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evollove 06.13.2018 07:45 PM

Yeah, enjoy. I hope you recharge your battery, but you know of course shit will be waiting for you when you return. You can pause, but can't escape.

I'm telling ya: keeping it local keeps me sane. Local and state politicians are easier to reach, easier to persuade, etc.


Originally Posted by Skuj
Sometimes I have to remind myself that I live in Canada and thank fuck I don't live in America. (Sorry if that offends. I don't mean to.)

That said, America is great. It's beautiful and has people who do awesome things. Admit it, bitch.

Trump and those who enable him suck shit. But those people are NOT America.

!@#$%! 06.13.2018 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Trump and those who enable him suck shit. But those people are NOT America.

they’re also america! slavery and the extermination of the indians and the tuskegee experiment and vietnam are also america!

just like the polio vaccine and the national parks and victory over fascism and the 8 hour workday (even though uruguay did it first :D )


Originally Posted by evollove
Yeah, enjoy. I hope you recharge your battery, but you know of course shit will be waiting for you when you return. You can pause, but can't escape.

I'm telling ya: keeping it local keeps me sane. Local and state politicians are easier to reach, easier to persuade, etc.

i applaud your strategy. all politics is local. and yes i will escape TEMPORARILY! and if we all die in the interim due to global thermonuclear war at least i’ll die happy lololol.

ok. don’t argue with me no’ mo’. if you need me for some emergency please send PM.

ps also got master chef on this thing so it will be non-stop “reality” :D


evollove 06.13.2018 08:58 PM

Wait! You're wrong! Come back!

Damn it.

tesla69 06.14.2018 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Wow!! That was easy!! Telsa's view of this is not exactly in line with the view of many other news organizations. (I bet Fox has a similar view to Tesla, right?)

I will beg for crucifixion by supplying the CNN report first:

You do know CNN is the voice of the Deep State, right?

Mueller on Tuesday asked a federal judge in Washington for an order to protect voluminous evidence sought by lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of three companies and 13 Russian nationals charged in a February indictment alleging election meddling via social media. Prosecutors have uncovered evidence of other individuals and entities who are “continuing to engage” in similar activities.

tesla69 06.14.2018 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I guess we now know what the Bilderberg Group decided at their recent meeting in Turin:

Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control


The phrase the article uses is "humanely stabilize population" - I'm all for that. I'm all for inhumanely stabilizing the population. Anything to stop the cancerous growth of the human. If there are no young workers to pay for my social security so be it.

Skuj 06.14.2018 08:00 PM

Well, this IG report is obviously bad news if you are a Trump Hater like me. I'm trying to come to terms with it. I will be crucified by some for saying this, but I read Comey's book and I get why he did what he did and when he did it.

Fox and Trump will have a field day with this. They will pick out little bits and blow them way up to fit their narrative, and ignore the part where a) Clinton lost in very large part because of Comey, and b) no political motive was discovered in Comey's actions.

The Soup Nazi 06.14.2018 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
And....once again....where are the fucking Dems? I suppose I'm reading the wrong web pages yet again.

Currently, the United States' one true Explainer-In-Chief of the fucking nightmare we're living in is a young man from Erdington, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom called John William Oliver. That pretty much says it all about the Democrats' ability to get a goddamn point across in a massive way. I HOPE the Democratic party is working like a motherfucker on the ground to get the people who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton because she was blah to hit the voting booth as if their lives depended on it, because they do. Forget trying to appeal to the 35% or 33% of whatever the fuck Trump's base is — those people are GONE. If you attempt to prove to them that gravity is real by dropping a paper clip, Hannity will tell 'em that under the floor there is an undercover elitist deep-state socialist FBI agent with a magnet, and yes, they will believe him.

Skuj 06.14.2018 09:45 PM

Fuck, that was beautiful. And depressing. Thanks.

Skuj 06.14.2018 09:57 PM

Fuck, Soup Nazi, that really is one of the most entertaining and succint posts I've ever seen on this subject, and I want you to know that I shared it on my Facebook feed, attributed to you, of course. I hope you don't mind. Brilliant!

The Soup Nazi 06.14.2018 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I hope you don't mind.



ilduclo 06.15.2018 12:53 PM

looks like Manafort is going to jail

Judge Amy Berman Jackson, issuing her order, said, "This isn't middle school. I can't take your phone."

Skuj 06.15.2018 02:43 PM

But there was no collusion!!


ilduclo 06.15.2018 05:20 PM

Luke 22:54-62

Trump Denies Manafort

Then they seized him and led him away, bringing him into the court house, and Trump was following at a distance. And when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Trump sat down among them. Then a reporter, seeing him as he sat in the light and looking closely at him, said, “This man also was with him.” But he denied it, saying, “Woman, I do not know him.” And a little later someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them.” But Trump said, “Man, I am not.” And after an interval of about an hour still another insisted, saying, “Certainly this man also was with him, for he too is a conspirator.” But Trump said, “Man, I do not know what you are talking about.” And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. And Manafort turned and looked at Trump. And Trump remembered the saying Before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times.”

Skuj 06.17.2018 01:20 AM

I'm a Canadian, and I'm so fucking happy about this:

I went to buy a weed whacker yesterday. Strangely, every whacker in the store I went to was made in USA. I used scissors instead.

My wife and I were going to go to Hawaii this follwing winter. We decided to cancel. We will do this when Trump is no longer POTUS.

Fuck you, Trump.

Skuj 06.17.2018 01:22 AM

I need a new car. What car can I buy that has nothing to do with USA manufacture?


ilduclo 06.17.2018 09:33 AM

I’m looking at BMW coupes, the ones I’m seeing say “made in Stuttgart”

tesla69 06.17.2018 07:07 PM

Let's see if Congress will fix this or if they go on summer break. My money is on summer break - not that there is a quick easy fix.

Skuj 06.18.2018 03:58 PM

A Gallup Poll today found that 45% of Americans APPROVE the job that Trump is doing.

We are fucking doomed.

I'm doomed. I gotta get off the internet. I'm going to move to some island, unplug, and emerge in 10-15 years when the world has tilted back to some kind of normalcy/decency/thoughtfulness again.

Good luck, everyone.

tw2113 06.18.2018 04:34 PM

Sadly, that approval rate doesn't shock me.

ilduclo 06.18.2018 04:58 PM

Well, The poll of roughly 1,000 adults aged 18 and over was conducted June 14-15, shortly after President Trump’s historic summit with the North Korea dictator. According to the results, 19 percent of Republicans indicated they had a favorable view of Kim with 68 percent saying they had an unfavorable view (12 percent of voters overall had a favorable view of Kim, compared to 75 percent who viewed him unfavorably). That compared slightly better than the perception of Pelosi, who had a 17 percent favorable, 72 percent unfavorable rating among self-identified Republicans.

evollove 06.18.2018 08:46 PM

The Gallup goes by the week now. It was more fun when it was daily.


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Pelosi, who had a 17 percent favorable, 72 percent unfavorable rating among self-identified Republicans.

Dumbfucks can't name one fucking thing she's ever done that's so awful. I'd bet my left one on that.

ilduclo 06.19.2018 04:42 PM

U.S. Withdraws From U.N. Human Rights Council

tesla69 06.19.2018 07:27 PM

Many of the children are not with their parents and are being trafficked or sold. Our State, as flawed as it is, is doing the right thing. This is all part of the Obama/Clinton legacy that permitted the 2009 coup in Honduras.

Oh yeah, and Assange is dying.

ilduclo 06.20.2018 08:55 AM

Youngest migrants held in “Tender Age” detention facilities. Who better to care for babes in arms than a brutalist central government? ion=true

Bytor Peltor 06.20.2018 09:30 AM

FBI Agent Who Said He Would STOP Trump Escorted From FBI Building

Rob Instigator 06.20.2018 09:51 AM

There are plans to open another "tender age" concentration camp in Houston. fucking horrible. Houston is like 6 HOURS from the border. No fjucking way they truck the moms to Houston too. horror. upon. horror.

ilduclo 06.20.2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
There are plans to open another "tender age" concentration camp in Houston. fucking horrible. Houston is like 6 HOURS from the border. No fjucking way they truck the moms to Houston too. horror. upon. horror.

no doubt hiring those of little skills and compassion at minimum wage (or below if the TX repubes get their wishes to abolish the minimum wage). And, NO, the mothers will not be in the same facility, they are going to the adult cages.

Bytor Peltor 06.20.2018 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Emails, Servers And Pantsuits: America’s Two-Teir Justice System

ilduclo 06.20.2018 12:28 PM

yes, he compared the emails to ones previously examined. Few were new, those were looked at, end of story.

Skuj 06.20.2018 03:58 PM

So, I see we are still talking about Clinton's fucking emails?

I'm amazed at how many lies Trump can tell in the space of 10min, while commenting about the IG report on the WH lawn. And it's working!!

ilduclo 06.20.2018 04:09 PM

exec order to keep families together. Big Trump Fail, the yuge-est

tesla69 06.20.2018 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
exec order to keep families together. Big Trump Fail, the yuge-est

Like when Obama did it? ll=&pl=&sq=&r=2014-06-19T011007Z_2_TM3EA6I1DW701_RTRMADP_0_USA

You're just mad because there are no fresh children for you to rape. Trump stopped your flow of fresh meat. He stopped the human trafficking and the new corporate left are quite put out by that.

Again, the Honduras situation was permitted if not approved by Clinton and Obama. No way the former president 2was flown out of the country (much like Aristede in Haiti, who the US flew out).

But you can be happy, the Great Replacement is ongoing in Spain.

"Now, several hundred students, who are paying 750 euros a month to live in the La Florida dormitory in Alicante, must leave to make room for children aged 12 to 17 who are being brought to the dormitory via bus following the ship's arrival in Spain on Sunday. The authorities explained that the eviction was necessary given the "emergency situation" caused by the migrants' arrival."

Skuj 06.20.2018 05:25 PM

So I clicked on that link and all I got was an image. Did I do it wrong? Was there a part that tells me how Obama did it just like Trump, because Trump said so?

Shall I start supplying links that show Obama did NOT do it like Trump at all?

I suppose we could do that all day.

Skuj 06.20.2018 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
You're just mad because there are no fresh children for you to rape. Trump stopped your flow of fresh meat. He stopped the human trafficking and the new corporate left are quite put out by that.

What in the name of fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, are you ill?

The Soup Nazi 06.20.2018 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
What in the name of fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, are you ill?

Yup, we've been saying that for a while now...

Skuj 06.20.2018 05:38 PM


tesla69 06.21.2018 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj

That's all you got, your name calling.

That doesn't surprise me, children are allowed to post on this board.

Because at the end of the day, my analysis is correct and it terrifies you. your ignorance terrifies me.

That and the incessant paid trolls that lurk on this board.

tesla69 06.21.2018 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Was there a part that tells me how Obama did it just like Trump, because Trump said so? .

Are you just purposely stupid? Are you the new board stupid person? Because with you name calling and lack of intelligence you are doing a good job of exceeding even the nameless one or the nazi. OR aer you just the nameless on signed up with another screen name?

You don't even care about music. You just came here as a disruptor and paid pedophile troll. You're really upset you won't be able tpo rape any children this week. I'm sure you have some chained up out in the desert somewhere. Please get off the computer and go feed your children you keep chained up in the desert. They need you. Do your part to make sure the children continue to get gangraped.

Itas the ultimate prize for you and your pedo elites - a small child to rape.

Bytor Peltor 06.21.2018 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
yes, he compared the emails to ones previously examined. Few were new, those were looked at, end of story.

Reality = the majority of America doesn’t know about the emails, the story is just starting!


Originally Posted by Skuj
Fox "News" has really got you.


Originally Posted by Skuj
Trump's tweets work.


Originally Posted by Skuj
Well, at least that was Depeche Mode. I was afraid that it was going to be a Tucker Carlson interview.

Will you ever offer anything of substance?

ilduclo 06.21.2018 10:33 AM

The trump love and immigrant hate runs deep in a few of these sickos

Child Abuser Vows To Stop Abusing Children After People Notice - fixed headline

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