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the ikara cult 04.11.2007 06:54 PM

Dear Pookie

What happened to SARS? No-one talks about it anymore, why is this so?

Pookie 04.12.2007 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Dear Pookie,

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people on this damn board happy?!


It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.

Ever had one of those arguments on here?

Pookie 04.12.2007 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by uleskelf
dear pookie,

why do good things happen to bad people?

bob, uleskelf.

Because all of the bad things have been taken by the good people.

sarramkrop 04.21.2007 07:05 AM


Any lunch suggestions?


Romolo Box

Pookie 04.21.2007 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Romolo

Any lunch suggestions?


Romolo Box

Casual sex with a stranger?

Pookie 04.21.2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Dear Pookie,

If a word in the dictionary is misspelled, how would we really know?

Ms. B. Spelling

You've stumpped me there.

Pookie 04.21.2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
dear pookie,

does god sweat?



I sayeth unto you: if he wants to, so shall it be.

Glice 04.21.2007 07:14 AM

Dear Pookie,

My face is sore. Should I look at more things and less stuff, or more stuff and less things?


Terry O'Rierden.

Pookie 04.21.2007 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Dear Pookie,

My face is sore. Should I look at more things and less stuff, or more stuff and less things?


Terry O'Rierden.

You should stuff more things.

sarramkrop 04.21.2007 07:33 AM


Is Glice racist? He uses the word race a lot + he only seems to eat white bread when granary has been offered to him.


Condoleeza Petronilla


Pookie 04.21.2007 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop

Is Glice racist? He uses the word race a lot + he only seems to eat white bread when granary has been offered to him.


Condoleeza Petronilla


This is his favourite film:


You be the judge.

sarramkrop 04.21.2007 07:51 AM


I played Royal Trux to my flatmates and they don't seem to listen to anything else. What band should i introduce them next?

Jimmy 'Says' Hi

sonicl 04.23.2007 03:28 AM

Dear Pookie,

How did that Slapper Shetty get to snog Richard Gere, and all I got was some bloke down the niteclub and I can't even remember what he looked like I was so razzered. She ain't even a proper celebritty and all that, she ain't even had a book out like I has. It ain't rite, is it pookie?

Luv Jade Goody.

RdTv 04.23.2007 03:37 AM

Dear Pookie,

I have a problem. I actually think Julia Roberts is a good actress. My friends have threatened me with hospitalization time and time again, but my undying love for her thespianism will never die. I always hear people talk about her as if she was mediocre and unchanging in her roles. I think she is better than mortal but less than God.
Help me!

Mary Jo Barjimanaugh
Firmington, Vermont

cuetzpalin 04.23.2007 06:41 AM

dear pookie,
i'm gonna graduate in a month. will i pass?
Mrs. Slacker

Pookie 04.23.2007 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop

I played Royal Trux to my flatmates and they don't seem to listen to anything else. What should i introduce them next?

Jimmy 'Says' Hi

Twisted Sister.

Pookie 04.23.2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jaded
Dear Pookie,

How did that Slapper Shetty get to snog Richard Gere, and all I got was some bloke down the niteclub and I can't even remember what he looked like I was so razzered. She ain't even a proper celebritty and all that, she ain't even had a book out like I has. It ain't rite, is it pookie?

Luv Jade Goody.

Don't worry about her, just be assured in the knowledge that you are a better person, a best selling author, and not, I repeat NOT, a pig-faced ignorant racist.

I hope that helps.

Pookie 04.23.2007 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mary Jo
Dear Pookie,

I have a problem... I actually think than...God.
Help me!

Mary Jo Barjimanaugh
Firmington, Vermont

As is so often the case, I needed to read between the lines to get to the crux of your question.

A hard question for somebody like me who wavers between atheism and agnosticism. If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank.*

*Thanks to my good friend, Woodland Allensberg for inspiration.

Pookie 04.23.2007 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mrs Slacker
dear pookie,
i'm gonna graduate in a month. will i pass?
Mrs. Slacker

If you're really a slacker, why do you care?

sarramkrop 04.23.2007 07:29 AM


Can you make it stop?



Pookie 04.23.2007 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Franz

Can you make it stop?



Yes certainly. Just hold it tight until it turns purple and stops throbbing. Reverse the process to start it up again.

sonicl 04.23.2007 07:34 AM

Dear Pookie,

How are you celebrating St George's Day?

Dave the Dragon.

sarramkrop 04.23.2007 07:36 AM

Dearest Pookie,

Do you know what you've just started?


Franz's hand

Pookie 04.23.2007 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Dave
Dear Pookie,

How are you celebrating St George's Day?

Dave the Dragon.

Well, I have a sticky dilemma.

I've always held a joint celebration on 23rd April.

Of course it's St. George's Day (happy birthday sire).

And of course it's my mum's birthday (happy 64th mum).

But I (and other scholars) have always presumed Shakespeare's birthday was on 23rd April. But I've recently found out that this isn't the case. Shakespeare certainly died on St. George's Day, and he was probably christened on 23rd, but he was almost certainly born on 22nd. His granddaughter was married on 22nd in honour of her famous relation (the anniversary of his birth?)

So my celebrations this year will be tinged with some confusion and sadness.

Pookie 04.23.2007 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Franz's sticky hand
Dearest Pookie,

Do you know what you've just started?


Franz's hand

Hopefully, the single cylinder crankshaft on your moped. What did you think I was talking about?

sonicl 04.23.2007 07:49 AM

Dear Pookie,

To whom should I give some reputation in order that I can give some to you?

sarramkrop 04.23.2007 07:52 AM

Dear Pookie,

What did i think you were talking about?


Franz's clean and perfumed hand

Franz's body

the knife fight 04.23.2007 07:58 AM

Dear Pookie,

How can i make a girl like me from a distance?

Trevor, Kendal.

Pookie 04.23.2007 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Trevor
Dear Pookie,

How can i make a girl like me from a distance?

Trevor, Kendal.

Why would you want a girl to like you from a distance?

Pookie 04.23.2007 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Franz's sweaty body
Dear Pookie,

What did i think you were talking about?


Franz's clean and perfumed hand

Franz's body

What do you think I think you were talking about?

Pookie 04.23.2007 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

To whom should I give some reputation in order that I can give some to you?

Don't worry about it, knowing that I've enriched people's pathetic and pointless lives with my advice is all the reward I need.

sonicl 04.23.2007 08:12 AM

Dear Pookie,

Thank you for enriching my pathetic and pointless life with your advice.

Would you like me to light a candle for you when I next go to church?

All the best,
Little Timmy

Pookie 04.23.2007 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Little Timmy
Dear Pookie,

Thank you for enriching my pathetic and pointless life with your advice.

Would you like me to light a candle for you when I next go to church?

All the best,
Little Timmy

Not if you're going to be doing it sarcastically.

jon boy 04.23.2007 08:28 AM

dear pookie,

should i try?

mick, hemsby.

sonicl 04.23.2007 08:35 AM

Dear Pookie,

Why are Belgian Buns called Belgian Buns?

Best regards,
Auntie Mildred

Pookie 04.23.2007 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by mick
dear pookie,

should i try?

mick, hemsby.

Certainly give it a go.

If you don't succeed, just say to yourself, "I gave it a go, jolly good for me".

If you fail, just say, "Oh well, at least I gave it a go".

If you don't give it a go, but succeed anyway, say to yourself, "I should have given it a go, but never mind because I did it anyway".

If you don't give it a go and fail, just say, "I should have given it a go, but didn't and so may have succeeded if I had. But then again, I could have given it a go and failed, and may have felt worse than I feel now, having not given it a go and failed. On the other hand, I could have given it a go, succeeded, decided that it wasn't what I wanted anyway, and felt worse than I do now, having not given it a go and failed, or if I had not given it a go and succeeded and decided it wasn't what I wanted, and why did I succeed at something that ultimately I didn't even want and didn't even attempt to go for?".

SynthethicalY 04.23.2007 08:54 AM

Dear Pookie,

When wearing pink stilettos, and all you have a red dress, what must one to to have a matching combination?

Drag in a Drama.

demonrail666 04.23.2007 10:46 AM

Dear Pookie,

Chelsea or Man Utd?

sonicl 04.24.2007 07:04 AM

Dear Pookie,

Why haven't you answered your Auntie Mildred's question?

Uncle Dave


Originally Posted by Auntie Mildred
Dear Pookie,

Why are Belgian Buns called Belgian Buns?

Best regards,
Auntie Mildred

Pookie 04.24.2007 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

Why haven't you answered your Auntie Mildred's question?

Uncle Dave

I actually thought it was a joke. I've been waiting for the punchline.

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