice versa. The EU shipped 1.15 million passenger cars to the US, accounting for 37.4 billion euros. In turn, the US spilled 234,065 cars in the EU, worth 6.2 billion euros, which is one-fifth of US car exports as a whole.

Germany is the largest of European car manufacturers. The country of BMW, Audi, Volkswagen and Mercedes sold in 2017 for 17.3 billion euros cars in the US. The US did not go beyond 5 billion euros in Germany. Europe's car manufacturer number two, the United Kingdom, spent 7.5 billion euros and imported 1.6 billion euros. And the third car manufacturer, Italy, exported 4.3 billion euros from the US, but the US sold only 166 million euros to Italians. In this way, a rather skewed balance.

420,000 jobs

Trump assigns the 10 percent import tax as the cause. But the Japanese have also paid 10 per cent for years to sell their Mazda's and Toyota's on the European market. Incidentally, in the recently concluded trade agreement between Japan and the EU (Jefta) it was agreed that this rate should be abolished step by step and by 2025 at the latest.

The US is also not open when it comes to unfair and skewed rates. On European vans and pick-up trucks, the Americans impose a tax of no less than 25 percent, while Europe only charges 10 percent.

In the US there are also factories of European car manufacturers. And Chrysler, one of the Big Three car manufacturers, is owned by the European Fiat. Those plants in the US where European cars are built, produced 2.9 million cars last year, of which 60 percent were sold abroad, including in the EU. They also provide many jobs, ACEA estimates. 120,000 jobs in the factories, and another 420,000 jobs if you include garages, dealers and suppliers.

VS taste

Why do not we want American cars? It's simple: Americans simply do not build cars that the European consumer wants to have, unlike the Japanese, says Wim Van Weernink.
"American manufacturers have been trying to get a foothold in Europe for years, but our audience does not like the US taste, with a few exceptions: Ford exports the Mustang exclusively to Europe - for enthusiasts - and Chrysler does the same with the big Dodge. Ram pick-ups, but it's always a few thousand cars a year and not millions like the export of Europe and Japan to the US. "

"American cars are not pretty in terms of model, they are often designed for a different kind of use, different distances and for the maximum 65 mph on the Interstate Highways, they are too big for our roads and the city, and they are not really economical, which is not really necessary when you look at the American petrol price. "

European cars apparently appeal much more to the American consumer. "The latest models Mercedes or BMW fly like hot cakes over the counter, even though they are more expensive." The Japanese have felt much better about what Europeans like and want.


It can all be true, but the EU is not doing anything right now. The import tariffs will have to go down if the car industry does not want to be in the foot. There is too much to lose, [Dutch bank] Rabobank has calculated that with a 20 percent import levy the European car industry has a loss of 11.5 billion euros.

Lower rates for American cars will leave European competition unaffected, because the consumer does not want to switch for a few thousand euros to an American car.

An unsettling car war with higher taxes on cars and car parts actually hits the US harder than the EU. American consumers have to pay more for the car of their choice and American cars are also more expensive, because many cars have foreign parts, from engines to gearboxes.

It will also cost jobs. Think Tank Peterson Institute has calculated that in the event of a tariff increase the American car sector wastes 195,000 jobs and, in a full trade war, no less than 624,000 jobs. "It is not a game of 'the loss of the one is profit for the other', but a loss for all ', concludes the think tank.

German and French cars

Commission President Juncker stands for the task of convincing Trump of his wrong, and that will be difficult. Another thing is that the European car industry is not in line and has different interests.

The Germans want to scrap European tariffs to accommodate Trump. The French think differently about that. Peugeot, Renault and Citroën do not export cars to the US and are therefore not so afraid of American taxes.

tesla69 07.25.2018 07:02 AM

Recently, special counsel Robert Mueller indicted a dozen Russian operatives working in Russia for hacking into the DNC mail server and sending the emails to Wikileaks. Meanwhile, said server is nowhere to be found (it’s been misplaced) while the time stamps on the files that were published on Wikileaks show that they were obtained by copying to a thumb drive rather than sending them over the internet. Thus, this was a leak, not a hack, and couldn’t have been done by anyone working remotely from Russia

and who killed Seth Rich?

evollove 07.25.2018 08:37 AM

CrowdStrike, the company the DNC brought in to initially investigate and remediate the hack, actually shared images of the DNC servers with the FBI.

For the purposes of an investigation of this type, images are much more useful than handing over metal and hardware, because they are bit-by-bit copies of a crime scene taken while the crime was going on.

Live hard drive and memory snapshots of blinking, powered-on machines in a network reveal significantly more forensic data than some powered-off server removed from a network. It’s the difference between watching a house over time, carefully noting down who comes and goes and when and how, versus handing over a key to a lonely boarded-up building.

By physically handing over a server to the FBI as Trump suggested, the DNC would in fact have destroyed evidence. (Besides, there wasn’t just one server, but 140.)

ilduclo 07.25.2018 09:23 AM

25% is correct per Gallup, been that way for a while, 30% Dem, rest are “independents”

_tunic_ 07.25.2018 04:58 PM

Photos Show Chinese Factory Workers Making 'Trump 2020' Flags


Nothing shows the president’s support for American workers like making Trump 2020 swag in China.


Bytor Peltor 07.26.2018 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
I'm seizing on this point because it's an important one.

1- People broke the law

2- Mueller's investigation discovered this

Whether or not these indictments had anything directly to do with collusion is irrelevant.

If one cares at all about law and order, one should applaud Mueller's success in catching law-breakers.

"Mueller is wasting his time if he's zeroing in on Trump, but I'm sure glad he's caught some baddies along the way" is a perfectly reasonable statement. But I never hear it.

All I hear is "Shut it down."

And yes, Hillary killed Seth Rich and hundreds of others while her husband fucked little boys, but that's another issue and doesn't mean everyone who now breaks the law gets a pass.

RE - Shut It Down

Like yourself, I too can applaud Muller for finding justic for some law breakers in this investigation. However, I posted the following on March 22. I still believe Muller (C) is so far outside the scope of his authority:


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Russia might be smarter than anyone thought!!!

A) NO evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump campaign.

B) IF collusion did occur, IT’s NOT ILLEGAL

C) Special Counsels are appointed to persu KNOWN CRIMES and NOT to go seeking after “possible” crimes......technically, seeking crimes is a violation of Special Counsel laws.

Many (me included) believe because Muller hasn’t shown one bit of evidence to the American People regarding collusion, he is wasting time and millions of dollars trying to get anyone TRUMP related on anything. YES - a few have fallen on their swords for crimes in no way tied to Russia or the campaign, but that’s not what Muller was charged with finding.

Many (me included) believe Muller is now trying to get President Trump on Obstruction Of Justice charges......again, Muller has produced NOTHING!!!
Many of the Russian companies Muller indicated are now showing up in U.S. Courts demanding to see the evidence against them and Muller won’t show up in Court.

These Russian companies are calling Muller’s bluff and it appears he has a losing poker hand!


Originally Posted by tw2113
It is, but I don't know if it was posted because it is believed by the poster, or just as an example of historical gullibility.

Thanks TW2113 for realizing and showing there are at least two options to my post. I’m afraid skuj and many others are so blindsided they often don’t see or understand the difference......and because they are so short sided, they respond by attacking.


Originally Posted by Skuj make that argument while posting a link that explains why Putin hates Clinton so much.

Am I missing something?

Are you not making my argument?

Just simply pointing out some version of this happened before and none of you moaned, groaned and carried on so......because a Democrat won?

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