![]() |
there are some dark acidic beans and blends: those i dont like (eg peet’s major dickason or starbux morning joe) but a smokey as fuck cup of velvety french roast... mmmmm... oh man i miss cigarettes haaa haaa haa now that drug was great with coffee |
When you see someone online and you're about to say 'hey, you've got the same name as me!', and then you realise they're a pornbot.
Congratulations on the work experience......what are you going to buy with your $25? There are all kinds of great $5 cassette tapes on BandCamp that are full of static and noise : ) |
It's almost definitely going towards music of some description, but what that is remains to be seen. I might buy an iTunes gift card with it, might take it and a gift voucher I have to JB Hi-Fi and buy a CD or $30 vinyl, might just throw it in with my stash and see what I don't have after Christmas. Reminds me - the school still hasn't given me the fucking gift card. |
you didn't hear it from me... but save your money, stream your music (or use soulseek) ESPECIALLY if you're only banking $25 a week
i wish i had saved so much more money than i did when i was younger. so much dumb media i bought over the years and for absolutely nothing. |
getting a little teary-eyed here reading old posts on this site. i had forgotten so much of this. forgotten what a little insecure, trolling shit i used to be (has anything really changed?) my memory in general is quite shit. i kinda want a cigarette to relax with and get all retrospective, but i haven't any and buying a pack rn would be foolish after not smoking all day.
Hahaha, some things never change I guess. I'd like to think that I've tempered this aspect of my personality down quite a bit, but y'know... old habits die hard sometimes. Surely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR7Njv5-GtA This one's for you, Adam. |
Ah that's a rabbit hole that doesn't lead to good things. This place is an odd one for me. I stopped post for years from when I joined from the old forum. Maybe cos of the trolling shits like Eugene. And tbh, the only people I kept in strong contact with when I was here was Screamingskull and Danny Himself. So for the longest time I missed out on all these threads and atsonicparks classic threads. |
Today's my dad's birthday. Since I'm here for work experience, I got to eat some of his cake. :D
EDIT: Holy shit, I just noticed this thread is spelt wrong. |
im about to chew a nicotine gum as an experimental nootropic
reading about it, apparently i have to wait for 15 min after my coffee DISAPPOINT but ok... |
update: chewed only half of the 2mg piece, spat the shit out of the saliva, and im still a littlenauseous. not good! might have to do 1/4 piece next time. (that would be a .5mg dose)
brain feels a bit more focused. i should design an experiment to test if true... |
It’s so gross. Makes me sick, gives me a headache, makes my own saliva taste toxic. Interesting idea though. Nicotine is proven to boost focus. Me, I do patches. And also like 2-3 cigs a day goddamn me |
mine just tasted like cinnamon (the gum’s flavor). but yeah my stomach feels upset. and yeah i got a very mild headache! does not interfere with thought but it’s unpleasant.
once many years ago i got sick from chew. fucking vile! what dose patch do you use? and how long does it lasty you? im looking at the 7mg patch thinking i could dice it into small bits. 2-3 is not terrible. it’s probably less than living in a polluted city. |
Insulting question: did you guys do it right? It just seems odd that such a popular product would make people sick. |
in speaking of nicotine, im on day 2 of no ciggies. not bad at all. quitting is easy , all u gotta do is not smoke. wish i had weed and wasnt actively looking for a job though
packed the tiny piece of gum like chew between gums and cheek best i could, chewed only on intervals, etc. remembering my horrible experience with chew i spat out all the saliva as a precautio. saliva production was plentiful. bit of a disgusting spectacle but im alone so who cares. do you chew this stuff? or use the patch? if so how? |
I am bad at making people coffees.
God bless being the minimum wage work experience gal :D |
oh great im depressed and disassociating from reality again
was having a good day too stupid brain |
Damn, that really sucks Doc.
I'm here to talk to you if you need; it might do you some good to distract yourself with some pointless conversation. |
:) sup claire, how are things?
i actually snapped out of it rather quickly this time, got some texts from my friends' group chat which woke me up just very weird when living alone and being in your own head constantly currently making pancakes, aunt jemima style: ![]() who needs meds when u got flapjacks lol |
Not much, I'm just in the middle of the day of work experience. Only two hours, then another day, to go. Bored out of my mind, SYG is the only thing keeping me sane ;)
That's good that you're out of it! Having nothing to do means you can spend a lot of time just to yourself, which can really suck. But it's a good thing in the end. Enjoy your pancakes :P |
Haha, oh man. Maybe give Reddit a shot or something. SYG is really slow-paced as far as internet communities go, as much as I appreciate it here. Me and work never agreed much tbh. It's not that I don't have anything to do. I've been cleaning out my basement, and listening to shoegaze all day. Also have a ton of video games on deck to play on my PC. I just get awfully introspective, and then all of a sudden... ![]() |
I have tried Reddit before, but I stopped using it after it was blocked at school. (lol)
What have you done, if you're okay sharing? I'm spending the week as an accountant at my dad's office. Shoegaze is good shit, man. I've been working through (don't hurt me) Pitchfork's all-time top 50 list and loving most of 'em. |
1. That's what phones are for lol. The Reddit app is top-tier these days. 2. Worked my way up to manager at a restaurant as a kid, managed a GameStop soon after, became a security guard for a while, started my own Ebay shop flipping nerd crap and thrift store finds (lived off that for a while before I needed a reason to get out of the house), got a job changing needle bins at the local hospital, now I drive for Doordash and deliver food like a chump. Looking forward to a desk job finally. All this other crap is for the birds. I just wanna dress fancy and stare at a computer. 3. Shoegaze rules. Fav genre apart from metal. No shame in Pitchfork, get influence wherever you can find it. Music is music. I learned most of what I know from reading these boards way back when. Haven't read Pitchfork's list, but I'll peep it. |
My favorite jobs were delivering food for GrubHub and working at a Dog Daycare...
![]() me as your local delivery dood! |
Tip that man $$$
Haha that pictures is like 4/5 years old.
I now have a desk job....:( |
Makes my heart feel good that the EVOLone is prospering!!!
Screw delivering food. I want my desk job now, damnit.
Wanna be like my hero, Drew Carey. ![]() |
I'd fucking love mine if we weren't understaffed...
Look for some Data entry jobs or something with a trucking company maybe...?
I've actually got a buddy who says he can get me an interview doing Data Entry w/ an H-vac company. Dude makes 60k somehow like wtf sign me tf up Also another gig doing Volkswagen customer service w/ another bud What kinda office you at Evol? Maybe I'll shack up in Seattle and pretend I'm Frasier ![]() |
I'm at a trucking company. They're actually based in Michigan. I just tell drivers where to go....I can see where they have offices over there and see if there are openings too...
dude that's awesome. i'd actually really appreciate it. i'll hit u up on steam |
Data entry jobs are on the short list for impending irrelevance, according to Forbes or some such shit I’d read recently.
I’ve done my fair share. Really hard to be fulfilled whenuoure doing that kind of thing. At least for me. |
Speaking of work .. I have a good job that pays well and it's not extremely difficult, but after 8 years on one position, I'm really becoming kind of burnt out. It's time to move on, though when I'm the head of the family feeding a 4 year old kid and now having 2 mortgages and a car, it's hard to abandon the job so easily.
Oh, how I wish I was at college again. No loans, no responsibilities. |
your need mr money mustache https://www.mrmoneymustache.com take a look. worst case scenario you just hate the guy and never see his site again |
2 mortgages? Woof
Hey at least you gotta kid Slavo. That's gotta be great |
I like the gif for when there's a hot thread that you've posted in with new posts. It reminds me of a little smiley a bit of the time.
Me too. Except college was kind of horrible for me in a lot of ways, so never mind. But I need to move on soon too. I can feel it. |
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